Nevada Governor vetoes offensive Gun control bill.

Impatience isn't a good enough reason to allow lunatics to own guns.

and yet Gangs all around the Country do.....what checks do they have?...

None...hence why we need to expand background checks.


Overhaul our mental health system.

No need for all of your liberal "background check" this, "limited magazine size" that. Do something to make sure the mentally ill don't get their hands on a firearm, and no, soldiers with manageable depression don't count. Redneck Republicans don't count. Just criminals and the certifiably mentally ill. Just fuck off. Geesh. Leave our rights alone, dammit.
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And this is where the right looses me as a gun supporter.
No this doesnt make you the good guys. This makes you look like fucking assholes who wont compromise period. There is no compromising with you people, so then why bother seeking it out in the end?

Background checks do not infringe on your right. Thus says the supreme court on this matter.
You are not the good guys.

How about you show me in the Constitution where the federal government has the authority to regulate non-interstate sales between individuals in any manner. I'll wait.
And this is where the right looses me as a gun supporter.
No this doesnt make you the good guys. This makes you look like fucking assholes who wont compromise period. There is no compromising with you people, so then why bother seeking it out in the end?

Background checks do not infringe on your right. Thus says the supreme court on this matter.
You are not the good guys.

How much more compromising do you want?

Look at the 20k gun laws already on the books.. Each and everyone of a compromise of the "Shall not be infringed" statement in the Constitution.

When will you gun grabbers be satisfied that there are enough laws and restrictions on guns and that there are evil people in the world who will kill other people regardless of the laws?

You can buy whatever gun you want with whatever rounds and size clips you want. You can buy a tank for all I care. Just have the proper permits and pass a background check.

Thats it. If you cant agree with this simple reasoning then simply fuck off.
I am amazed that you actually think an illegal gun dealer, i.e. the gangbanger on the street, and a psycho wanting to buy a gun are going to give a shit about running a frigging background check.

Enhanced background checks sound wonderful, but only a fool thinks they will accomplish anything more than adding a few dollars to the government slush fund.


And what's your solution besides nothing?
You people offer no solutions, just excuses..

You wont stop people. Its a poor example. Out there someone might want to kill you and hey who cares right? We bother trying to stop them because in the end they will find a way.
Really its a great outlook on life. How about we just remove cops period? I mean under your opinion they are redundant.

so whats your solution about gangs?.....they shoot people every fucking day around the Country and yet i never hear any of these anti-gun nutters talking about them.....its always about the little white "upper" class kids that get shot....

Gangs are harder because you also have to deal with the culture as well. Sadly for those people you need to be stricter. That is a complicated answer.
so whats your solution about gangs?.....they shoot people every fucking day around the Country and yet i never hear any of these anti-gun nutters talking about them.....its always about the little white "upper" class kids that get shot....

Exactly, over 500 murders alone just in Chicago last year, mostly blacks, and the same people who claim to care so much about minorities barely whimper over this, but as soon as a bunch of white kids in suburban Connecticut get killed we have a national tragedy on our hands.
so whats your solution about gangs?.....they shoot people every fucking day around the Country and yet i never hear any of these anti-gun nutters talking about them.....its always about the little white "upper" class kids that get shot....

Exactly, over 500 murders alone just in Chicago last year, mostly blacks, and the same people who claim to care so much about minorities barely whimper over this, but as soon as a bunch of white kids in suburban Connecticut get killed we have a national tragedy on our hands.

Chicago is a much more complicated problem than just guns, sadly if you where to ban guns it would have to be for a certain section of people. The problem is economic, culture, and guns all mixed together. You need to treat those people like animals sadly. You have to break them to win that battle.
I am amazed that you actually think an illegal gun dealer, i.e. the gangbanger on the street, and a psycho wanting to buy a gun are going to give a shit about running a frigging background check.

Enhanced background checks sound wonderful, but only a fool thinks they will accomplish anything more than adding a few dollars to the government slush fund.


And what's your solution besides nothing?
You people offer no solutions, just excuses..

You wont stop people. Its a poor example. Out there someone might want to kill you and hey who cares right? We bother trying to stop them because in the end they will find a way.
Really its a great outlook on life. How about we just remove cops period? I mean under your opinion they are redundant.

