Never thought I'd see the GOP and Russia working together hand in hand in an American election.

"We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities," the statement read.
Just how deep does the alleged Russian penetration go remains the subject of an FBI investigation.
But allegations have surfaced of Russian hackers attempting to access US voter records, of trying to sabotage the physical ballot and of unleashing its troll army -- Internet bloggers paid by the Kremlin to spread false information online -- in support of Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Suspicions have been fueled by the tightly controlled Russian media, which have made no secret of their preference for a Trump presidency.

Election 2016: Have Russian hackers already handed Vladimir Putin a victory? -

Never thought I'd see the GOP and Russia working together hand in hand in an American election. Remember, Trump invited them to hack. Trump gave them the green light.

How many decades have conservatives and republican accused and called anyone who doesn't agree with their views a communist?

Now they have a candidate who is married to a woman who was born and raised in a communist nation controlled by the USSR. Her parents are communists. She was indoctrinated with communism all of the first decades of her life.

trump's old campaign manager worked with putin.

Reports show that trump owes russian banks and businssmen hundreds of millions of dollars.

This is just too ironic. LOL.
When a foreign government interferes with an election in any democracy it must be crushed underfoot without haste. When it is an attack on the presidential election in the United States it is tantamount to war.

Trump not only is working with the Russians, he cheers them on to hack US Government Computers. Treason.

The Republican Party created this menace to the security of the entire world and they need to do everything they can to remove this POS from the ballot. This isn't a joke, it isn't 'politics as usual'. This is something new. Russia would never have thought of interfering with a US presidential election. As the current president is at the end of his tenure they have allied with Trump and Assange to usurp the US Election.

Put Kim Jong Un in place of Putin. What would the US do to North Korea if he were doing this?

Trump not only is working with the Russians, he cheers them on to hack US Government Computers.

Hillary's server was a US government computer? Are you sure?

Hillary's email has never been hacked.

John Podesta's and the DNC emails were hacked.

Do try to keep up. It's been in all the papers and on line.
When a foreign government interferes with an election in any democracy it must be crushed underfoot without haste. When it is an attack on the presidential election in the United States it is tantamount to war.

Trump not only is working with the Russians, he cheers them on to hack US Government Computers. Treason.

The Republican Party created this menace to the security of the entire world and they need to do everything they can to remove this POS from the ballot. This isn't a joke, it isn't 'politics as usual'. This is something new. Russia would never have thought of interfering with a US presidential election. As the current president is at the end of his tenure they have allied with Trump and Assange to usurp the US Election.

Put Kim Jong Un in place of Putin. What would the US do to North Korea if he were doing this?

Trump not only is working with the Russians, he cheers them on to hack US Government Computers.

Hillary's server was a US government computer? Are you sure?

Hillary's email has never been hacked.

John Podesta's and the DNC emails were hacked.

Do try to keep up. It's been in all the papers and on line.

Then why are all these entities claiming they have '33,000 missing emails'. Those are just random emails from AOL ten years ago?
When a foreign government interferes with an election in any democracy it must be crushed underfoot without haste. When it is an attack on the presidential election in the United States it is tantamount to war.

Trump not only is working with the Russians, he cheers them on to hack US Government Computers. Treason.

The Republican Party created this menace to the security of the entire world and they need to do everything they can to remove this POS from the ballot. This isn't a joke, it isn't 'politics as usual'. This is something new. Russia would never have thought of interfering with a US presidential election. As the current president is at the end of his tenure they have allied with Trump and Assange to usurp the US Election.

Put Kim Jong Un in place of Putin. What would the US do to North Korea if he were doing this?

Trump not only is working with the Russians, he cheers them on to hack US Government Computers.

Hillary's server was a US government computer? Are you sure?

Hillary's email has never been hacked.

John Podesta's and the DNC emails were hacked.

Do try to keep up. It's been in all the papers and on line.

Hillary's email has never been hacked.

Well, golly, why don't you post what Trump actually said about Russia and hacking? LOL!
"We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities," the statement read.
Just how deep does the alleged Russian penetration go remains the subject of an FBI investigation.
But allegations have surfaced of Russian hackers attempting to access US voter records, of trying to sabotage the physical ballot and of unleashing its troll army -- Internet bloggers paid by the Kremlin to spread false information online -- in support of Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Suspicions have been fueled by the tightly controlled Russian media, which have made no secret of their preference for a Trump presidency.

