Never thought I'd see the GOP and Russia working together hand in hand in an American election.

"We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities," the statement read.
Just how deep does the alleged Russian penetration go remains the subject of an FBI investigation.
But allegations have surfaced of Russian hackers attempting to access US voter records, of trying to sabotage the physical ballot and of unleashing its troll army -- Internet bloggers paid by the Kremlin to spread false information online -- in support of Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Suspicions have been fueled by the tightly controlled Russian media, which have made no secret of their preference for a Trump presidency.

Election 2016: Have Russian hackers already handed Vladimir Putin a victory? -

Never thought I'd see the GOP and Russia working together hand in hand in an American election. Remember, Trump invited them to hack. Trump gave them the green light.

It's a conspiracy!
LOL This is a great where's the proof Obama? The last line says it all....Russia to fear here Ears. They know Obunghole is impotent

WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration has blamed Russia for the email hacks that have created a chronic headache for Hillary Clinton, the latest batch of which, from campaign Chairman John Podesta's account, was disclosed Wednesday by Wikileaks.

The Russian response? Show us the proof.

"It's flattering," Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told CNN's Christiane Amanpour. "But it has nothing to be explained by the facts; we have not seen a single proof."

When Amanpour pressed the point, asking whether the Russians deny the Obama administration's accusation, Lavrov responded with what seemed like a nondenial denial. Or he just lost himself in translation. It was unclear.

"No, we did not deny this, they did not prove it," he said.

The White House has warned it will be responding in kind to what it alleges is Russian interference in the U.S. election. "We obviously will ensure that a U.S. response is proportional," White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters Tuesday.

Earnest was vague about what that response might entail, but suggested it could very well be carried out in secret.

"The president has talked before about the significant capabilities that the U.S. government has to both defend our systems in the United States, but also carry out offensive operations in other countries," Earnest said. "So there are a range of responses that are available to the president, and he will consider a response that's proportional."

Asked whether he is concerned, Lavrov waved off the threat.

"It's not worth speculating," he said. "If they decided to do something, let them do it."

(c)2016 Tribune Co.

Russia's response to U.S. accusations that it hacked Democratic emails? How flattering
You dumb nitwit. What the hell is wrong with you. You don't show the enemy how you know. You leave them guessing.

But if our intelligence agencies say they have proof, they probably have proof. Obama isn't doing to the CIA what Bush and the GOP did.

In fact, if it were Bush in office, he would be pressuring the CIA to say it was the Russians. Like he did with Iraq. Republicans don't give a shit about the truth. If they did, they wouldn't have this wild support for Trump no matter what.

This from Christianity Today:

And therefore it is completely consistent that Trump is an idolater in many other ways. He has given no evidence of humility or dependence on others, let alone on God his Maker and Judge. He wantonly celebrates strongmen and takes every opportunity to humiliate and demean the vulnerable. He shows no curiosity or capacity to learn. He is, in short, the very embodiment of what the Bible calls a fool.

Speak Truth to Trump

But I thought you said Russia wasn't our enemy. Didn't you completely mock us for considering Romney because he recognized Russia as a geopolitical enemy? Now they are? What changed?
When did I ever say that?


Anyone who has a thousand nuclear weapons pointed at us, who invades their neighbors, who attacks this country in the way Putin has is our enemy. Did that really have to be explained?

Not to mention the dozens of reporters and political opponents who have either disapeared or been murdered in Russia ONLY SINCE PUTIN TOOK CHARGE. Don't you fuckers ever read? Am I talking to a bunch of morons?

What the hell is wrong with you people? Are you defending Russia?????????????????????????????
What is obummer doing about Russian aggression?

Remember this? Because supposedly all the friction was caused by stupid BUsh?


HOw fucking embarrassing for this country.
I have no idea what you are talking about. Putin and Bush loved each other to the point of playing dress-up together.




And the endless pictures of them staring into each other's eyes, being together and dressing alike. No wonder Putin wants another Republican. One even more stupid than Bush.
And the endless pictures of them staring into each other's eyes, being together and dressing alike. No wonder Putin wants another Republican. One even more stupid than Bush.
Yeah, because relations have so vastly improved with obama, right?
What a retard.
Republicans and communists are natural allies. And it is surprising but not really unexpected of them to betray the country and side with Russia. That they, at least Trump and his cohort, are doing it so publicly is amateurish. Putin must be pissed at Trump for sinking his own campaign.

