Never thought I'd see the GOP and Russia working together hand in hand in an American election.

LOL This is a great where's the proof Obama? The last line says it all....Russia to fear here Ears. They know Obunghole is impotent

WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration has blamed Russia for the email hacks that have created a chronic headache for Hillary Clinton, the latest batch of which, from campaign Chairman John Podesta's account, was disclosed Wednesday by Wikileaks.

The Russian response? Show us the proof.

"It's flattering," Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told CNN's Christiane Amanpour. "But it has nothing to be explained by the facts; we have not seen a single proof."

When Amanpour pressed the point, asking whether the Russians deny the Obama administration's accusation, Lavrov responded with what seemed like a nondenial denial. Or he just lost himself in translation. It was unclear.

"No, we did not deny this, they did not prove it," he said.

The White House has warned it will be responding in kind to what it alleges is Russian interference in the U.S. election. "We obviously will ensure that a U.S. response is proportional," White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters Tuesday.

Earnest was vague about what that response might entail, but suggested it could very well be carried out in secret.

"The president has talked before about the significant capabilities that the U.S. government has to both defend our systems in the United States, but also carry out offensive operations in other countries," Earnest said. "So there are a range of responses that are available to the president, and he will consider a response that's proportional."

Asked whether he is concerned, Lavrov waved off the threat.

"It's not worth speculating," he said. "If they decided to do something, let them do it."

(c)2016 Tribune Co.

Russia's response to U.S. accusations that it hacked Democratic emails? How flattering

Since when your president PUTIN admit anything? He even denied there are no Russian soldiers in Ukraine. He denied shoting down Malaysian airlines then blame it in Ukraine.
LOL This is a great where's the proof Obama? The last line says it all....Russia to fear here Ears. They know Obunghole is impotent

WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration has blamed Russia for the email hacks that have created a chronic headache for Hillary Clinton, the latest batch of which, from campaign Chairman John Podesta's account, was disclosed Wednesday by Wikileaks.

The Russian response? Show us the proof.

"It's flattering," Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told CNN's Christiane Amanpour. "But it has nothing to be explained by the facts; we have not seen a single proof."

When Amanpour pressed the point, asking whether the Russians deny the Obama administration's accusation, Lavrov responded with what seemed like a nondenial denial. Or he just lost himself in translation. It was unclear.

"No, we did not deny this, they did not prove it," he said.

The White House has warned it will be responding in kind to what it alleges is Russian interference in the U.S. election. "We obviously will ensure that a U.S. response is proportional," White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters Tuesday.

Earnest was vague about what that response might entail, but suggested it could very well be carried out in secret.

"The president has talked before about the significant capabilities that the U.S. government has to both defend our systems in the United States, but also carry out offensive operations in other countries," Earnest said. "So there are a range of responses that are available to the president, and he will consider a response that's proportional."

Asked whether he is concerned, Lavrov waved off the threat.

"It's not worth speculating," he said. "If they decided to do something, let them do it."

(c)2016 Tribune Co.

Russia's response to U.S. accusations that it hacked Democratic emails? How flattering

Since when your president PUTIN admit anything? He even denied there are no Russian soldiers in Ukraine. He denied shoting down Malaysian airlines then blame it in Ukraine.

Dude, you are so fucking clueless about what went down in Ukraine that I don't even know where to start.....posts like yours make me want to do the face palm....SMH.......
One thing this election has really taught me. How much Republicans sympathized with Russia. Reagan must be spinning over in his grave. I never thought I would live to see such a day.

When did Russia become an enemy of USA.INC again? Where are you coming from? What has Russia done to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse?

What do you think those thousands nuclear warheads are for? Are they going to deliver them to America as a gift? Idiot. Stop reading breifart.
One thing this election has really taught me. How much Republicans sympathized with Russia. Reagan must be spinning over in his grave. I never thought I would live to see such a day.

When did Russia become an enemy of USA.INC again? Where are you coming from? What has Russia done to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse?

What do you think those thousands nuclear warheads are for? Are they going to deliver them to America as a gift? Idiot. Stop reading breifart.

Oh and USA.INC doesn't have a 1000 nuclear weapons pointed towards Russia and some of them are in NATO countries? Take off the blinders, moron. I don't get my news from a plethora of sources and I don't listen to a fucking thing that comes from the lame stream media...that is why I am infinitely more informed than you....
One thing this election has really taught me. How much Republicans sympathized with Russia. Reagan must be spinning over in his grave. I never thought I would live to see such a day.

When did Russia become an enemy of USA.INC again? Where are you coming from? What has Russia done to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse?

Putin made their clown Obungles look like the impotent jackass he is.

Like what nitwit?
One thing this election has really taught me. How much Republicans sympathized with Russia. Reagan must be spinning over in his grave. I never thought I would live to see such a day.

When did Russia become an enemy of USA.INC again? Where are you coming from? What has Russia done to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse?

Putin made their clown Obungles look like the impotent jackass he is.

Like what nitwit?

May I answer? Because Putin prevented the Barrypuppet from invading Syria. He made the Barrypuppet look like an idiot by taking out more CIA funded "ISIS" than Barrypuppet did in 4 years. Barrypuppet is trying to find the checkers while Putin is playing chess.....any other questions????
Russia owns Hilary...25 million dollars worth in the Clinton foundation....Putin and Hilary will divide up Europe...she will let him have Europe...and he will pay her cash...
One thing this election has really taught me. How much Republicans sympathized with Russia. Reagan must be spinning over in his grave. I never thought I would live to see such a day.

When did Russia become an enemy of USA.INC again? Where are you coming from? What has Russia done to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse?

Putin made their clown Obungles look like the impotent jackass he is.

