Nevada Governor vetoes offensive Gun control bill.

First - I don't own a gun. If I decide to buy one, I don't think it's the government business to know about it. I have no problem with a check to ensure I'm not a felon.

Second, as a Nevadan and American and retired army veteran, I completely agree with the governor's decision to veto this stupid bill.

The lefties here in Nevada - and elsewhere - are going to make a big deal of it but a lot of Nevadans will remember this positively when Sandoval runs again.

Good on him!!!

[He didn't run the poll - lefties did!]


If you have no problems with a background check to ensure you are not a felon, then what exactly is your problem with this bill? Specifically.
Nevada governor vetoes bill to strengthen gun background checks

So one of the Good Guys acted to safe guard our second amendment rights, GOOD JOB.

I used to think we needed gun control. Then I found out that two thirds of ALL gun related deaths in the US were suicide. Most of them were white guys in Red States. That makes them Republicans. Then I realized that every cloud has a silver lining. It's not guns who kill people. It's the GOP killing themselves. And all that talk about how dangerous Chicago is and it turns out that Illinois is like 34th in gun related deaths. And that the most are in Red States that have the fewest regulations.

So it looks like we may be on the same side after all. GOOD JOB!

You do understand that there's a difference in saying C-H-I-C-A-G-O and Illinois?
Chicago has one of the highest murder rates of comparable cities worldwide.
It has a murder rate of 19.4 murders per 100,000 people.
First - I don't own a gun. If I decide to buy one, I don't think it's the government business to know about it. I have no problem with a check to ensure I'm not a felon.

Second, as a Nevadan and American and retired army veteran, I completely agree with the governor's decision to veto this stupid bill.

The lefties here in Nevada - and elsewhere - are going to make a big deal of it but a lot of Nevadans will remember this positively when Sandoval runs again.

Good on him!!!

[He didn't run the poll - lefties did!]


Sandoval's office barraged with calls to veto Nevada gun control bill | Las Vegas Review-Journal

Pity the poor people who work in Gov. Brian Sandoval’s office.

They have been so bombarded by calls from people who want the governor to veto the gun control bill passed by the Legislature that they set up an automated phone system to allow “voting” on Senate Bill 221.
The only people that would be against enhanced background checks are people with something to hide.

Something wrong with the background checks we already have?

Yes, they don't cover off on sales between individuals. That makes it way to easy for a lunatic to purchase a used gun without needing a background check.

I am amazed that you actually think an illegal gun dealer, i.e. the gangbanger on the street, and a psycho wanting to buy a gun are going to give a shit about running a frigging background check.

Enhanced background checks sound wonderful, but only a fool thinks they will accomplish anything more than adding a few dollars to the government slush fund.

And this is where the right looses me as a gun supporter.
No this doesnt make you the good guys. This makes you look like fucking assholes who wont compromise period. There is no compromising with you people, so then why bother seeking it out in the end?

Background checks do not infringe on your right. Thus says the supreme court on this matter.
You are not the good guys.

Something wrong with the background checks we already have?

Yes, they don't cover off on sales between individuals. That makes it way to easy for a lunatic to purchase a used gun without needing a background check.

I am amazed that you actually think an illegal gun dealer, i.e. the gangbanger on the street, and a psycho wanting to buy a gun are going to give a shit about running a frigging background check.

Enhanced background checks sound wonderful, but only a fool thinks they will accomplish anything more than adding a few dollars to the government slush fund.


And what's your solution besides nothing?
You people offer no solutions, just excuses..

You wont stop people. Its a poor example. Out there someone might want to kill you and hey who cares right? We bother trying to stop them because in the end they will find a way.
Really its a great outlook on life. How about we just remove cops period? I mean under your opinion they are redundant.
And this is where the right looses me as a gun supporter.
No this doesnt make you the good guys. This makes you look like fucking assholes who wont compromise period. There is no compromising with you people, so then why bother seeking it out in the end?
Compromise means that each side gives something that the other wants in order to get someting that each side wants for itself.

The anti-gun side cannot give the pro-gun side anything, and so it is impossible for the pro-gun side to compromise.

So.... the anti-gun side doesnt really want compromise from the pro-gun side, it wants acquiescence.

Background checks do not infringe on your right. Thus says the supreme court on this matter.
Please cite the case, and the text to that effect.
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And this is where the right looses me as a gun supporter.
No this doesnt make you the good guys. This makes you look like fucking assholes who wont compromise period. There is no compromising with you people, so then why bother seeking it out in the end?

Background checks do not infringe on your right. Thus says the supreme court on this matter.
You are not the good guys.

How much more compromising do you want?

Look at the 20k gun laws already on the books.. Each and everyone of a compromise of the "Shall not be infringed" statement in the Constitution.

When will you gun grabbers be satisfied that there are enough laws and restrictions on guns and that there are evil people in the world who will kill other people regardless of the laws?
I used to think we needed gun control. Then I found out that two thirds of ALL gun related deaths in the US were suicide. Most of them were white guys in Red States. That makes them Republicans. Then I realized that every cloud has a silver lining. It's not guns who kill people. It's the GOP killing themselves. And all that talk about how dangerous Chicago is and it turns out that Illinois is like 34th in gun related deaths. And that the most are in Red States that have the fewest regulations.

