Nevada to join National Popular Vote compact

The Nevada Senate approved Tuesday a National Popular Vote bill on a party-line vote, sending the legislation aimed at upending the Electoral College to the governor.

Assembly Bill 186, which passed the Senateon a 12-8 vote, would bring Nevada into the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, an agreement between participating states to cast their electoral votes for the winner of the popular vote.

If signed as expected by Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak, Nevada would become the 16th jurisdiction to join the compact, along with 14 states and the District of Columbia. The compact would take effect after states totaling 270 electoral votes, and with Nevada, the total would reach 195.

Nevada Senate passes National Popular Vote bill on party-line vote

That’s 2 new states in less than 2 months. The NPV keeps chugging along.
Nevada is getting better and better. Now it also has a majority of women in its state legislature.
/——/ Nevada relegates itself to fly over country status.
How so?

They still have two senators and two congressmen

Nevada doesn’t have any Reps in the house? Senators are congressmen. You’re so stupid. U of Buffalo education...
He clearly said they have two Congressmen....were you not paying attention?

He said AND....that sentence didn’t make any sense. Nevada has two senators and four house reps for a total of six congressmen. You’re as dumb as he is. Which I already knew. So why dodge my tax question?
Most of the country prefers it because HRC lost and if it went the other way, I d rip the Republicans too. So, saying I had ADHD was a compliment? LOL

To be honest they wanted it before 2016.

I just Think you’re stupid. But that’s an opinion.

Don't complain about ad hominem attacks and then make a hypocrite out of yourself in the very next post.
Most of the country prefers it because HRC lost and if it went the other way, I d rip the Republicans too. So, saying I had ADHD was a compliment? LOL

To be honest they wanted it before 2016.

I just Think you’re stupid. But that’s an opinion.

Don't complain about ad hominem attacks and then make a hypocrite out of yourself in the very next post.

You fell for the trap. So calling you stupid is an insult but stating I have ADHD is not? LOL

Show proof that Republicans were not happy with the EC prior to the 2016 election results.
Most of the country prefers it because HRC lost and if it went the other way, I d rip the Republicans too. So, saying I had ADHD was a compliment? LOL

To be honest they wanted it before 2016.

I just Think you’re stupid. But that’s an opinion.

Don't complain about ad hominem attacks and then make a hypocrite out of yourself in the very next post.

You fell for the trap. So calling you stupid is an insult but stating I have ADHD is not? LOL

Show proof that Republicans were not happy with the EC prior to the 2016 election results.

Sure, you can pick through this, I posted it previously.

Polls Show more than 70% Support for a Nationwide Vote for President

Can we stay on topic now?
The Nevada Senate approved Tuesday a National Popular Vote bill on a party-line vote, sending the legislation aimed at upending the Electoral College to the governor.

Assembly Bill 186, which passed the Senateon a 12-8 vote, would bring Nevada into the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, an agreement between participating states to cast their electoral votes for the winner of the popular vote.

If signed as expected by Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak, Nevada would become the 16th jurisdiction to join the compact, along with 14 states and the District of Columbia. The compact would take effect after states totaling 270 electoral votes, and with Nevada, the total would reach 195.

Nevada Senate passes National Popular Vote bill on party-line vote

That’s 2 new states in less than 2 months. The NPV keeps chugging along.
/——/ Libs attempt to dismantle the Republic will be tested in the USSC Could states overturn the electoral college?
How is that overturning the Electoral College?
/—-/ I posted the link that explains it. Try reading it.
Most of the country prefers it because HRC lost and if it went the other way, I d rip the Republicans too. So, saying I had ADHD was a compliment? LOL

To be honest they wanted it before 2016.

I just Think you’re stupid. But that’s an opinion.

Don't complain about ad hominem attacks and then make a hypocrite out of yourself in the very next post.

You fell for the trap. So calling you stupid is an insult but stating I have ADHD is not? LOL

Show proof that Republicans were not happy with the EC prior to the 2016 election results.