You are not doing a damned thing to stop these crimes. All you want to do is interfere with a citizen's right to legally own guns. You offer no solutions to crime, you only want to make more criminals by making gun ownership illegal.

Personally, I have no issue with registration of guns, licensing owners or even background checks; however, this call for "enhanced background checks" is nothing more than bullshit smoke and mirrors.

Only an idiot actually believes these will stop criminals from obtaining guns. Neither you or RDD are idiots. That makes me think you are simply taking the partisan stance on this.

And no, I do not have a solution, but neither do you so don't try pulling that shit on me.

And compromise? Are you serious? I suppose you believe you are willing to compromise on things but those terrible conservatives just won't give in. Do you really want us to believe you are willing to compromise? Please!


I See all assumptions in this post. You dont know what I want. What I want is reasonable solutions, without the emotional attachments.

Back ground checks on all weapons.
More agents to check the stock and records of gun shops.
No limits on ammo, clip size, or what you can own as a citizen.

Are you telling me that that is so fucking extreme that you have to say no? That you have to cry about your freedoms which I wouldnt be taking away.

At some point one just has to say hey, you are a unreasonable person and thus don't get a say.the same goes for those retards who want to ban guns outright. Thats not a solution.

So save the bullshit about criminals are not going to stop. Thats a poor excuse of a weak argument. You want to be treated like an adult who can handle owning a gun? Then knock it off with the stupid.
And what's your solution besides nothing?
You people offer no solutions, just excuses..

You wont stop people. Its a poor example. Out there someone might want to kill you and hey who cares right? We bother trying to stop them because in the end they will find a way.
Really its a great outlook on life. How about we just remove cops period? I mean under your opinion they are redundant.

so whats your solution about gangs?.....they shoot people every fucking day around the Country and yet i never hear any of these anti-gun nutters talking about them.....its always about the little white "upper" class kids that get shot....

Gangs are harder because you also have to deal with the culture as well. Sadly for those people you need to be stricter. That is a complicated answer.

Plas....i dont give a shit what their culture is.....if they are doing violence to decent stop them,those people are citizens far as i am concerned....if you commit Violence against someone just lost the right not to have the cops come down on your ass with extreme prejudiced... the cops know who the real violent gangs are....let them go in and end their pathetic lives....give them something they understand.....
so whats your solution about gangs?.....they shoot people every fucking day around the Country and yet i never hear any of these anti-gun nutters talking about them.....its always about the little white "upper" class kids that get shot....

Exactly, over 500 murders alone just in Chicago last year, mostly blacks, and the same people who claim to care so much about minorities barely whimper over this, but as soon as a bunch of white kids in suburban Connecticut get killed we have a national tragedy on our hands.

AND .....everything gets centered on Legal gun owners,99% of them who will never kill anyone......but the real gun nuts in the inner cities just keep on shootin people....
Someone asked why I supported Governor Sandoval's veto of the bill, it's because it was too over-reaching and unenforceable. Here's the legislative summary of the bill:

Senate Bill No. 221–Senators Jones, Ford,
Kihuen, Segerblom and Spearman

Legislative Counsel’s Digest:

Existing law requires a court to transmit to the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History a record of any court order, judgment, plea or verdict concerning the involuntary admission of a person to a mental health facility, the appointment of a guardian for a person with a mental defect, a finding that a person is incompetent to stand trial, a verdict acquitting a defendant by reason of insanity or a plea or finding of guilty but mentally ill, along with a statement that the record is being transmitted for inclusion in all appropriate databases of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. (NRS 159.0593, 174.035, 175.533, 175.539, 178.425, 433A.310)
Sections 1-4, 7 and 11 of this bill require such records to be transmitted to the Central Repository within 5 business days.
Existing law requires the inclusion, correction and removal of information in records of criminal history in each appropriate database of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. (NRS 179A.163, 179A.165, 179A.167,433A.310) Sections 4.5, 4.6, 4.7 and 11 of this bill also authorize or require, as appropriate, the inclusion, correction and removal of such information in each appropriate database of the National Crime Information Center. Section 4.1of this bill defines “National Crime Information Center” to mean the computerized information system created
and maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 534.