Russia is no longer communist.

That is why, at least some Republicans, realize that the Cold War is over.

Try to be less dishonest. Even if it burns you to do it.

The rest of your post is equal nonsense.

Yeah they are just like the founding fathers. You only betray your loyalties by defending your communists buds. Republicans are still fighting the civil war, it will take another 100 years to realize the Cold War is over. And you still cling to your incandescent light bulbs, much like the old timers didn't want to give up the horse and buggy when cars came on the scene.

Your posts are nonsensical self-delusion. Stop idolizing our enemies.
Republicans and communists are natural allies. And it is surprising but not really unexpected of them to betray the country and side with Russia. That they, at least Trump and his cohort, are doing it so publicly is amateurish. Putin must be pissed at Trump for sinking his own campaign.

Russia is no longer communist.

That is why, at least some Republicans, realize that the Cold War is over.

Try to be less dishonest. Even if it burns you to do it.

The rest of your post is equal nonsense.

Yeah they are just like the founding fathers. You only betray your loyalties by defending your communists buds. Republicans are still fighting the civil war, it will take another 100 years to realize the Cold War is over. And you still cling to your incandescent light bulbs, much like the old timers didn't want to give up the horse and buggy when cars came on the scene.

Your posts are nonsensical self-delusion. Stop idolizing our enemies.
"We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities," the statement read.
Just how deep does the alleged Russian penetration go remains the subject of an FBI investigation.
But allegations have surfaced of Russian hackers attempting to access US voter records, of trying to sabotage the physical ballot and of unleashing its troll army -- Internet bloggers paid by the Kremlin to spread false information online -- in support of Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Suspicions have been fueled by the tightly controlled Russian media, which have made no secret of their preference for a Trump presidency.

Election 2016: Have Russian hackers already handed Vladimir Putin a victory? -

Never thought I'd see the GOP and Russia working together hand in hand in an American election. Remember, Trump invited them to hack. Trump gave them the green light.

Funny how the supposed party of the people wants to be protected from proof your Gods are lying to you. You should want that
Putin made their clown Obungles look like the impotent jackass he is.

Like what nitwit?

May I answer? Because Putin prevented the Barrypuppet from invading Syria. He made the Barrypuppet look like an idiot by taking out more CIA funded "ISIS" than Barrypuppet did in 4 years. Barrypuppet is trying to find the checkers while Putin is playing chess.....any other questions????

Your opinion based from racist bullshit and hatred doesn't mean a diddly shit of credibility. Try again.


Since you are supporting a racist asshole then you are a racist.

Our president name is Barrack Obama............ Not Barrypupet or Obungles. Start with that asshole.

Your face of the franchise that is USA.INC is the Barrypuppet. In order to receive respect, one must earn's not simply given unless you are an idiot leftard.
Like what nitwit?

May I answer? Because Putin prevented the Barrypuppet from invading Syria. He made the Barrypuppet look like an idiot by taking out more CIA funded "ISIS" than Barrypuppet did in 4 years. Barrypuppet is trying to find the checkers while Putin is playing chess.....any other questions????

Your opinion based from racist bullshit and hatred doesn't mean a diddly shit of credibility. Try again.


Since you are supporting a racist asshole then you are a racist.

Our president name is Barrack Obama............ Not Barrypupet or Obungles. Start with that asshole.

Your face of the franchise that is USA.INC is the Barrypuppet. In order to receive respect, one must earn's not simply given unless you are an idiot leftard.

You credibility and your opinion as a racist asshole doesn't mean a diddly shit. I do not agree with some of Obama policy either but that doesn't mean I will trade him with any foreign leader. Or name something else like how a racist asshole like you named him.
May I answer? Because Putin prevented the Barrypuppet from invading Syria. He made the Barrypuppet look like an idiot by taking out more CIA funded "ISIS" than Barrypuppet did in 4 years. Barrypuppet is trying to find the checkers while Putin is playing chess.....any other questions????

Your opinion based from racist bullshit and hatred doesn't mean a diddly shit of credibility. Try again.


Since you are supporting a racist asshole then you are a racist.

Our president name is Barrack Obama............ Not Barrypupet or Obungles. Start with that asshole.

Your face of the franchise that is USA.INC is the Barrypuppet. In order to receive respect, one must earn's not simply given unless you are an idiot leftard.