Election 2016: Have Russian hackers already handed Vladimir Putin a victory? -

Never thought I'd see the GOP and Russia working together hand in hand in an American election. Remember, Trump invited them to hack. Trump gave them the green light.

Russia is communist? Obama is awfully chummy with the Chinese, Bill "drop trou" gave them a deep sea water port in California and then he opened up the patent office to them in exchange for money. Neocons are nothing but the flip side of a coin

How many decades have conservatives and republican accused and called anyone who doesn't agree with their views a communist?

Now they have a candidate who is married to a woman who was born and raised in a communist nation controlled by the USSR. Her parents are communists. She was indoctrinated with communism all of the first decades of her life.

trump's old campaign manager worked with putin.

Reports show that trump owes russian banks and businssmen hundreds of millions of dollars.

This is just too ironic. LOL.

The commies infiltrated the demcrat party first and then started infiltrating the repub party (neocons) and it was all financed by the international bankers that own this country. Read some excepts from Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley.
The TEA party movement was an attempt to bring the repub party back to the right and take it from the neocons but as usual, it was co-opted. Remember how the press demonized the TEA party and called them "radicals"? Such utter bullshit. Yeah, it's radical to want to rid ourselves of the central bank and put a check on spending that is putting us further and further in debt to this parasitic banks that extend credit created by nothing.

The biggest problem that this country has is ignorance. They don't read and they believe every fucking thing the see on TV and take it as the gospel.
One thing this election has really taught me. How much Republicans sympathized with Russia. Reagan must be spinning over in his grave. I never thought I would live to see such a day.

When did Russia become an enemy of USA.INC again? Where are you coming from? What has Russia done to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse?

Putin made their clown Obungles look like the impotent jackass he is.

Like what nitwit?

May I answer? Because Putin prevented the Barrypuppet from invading Syria. He made the Barrypuppet look like an idiot by taking out more CIA funded "ISIS" than Barrypuppet did in 4 years. Barrypuppet is trying to find the checkers while Putin is playing chess.....any other questions????

Your opinion based from racist bullshit and hatred doesn't mean a diddly shit of credibility. Try again.

Putin made their clown Obungles look like the impotent jackass he is.

Like what nitwit?

May I answer? Because Putin prevented the Barrypuppet from invading Syria. He made the Barrypuppet look like an idiot by taking out more CIA funded "ISIS" than Barrypuppet did in 4 years. Barrypuppet is trying to find the checkers while Putin is playing chess.....any other questions????

Your opinion based from racist bullshit and hatred doesn't mean a diddly shit of credibility. Try again.


Since you are supporting a racist asshole then you are a racist.

Our president name is Barrack Obama............ Not Barrypupet or Obungles. Start with that asshole.


Mocking the other sides Presidents have become the norm, long ago.

YOur pretense that mocking this President is proof of racism is just you being a fucking asshole.

So, fuck you.
Republicans and communists are natural allies. And it is surprising but not really unexpected of them to betray the country and side with Russia. That they, at least Trump and his cohort, are doing it so publicly is amateurish. Putin must be pissed at Trump for sinking his own campaign.

These are anti American.

Only a completely ignorant moron would call Russia or Putin communists at this point in time.
You dumb nitwit. What the hell is wrong with you. You don't show the enemy how you know. You leave them guessing.

But if our intelligence agencies say they have proof, they probably have proof. Obama isn't doing to the CIA what Bush and the GOP did.

In fact, if it were Bush in office, he would be pressuring the CIA to say it was the Russians. Like he did with Iraq. Republicans don't give a shit about the truth. If they did, they wouldn't have this wild support for Trump no matter what.

This from Christianity Today:

And therefore it is completely consistent that Trump is an idolater in many other ways. He has given no evidence of humility or dependence on others, let alone on God his Maker and Judge. He wantonly celebrates strongmen and takes every opportunity to humiliate and demean the vulnerable. He shows no curiosity or capacity to learn. He is, in short, the very embodiment of what the Bible calls a fool.

Speak Truth to Trump

But I thought you said Russia wasn't our enemy. Didn't you completely mock us for considering Romney because he recognized Russia as a geopolitical enemy? Now they are? What changed?
When did I ever say that?


