Nevada Governor vetoes offensive Gun control bill.

Bullshit. If a criminal is not permitted to purchase a gun, then that in and of itself is a crime deterent.

Why is it a bad thing to keep felons from buying guns legally?

so if they know they cant buy them in a shop.....they go and get them the way they do are they being deterred?.....

Maybe they DON'T go and get one elsewhere. Maybe they get turned down at the gun shop and have second thoughts. Maybe a person with a history of mental illness goes off his meds and with thoughts of suicide or doing harm to others, goes to a gun shop and gets turned down. Maybe that deters him.

Is that really so implausable?

I always hear from gun rights advocates that they're responsible gun owners who practice safety. Well, there are people out there who are not responsible with guns. There are people out there who have bad intent; who are mentally unstable; who have a history of selling weapons to criminals. I would think that "responsible" gun owners would want to make it more difficult for those types of people to get a gun. It turns out that people like you just want to own/sell/trade any weapon you choose under the guise of "protecting your 2nd amendment right" without regard to public safety. In my world, that makes you an irresponsible gun owner.

Maybe the moon is made out of green cheese. Maybe the moon landing was a hoax, and Kennedy decided he wanted a vacation.

Maybe you really don't have an argument, but you are so desperate to prove you are smart that you don't want to admit it.
And what's your solution besides nothing?
You people offer no solutions, just excuses..

You wont stop people. Its a poor example. Out there someone might want to kill you and hey who cares right? We bother trying to stop them because in the end they will find a way.
Really its a great outlook on life. How about we just remove cops period? I mean under your opinion they are redundant.

You are not doing a damned thing to stop these crimes. All you want to do is interfere with a citizen's right to legally own guns. You offer no solutions to crime, you only want to make more criminals by making gun ownership illegal.

Personally, I have no issue with registration of guns, licensing owners or even background checks; however, this call for "enhanced background checks" is nothing more than bullshit smoke and mirrors.

Only an idiot actually believes these will stop criminals from obtaining guns. Neither you or RDD are idiots. That makes me think you are simply taking the partisan stance on this.

And no, I do not have a solution, but neither do you so don't try pulling that shit on me.

And compromise? Are you serious? I suppose you believe you are willing to compromise on things but those terrible conservatives just won't give in. Do you really want us to believe you are willing to compromise? Please!


I See all assumptions in this post. You dont know what I want. What I want is reasonable solutions, without the emotional attachments.

Back ground checks on all weapons.
More agents to check the stock and records of gun shops.
No limits on ammo, clip size, or what you can own as a citizen.

Are you telling me that that is so fucking extreme that you have to say no? That you have to cry about your freedoms which I wouldnt be taking away.

At some point one just has to say hey, you are a unreasonable person and thus don't get a say.the same goes for those retards who want to ban guns outright. Thats not a solution.

So save the bullshit about criminals are not going to stop. Thats a poor excuse of a weak argument. You want to be treated like an adult who can handle owning a gun? Then knock it off with the stupid.

I am telling you that you are full of shit if that is what you claim to want.

You know full well, that this legislation will not stop a single criminal from obtaining a weapon. The only things it will do is to slow down the legal transfer of a weapon from two law-abiding citizens and bring a little bit of money to government coffers. It won't stop the legal transfer. It will slow it down and increase the cost i.e. taxes paid.

If those things you say you want, were what you really wanted, then you would be lobbying for those things, not some bullshit smoke and mirrors called "enhanced background checks".

You know as well as I do that criminals are not going to be hindered by "enhanced background checks".

And by the way, in my post that you quoted, the "you" was the collective you as in the anti-gun liberals.

You, the anti-gun liberals, are not doing a damned thing to stop crime.

All, you, the anti-gun liberals, want to do is interfere with the right of a citizens to legally own guns.

You, the anti-gun liberals, offer no solutions to crime yet demand that those who oppose you come up with solutions that you can't come up with either.

You, the anti-gun liberals, want only to make more criminals by making gun ownership illegal.

You, PB, claim not to want those things, yet you are supporting their cause without reasonably considering the consequences of the law. I'd say that makes you a damned good candidate to be included in that group, whether you want to admit it or not.

Man up to your point of view! You, PB, sound like a frigging politician claiming, "I don't want to take your guns" all the while doing everything in your power to make that happen.

Bullshit. If a criminal is not permitted to purchase a gun, then that in and of itself is a crime deterent.

Why is it a bad thing to keep felons from buying guns legally?

Because criminals obey laws.:cuckoo:

So, because criminals don't obey laws, let's make it easier for them to legally obtain guns :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

It is illegal for criminals to buy guns in this country, the only way to make it easier for them to get guns legally is repeal the existing laws. Since no one here is arguing for that you are arguing against a position no one holds.