You credibility and your opinion as a racist asshole doesn't mean a diddly shit. I do not agree with some of Obama policy either but that doesn't mean I will trade him with any foreign leader. Or name something else like how a racist asshole like you named him.

Nothing racist about what I posted....every president since Barrypuppet has been a puppet. He doesn't give as flying fuck about you and I find it hilarious as to how you can be so loyal to a disgusting pile of shit like him.....but whatever.
When leftards can't refute something or when they can't defend the Barrypuppet, they play the "race card" even when it doesn't apply...what a bunch of cowards.
Your opinion based from racist bullshit and hatred doesn't mean a diddly shit of credibility. Try again.


Since you are supporting a racist asshole then you are a racist.

Our president name is Barrack Obama............ Not Barrypupet or Obungles. Start with that asshole.

Your face of the franchise that is USA.INC is the Barrypuppet. In order to receive respect, one must earn's not simply given unless you are an idiot leftard.

You credibility and your opinion as a racist asshole doesn't mean a diddly shit. I do not agree with some of Obama policy either but that doesn't mean I will trade him with any foreign leader. Or name something else like how a racist asshole like you named him.

Nothing racist about what I posted....every president since Barrypuppet has been a puppet. He doesn't give as flying fuck about you and I find it hilarious as to how you can be so loyal to a disgusting pile of shit like him.....but whatever.
When leftards can't refute something or when they can't defend the Barrypuppet, they play the "race card" even when it doesn't apply...what a bunch of cowards.

I only play the race card.... when I see one like you. His name is Barrack Obama not Barrypuppet. Stick with that before you continue.
Loyal? Am I supposed to start kissing putin ass like you and your buddy? Let me repeat for you..... I do not agree on some of Obama policy but that doesn't mean I disrespect him or name him something else to prove a point. That is just disgusting.

Since you are supporting a racist asshole then you are a racist.

Our president name is Barrack Obama............ Not Barrypupet or Obungles. Start with that asshole.

Your face of the franchise that is USA.INC is the Barrypuppet. In order to receive respect, one must earn's not simply given unless you are an idiot leftard.

You credibility and your opinion as a racist asshole doesn't mean a diddly shit. I do not agree with some of Obama policy either but that doesn't mean I will trade him with any foreign leader. Or name something else like how a racist asshole like you named him.

Nothing racist about what I posted....every president since Barrypuppet has been a puppet. He doesn't give as flying fuck about you and I find it hilarious as to how you can be so loyal to a disgusting pile of shit like him.....but whatever.
When leftards can't refute something or when they can't defend the Barrypuppet, they play the "race card" even when it doesn't apply...what a bunch of cowards.

I only play the race card.... when I see one like you. His name is Barrack Obama not Barrypuppet. Stick with that before you continue.
Loyal? Am I supposed to start kissing putin ass like you and your buddy? Let me repeat for you..... I do not agree on some of Obama policy but that doesn't mean I disrespect him or name him something else to prove a point. That is just disgusting.

Barry Soetoro, Barack (only one r ) Obama to you...but he is a puppet to me just like his predecessors. Only in the mind of a leftard would the term "puppet" somehow translate into something "racist" but it's not like I care. You can eat shit and go blind and it would have no bearing on my life. I don't see anyone kissing Putin's ass but I do see this admin and the Hildebeats trying to blame Russia for the leaks that shows what the leftard clown posse leaders think about us serfs. So basically what the leftards want is for the people to not focus on the content of these damning e-mails but rather who might have been behind providing the,m to Wikileaks. This is nothing but theater...a distraction to keep the dumbed down masses focused on this instead of the coming economic meltdown.
Since you are supporting a racist asshole then you are a racist.

Our president name is Barrack Obama............ Not Barrypupet or Obungles. Start with that asshole.

Your face of the franchise that is USA.INC is the Barrypuppet. In order to receive respect, one must earn's not simply given unless you are an idiot leftard.

You credibility and your opinion as a racist asshole doesn't mean a diddly shit. I do not agree with some of Obama policy either but that doesn't mean I will trade him with any foreign leader. Or name something else like how a racist asshole like you named him.

Nothing racist about what I posted....every president since Barrypuppet has been a puppet. He doesn't give as flying fuck about you and I find it hilarious as to how you can be so loyal to a disgusting pile of shit like him.....but whatever.
When leftards can't refute something or when they can't defend the Barrypuppet, they play the "race card" even when it doesn't apply...what a bunch of cowards.

