Nevada Governor vetoes offensive Gun control bill.

Offensive? What is offensive about requiring background checks for gun purchases? Are you afraid of offending criminals?

JED i think a lot of people are afraid it does not stop after the check.....that your name will go onto the big....."HE HAS A GUN" govt list......and on that....i understand their distrust......

The problem is that background checks do not stop any crimes or any injuries, all they do is invade the privacy of gun buyers. And what would be the purpose of doing that if it doesn't stop crime or deaths? Well, it would work to compile a list of gun owners.

Another probem is that it infringes on the rights of Americans that are granted by the 2nd Amendment. If I want to buy a gun from my neighbor, he wouldhave to do a background check on me and why would I want him knowing so much about me? It would only serve to stifle private purchases. Of course, criminals and the "lunatics" that the panty-wearing lefties here cry about, would still get guns despite any background check no matter how strict.

It doesnt infringe on your rights. See supreme court case about the dc gun ban.scali stated" the government can not ban you from buying or owning a gun. The government can put roadblocks "I.E. back ground checks." On citizens. "

So no back ground checks do not infringe, unless you are a criminal or insane.

Or go get a tissue
JED i think a lot of people are afraid it does not stop after the check.....that your name will go onto the big....."HE HAS A GUN" govt list......and on that....i understand their distrust......

The problem is that background checks do not stop any crimes or any injuries, all they do is invade the privacy of gun buyers. And what would be the purpose of doing that if it doesn't stop crime or deaths? Well, it would work to compile a list of gun owners.

Another probem is that it infringes on the rights of Americans that are granted by the 2nd Amendment. If I want to buy a gun from my neighbor, he wouldhave to do a background check on me and why would I want him knowing so much about me? It would only serve to stifle private purchases. Of course, criminals and the "lunatics" that the panty-wearing lefties here cry about, would still get guns despite any background check no matter how strict.

It doesnt infringe on your rights. See supreme court case about the dc gun ban.scali stated" the government can not ban you from buying or owning a gun. The government can put roadblocks "I.E. back ground checks." On citizens. "

So no back ground checks do not infringe, unless you are a criminal or insane.

Or go get a tissue

Wrong. I never ever stated that it banned me from owning a gun, I said correctly that it infringes (read a dictionary) on my gun rights. And it certainly does that. The fact that it doesn't do anything at all to curb gun violence nor does it stop "lunatics" from getting guns makes it an absolutely worthless piece of legislation. All it does is make legal gun buying more difficult (infringement).

And it's panty-wearing liberals like you who need a box of tissues for all the crying you've been doing lately. Since the NRA has been bitch-slapping you guys for the past year or two.
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How much more compromising do you want?

Look at the 20k gun laws already on the books.. Each and everyone of a compromise of the "Shall not be infringed" statement in the Constitution.

When will you gun grabbers be satisfied that there are enough laws and restrictions on guns and that there are evil people in the world who will kill other people regardless of the laws?

You can buy whatever gun you want with whatever rounds and size clips you want. You can buy a tank for all I care. Just have the proper permits and pass a background check.

Thats it. If you cant agree with this simple reasoning then simply fuck off.

Answer this Batman..

Why should I have to buy a permit to exercise my Constitutional Right?

Do I need a permit to exercise my right to free speech?

Do I need a permit to exercise my right to practice my religion?

Do I need a permit to exercise my right vote?

Do I need a permit to petition my Government?

What other rights do I need to prove that I am eligible to exercise? Is it now "Guilty until I prove myself Innocent"?

According to the Left, it is even Unconstitutional to require a person to have a photo ID to show that they live inside that voting district before casting a ballot.

Dont care about voter id. I had to show my license when voting this year. So stop making irrelevant comments.

So we can weed out criminals and insane people.

Yes you do at least in a lot of places.

Well that depends. Are you protesting? Then you do. Is it in your own home? Then no.

Voting was never a full right till recently.but this is a stupid point.

Again depends on the issue.

Regardless this is not a full free society and it never will be. You dont get to do what you want with everything and requiring you to have a permit to own a gun is not a major crisis like you people wish it was.

Again I give you the right to own whatever you want, just have a permit., and pass a background check.and thats not good enough for you.thats still to much.
Then to me that makes you an unreasonable person. You are actually a hinder to the advancement of society.
The problem is that background checks do not stop any crimes or any injuries, all they do is invade the privacy of gun buyers. And what would be the purpose of doing that if it doesn't stop crime or deaths? Well, it would work to compile a list of gun owners.