That might explain why you think you are winning.
Maybe they DON'T go and get one elsewhere. Maybe they get turned down at the gun shop and have second thoughts. Maybe a person with a history of mental illness goes off his meds and with thoughts of suicide or doing harm to others, goes to a gun shop and gets turned down. Maybe that deters him.

Is that really so implausable?

I always hear from gun rights advocates that they're responsible gun owners who practice safety. Well, there are people out there who are not responsible with guns. There are people out there who have bad intent; who are mentally unstable; who have a history of selling weapons to criminals. I would think that "responsible" gun owners would want to make it more difficult for those types of people to get a gun. It turns out that people like you just want to own/sell/trade any weapon you choose under the guise of "protecting your 2nd amendment right" without regard to public safety. In my world, that makes you an irresponsible gun owner.

JED your talking about a guy with a mental illness.....i am talking about Gangs or just just Criminals....quit trying to say im one of know fucking well those guys are going to get their dam guns just like they always have been doing.....and they kill a lot more people than legal gun owners or the people with mental my world YOU are irresponsible and have no regard for public safety for not having the fucking balls to go after the guys who need to be dealt with...

I'm talking about any person who should not be allowed to legally purchase a gun -- felons, violent criminals, people with mental illness, straw purchasers. I'm irresponsible because I don't want those people to be able to legally obtain guns? How the fuck do YOU know what I have the balls to do, champ? Because I advocate for common sense gun regulations that a majority of Americans -- including REPUBLICANS -- support, I'm a coward? Take your strawman BS and pound sand.

You want to make it illegal to do something that is illegal? how deos that make sense?
Bullshit. If a criminal is not permitted to purchase a gun, then that in and of itself is a crime deterent.
Criminals have been barred by federal law from buying guns since 1968.
What effect has this ban had on gun-related crime?

Except that a criminal can go to agun show or a private citizen and walk away with a gun with no background check. What effect would it have on gun violence if those loopholes were closed? Probably a significant one.

How many criminals buy guns at gun shows? How many criminals use Craigslist to buy guns? Give me numbers here, so I can judge how dangerous it is to ignore these things.
2.5 million gun owners used their guns to prevent violent crime last year.
Restricting the ability to get guns for the law abiding citizens will only make victims of those people.
We have laws that make it illegal for the insane and criminals to have guns. When those laws are enforced we won't have violent crime or even gun crime.

Restricting the rights that we are born with does nothing to stop violence - it serves to empower the criminal and make victims out of those law abiding citizens.

No vote, no government, and no majority can restrict the rights that are our birthright. That is the way the republic was set up and that is how it will remain as long as we have a constitution. When the constitution is gone we still have our rights and the exercizing of those rights will keep them.
It is. But they can obtain them without a background check at gun shows and from private sellers.
And have therefore broken the law.
Apparently, the law did not deter them from doing so, and so your argument regarding deterrence is demonstrated unsound.

And have therefore purchased a gun without a background check. Apparently, because of these loopholes, they ARE able to buy guns DESPITE there being laws against criminals buying guns.
You've moved the goalposts.
I'll take that as your acceptance that your argument about deterrence has failed.

Criminals and the like are banned from buying and owning guns. You cannot make it more illegal for them to do so, and you -certainly- cannot argue that such laws deters them from doing so.
JED your talking about a guy with a mental illness.....i am talking about Gangs or just just Criminals....quit trying to say im one of know fucking well those guys are going to get their dam guns just like they always have been doing.....and they kill a lot more people than legal gun owners or the people with mental my world YOU are irresponsible and have no regard for public safety for not having the fucking balls to go after the guys who need to be dealt with...

I'm talking about any person who should not be allowed to legally purchase a gun -- felons, violent criminals, people with mental illness, straw purchasers. I'm irresponsible because I don't want those people to be able to legally obtain guns? How the fuck do YOU know what I have the balls to do, champ? Because I advocate for common sense gun regulations that a majority of Americans -- including REPUBLICANS -- support, I'm a coward? Take your strawman BS and pound sand.

I'm talking about any person who should not be allowed to legally purchase a gun -- felons, violent criminals, people with mental illness, straw purchasers.

you were stressing the Mentally impaired or guys with a record....i was talking about the Active criminal element....and i told you this......they dont need to go to a gun shop.....

People other than the "active criminal element", or gangs, commit gun violence

I'm irresponsible because I don't want those people to be able to legally obtain guns?

no you are irresponsible because you like all these other people targeting the guy down the street ....refuse to acknowledge that the real fucking gun nuts who are killing people everyday are the Gangs and the active criminal elements who DO NOT need to buy guns at a shop and they are going to get their shit no matter what is done outside of exterminating them.....and dont seem to mention these fuckers when talking about this shit....