Sure, you can pick through this, I posted it previously.

Polls Show more than 70% Support for a Nationwide Vote for President

Can we stay on topic now?

You mean may we? Sure. Those polls were from 2008. Or Eight years before the 2016 election. And I said show proof that Republicans want it not the majority of the country. There are more registered Dems than Republicans but we Independents decide elections. Well sans Cali and NY, which are Blue brainwashed states.
Are we going to stop electing Senators and Representatives? No? Then it’s YOU who doesn’t know what a republic is. Every election but one is done by popular vote. If you don’t like this, pass an amendment taking away state’s right to allocate their electoral votes.
That's because the house and Senate have other protections and location specific guidelines ya moron.
name-calling again.
Cry me a river ya deplorable
name-calling again...interesting to see who's losing their cool in this thread....and who isn't.
I haven't lost anything lol. You seem a bit triggered which is ironic after all the names your party, including you, have called us on the right.
When you and those who represent you come to the table like adults maybe we can ditch the insults.
Of course you aren't losing your cool....not at all. :71:
That's because the house and Senate have other protections and location specific guidelines ya moron.
name-calling again.
Cry me a river ya deplorable
name-calling again...interesting to see who's losing their cool in this thread....and who isn't.
I haven't lost anything lol. You seem a bit triggered which is ironic after all the names your party, including you, have called us on the right.
When you and those who represent you come to the table like adults maybe we can ditch the insults.
Of course you aren't losing your cool....not at all. :71:

If course you’re not dodging me again. Oh wait.
The Nevada Senate approved Tuesday a National Popular Vote bill on a party-line vote, sending the legislation aimed at upending the Electoral College to the governor.

Assembly Bill 186, which passed the Senateon a 12-8 vote, would bring Nevada into the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, an agreement between participating states to cast their electoral votes for the winner of the popular vote.

If signed as expected by Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak, Nevada would become the 16th jurisdiction to join the compact, along with 14 states and the District of Columbia. The compact would take effect after states totaling 270 electoral votes, and with Nevada, the total would reach 195.

Nevada Senate passes National Popular Vote bill on party-line vote

That’s 2 new states in less than 2 months. The NPV keeps chugging along.
/——/ Libs attempt to dismantle the Republic will be tested in the USSC Could states overturn the electoral college?
How is that overturning the Electoral College?
/—-/ I posted the link that explains it. Try reading it.
You know your link doesn't say that the Electoral College is being overturned, right?
Most of the country prefers it because HRC lost and if it went the other way, I d rip the Republicans too. So, saying I had ADHD was a compliment? LOL

To be honest they wanted it before 2016.

I just Think you’re stupid. But that’s an opinion.

Don't complain about ad hominem attacks and then make a hypocrite out of yourself in the very next post.

You fell for the trap. So calling you stupid is an insult but stating I have ADHD is not? LOL

Show proof that Republicans were not happy with the EC prior to the 2016 election results.

Sure, you can pick through this, I posted it previously.

Polls Show more than 70% Support for a Nationwide Vote for President

Can we stay on topic now?

You mean may we? Sure. Those polls were from 2008. Or Eight years before the 2016 election. And I said show proof that Republicans want it not the majority of the country. There are more registered Dems than Republicans but we Independents decide elections. Well sans Cali and NY, which are Blue brainwashed states.
/——/ Indies outnumber Dems and Repubs according to Pew Research. Just saying
name-calling again.
Cry me a river ya deplorable
name-calling again...interesting to see who's losing their cool in this thread....and who isn't.
I haven't lost anything lol. You seem a bit triggered which is ironic after all the names your party, including you, have called us on the right.
When you and those who represent you come to the table like adults maybe we can ditch the insults.
Of course you aren't losing your cool....not at all. :71:

If course you’re not dodging me again. Oh wait.
I'm fascinating by you and Grandpa tag teaming.......
The Nevada Senate approved Tuesday a National Popular Vote bill on a party-line vote, sending the legislation aimed at upending the Electoral College to the governor.