Another probem is that it infringes on the rights of Americans that are granted by the 2nd Amendment. If I want to buy a gun from my neighbor, he wouldhave to do a background check on me and why would I want him knowing so much about me? It would only serve to stifle private purchases. Of course, criminals and the "lunatics" that the panty-wearing lefties here cry about, would still get guns despite any background check no matter how strict.

It doesnt infringe on your rights. See supreme court case about the dc gun ban.scali stated" the government can not ban you from buying or owning a gun. The government can put roadblocks "I.E. back ground checks." On citizens. "

So no back ground checks do not infringe, unless you are a criminal or insane.

Or go get a tissue

Wrong. I never ever stated that it banned me from owning a gun, I said correctly that it infringes (read a dictionary) on my gun rights. And it certainly does that. The fact that it doesn't do anything at all to curb gun violence nor does it stop "lunatics" from getting guns makes it an absolutely worthless piece of legislation. All it does is make legal gun buying more difficult (infringement).

And it's panty-wearing liberals like you who need a box of tissues for all the crying you've been doing lately. Since the NRA has been bitch-slapping you guys for the past year or two.

Yeah curbing violence is a pathetic talking point. Im just going to ignore it from now on.
It doesn't infringe on your right unless you are mentally insane or a criminal. Are you either of these?

Im Not worried when I have to take a drug test for a job. See thats the problem. If this was a private company you wouldnt say shit. Its because its the government that you have a problem. Everything else about your argument is bullshit. Its about hating the government and that's it.

You are a waste of time. You are in this to win points and nothing more.
It doesnt infringe on your rights. See supreme court case about the dc gun ban.scali stated" the government can not ban you from buying or owning a gun. The government can put roadblocks "I.E. back ground checks." On citizens. "

So no back ground checks do not infringe, unless you are a criminal or insane.

Or go get a tissue

Wrong. I never ever stated that it banned me from owning a gun, I said correctly that it infringes (read a dictionary) on my gun rights. And it certainly does that. The fact that it doesn't do anything at all to curb gun violence nor does it stop "lunatics" from getting guns makes it an absolutely worthless piece of legislation. All it does is make legal gun buying more difficult (infringement).

And it's panty-wearing liberals like you who need a box of tissues for all the crying you've been doing lately. Since the NRA has been bitch-slapping you guys for the past year or two.

Yeah curbing violence is a pathetic talking point. Im just going to ignore it from now on.
It doesn't infringe on your right unless you are mentally insane or a criminal. Are you either of these?

Im Not worried when I have to take a drug test for a job. See thats the problem. If this was a private company you wouldnt say shit. Its because its the government that you have a problem. Everything else about your argument is bullshit. Its about hating the government and that's it.

You are a waste of time. You are in this to win points and nothing more.

You keep insisting, against all logic, that it doesn't infringe on my rights as if simply because you say it it is true.

I am in this to counter left wing lunacy, and since you have no logical argument and in fact choose to ignore the argument, i win again.
You can buy whatever gun you want with whatever rounds and size clips you want. You can buy a tank for all I care. Just have the proper permits and pass a background check.

Thats it. If you cant agree with this simple reasoning then simply fuck off.

Answer this Batman..

Why should I have to buy a permit to exercise my Constitutional Right?

Do I need a permit to exercise my right to free speech?

Do I need a permit to exercise my right to practice my religion?

Do I need a permit to exercise my right vote?

Do I need a permit to petition my Government?

What other rights do I need to prove that I am eligible to exercise? Is it now "Guilty until I prove myself Innocent"?

According to the Left, it is even Unconstitutional to require a person to have a photo ID to show that they live inside that voting district before casting a ballot.

Dont care about voter id. I had to show my license when voting this year. So stop making irrelevant comments.

So we can weed out criminals and insane people.

Yes you do at least in a lot of places.

Well that depends. Are you protesting? Then you do. Is it in your own home? Then no.

Voting was never a full right till recently.but this is a stupid point.

Again depends on the issue.

Regardless this is not a full free society and it never will be. You dont get to do what you want with everything and requiring you to have a permit to own a gun is not a major crisis like you people wish it was.

Again I give you the right to own whatever you want, just have a permit., and pass a background check.and thats not good enough for you.thats still to much.
Then to me that makes you an unreasonable person. You are actually a hinder to the advancement of society.