In other words, report EVERY gun sale to Big Brother!!!
Nevada governor vetoes bill to strengthen gun background checks

So one of the Good Guys acted to safe guard our second amendment rights, GOOD JOB.

I used to think we needed gun control. Then I found out that two thirds of ALL gun related deaths in the US were suicide. Most of them were white guys in Red States. That makes them Republicans. Then I realized that every cloud has a silver lining. It's not guns who kill people. It's the GOP killing themselves. And all that talk about how dangerous Chicago is and it turns out that Illinois is like 34th in gun related deaths. And that the most are in Red States that have the fewest regulations.

So it looks like we may be on the same side after all. GOOD JOB!

So, this means we won't have to see your non-sensical drivel on any thread supporting gun control? Good.
Oh look the liberal gun grabbers got bitch-slapped once again. Gotta love that.
Nevada Governor vetoes offensive Gun control bill.

Offensive? What is offensive about requiring background checks for gun purchases? Are you afraid of offending criminals?

JED i think a lot of people are afraid it does not stop after the check.....that your name will go onto the big....."HE HAS A GUN" govt list......and on that....i understand their distrust......
Nevada Governor vetoes offensive Gun control bill.

Offensive? What is offensive about requiring background checks for gun purchases? Are you afraid of offending criminals?

JED i think a lot of people are afraid it does not stop after the check.....that your name will go onto the big....."HE HAS A GUN" govt list......and on that....i understand their distrust......

The problem is that background checks do not stop any crimes or any injuries, all they do is invade the privacy of gun buyers. And what would be the purpose of doing that if it doesn't stop crime or deaths? Well, it would work to compile a list of gun owners.

Another probem is that it infringes on the rights of Americans that are granted by the 2nd Amendment. If I want to buy a gun from my neighbor, he wouldhave to do a background check on me and why would I want him knowing so much about me? It would only serve to stifle private purchases. Of course, criminals and the "lunatics" that the panty-wearing lefties here cry about, would still get guns despite any background check no matter how strict.
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And this is where the right looses me as a gun supporter.
No this doesnt make you the good guys. This makes you look like fucking assholes who wont compromise period. There is no compromising with you people, so then why bother seeking it out in the end?

Background checks do not infringe on your right. Thus says the supreme court on this matter.
You are not the good guys.

How much more compromising do you want?

Look at the 20k gun laws already on the books.. Each and everyone of a compromise of the "Shall not be infringed" statement in the Constitution.

When will you gun grabbers be satisfied that there are enough laws and restrictions on guns and that there are evil people in the world who will kill other people regardless of the laws?

You can buy whatever gun you want with whatever rounds and size clips you want. You can buy a tank for all I care. Just have the proper permits and pass a background check.

Thats it. If you cant agree with this simple reasoning then simply fuck off.

Answer this Batman..

Why should I have to buy a permit to exercise my Constitutional Right?

Do I need a permit to exercise my right to free speech?

Do I need a permit to exercise my right to practice my religion?

Do I need a permit to exercise my right vote?

Do I need a permit to petition my Government?

What other rights do I need to prove that I am eligible to exercise? Is it now "Guilty until I prove myself Innocent"?

According to the Left, it is even Unconstitutional to require a person to have a photo ID to show that they live inside that voting district before casting a ballot.
so whats your solution about gangs?.....they shoot people every fucking day around the Country and yet i never hear any of these anti-gun nutters talking about them.....its always about the little white "upper" class kids that get shot....

Gangs are harder because you also have to deal with the culture as well. Sadly for those people you need to be stricter. That is a complicated answer.

Plas....i dont give a shit what their culture is.....if they are doing violence to decent stop them,those people are citizens far as i am concerned....if you commit Violence against someone just lost the right not to have the cops come down on your ass with extreme prejudiced... the cops know who the real violent gangs are....let them go in and end their pathetic lives....give them something they understand.....
You can't do that. Go watch the show vice episode 9. Its on goes beyond the gun issue. You can ban guns there and it wont stop these people. Chicago is a poor example on both sides of the argument.

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