Assembly Bill 186, which passed the Senateon a 12-8 vote, would bring Nevada into the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, an agreement between participating states to cast their electoral votes for the winner of the popular vote.

If signed as expected by Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak, Nevada would become the 16th jurisdiction to join the compact, along with 14 states and the District of Columbia. The compact would take effect after states totaling 270 electoral votes, and with Nevada, the total would reach 195.

Nevada Senate passes National Popular Vote bill on party-line vote

That’s 2 new states in less than 2 months. The NPV keeps chugging along.
/——/ Libs attempt to dismantle the Republic will be tested in the USSC Could states overturn the electoral college?
How is that overturning the Electoral College?
/—-/ I posted the link that explains it. Try reading it.
You know your link doesn't say that the Electoral College is being overturned, right?
/——/ Yes. It explains how Progs are trying to side step it.
Most of the country prefers it because HRC lost and if it went the other way, I d rip the Republicans too. So, saying I had ADHD was a compliment? LOL

To be honest they wanted it before 2016.

I just Think you’re stupid. But that’s an opinion.

Don't complain about ad hominem attacks and then make a hypocrite out of yourself in the very next post.

You fell for the trap. So calling you stupid is an insult but stating I have ADHD is not? LOL

Show proof that Republicans were not happy with the EC prior to the 2016 election results.

Sure, you can pick through this, I posted it previously.

Polls Show more than 70% Support for a Nationwide Vote for President

Can we stay on topic now?

You mean may we? Sure.

Wow, that's mature, I bet you sit a the big boy table on Thanks Giving too.

Those polls were from 2008. Or Eight years before the 2016 election. And I said show proof that Republicans want it not the majority of the country. There are more registered Dems than Republicans but we Independents decide elections. Well sans Cali and NY, which are Blue brainwashed states.

See, this is where you get a little slow. This was what you said: "Show proof that Republicans were not happy with the EC prior to the 2016 election results"

So that's what I did. Anyway, you're kind of boring me kid.

EDIT: Also, there is info in my link regarding Republicans, trying you know....curiosity.
Cry me a river ya deplorable
name-calling again...interesting to see who's losing their cool in this thread....and who isn't.
I haven't lost anything lol. You seem a bit triggered which is ironic after all the names your party, including you, have called us on the right.
When you and those who represent you come to the table like adults maybe we can ditch the insults.
Of course you aren't losing your cool....not at all. :71:

If course you’re not dodging me again. Oh wait.
I'm fascinating by you and Grandpa tag teaming.......

Your wet dreams are odd
Most of the country prefers it because HRC lost and if it went the other way, I d rip the Republicans too. So, saying I had ADHD was a compliment? LOL

To be honest they wanted it before 2016.

I just Think you’re stupid. But that’s an opinion.

Don't complain about ad hominem attacks and then make a hypocrite out of yourself in the very next post.

You fell for the trap. So calling you stupid is an insult but stating I have ADHD is not? LOL

Show proof that Republicans were not happy with the EC prior to the 2016 election results.

Sure, you can pick through this, I posted it previously.

Polls Show more than 70% Support for a Nationwide Vote for President

Can we stay on topic now?

You mean may we? Sure.

Wow, that's mature, I bet you sit a the big boy table on Thanks Giving too.

Those polls were from 2008. Or Eight years before the 2016 election. And I said show proof that Republicans want it not the majority of the country. There are more registered Dems than Republicans but we Independents decide elections. Well sans Cali and NY, which are Blue brainwashed states.

See, this is where you get a little slow. This was what you said: "Show proof that Republicans were not happy with the EC prior to the 2016 election results"

So that's what I did. Anyway, you're kind of boring me kid.

Nope. I said Republicans. Try again.
To be honest they wanted it before 2016.

