Never let a tragedy go to waste.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Calls for greater gun control after mass shooting at elementary school | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Morons, more laws won't stop people bent on killing. Unless they plan to seal our borders and our coastline outlawing guns won't stop them from being available to crooks and killers.

By the way? In China a man murdered a bunch of elementary school children with a knife. One does not need a gun. And the ability to construct a huge bomb is pretty available as well.

Just so you know, I will never surrender my weapons.
Calls for greater gun control after mass shooting at elementary school | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Morons, more laws won't stop people bent on killing. Unless they plan to seal our borders and our coastline outlawing guns won't stop them from being available to crooks and killers.

By the way? In China a man murdered a bunch of elementary school children with a knife. One does not need a gun. And the ability to construct a huge bomb is pretty available as well.

Just so you know, I will never surrender my weapons.

I challenge you to a duel, I get a gun and you can have a knife.

It's the same thing, they can both kill someone, right?
Calls for greater gun control after mass shooting at elementary school | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Morons, more laws won't stop people bent on killing. Unless they plan to seal our borders and our coastline outlawing guns won't stop them from being available to crooks and killers.

By the way? In China a man murdered a bunch of elementary school children with a knife. One does not need a gun. And the ability to construct a huge bomb is pretty available as well.

Just so you know, I will never surrender my weapons.

I challenge you to a duel, I get a gun and you can have a knife.

It's the same thing, they can both kill someone, right?

I recently started throwing knives for fun. Give me another year or so and I might accept lol. But anyways, that was irrelevant to what he was saying
No new laws will come from this but your paranoia is noted.

Not from lack of trying, or did you miss the point?

The point was you whining "They're coming to take mah gunzzz" and I'm telling you that simply won't happen and none of us care about your view of gun rights. It's like a gay dude screaming that he's gay to everyone and thinking everyone is out to get him, when nobody cares.
Calls for greater gun control after mass shooting at elementary school | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Morons, more laws won't stop people bent on killing. Unless they plan to seal our borders and our coastline outlawing guns won't stop them from being available to crooks and killers.

By the way? In China a man murdered a bunch of elementary school children with a knife. One does not need a gun. And the ability to construct a huge bomb is pretty available as well.

Just so you know, I will never surrender my weapons.

I challenge you to a duel, I get a gun and you can have a knife.

It's the same thing, they can both kill someone, right?

I recently started throwing knives for fun. Give me another year or so and I might accept lol. But anyways, that was irrelevant to what he was saying

No it wasn't, in fact it tears apart the ridiculous notion that because other things can kill, there's no need to have regulations on guns of any kind.

Guns by far have a higher success rate for physical harm than knives, or anything else that doesn't project hot lead towards you faster than human eye can see.
Sensible oversight of who purchases weapons needs to be discussed. Pros and cons weighed and then a decision can be made.

On a side note I've noticed that many of these mass shooting are done by VERY young adult males with possible mental issues. That should also be a part of the discussion.
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Calls for greater gun control after mass shooting at elementary school | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Morons, more laws won't stop people bent on killing. Unless they plan to seal our borders and our coastline outlawing guns won't stop them from being available to crooks and killers.

By the way? In China a man murdered a bunch of elementary school children with a knife. One does not need a gun. And the ability to construct a huge bomb is pretty available as well.

Just so you know, I will never surrender my weapons.

Here's the wingnut brigade right on cue....not letting a tragedy go to waste. Get bent, asshole :up_yours:
Sorry to say that if a person wants to kill they will, and will find a way.
My neighbor had a restraining order and wasn't suppose to have a gun, yet he had a gun ,,,killed his beautiful son and then himself..He was set to kill and would have no matter what.
Something does need to be done, and its sad is that we the people are losing our rights having to go through machines in public places, be frisked down at airports.
Not just the gun laws are affecting our rights.
Hi Gramps!
I don't think anyone is arguing about the idea that if someone really wants to kill another, that it will more than likely be done.

But does that mean we should see that the process of such a thing is as accommodating as possible to the potential murderer?

Does anyone think that if that guy went into the school today with a couple of knives that this would've ended as tragically?
Yeah this was 20 kids, the topic is up for debate now and I don't really care if you don't like it.
The fucking NRA fights even "cooling off" periods.

The gun lobby will never be ready for a sensible conversation about this.
The "cooling off" period presumes that the gun purchaser won't again become "hot".

Anti-gun zealots will never be ready for a sensible conversation about this.

Nor progun zealots, that's why you ignore them and find a sensible approach
The fucking NRA fights even "cooling off" periods.

The gun lobby will never be ready for a sensible conversation about this.
The "cooling off" period presumes that the gun purchaser won't again become "hot".

Anti-gun zealots will never be ready for a sensible conversation about this.

So what? Lets presume! If a cooling off period stops one hothead, that's good legislation.
The fucking NRA fights even "cooling off" periods.

The gun lobby will never be ready for a sensible conversation about this.
The "cooling off" period presumes that the gun purchaser won't again become "hot".

Anti-gun zealots will never be ready for a sensible conversation about this.

So what? Lets presume! If a cooling off period stops one hothead, that's good legislation.
The hothead doesn't become a cooler head just because of some silly law.

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