Anyone who has a thousand nuclear weapons pointed at us, who invades their neighbors, who attacks this country in the way Putin has is our enemy. Did that really have to be explained?

Not to mention the dozens of reporters and political opponents who have either disapeared or been murdered in Russia ONLY SINCE PUTIN TOOK CHARGE. Don't you fuckers ever read? Am I talking to a bunch of morons?

What the hell is wrong with you people? Are you defending Russia?????????????????????????????
What is obummer doing about Russian aggression?

Remember this? Because supposedly all the friction was caused by stupid BUsh?


HOw fucking embarrassing for this country.
I have no idea what you are talking about. Putin and Bush loved each other to the point of playing dress-up together.




And the endless pictures of them staring into each other's eyes, being together and dressing alike. No wonder Putin wants another Republican. One even more stupid than Bush.

I was reminding you lefties of YOUR CANDIDATE'S claims at the time, and ridiculing them.

Your post if anything, supports my ridicule of Hillary.

I was not the one who claimed that it was all Bush's fault.

Try to be less stupid.
Republicans and communists are natural allies. And it is surprising but not really unexpected of them to betray the country and side with Russia. That they, at least Trump and his cohort, are doing it so publicly is amateurish. Putin must be pissed at Trump for sinking his own campaign.

These are anti American.

Only a completely ignorant moron would call Russia or Putin communists at this point in time.

Russia kicked out the central bankers and refuse to allow GMO food in their country. They are also encouraging people to have children which is a direct threat to the U.N mandate of population control. Putin has also made the queers to keep their business on the "down low" because it's not acceptable. I applaud him for that.
Republicans and communists are natural allies. And it is surprising but not really unexpected of them to betray the country and side with Russia. That they, at least Trump and his cohort, are doing it so publicly is amateurish. Putin must be pissed at Trump for sinking his own campaign.

Russia is no longer communist.

That is why, at least some Republicans, realize that the Cold War is over.

Try to be less dishonest. Even if it burns you to do it.

The rest of your post is equal nonsense.

Yeah they are just like the founding fathers.

Complete strawman. I said no such thing. That you feel a need to lie about what I said, shows that you know that you cannot challenge my claim honestly.

Russia is not communist as you claimed. That was your claim and it is moronic nonsense.

I note that you have done nothing to support your moronic claim.

You only betray your loyalties by defending your communists buds.

Only a moron would claim that Russia in communist at this point in time.

NOT wanting to fuck with someone is hardly being an ally.

Your constant refusal to honestly address what I ACTUALLY SAID, shows that you know that you cannot challenge my claims honestly.

Yet, you still hold firm to your positions that are based on lies.

Why are you holding to positions that you know, at some level, are wrong?

Republicans are still fighting the civil war,

That was more moronic nonsense.

it will take another 100 years to realize the Cold War is over.


Your post has zero connection with reality.

YOur constant refusal to honestly address what I actually said demonstrates that you know your position on this points is indefensible, yet you hold to them anyway.

And you still cling to your incandescent light bulbs, much like the old timers didn't want to give up the horse and buggy when cars came on the scene.

IN this, YOU are the one who is hiding from change, ie that the Cold War is over, the Russia is no longer communist and that because of that, we have no Conflict of Interests with Russia.

Your posts are nonsensical self-delusion. Stop idolizing our enemies.

THe fact that you cannot bring yourself to ACTUALLY address anything I actually said, shows that you are the one who is deluded.
"We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities," the statement read.
Just how deep does the alleged Russian penetration go remains the subject of an FBI investigation.
But allegations have surfaced of Russian hackers attempting to access US voter records, of trying to sabotage the physical ballot and of unleashing its troll army -- Internet bloggers paid by the Kremlin to spread false information online -- in support of Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Suspicions have been fueled by the tightly controlled Russian media, which have made no secret of their preference for a Trump presidency.

Election 2016: Have Russian hackers already handed Vladimir Putin a victory? -

Never thought I'd see the GOP and Russia working together hand in hand in an American election. Remember, Trump invited them to hack. Trump gave them the green light.

How many decades have conservatives and republican accused and called anyone who doesn't agree with their views a communist?