The Sandy Hook killer and the Aurora killer were in gangs and/or part of the "active criminal element"?


How the fuck do YOU know what I have the balls to do, champ?

but you can say this about me....right CHAMP?....

I asked you first. Champ.

It turns out that people like you just want to own/sell/trade any weapon you choose under the guise of "protecting your 2nd amendment right" without regard to public safety.

if i was like that why would i be for exterminating violent gangs?.....why would i state that i am for Zero tolerance for using guns Illegally and the jail time should be long? far as i am concerned own a gun and you are negligent with it or use it to commit a pay the price.....and that price will be one you may not take your bullshit and go pound your own pile of it CHAMP?.....

Do I get your inability to use common sense? No, i don't get it. Get back to stroking your gun, tough guy.
Because criminals obey laws.:cuckoo:

So, because criminals don't obey laws, let's make it easier for them to legally obtain guns :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

No. For the umpteenth time no. How about we take the 8% of the criminal population that commits 80% of the violent crime and lock them up forever. Sadly you libtards think these animals can be rehabbed somehow and engineer their releases all the damned time.

Want to end crime? Lock the violent perps up and don't let them out.....ever.

So, deny them their Constitutional rights. Got it. How patriotic of you. The founding fathers would be proud.
Criminals have been barred by federal law from buying guns since 1968.
What effect has this ban had on gun-related crime?

Except that a criminal can go to agun show or a private citizen and walk away with a gun with no background check. What effect would it have on gun violence if those loopholes were closed? Probably a significant one.

There are so many illegal guns out there that it is zero problem for a criminal to get them.

So, make it easier for them to get them. Ok.
Because criminals obey laws.:cuckoo:

So, because criminals don't obey laws, let's make it easier for them to legally obtain guns :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

I don't think it's possible for you to be any more dense than you are. Still, for some reason I try to get through to you.

Because criminals don't obey laws, background checks don't work. That leaves backgroundchecks only serving to infringe on the rights of law-abiding citizens without any benefit to safety at all.

Now, if I didn't make that simple enough for you to understand, then I'm sorry, I cannot help you.

If a background check keeps a criminal or somebody suffering from mental illness from getting a gun, then they work. Is that simple enough for you?
And have therefore broken the law.
Apparently, the law did not deter them from doing so, and so your argument regarding deterrence is demonstrated unsound.

And have therefore purchased a gun without a background check. Apparently, because of these loopholes, they ARE able to buy guns DESPITE there being laws against criminals buying guns.

Hey nitwit. Here's a little primer on criminals and how they get guns:

Criminal A robs a gun store, or a house, or a rival gang's supply.
Criminal B buys a gun from Criminal A
Criminal B commits a crime with said gun.
If he doesn't dispose of said gun he sells it to Criminal C and the cycle repeats.

Ok genius, tell me how background checks stop that.

Hey, dipshit. Show me the statistics that prove your assertion that every crininal that obtains a gun gets it by robbing somebody.

You can't seriously believe that no criminal ever obtains a gun through a private sale or a gun show. How about straw purchasers? Do they rob people of their guns too?
so if they know they cant buy them in a shop.....they go and get them the way they do are they being deterred?.....

Maybe they DON'T go and get one elsewhere. Maybe they get turned down at the gun shop and have second thoughts. Maybe a person with a history of mental illness goes off his meds and with thoughts of suicide or doing harm to others, goes to a gun shop and gets turned down. Maybe that deters him.

Is that really so implausable?

I always hear from gun rights advocates that they're responsible gun owners who practice safety. Well, there are people out there who are not responsible with guns. There are people out there who have bad intent; who are mentally unstable; who have a history of selling weapons to criminals. I would think that "responsible" gun owners would want to make it more difficult for those types of people to get a gun. It turns out that people like you just want to own/sell/trade any weapon you choose under the guise of "protecting your 2nd amendment right" without regard to public safety. In my world, that makes you an irresponsible gun owner.

Maybe the moon is made out of green cheese. Maybe the moon landing was a hoax, and Kennedy decided he wanted a vacation.

Maybe you really don't have an argument, but you are so desperate to prove you are smart that you don't want to admit it.

Maybe you're a fucking douche nozzle. No, definitely.
And this is where the right looses me as a gun supporter.
No this doesnt make you the good guys. This makes you look like fucking assholes who wont compromise period. There is no compromising with you people, so then why bother seeking it out in the end?

Background checks do not infringe on your right. Thus says the supreme court on this matter.
You are not the good guys.
The Constitution is not subject to compromise.

