Never fear, I'm not giving up


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
It is past time for a serious discussion of America’s proper place in the world, but that will require completely overturning the country’s Establishment and challenging the “exceptionalism” view that the U.S. must dominate as a “force for good.” Unfortunately, there is no politician anywhere on the horizon who is able and willing to take the lead on such an endeavor.

Imperial Overstretch Arrives: Americans Do Not Need the American Empire

The signs are everywhere. The costs of empire continue to rise while real benefits to be derived from it are elusive. The United States government spends far more on a bloated defense budget than it can afford, adding to an unsustainable national debt that currently exceeds $27 trillion, which is 128% of the country’s entire gross domestic product. The debt will likely increase dramatically if there are any more coronavirus stimulus packages. The nation is becoming hollowed out as a result.

America’s “allies” have inevitably rightly become increasingly disengaged from Washington, reluctant to comply with Washington’s directions and demands, while the developing transition from the dollar as the world’s reserve currency is proceeding and will have catastrophic consequences. When the U.S. Treasury stops being able to print money at will, there will be national insolvency.

.....................But hey, y;all keep praying to your christian god that he'll smite the enemy- of course asking a parent to smite his favorite child is kinda dumb- but part and parcel to Public Education dumbing down approved of and subscribed to by BOTH sides of the Duopoly Party
It is past time for a serious discussion of America’s proper place in the world, but that will require completely overturning the country’s Establishment and challenging the “exceptionalism” view that the U.S. must dominate as a “force for good.” Unfortunately, there is no politician anywhere on the horizon who is able and willing to take the lead on such an endeavor.

Imperial Overstretch Arrives: Americans Do Not Need the American Empire

The signs are everywhere. The costs of empire continue to rise while real benefits to be derived from it are elusive. The United States government spends far more on a bloated defense budget than it can afford, adding to an unsustainable national debt that currently exceeds $27 trillion, which is 128% of the country’s entire gross domestic product. The debt will likely increase dramatically if there are any more coronavirus stimulus packages. The nation is becoming hollowed out as a result.

America’s “allies” have inevitably rightly become increasingly disengaged from Washington, reluctant to comply with Washington’s directions and demands, while the developing transition from the dollar as the world’s reserve currency is proceeding and will have catastrophic consequences. When the U.S. Treasury stops being able to print money at will, there will be national insolvency.

FOR THE QUESTION MARK AVATAR: MY OPINION.....................But hey, y;all keep praying to your christian god that he'll smite the enemy- of course asking a parent to smite his favorite child is kinda dumb- but part and parcel to Public Education dumbing down approved of and subscribed to by BOTH sides of the Duopoly Party
It is the corporations that controls the government. They are making sure that the people buys their products. They have the government to raise our taxes to make sure that we have enough in the kettle to spend on their products. But they don't have to worry about the tax hikes that they've created.
And so the owners of these corporations are the Globalist. They make the rules that we have to live by.
So just sit back and reach into your pocketbook and whatever is in it , give to Big corporations.


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Empire: an extensive group of states or countries under a single supreme authority, formerly especially an emperor or empress.
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It is past time for a serious discussion of America’s proper place in the world, but that will require completely overturning the country’s Establishment and challenging the “exceptionalism” view that the U.S. must dominate as a “force for good.” Unfortunately, there is no politician anywhere on the horizon who is able and willing to take the lead on such an endeavor.

Imperial Overstretch Arrives: Americans Do Not Need the American Empire

The signs are everywhere. The costs of empire continue to rise while real benefits to be derived from it are elusive. The United States government spends far more on a bloated defense budget than it can afford, adding to an unsustainable national debt that currently exceeds $27 trillion, which is 128% of the country’s entire gross domestic product. The debt will likely increase dramatically if there are any more coronavirus stimulus packages. The nation is becoming hollowed out as a result.

America’s “allies” have inevitably rightly become increasingly disengaged from Washington, reluctant to comply with Washington’s directions and demands, while the developing transition from the dollar as the world’s reserve currency is proceeding and will have catastrophic consequences. When the U.S. Treasury stops being able to print money at will, there will be national insolvency.

FOR THE QUESTION MARK AVATAR: MY OPINION.....................But hey, y;all keep praying to your christian god that he'll smite the enemy- of course asking a parent to smite his favorite child is kinda dumb- but part and parcel to Public Education dumbing down approved of and subscribed to by BOTH sides of the Duopoly Party
Your link:

"The reality is that unless an 'imperial' acquisition is done purely for exploitative reasons, as Belgium did in the Congo, having an empire operates at a considerable loss."

Michael Hudson does a pretty good job of explaining how the US Empire exists to underpin the dollar as a global reserve currency:

"My book 'Super Imperialism' was about how the United States has gained a free lunch by establishing the dollar as international reserve currency by replacing gold.

"I also showed that the U.S. balance of payments deficit is almost entirely military related to support its 800 bases around the world.

"Ending the gold-exchange standard in 1971 created a situation in which the excess U.S. dollars thrown off by the U.S. payments deficit end up in foreign central bank."

Dollar Recycling | Michael Hudson

I wonder if eliminating the US empire would automatically eliminate the dollar as a global reserve currency?:eek:
When Exactly Did the AngloZionist Empire Collapse?

I disagree with the timeline- it hasn't yet. The beginning can be argued- the end isn't here to argue.
I worry about the rise of the Chinese military. And our inability to replace hardware as quick in a conventional war showdown. Some of our systems are more advanced. It seems like it would be more of a shooting war then a ground troop one. Maybe we have top secret weapons that are war winners. If we do not, we could be the ones going nuclear first.

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