Never-Before-Seen-Footage – Biden Makes His Classic Predator Move On A Toddler And Sniffs Him On The Back

So you read about it...

Yup. I also read about some guy on an internet discussion board who uses the image of a child exposing his anus, in his sig line.

I think his name was "Moonglow" or something.
Biden has a mental disorder called trichophilia
Trichophilia, also known as a hair fetish, is when someone feels sexually aroused by or attracted to human hair. This can be any type of human hair, such as chest hair, armpit hair, or...

How about ass crack hair? I have some here for Joe to sniff . . . 👃
If this doesn't tell you this Usurper is a pedophile, nothing will. Share this far and wide!

Joe seems to think that putting his head down with others touching them
is some sort of "communing" religious act of joining souls
with others with no sense of how it looks to
other people despite being warned
at least a couple times!

It just so happens that
it is always with little kids and
while doing so, he can conveniently
run his nose, hands, and whatever other body
parts we don't want to know about all over their bodies!

You have a dirty mind.

Damn. Are you aware that the guy used to swim naked in front of his female secret service and take showers with his daughter by HER own words?

I have pictures from Hunter's laptop of a naked Joe standing next to a naked young girl touching her but I'd probably get banned here if I posted it!

Dirty mind your ass.
At his age, I am sure the woody is more like a dead branch.
Does NOT excuse the extremely disgusting behavior of kissing little boys on lips, smelling hair and putting his filthy hands on
young girls.

And remember FaceBook said very clearly about these pictures..."standards on nudity or sexual activity"
Geez what could they possibly see as "sexual activity"???
Just to clearly understand... FaceBook says these photos have some sexual content... so why if these were all just innocent behavior of what we call a "dirty old man"!
Does NOT excuse the extremely disgusting behavior of kissing little boys on lips, smelling hair and putting his filthy hands on
young girls.
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And remember FaceBook said very clearly about these pictures..."standards on nudity or sexual activity"
Geez what could they possibly see as "sexual activity"???
Just to clearly understand... FaceBook says these photos have some sexual content... so why if these were all just innocent behavior of what we call a "dirty old man"!
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You must of really hated Jesus he was always doing the same.
He's disgusting, people that voted for him over the last 50 years should feel shame.
You must of really hated Jesus he was always doing the same.
Only you could possibly see Jesus as a pedophile! By the way do you have any photos of Jesus sniffing girls hair or taking showers with young girls or swimming in the nude in front of female secret service? Just curious because you equate Joe with Jesus? Wow talk about a cult member... "Moonglow says Biden is like Christ"! Wow!

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