So it looks like we may be on the same side after all. GOOD JOB!

where does Chicago stand city wise?....
You don't expect an honest answer, do you?

i dont ever expect Dean to even answer a question let alone be honest.....90% of the time he leaves the thread anyways,even the ones he starts.....

Something wrong with the background checks we already have?

Yes, they don't cover off on sales between individuals. That makes it way to easy for a lunatic to purchase a used gun without needing a background check.

I am amazed that you actually think an illegal gun dealer, i.e. the gangbanger on the street, and a psycho wanting to buy a gun are going to give a shit about running a frigging background check.

Enhanced background checks sound wonderful, but only a fool thinks they will accomplish anything more than adding a few dollars to the government slush fund.


So should we legalize rape? Murder? Child molestation? They're just going to happen anyway, despite the laws we have, right?
The only people that would be against enhanced background checks are people with something to hide.

That's actually incorrect. For example there a some that are just plain impatient and don't wanna waste time while the government fucks with them. and there are a lot more.

Impatience isn't a good enough reason to allow lunatics to own guns.

and yet Gangs all around the Country do.....what checks do they have?...
Nevada governor vetoes bill to strengthen gun background checks

So one of the Good Guys acted to safe guard our second amendment rights, GOOD JOB.

I used to think we needed gun control. Then I found out that two thirds of ALL gun related deaths in the US were suicide. Most of them were white guys in Red States. That makes them Republicans. Then I realized that every cloud has a silver lining. It's not guns who kill people. It's the GOP killing themselves. And all that talk about how dangerous Chicago is and it turns out that Illinois is like 34th in gun related deaths. And that the most are in Red States that have the fewest regulations.

So it looks like we may be on the same side after all. GOOD JOB!
So we can put you on the record as wanting to kill Republicans.

I wonder if Herbie read your little rant?

which also makes Dean a fucking liar.....he has said a few times he does not hate "REPUBLICANS".......just what they stand for.....but yet here he is....happier than shit about them committing suicide.........thanx for once AGAIN Dean proving that what i and others have been saying about you is i have are not fooling anyone Dean....well maybe your fellow Far Lefties here....but outside of those idiots....
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Yes, they don't cover off on sales between individuals. That makes it way to easy for a lunatic to purchase a used gun without needing a background check.

I am amazed that you actually think an illegal gun dealer, i.e. the gangbanger on the street, and a psycho wanting to buy a gun are going to give a shit about running a frigging background check.

Enhanced background checks sound wonderful, but only a fool thinks they will accomplish anything more than adding a few dollars to the government slush fund.


And what's your solution besides nothing?
You people offer no solutions, just excuses..

You wont stop people. Its a poor example. Out there someone might want to kill you and hey who cares right? We bother trying to stop them because in the end they will find a way.
Really its a great outlook on life. How about we just remove cops period? I mean under your opinion they are redundant.

so whats your solution about gangs?.....they shoot people every fucking day around the Country and yet i never hear any of these anti-gun nutters talking about them.....its always about the little white "upper" class kids that get shot....
None...hence why we need to expand background checks.

Yes, they don't cover off on sales between individuals. That makes it way to easy for a lunatic to purchase a used gun without needing a background check.

I am amazed that you actually think an illegal gun dealer, i.e. the gangbanger on the street, and a psycho wanting to buy a gun are going to give a shit about running a frigging background check.

Enhanced background checks sound wonderful, but only a fool thinks they will accomplish anything more than adding a few dollars to the government slush fund.


And what's your solution besides nothing?
You people offer no solutions, just excuses..

You wont stop people. Its a poor example. Out there someone might want to kill you and hey who cares right? We bother trying to stop them because in the end they will find a way.
Really its a great outlook on life. How about we just remove cops period? I mean under your opinion they are redundant.

You are not doing a damned thing to stop these crimes. All you want to do is interfere with a citizen's right to legally own guns. You offer no solutions to crime, you only want to make more criminals by making gun ownership illegal.

Personally, I have no issue with registration of guns, licensing owners or even background checks; however, this call for "enhanced background checks" is nothing more than bullshit smoke and mirrors.

Only an idiot actually believes these will stop criminals from obtaining guns. Neither you or RDD are idiots. That makes me think you are simply taking the partisan stance on this.

And no, I do not have a solution, but neither do you so don't try pulling that shit on me.

And compromise? Are you serious? I suppose you believe you are willing to compromise on things but those terrible conservatives just won't give in. Do you really want us to believe you are willing to compromise? Please!

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And this is where the right looses me as a gun supporter.
No this doesnt make you the good guys. This makes you look like fucking assholes who wont compromise period. There is no compromising with you people, so then why bother seeking it out in the end?

I don't have to compromise my rights because you wet your bed at night. Fuck you.

Background checks do not infringe on your right. Thus says the supreme court on this matter.

I don't give a rat's ass what the Supreme Court says. There is a fee for the background check, therefore it is an infringement. Ask the Supreme Court if a $30 fee to register to vote is an infringement on our rights and let's see what they say on that, hmmm?

You are not the good guys.

I'm closer to virtue than you are; I know that much.

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