Now they have a candidate who is married to a woman who was born and raised in a communist nation controlled by the USSR. Her parents are communists. She was indoctrinated with communism all of the first decades of her life.

trump's old campaign manager worked with putin.

Reports show that trump owes russian banks and businssmen hundreds of millions of dollars.

This is just too ironic. LOL.

Russian is no longer communist.

That you can't grasp this is pathetic.
Republicans and communists are natural allies. And it is surprising but not really unexpected of them to betray the country and side with Russia. That they, at least Trump and his cohort, are doing it so publicly is amateurish. Putin must be pissed at Trump for sinking his own campaign.

These are anti American.

Only a completely ignorant moron would call Russia or Putin communists at this point in time.

Russia kicked out the central bankers and refuse to allow GMO food in their country. They are also encouraging people to have children which is a direct threat to the U.N mandate of population control. Putin has also made the queers to keep their business on the "down low" because it's not acceptable. I applaud him for that.

I don't really care about GMO or the gays.

I applaud him on central bankers and encouraging population growth.

BUt regardless, that's THEIR business and no problem of ours.

SO, let's stop fucking with them.
"We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities," the statement read.
Just how deep does the alleged Russian penetration go remains the subject of an FBI investigation.
But allegations have surfaced of Russian hackers attempting to access US voter records, of trying to sabotage the physical ballot and of unleashing its troll army -- Internet bloggers paid by the Kremlin to spread false information online -- in support of Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Suspicions have been fueled by the tightly controlled Russian media, which have made no secret of their preference for a Trump presidency.

Election 2016: Have Russian hackers already handed Vladimir Putin a victory? -

Never thought I'd see the GOP and Russia working together hand in hand in an American election. Remember, Trump invited them to hack. Trump gave them the green light.

Republicans and communists are natural allies. And it is surprising but not really unexpected of them to betray the country and side with Russia. That they, at least Trump and his cohort, are doing it so publicly is amateurish. Putin must be pissed at Trump for sinking his own campaign.

Russia is no longer communist.

That is why, at least some Republicans, realize that the Cold War is over.

Try to be less dishonest. Even if it burns you to do it.

The rest of your post is equal nonsense.

Yeah they are just like the founding fathers.

Complete strawman. I said no such thing. That you feel a need to lie about what I said, shows that you know that you cannot challenge my claim honestly.

Russia is not communist as you claimed. That was your claim and it is moronic nonsense.

I note that you have done nothing to support your moronic claim.

You only betray your loyalties by defending your communists buds.

Only a moron would claim that Russia in communist at this point in time.

NOT wanting to fuck with someone is hardly being an ally.

Your constant refusal to honestly address what I ACTUALLY SAID, shows that you know that you cannot challenge my claims honestly.

Yet, you still hold firm to your positions that are based on lies.

Why are you holding to positions that you know, at some level, are wrong?

Republicans are still fighting the civil war,

That was more moronic nonsense.

it will take another 100 years to realize the Cold War is over.


Your post has zero connection with reality.

YOur constant refusal to honestly address what I actually said demonstrates that you know your position on this points is indefensible, yet you hold to them anyway.

And you still cling to your incandescent light bulbs, much like the old timers didn't want to give up the horse and buggy when cars came on the scene.

IN this, YOU are the one who is hiding from change, ie that the Cold War is over, the Russia is no longer communist and that because of that, we have no Conflict of Interests with Russia.

Your posts are nonsensical self-delusion. Stop idolizing our enemies.

THe fact that you cannot bring yourself to ACTUALLY address anything I actually said, shows that you are the one who is deluded.

Try answering in a couple coherent paragraphs like an adult an I will read all of it.

They don't call themselves communists but they aren't capitalists. Putin, who should have left office years ago has installed himself as a Stalin-like figure, who gets to decide when it's time for him to go or not and who has control over the government.

He's a defacto dictator and Trump admires him. Putin is a scumbag, an old KGB guy that wants to bring back the Soviet Union, so you derps continue defending him. Birds of a feather. Et Tu Brute.
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Republicans and communists are natural allies. And it is surprising but not really unexpected of them to betray the country and side with Russia. That they, at least Trump and his cohort, are doing it so publicly is amateurish. Putin must be pissed at Trump for sinking his own campaign.

Russia is no longer communist.

That is why, at least some Republicans, realize that the Cold War is over.