When people start claiming posts are "stupid" that is when they know they are supporting the wrong side of the discussion and are not man or woman enough to admit it.
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Gangs are harder because you also have to deal with the culture as well. Sadly for those people you need to be stricter. That is a complicated answer.

Plas....i dont give a shit what their culture is.....if they are doing violence to decent stop them,those people are citizens far as i am concerned....if you commit Violence against someone just lost the right not to have the cops come down on your ass with extreme prejudiced... the cops know who the real violent gangs are....let them go in and end their pathetic lives....give them something they understand.....
You can't do that. Go watch the show vice episode 9. Its on goes beyond the gun issue. You can ban guns there and it wont stop these people. Chicago is a poor example on both sides of the argument.
You can't do that
i know....but i did say if it was up to me....

and i am not talking about banning talking about going in and Obliterating the gangs.....give them 48 hours to get out of town,disband,whatever.....and then go in ....if they are still there.....bang bang......problem solved.....i know its harsh.....but i say ZERO tolerance for violent people committing crimes....
First - I don't own a gun. If I decide to buy one, I don't think it's the government business to know about it. I have no problem with a check to ensure I'm not a felon.

Second, as a Nevadan and American and retired army veteran, I completely agree with the governor's decision to veto this stupid bill.

The lefties here in Nevada - and elsewhere - are going to make a big deal of it but a lot of Nevadans will remember this positively when Sandoval runs again.

Good on him!!!

[He didn't run the poll - lefties did!]


If you have no problems with a background check to ensure you are not a felon, then what exactly is your problem with this bill? Specifically.

My problem with the bill is it created a firearms owner database. If you want to do a background check I'm all for that. It costs 10 bucks and there is no weapon data collected. You check whether the individual purchasing is OK and that's it. You anti gun twats instead lard it up with all sorts of bullshit and whine when we call you on it.

Piss off and go ruin your own state. Leave mine alone.
Again I give you the right to own whatever you want, just have a permit., and pass a background check.and thats not good enough for you.thats still to much.
Then to me that makes you an unreasonable person. You are actually a hinder to the advancement of society.

If protecting my Constituitonal Rights is a hinder to the advancement of Society, then you should be thanking me that I am doing that.
Again I give you the right to own whatever you want, just have a permit., and pass a background check.and thats not good enough for you.thats still to much.
Then to me that makes you an unreasonable person. You are actually a hinder to the advancement of society.

If protecting my Constituitonal Rights is a hinder to the advancement of Society, then you should be thanking me that I am doing that.

Why would I? Again nobody is taking your right to own a gun away.
Plas....i dont give a shit what their culture is.....if they are doing violence to decent stop them,those people are citizens far as i am concerned....if you commit Violence against someone just lost the right not to have the cops come down on your ass with extreme prejudiced... the cops know who the real violent gangs are....let them go in and end their pathetic lives....give them something they understand.....
You can't do that. Go watch the show vice episode 9. Its on goes beyond the gun issue. You can ban guns there and it wont stop these people. Chicago is a poor example on both sides of the argument.
You can't do that
i know....but i did say if it was up to me....

and i am not talking about banning talking about going in and Obliterating the gangs.....give them 48 hours to get out of town,disband,whatever.....and then go in ....if they are still there.....bang bang......problem solved.....i know its harsh.....but i say ZERO tolerance for violent people committing crimes....

I agree some sort of zero tolerance is needed. That vice show showed that they have one person go in and by the guns and then just spread the wealth around. They ran to gangs because thats all they have left there. No school no jobs just being in a gang.
Wrong. I never ever stated that it banned me from owning a gun, I said correctly that it infringes (read a dictionary) on my gun rights. And it certainly does that. The fact that it doesn't do anything at all to curb gun violence nor does it stop "lunatics" from getting guns makes it an absolutely worthless piece of legislation. All it does is make legal gun buying more difficult (infringement).

And it's panty-wearing liberals like you who need a box of tissues for all the crying you've been doing lately. Since the NRA has been bitch-slapping you guys for the past year or two.

Yeah curbing violence is a pathetic talking point. Im just going to ignore it from now on.
It doesn't infringe on your right unless you are mentally insane or a criminal. Are you either of these?

Im Not worried when I have to take a drug test for a job. See thats the problem. If this was a private company you wouldnt say shit. Its because its the government that you have a problem. Everything else about your argument is bullshit. Its about hating the government and that's it.

You are a waste of time. You are in this to win points and nothing more.