I only play the race card.... when I see one like you. His name is Barrack Obama not Barrypuppet. Stick with that before you continue.
Loyal? Am I supposed to start kissing putin ass like you and your buddy? Let me repeat for you..... I do not agree on some of Obama policy but that doesn't mean I disrespect him or name him something else to prove a point. That is just disgusting.

Barry Soetoro, Barack (only one r ) Obama to you...but he is a puppet to me just like his predecessors. Only in the mind of a leftard would the term "puppet" somehow translate into something "racist" but it's not like I care. You can eat shit and go blind and it would have no bearing on my life. I don't see anyone kissing Putin's ass but I do see this admin and the Hildebeats trying to blame Russia for the leaks that shows what the leftard clown posse leaders think about us serfs. So basically what the leftards want is for the people to not focus on the content of these damning e-mails but rather who might have been behind providing the,m to Wikileaks. This is nothing but theater...a distraction to keep the dumbed down masses focused on this instead of the coming economic meltdown.

Okay that's a good start.

Since when you or me or anybody here has any bearing to anyone's life?
And I say the same thing you..... you can eat shit whatever or however you want in your life. I could careless.

So let me repeat my simple question to you for third time.... Why are they not hacking Trump? Lady night they hacked Hillary Wikipedia replace with a rear picture of a woman. Why are they concentrating on Hillary?
Your face of the franchise that is USA.INC is the Barrypuppet. In order to receive respect, one must earn's not simply given unless you are an idiot leftard.

You credibility and your opinion as a racist asshole doesn't mean a diddly shit. I do not agree with some of Obama policy either but that doesn't mean I will trade him with any foreign leader. Or name something else like how a racist asshole like you named him.

Nothing racist about what I posted....every president since Barrypuppet has been a puppet. He doesn't give as flying fuck about you and I find it hilarious as to how you can be so loyal to a disgusting pile of shit like him.....but whatever.
When leftards can't refute something or when they can't defend the Barrypuppet, they play the "race card" even when it doesn't apply...what a bunch of cowards.

I only play the race card.... when I see one like you. His name is Barrack Obama not Barrypuppet. Stick with that before you continue.
Loyal? Am I supposed to start kissing putin ass like you and your buddy? Let me repeat for you..... I do not agree on some of Obama policy but that doesn't mean I disrespect him or name him something else to prove a point. That is just disgusting.

Barry Soetoro, Barack (only one r ) Obama to you...but he is a puppet to me just like his predecessors. Only in the mind of a leftard would the term "puppet" somehow translate into something "racist" but it's not like I care. You can eat shit and go blind and it would have no bearing on my life. I don't see anyone kissing Putin's ass but I do see this admin and the Hildebeats trying to blame Russia for the leaks that shows what the leftard clown posse leaders think about us serfs. So basically what the leftards want is for the people to not focus on the content of these damning e-mails but rather who might have been behind providing the,m to Wikileaks. This is nothing but theater...a distraction to keep the dumbed down masses focused on this instead of the coming economic meltdown.

Okay that's a good start.

Since when you or me or anybody here has any bearing to anyone's life?
And I say the same thing you..... you can eat shit whatever or however you want in your life. I could careless.

So let me repeat my simple question to you for third time.... Why are they not hacking Trump? Lady night they hacked Hillary Wikipedia replace with a rear picture of a woman. Why are they concentrating on Hillary?

Who is "they"???? That's my question......
You dumb nitwit. What the hell is wrong with you. You don't show the enemy how you know. You leave them guessing.

But if our intelligence agencies say they have proof, they probably have proof. Obama isn't doing to the CIA what Bush and the GOP did.

In fact, if it were Bush in office, he would be pressuring the CIA to say it was the Russians. Like he did with Iraq. Republicans don't give a shit about the truth. If they did, they wouldn't have this wild support for Trump no matter what.

This from Christianity Today:

And therefore it is completely consistent that Trump is an idolater in many other ways. He has given no evidence of humility or dependence on others, let alone on God his Maker and Judge. He wantonly celebrates strongmen and takes every opportunity to humiliate and demean the vulnerable. He shows no curiosity or capacity to learn. He is, in short, the very embodiment of what the Bible calls a fool.