Oh fuking please. Womens right to vote? Prohibition? Those weren't compromises' eh?
No. Those were amendments to the constitution. Now the provisions of those amendments are NOT subject to compromise. They can be changed by amendment only...not by the passage of conflicting laws. Do you see the difference?
You keep insisting, against all logic, that it doesn't infringe on my rights as if simply because you say it it is true.

I am in this to counter left wing lunacy, and since you have no logical argument and in fact choose to ignore the argument, i win again.

Do you even understand the meaning of the word "infringe"?

To deny, advance upon, or otherwise deprive a person of the right to exercise a lawfully granted right or privilege. (Quoted from memory)

No is denying anyone the ability to purchase a gun. Unless you're a deranged lunatic. Are you a deranged lunatic?

No? Then nothing is being infringed.
Do you even understand the meaning of the word "infringe"?

To deny, advance upon, or otherwise deprive a person of the right to exercise a lawfully granted right or privilege. (Quoted from memory)

No is denying anyone the ability to purchase a gun. Unless you're a deranged lunatic. Are you a deranged lunatic?

No? Then nothing is being infringed.

If it is an infringement to charge a poll tax to vote, then it is an infringement to charge a fee to buy a weapon.
Definition of infringe (v)
Bing Dictionary
in·fringe [ in frínj ] 1.disobey or disregard something: to fail to obey a law or regulation or observe the terms of an agreement
2.encroach on somebody's rights or property: to take over land, rights, privileges, or activities that belong to somebody else, especially in a minor or gradual way
Synonyms: encroach on, intrude on, interfere with, impinge on, trespass, invade, overstep.

Definition of INFRINGE
transitive verb
1: to encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another <infringe a patent>
2obsolete : defeat, frustrate

in·fringe/&#618;n&#712;fr&#618;nd&#658;/ Show Spelled [in-frinj] Show IPA verb, in·fringed, in·fring·ing.
verb (used with object)
1. to commit a breach or infraction of; violate or transgress: to infringe a copyright; to infringe a rule.
verb (used without object)
2. to encroach or trespass (usually followed by on or upon ): Don't infringe on his privacy.

in·fringe (n-frnj)
v. in·fringed, in·fring·ing, in·fring·es
1. To transgress or exceed the limits of; violate: infringe a contract; infringe a patent.
2. Obsolete To defeat; invalidate.
To encroach on someone or something; engage in trespassing: an increased workload that infringed on his personal life.

So, because criminals don't obey laws, let's make it easier for them to legally obtain guns :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

I don't think it's possible for you to be any more dense than you are. Still, for some reason I try to get through to you.

Because criminals don't obey laws, background checks don't work. That leaves backgroundchecks only serving to infringe on the rights of law-abiding citizens without any benefit to safety at all.

Now, if I didn't make that simple enough for you to understand, then I'm sorry, I cannot help you.

If a background check keeps a criminal or somebody suffering from mental illness from getting a gun, then they work. Is that simple enough for you?
You fail to regognize that it is impossible to enact a law that will prevent someone from breaking the law.
Don't feel bad - you are very much not alone.
Maybe they DON'T go and get one elsewhere. Maybe they get turned down at the gun shop and have second thoughts. Maybe a person with a history of mental illness goes off his meds and with thoughts of suicide or doing harm to others, goes to a gun shop and gets turned down. Maybe that deters him.

Is that really so implausable?

I always hear from gun rights advocates that they're responsible gun owners who practice safety. Well, there are people out there who are not responsible with guns. There are people out there who have bad intent; who are mentally unstable; who have a history of selling weapons to criminals. I would think that "responsible" gun owners would want to make it more difficult for those types of people to get a gun. It turns out that people like you just want to own/sell/trade any weapon you choose under the guise of "protecting your 2nd amendment right" without regard to public safety. In my world, that makes you an irresponsible gun owner.

Maybe the moon is made out of green cheese. Maybe the moon landing was a hoax, and Kennedy decided he wanted a vacation.

Maybe you really don't have an argument, but you are so desperate to prove you are smart that you don't want to admit it.

Maybe you're a fucking douche nozzle. No, definitely.

That doesn't change the fact that you don't have an argument, or that you aren't smart enough to admit it, does it?
Maybe the moon is made out of green cheese. Maybe the moon landing was a hoax, and Kennedy decided he wanted a vacation.

Maybe you really don't have an argument, but you are so desperate to prove you are smart that you don't want to admit it.

Maybe you're a fucking douche nozzle. No, definitely.

That doesn't change the fact that you don't have an argument, or that you aren't smart enough to admit it, does it?

That you fail to grasp the concept of my argument doesn't translate to me having no argument. Nor does it make you smart. Now go stroke your gun in the mirror, tough guy.

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