Never forget this was the Fani Willis Grand Jury Foreperson during these Investigations in Georgia

There is that "denial is not just a river in Egypt" idiot yet again.

The judge said there is no question he raped her, in throwing out Trump's latest attempt to toss the case.

Just simply totally false.
Where do you get your information?
Every time you make a post about Biden receiving bribes, you demonstrate just how gullible and stupid you really are.

When the only way you can attack your opponent is to lie about him, you're not much of a candidate. The Republican Party has nothing but lies about the Democrats because they offer the American people nothing but incompetence and hate.

The nation thrived under the New Deal. Under the Reagan Tax Codes, which are still in effect, wages have stagnated, and the American working family has been improverished, and stripped of every opportunity to improve their situation. They've seen no real wage increases since 1980. When Reagan was elected, they owned 5% of the wealth of the nation. Today, their wealth is gone, and millions of working Americans are dependent on food stamps or Section 8 to put food on the table, or a roof over their heads.

Other first world countries provided income supports, and free retraining programs for workers displaced by off-shoring or technology. The USA abandoned these workers to rebuild their own lives and futures after government policies and international trade deals saw jobs millions of low end manufacturing jobs relocated to Asia, and/or displaced by technology.

Republicans seem to think that they have to starve American workers and keep them needy, because they're too lazy to work otherwise. 80% of able bodied adults who are receiving government benefits, are working at least one full time job. 60% of the wealthy Americans who are receiving the bulk of the tax breaks, are unemployed.

Giving people cash during covid enabled people to reduce their debt, and released years of pent up consumer demand. When it takes more than what you earn to provide the necessities, you're don't have extra cash for new furniture, a car, or moving to a better neighbourhood.

The economy has "supply" and "demand". It doesn't matter how much "supply" there is. If people have no money to buy the product, you're going to fail because there's no "demand". American corporations have remained profitable by exporting their products to other first world countries with thriving middle class customers. But you're running out of "new markets" for your products. And all the off-shoring of the past 40 years came back to haunt you in the pandemic, and your supply chains were completely disrupted.

Republicans used to be the party of foresight and vision. Now they're just petty grifters out to retain powerr by all means necessary.
Trump was doing so good you had to use a pandemic to crash the economy. Biden is the most corrupt president in our history.
Nah. He has 18 co conspirators. He's already throwing them under the bus. Expect at least one of the conspirators to turn. Giuliani won't want to go to prison. Neither will Meadows.
w that "bus throwing" time has arrived the prosecutors will generally be more interested in what the 18 have to say than what Trump has to say.

Trump is a prolific liar so nothing he says can be trusted inside or outside court.
He's the big fish. He's not getting away.
You will summarily deny, dismiss and ignore the following, because that is what you are conditioned to do.

In a chapter titled, “The Call,” Raffensperger lays out a transcript of the conversation, sprinkling in his thoughts throughout the conversation. For example, when Trump said Raffensperger’s assertions that the elections were legitimate were “very dangerous,” the state official took it as intimidation.

“I felt then—and still believe today—that this was a threat,” he recalls.

He also makes it clear how he interpreted it when Trump warned the state official and the agency’s lawyer, Ryan Germany, that standing firm with the election results was “a big risk to you” and “a criminal offense.”

The book not only sheds new details on what was going through the secretary of state’s head during the call, it also makes it clear that Raffensperger thought the call was peppered with threats from “a president who felt that bullying the secretary of state of Georgia was his only means to change the outcome.” And while the president’s allies have defended Trump’s call as perfectly legal and unthreatening, Raffensperger says in his book that he interpreted Trump’s words as a command.

  • (1) A person commits the offense of criminal solicitation to commit election fraud in the first degree when, with intent that another person engage in conduct constituting a felony under this article, he or she solicits, requests, commands, importunes, or otherwise attempts to cause the other person to engage in such conduct.
So what was the "felony" that Trump was asking him to commit, Clarence?
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Just simply totally false.
Where do you get your information?

From newspapers around the world. Where do you get your bullshit and lies from????

I give you over 7 years and running!

trump cornered.jpeg


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