Speak Truth to Trump

But I thought you said Russia wasn't our enemy. Didn't you completely mock us for considering Romney because he recognized Russia as a geopolitical enemy? Now they are? What changed?
When did I ever say that?


Anyone who has a thousand nuclear weapons pointed at us, who invades their neighbors, who attacks this country in the way Putin has is our enemy. Did that really have to be explained?

Not to mention the dozens of reporters and political opponents who have either disapeared or been murdered in Russia ONLY SINCE PUTIN TOOK CHARGE. Don't you fuckers ever read? Am I talking to a bunch of morons?

What the hell is wrong with you people? Are you defending Russia?????????????????????????????
What is obummer doing about Russian aggression?

Remember this? Because supposedly all the friction was caused by stupid BUsh?


HOw fucking embarrassing for this country.
I have no idea what you are talking about. Putin and Bush loved each other to the point of playing dress-up together.




And the endless pictures of them staring into each other's eyes, being together and dressing alike. No wonder Putin wants another Republican. One even more stupid than Bush.
Awwww! They look like love birds all dressed alike.

Since you are supporting a racist asshole then you are a racist.

Our president name is Barrack Obama............ Not Barrypupet or Obungles. Start with that asshole.

Your face of the franchise that is USA.INC is the Barrypuppet. In order to receive respect, one must earn's not simply given unless you are an idiot leftard.

You credibility and your opinion as a racist asshole doesn't mean a diddly shit. I do not agree with some of Obama policy either but that doesn't mean I will trade him with any foreign leader. Or name something else like how a racist asshole like you named him.

Nothing racist about what I posted....every president since Barrypuppet has been a puppet. He doesn't give as flying fuck about you and I find it hilarious as to how you can be so loyal to a disgusting pile of shit like him.....but whatever.
When leftards can't refute something or when they can't defend the Barrypuppet, they play the "race card" even when it doesn't apply...what a bunch of cowards.

I only play the race card.... when I see one like you. His name is Barrack Obama not Barrypuppet. Stick with that before you continue.
Loyal? Am I supposed to start kissing putin ass like you and your buddy? Let me repeat for you..... I do not agree on some of Obama policy but that doesn't mean I disrespect him or name him something else to prove a point. That is just disgusting.
Oh poor ewe! You never call Mr. Trump anything but Mr. Trump right?
Your opinion based from racist bullshit and hatred doesn't mean a diddly shit of credibility. Try again.


Since you are supporting a racist asshole then you are a racist.

Our president name is Barrack Obama............ Not Barrypupet or Obungles. Start with that asshole.

Your face of the franchise that is USA.INC is the Barrypuppet. In order to receive respect, one must earn's not simply given unless you are an idiot leftard.

You credibility and your opinion as a racist asshole doesn't mean a diddly shit. I do not agree with some of Obama policy either but that doesn't mean I will trade him with any foreign leader. Or name something else like how a racist asshole like you named him.

Nothing racist about what I posted....every president since Barrypuppet has been a puppet. He doesn't give as flying fuck about you and I find it hilarious as to how you can be so loyal to a disgusting pile of shit like him.....but whatever.
When leftards can't refute something or when they can't defend the Barrypuppet, they play the "race card" even when it doesn't apply...what a bunch of cowards.
And yet he tried to get health care for millions of Americans when Republicans said let them die.

Odd that.

Since you are supporting a racist asshole then you are a racist.

Our president name is Barrack Obama............ Not Barrypupet or Obungles. Start with that asshole.

Your face of the franchise that is USA.INC is the Barrypuppet. In order to receive respect, one must earn's not simply given unless you are an idiot leftard.

You credibility and your opinion as a racist asshole doesn't mean a diddly shit. I do not agree with some of Obama policy either but that doesn't mean I will trade him with any foreign leader. Or name something else like how a racist asshole like you named him.

Nothing racist about what I posted....every president since Barrypuppet has been a puppet. He doesn't give as flying fuck about you and I find it hilarious as to how you can be so loyal to a disgusting pile of shit like him.....but whatever.
When leftards can't refute something or when they can't defend the Barrypuppet, they play the "race card" even when it doesn't apply...what a bunch of cowards.
And yet he tried to get health care for millions of Americans when Republicans said let them die.

Odd that.

A healthcare bill written by insurance companies FOR insurance companies that USA.INC's composite "gubermint" has controlling shares in that compels everyone to buy in? Yeah, thanks a lot.....

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