You keep insisting, against all logic, that it doesn't infringe on my rights as if simply because you say it it is true.

I am in this to counter left wing lunacy, and since you have no logical argument and in fact choose to ignore the argument, i win again.

Prove background checks infringe on your right to own a gun. Go ahead this should be funny.

Oh pred you havent changed, full of shit.
Answer this Batman..

Why should I have to buy a permit to exercise my Constitutional Right?

Do I need a permit to exercise my right to free speech?

Do I need a permit to exercise my right to practice my religion?

Do I need a permit to exercise my right vote?

Do I need a permit to petition my Government?

What other rights do I need to prove that I am eligible to exercise? Is it now "Guilty until I prove myself Innocent"?

According to the Left, it is even Unconstitutional to require a person to have a photo ID to show that they live inside that voting district before casting a ballot.

Dont care about voter id. I had to show my license when voting this year. So stop making irrelevant comments.

So we can weed out criminals and insane people.

Yes you do at least in a lot of places.

Well that depends. Are you protesting? Then you do. Is it in your own home? Then no.

Voting was never a full right till recently.but this is a stupid point.

Again depends on the issue.

Regardless this is not a full free society and it never will be. You dont get to do what you want with everything and requiring you to have a permit to own a gun is not a major crisis like you people wish it was.

Again I give you the right to own whatever you want, just have a permit., and pass a background check.and thats not good enough for you.thats still to much.
Then to me that makes you an unreasonable person. You are actually a hinder to the advancement of society.

When people start claiming posts are "stupid" that is when they know they are supporting the wrong side of the discussion and are man or woman enough to admit it.

Hardly..I present a logical argument and in return I get absurd what ifs.

Am taking the middle of the road approach. It pleases rational thinking people. Note most americans favor background checks. You are on the wrong side of that debate period.
Wrong. I never ever stated that it banned me from owning a gun, I said correctly that it infringes (read a dictionary) on my gun rights. And it certainly does that. The fact that it doesn't do anything at all to curb gun violence nor does it stop "lunatics" from getting guns makes it an absolutely worthless piece of legislation. All it does is make legal gun buying more difficult (infringement).

And it's panty-wearing liberals like you who need a box of tissues for all the crying you've been doing lately. Since the NRA has been bitch-slapping you guys for the past year or two.

Yeah curbing violence is a pathetic talking point. Im just going to ignore it from now on.
It doesn't infringe on your right unless you are mentally insane or a criminal. Are you either of these?

Im Not worried when I have to take a drug test for a job. See thats the problem. If this was a private company you wouldnt say shit. Its because its the government that you have a problem. Everything else about your argument is bullshit. Its about hating the government and that's it.

You are a waste of time. You are in this to win points and nothing more.

You keep insisting, against all logic, that it doesn't infringe on my rights as if simply because you say it it is true.

I am in this to counter left wing lunacy, and since you have no logical argument and in fact choose to ignore the argument, i win again.

Do you even understand the meaning of the word "infringe"?
Nevada Governor vetoes offensive Gun control bill.

Offensive? What is offensive about requiring background checks for gun purchases? Are you afraid of offending criminals?

JED i think a lot of people are afraid it does not stop after the check.....that your name will go onto the big....."HE HAS A GUN" govt list......and on that....i understand their distrust......

Which is why the recent gun legislation that didn't pass had in it a provision that disallowed a registry. So...
Offensive? What is offensive about requiring background checks for gun purchases? Are you afraid of offending criminals?

JED i think a lot of people are afraid it does not stop after the check.....that your name will go onto the big....."HE HAS A GUN" govt list......and on that....i understand their distrust......

The problem is that background checks do not stop any crimes or any injuries, all they do is invade the privacy of gun buyers.

Bullshit. If a criminal is not permitted to purchase a gun, then that in and of itself is a crime deterent.

Why is it a bad thing to keep felons from buying guns legally?
First - I don't own a gun. If I decide to buy one, I don't think it's the government business to know about it. I have no problem with a check to ensure I'm not a felon.

Second, as a Nevadan and American and retired army veteran, I completely agree with the governor's decision to veto this stupid bill.

The lefties here in Nevada - and elsewhere - are going to make a big deal of it but a lot of Nevadans will remember this positively when Sandoval runs again.

Good on him!!!

[He didn't run the poll - lefties did!]


If you have no problems with a background check to ensure you are not a felon, then what exactly is your problem with this bill? Specifically.


Its intent is to restrict rights.

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