Don't complain about ad hominem attacks and then make a hypocrite out of yourself in the very next post.

You fell for the trap. So calling you stupid is an insult but stating I have ADHD is not? LOL

Show proof that Republicans were not happy with the EC prior to the 2016 election results.

Sure, you can pick through this, I posted it previously.

Polls Show more than 70% Support for a Nationwide Vote for President

Can we stay on topic now?

You mean may we? Sure.

Wow, that's mature, I bet you sit a the big boy table on Thanks Giving too.

Those polls were from 2008. Or Eight years before the 2016 election. And I said show proof that Republicans want it not the majority of the country. There are more registered Dems than Republicans but we Independents decide elections. Well sans Cali and NY, which are Blue brainwashed states.

See, this is where you get a little slow. This was what you said: "Show proof that Republicans were not happy with the EC prior to the 2016 election results"

So that's what I did. Anyway, you're kind of boring me kid.

Nope. I said Republicans. Try again.

Try the link again, there is info regarding Republicans.
Every vote should count the same, it sure does in Congress, even 1 vote.
Then it wouldn't be a constitutional REPUBLIC now would it?

"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic Violence.


"It is sometimes claimed that the Founders wanted American governments to be "republics rather than democracies," but this claim is not quite accurate. In their linguistic usage, the Founders employed the terms "democracy" and "republic" with overlapping or even interchangeable meanings. Only one species of democracy was deemed inconsistent with republicanism. This was "pure democracy" or "simple and perfect democracy," a theoretical constitution identified by Aristotle and mentioned by John Adams and James Madison, among others. A pure democracy had no magistrates, because the "mob" made all decisions, including all executive and judicial decisions. The Founders saw this kind of democracy as inconsistent with republicanism, because it did not honor the rule of law. The Guarantee Clause's protection against domestic violence assures orderly government and the rule of law, and protects the states' legitimate magistracy against mob rule."
Guide to the Constitution

Of course if the people wish to change the Constitution they can.

Even tho there's nothing about getting rid of the EC in the OP....why would it no longer be a Republican Form of Government?

The Electoral College is required per the Constitution. Bypassing it would ignore the XII Amendment. States cannot simply vote their way around it as it is mandated as a function of the federal government. The same as states cannot simply vote to ignore a woman's right to vote (example)...I think you can figure it out.

Amusing post, but doesn't address the question, does it.

You DO realize there is no such point made in the OP link ----- right? Or didn't you bother to check it?
If you live in Nevada don't even bother to go vote. Your vote won't mean jackshit. You have outsourced your say in the government to some sorry ass welfare queen in one of the Los Angeles ghettos. You know, the kind of worthless idiot that votes for shitheads like Maxine Waters and Obama.

Such a crybaby you are. No whining from the left when Wyoming gets two US Senators just like California, even though the city of L.A. alone has five or six times the entire population of Wyoming. Be happy with what you got. A minority party having way more power than it really deserves.
The Nevada Senate approved Tuesday a National Popular Vote bill on a party-line vote, sending the legislation aimed at upending the Electoral College to the governor.

Assembly Bill 186, which passed the Senateon a 12-8 vote, would bring Nevada into the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, an agreement between participating states to cast their electoral votes for the winner of the popular vote.

If signed as expected by Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak, Nevada would become the 16th jurisdiction to join the compact, along with 14 states and the District of Columbia. The compact would take effect after states totaling 270 electoral votes, and with Nevada, the total would reach 195.

Nevada Senate passes National Popular Vote bill on party-line vote

That’s 2 new states in less than 2 months. The NPV keeps chugging along.
Why do have a problem of the majority rule ?
The EC is outdated and not compatible with our time.
Totally Illegal and Unconstitutional and will be challenged at The Supreme Court Level and be shot down.

What's wrong Lib Tards?

Can't win anything honestly?
They won 2 presidential terms our of the last 3. and they just won mid terms by 9 million votes more than the the cons. Are you from 2019?

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