Never Forget What Good Friends Democrats Have Been

1. Or, as Joe Biden reminds....'If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black'.

2. And if you are black, and voted for Biden....
"Massive increase in Black Americans murdered was result of defund police movement: experts

Black Americans were disproportionately affected by the skyrocketing murders of 2020"

Aside from criminals......who is this Democrat movement suppposed to benefit????
When their most loyal constituents, African Americans, consider this question, they should keep in mind that more African Americans have been killed by homicide these years than were killed in all of the VietNam war.

7,243 African Americans

In total, 7,243 African Americans died during the Vietnam War, representing 12.4% of total casualties.

Military history of African Americans in the Vietnam War › wiki › Military_history_of_Afri..

4. "324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years


5. "It was the misfortune of black Americans that they were just on the verge of passing through the immigrant experience when damaging ideas about welfare and the lenient attitude about crime took hold. It could have happened to the Italians, Germans, Jews or Irish, but luckily for them, there were no Liberals around to “help” when they arrived."
The Democrats of the KKK could never have murdered more blacks than what blacks are doing to themselves. Nothing has changed with the Democrat party, they smile when a black person is killed.
Who did MargaretSanger commit eugenics on?
The above troll, is one of the legions of indirect victims of the fascist democrat eugenics scheme, above troll is exactly what they were envisioning for those whom they termed, "social undesirables," successfully conditioned into lobbying for their own extermination, embracing such as liberty, or freedom.

Virtually all of the victims who make up the fascist base do just that, enthusiastically embrace baby killings, annihilation of the family model, and total dependence upon the fascist state for their every need, even as that fascist state slowly, unceasingly, snugs up the nooses about their neck's, tighter, and tighter, and tighter!

They think they are on the team, they are oblivious to the danger, oblivious to their peril, they were all brought to this lowly state of mind via the public school system, they are not on the team, they are merely a temporary tool force...

The Democrats of the KKK could never have murdered more blacks than what blacks are doing to themselves. Nothing has changed with the Democrat party, they smile when a black person is killed.

The Democrats of the KKK could never have murdered more blacks than what blacks are doing to themselves. Nothing has changed with the Democrat party, they smile when a black person is killed.

I don't know if I'd go quite so far as "they smile when a black person is killed," but they certainly don't care.

They encouraged out of wedlock births, and never criticize the pathologies of rap and all sorts of violence we see in so many black youth.

Is it possible to induce psychopathology in a subculture????

Clearly the answer is "yes."

Another feature to consider in the heredity vs. environment controversy: females are several times as numerous as males among blacks with high IQs.
Witty and Jenkins, "Educational Achievement of a Group of Gifted Negro Children," Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 25, p. 593.
They inherit the same genes, are raised in the same homes and neighborhoods......explanations rest on the culture, the excessively 'macho' roles of males associated with and emphasizing certain sociopathologies.

There is a pathology that certainly holds some individuals back, and it is one that has been encouraged by the Liberals/Democrats.

Yet the most ignorant members of said group refuse to acknowledge this truth, and continue to pay homage to the very individuals that are oppessing them: Democrats.

"FBI Statistics Show a 30% Increase in Murder in 2020. More Evidence That Defunding Police Wasn’t a Good Idea.

The murder rate rose by nearly 30% in 2020, more than any other time in the last half-century.

It’s hard not to see both the efforts to defund the police and—perhaps more importantly—the “Minneapolis Effect,” as driving factors.

What’s being done in the name of Black Lives Matter is destroying countless black lives and making American cities a dangerous place to be."

"Leftists’ anti-police policies have led to a startling number of black, Latino crime victims


A Fox News story reports there was a staggering 43% increase in the murders of black Americans in 2020 compared to the past 10-year average.

The finding is shocking — but not surprising. After all, New York proved decades ago that reducing crime disproportionally benefited blacks and Latinos because they comprise most of crime’s victims. Fewer crimes mean fewer victims of all races, but the drop is most pronounced among nonwhites.

The Fox story, based on FBI statistics, captures the failed experiment in bloody detail. Records show 7,484 black Americans were murdered in 2019 and 9,941 in 2020, an increase of 2,457 victims.

Previously, between 2010 and 2019, there was an average of 6,927 black murder victims each year, meaning the 2020 carnage
involved 3,014 murders above the 10-year average.

Although blacks make up only 13% of the US population, they often are a majority of murder victims and perpetrators. "

1650489148926.png the Democrat city called Chi-raq:

"The year of 2021 ended as one of the most violent on record in Chicago, as a rise in the number of shootings left more people dead than in any single year in a quarter century, according to statistics released by the police department on Saturday.

According to the department, 2021 ended with 797 homicides. That is 25 more than were recorded 2020, 299 more than in 2019 and the most since 1996. And there were 3,561 shooting incidents in 2021, which is just over 300 more than were recorded in 2020 and a staggering 1,415 more shooting incidents than were recorded in the city in 2019.

Other cities have also seen an increase in the number of homicides. But Chicago, as it has in previous years, ended 2021 with more homicides than any other city in the United States, including New York and Los Angeles, both of which had recorded at least 300 fewer homicides than Chicago for the year as of late December, according to police data from those cities."


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