Try to be less dishonest. Even if it burns you to do it.

The rest of your post is equal nonsense.

Yeah they are just like the founding fathers.

Complete strawman. I said no such thing. That you feel a need to lie about what I said, shows that you know that you cannot challenge my claim honestly.

Russia is not communist as you claimed. That was your claim and it is moronic nonsense.

I note that you have done nothing to support your moronic claim.

You only betray your loyalties by defending your communists buds.

Only a moron would claim that Russia in communist at this point in time.

NOT wanting to fuck with someone is hardly being an ally.

Your constant refusal to honestly address what I ACTUALLY SAID, shows that you know that you cannot challenge my claims honestly.

Yet, you still hold firm to your positions that are based on lies.

Why are you holding to positions that you know, at some level, are wrong?

Republicans are still fighting the civil war,

That was more moronic nonsense.

it will take another 100 years to realize the Cold War is over.


Your post has zero connection with reality.

YOur constant refusal to honestly address what I actually said demonstrates that you know your position on this points is indefensible, yet you hold to them anyway.

And you still cling to your incandescent light bulbs, much like the old timers didn't want to give up the horse and buggy when cars came on the scene.

IN this, YOU are the one who is hiding from change, ie that the Cold War is over, the Russia is no longer communist and that because of that, we have no Conflict of Interests with Russia.

Your posts are nonsensical self-delusion. Stop idolizing our enemies.

THe fact that you cannot bring yourself to ACTUALLY address anything I actually said, shows that you are the one who is deluded.

Try answering in a couple coherent paragraphs like an adult an I will read all of it.

They don't call themselves communists but they aren't capitalists. Putin, who should have left office years ago has installed himself as a Stalin-like figure, who gets to decide when it's time for him to go or not and who has control over the government.

He's a defacto dictator and Trump admires him. Putin is a scumbag, an old KGB guy that wants to bring back the Soviet Union, so you derps continue defending him. Birds of a feather. Et Tu Brute.
I don't get these right wingers. Putin was the former head of the KGB. Since he has been in power, over 30 of his opponents and many journalists have disapeared or have been murdered. Wealthy families have had to turn over their wealth and/or companies to Putin and his friends. And Trump admires him. No wonder Putin is involved in our election. He wants Trump in the White House badly. Putin can manipulate Trump even more than he could Bush. Trump will put our entire country into grave danger.
The commies infiltrated the demcrat party first and then started infiltrating the repub party (neocons) and it was all financed by the international bankers that own this country.

The biggest problem that this country has is ignorance. They don't read and they believe every fucking thing the see on TV and take it as the gospel.
Interesting to call people who oppose a former KGB agent and ally of the current Communist Party "communist" and then use Soviet-style propaganda tactics.

Although you are certainly right about ignorance being a problem.
The commies infiltrated the demcrat party first and then started infiltrating the repub party (neocons) and it was all financed by the international bankers that own this country.

The biggest problem that this country has is ignorance. They don't read and they believe every fucking thing the see on TV and take it as the gospel.
Interesting to call people who oppose a former KGB agent and ally of the current Communist Party "communist" and then use Soviet-style propaganda tactics.

Although you are certainly right about ignorance being a problem.
The commies infiltrated the demcrat party first and then started infiltrating the repub party (neocons) and it was all financed by the international bankers that own this country.

The biggest problem that this country has is ignorance. They don't read and they believe every fucking thing the see on TV and take it as the gospel.
Interesting to call people who oppose a former KGB agent and ally of the current Communist Party "communist" and then use Soviet-style propaganda tactics.

Although you are certainly right about ignorance being a problem.

#1 There is no proof that Putin or Russia has done anything. Given how this corporate "gubermint" lies with impunity, I would need another source that Russia was behind it before I would ever believe the sacks of shit that run this de-facto ":gubermint".

#2 Leftards were happy (as well they should have been) when Wikileaks were dropping truth bombs about the neocons, the war and Tony Blair. Leftards are not upset that the fraud and corruption of their party has been laid to bear...oh hell no, they want to blame the source and the very tactic that they once championed....un-fucking real.
US Intelligence has data from previous hacks by the Russians and the current hacks have markers all point to the Russians and no one else.

Hence the CIA announcing there will be a retaliatory cyber attack against the Russians, which likely already occurred and will continue.

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