Never forget 9-11-01.....Okay I give, what's the deal with "Never forget"?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Why would we forget? Was this a problem for say, Pearl Harbor?

What aren't we supposed to forget?

Why is it important we not forget?

Any chance it's just a slogan that sounds cool, draws attention and marketing? Perhaps a "feel good" for national pride?

I'm often very literal, cause and purpose, yadda yadda........It can be a problem:banghead:
dont worry
they forgot

This was just banned on facebook TODAY
Somebody did something

On my drive home, a bunch of people crowded an overpass with some flags and signs that said "never forget".

It backed traffic up on the freeway pretty bad.

I was a little confused about this as well. Why are people holding up traffic to insist that I remember something that I'm pretty sure we all remember anyway? Maybe they're trying to inspire national pride or unity or something. If so, then the execution probably could have been better thought out.
Never forget, Islam’s goal is to destroy Western civilization.

It so happens that’s the goal of the neo-Marxist faggots that run the Democrat Party and most of the EU political parties. That’s why they are in bed with Islam and are trying to import as many as they can.

Muslims could be dealt with easily, if it weren’t for the neo-Marxist faggots that sabotage any policy to protect our nation from the Islamic threat.
Never forget, Islam’s goal is to destroy Western civilization.

It so happens that’s the goal of the neo-Marxist faggots that run the Democrat Party and most of the EU political parties. That’s why they are in bed with Islam and are trying to import as many as they can.

Muslims could be dealt with easily, if it weren’t for the neo-Marxist faggots that sabotage any policy to protect our nation from the Islamic threat.
Well, golly, hawk, your hero had the three branches of govt under his wing for 2 years, why don't you ask him why nothing got done?
Post that categorize Islam region under one umbrella is really a good reason to at least let it go.Now it is just political and flag waving. No one understands what happen and why

A bunch of radicals who were Islamic did the deed, blaming all Muslim's is like blaming all Japanese for pearl harbor. Everyone who is Islamic did not do the deed.

SA is Islamic nation and the US sells them military weapons no problem

People are aware of 9/11 and Bin Laden paid with his life for it. They are still hunting for those who manage to get away.
Post that categorize Islam region under one umbrella is really a good reason to at least let it go.Now it is just political and flag waving. No one understands what happen and why

A bunch of radicals who were Islamic did the deed, blaming all Muslim's is like blaming all Japanese for pearl harbor. Everyone who is Islamic did not do the deed.

SA is Islamic nation and the US sells them military weapons no problem

People are aware of 9/11 and Bin Laden paid with his life for it. They are still hunting for those who manage to get away.

what sort of "post" categorizes islam under one umbrella << watevah da fluck that means? So far I have never seen a post that blames ALL MUSLIMS for the atrocity of 9-11-01. HOWEVER any suggestion that the action had NOTHING
to do with the actual PREVALENT muslim teachings is sorta like saying that
Auschwitz had NOTHING to do with the ideology of nazism
The thing I think we should never forget other than the honored dead is how nationalism and the desire for security became our worst enemy.
The thing I think we should never forget other than the honored dead is how nationalism and the desire for security became our worst enemy.

It is not clear to me how the event of 9-11-01 enngendered a DANGEROUS
DESIRE for security or a dangerous manifestation of nationalism. Can you
be more specific or expand on your allegation?
Post that categorize Islam region under one umbrella is really a good reason to at least let it go.Now it is just political and flag waving. No one understands what happen and why

A bunch of radicals who were Islamic did the deed, blaming all Muslim's is like blaming all Japanese for pearl harbor. Everyone who is Islamic did not do the deed.

SA is Islamic nation and the US sells them military weapons no problem

People are aware of 9/11 and Bin Laden paid with his life for it. They are still hunting for those who manage to get away.
While none are going to forget the events of 9/11; it is important that the people as a whole commemorate/commiserate the events of 9/11 annually in order to engender a sense of acceptance for the stripping away of the peoples civil liberties, and the gargantuan growth of the Federal Govenment as it consolidates power. The last thing the government can risk is having the uppity plebes question the government's reaction to the events of 9/11.
Never forget. This is what Muslims did.
Supposedly...the jury is still out in large.
Only in Dumbfuckistan.

super-duper HYPER-DENIAL ----makes me SUSPICIOUS. In the case of
9-11-01 ----the DENIALS were so adamant and WELL-FORMED that
they seemed to have been pre-conceived. On the very first day the rumor
went around that ---' no jews came to work at the WTC that day ' ------it was
a bit of "intelligence" virtually impossible to "know" so quickly-----but it got
repeated even in foreign countries. ---the same week an Egyptian teenage
on interview "KNEW" this information to be true. I read Nazi propaganda as
a kid (my town was in the vicinity of the Hudson river valley----which was chock
full of Nazi enclaves back in the day) ------it was clear from the little pamphlets
that "DENIAL" was planned before the actual event ----way back in the mid-1930s. DENIAL IS A CLUE

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