Like what nitwit?

May I answer? Because Putin prevented the Barrypuppet from invading Syria. He made the Barrypuppet look like an idiot by taking out more CIA funded "ISIS" than Barrypuppet did in 4 years. Barrypuppet is trying to find the checkers while Putin is playing chess.....any other questions????

Your opinion based from racist bullshit and hatred doesn't mean a diddly shit of credibility. Try again.
One thing this election has really taught me. How much Republicans sympathized with Russia. Reagan must be spinning over in his grave. I never thought I would live to see such a day.

When did Russia become an enemy of USA.INC again? Where are you coming from? What has Russia done to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse?

What do you think those thousands nuclear warheads are for? Are they going to deliver them to America as a gift? Idiot. Stop reading breifart.

Oh and USA.INC doesn't have a 1000 nuclear weapons pointed towards Russia and some of them are in NATO countries? Take off the blinders, moron. I don't get my news from a plethora of sources and I don't listen to a fucking thing that comes from the lame stream media...that is why I am infinitely more informed than you....

Dude you didn't answer your question. Let me repeat your own question....... When did Russia became an enemy of USA?

That's right you get your information from marvel comic book.
LOL This is a great where's the proof Obama? The last line says it all....Russia to fear here Ears. They know Obunghole is impotent

WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration has blamed Russia for the email hacks that have created a chronic headache for Hillary Clinton, the latest batch of which, from campaign Chairman John Podesta's account, was disclosed Wednesday by Wikileaks.

The Russian response? Show us the proof.

"It's flattering," Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told CNN's Christiane Amanpour. "But it has nothing to be explained by the facts; we have not seen a single proof."

When Amanpour pressed the point, asking whether the Russians deny the Obama administration's accusation, Lavrov responded with what seemed like a nondenial denial. Or he just lost himself in translation. It was unclear.

"No, we did not deny this, they did not prove it," he said.

The White House has warned it will be responding in kind to what it alleges is Russian interference in the U.S. election. "We obviously will ensure that a U.S. response is proportional," White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters Tuesday.

Earnest was vague about what that response might entail, but suggested it could very well be carried out in secret.

"The president has talked before about the significant capabilities that the U.S. government has to both defend our systems in the United States, but also carry out offensive operations in other countries," Earnest said. "So there are a range of responses that are available to the president, and he will consider a response that's proportional."

Asked whether he is concerned, Lavrov waved off the threat.

"It's not worth speculating," he said. "If they decided to do something, let them do it."

(c)2016 Tribune Co.

Russia's response to U.S. accusations that it hacked Democratic emails? How flattering

Since when your president PUTIN admit anything? He even denied there are no Russian soldiers in Ukraine. He denied shoting down Malaysian airlines then blame it in Ukraine.

Dude, you are so fucking clueless about what went down in Ukraine that I don't even know where to start.....posts like yours make me want to do the face palm....SMH.......

Okay....... Since when PUTIN your president admitted anything? Start with that fuckface. Are you denying that there are no Russians Ukraine?

If you are going to talk to me nasty i will talk to you nasty MOTHER FUCKER.
Republicans and communists are natural allies. And it is surprising but not really unexpected of them to betray the country and side with Russia. That they, at least Trump and his cohort, are doing it so publicly is amateurish. Putin must be pissed at Trump for sinking his own campaign.
"We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities," the statement read.
Just how deep does the alleged Russian penetration go remains the subject of an FBI investigation.
But allegations have surfaced of Russian hackers attempting to access US voter records, of trying to sabotage the physical ballot and of unleashing its troll army -- Internet bloggers paid by the Kremlin to spread false information online -- in support of Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Suspicions have been fueled by the tightly controlled Russian media, which have made no secret of their preference for a Trump presidency.

Election 2016: Have Russian hackers already handed Vladimir Putin a victory? -

Never thought I'd see the GOP and Russia working together hand in hand in an American election. Remember, Trump invited them to hack. Trump gave them the green light.
Actually it doesn't surprise me one bit. I noticed it a couple of years ago before Trump was even a candidate. Mind you, it was just fringe stuff, Tea Party and whatnot.

Although at that time there were already links with extreme right groups in England and France. In Greece it is a bit different there is actually a connection with several left-wing parties and Russia as well; a coalition of various communist parties is in power.

So far Russia controls:

Hungary: Viktor Orban is an ally of Putin, despite his country being in NATO. His Fidesz party is allied with the neo-Nazi Jobbik party.

Greece: the people in power are actually ideological communists and sympathize with Putin, who has been there on state visits.

Serbia: they are not even in NATO and support Putin.

Czech Republic: President Zeman supports Russia. Fortunately, it seems the institution of Czech President doesn't have as much power as presidents in other countries.

Future ideological battlegrounds:

Austria: Alexander Van der Bellen, a Green Party member running as an independent, beat the far-right FPÖ candidate Norbert Hofer, but the election results were invalidated on a problem with absentee balllots, even though there was no evidence of fraud. There will be a re-vote in December. The FPÖ has contacts with Vladimir Putin's
United Russia party, and has had several members of the original German Nazi party of the 1930s and 1940s as head of the party.

France: even if Marine Le Pen of the far-right National Front has no chance of winning the upcoming presidential race, former president Nicolas Sarkozy has stated that he supports Putin and is running as well.
One thing this election has really taught me. How much Republicans sympathized with Russia. Reagan must be spinning over in his grave. I never thought I would live to see such a day.

When did Russia become an enemy of USA.INC again? Where are you coming from? What has Russia done to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse?

Putin made their clown Obungles look like the impotent jackass he is.

Like what nitwit?

May I answer? Because Putin prevented the Barrypuppet from invading Syria. He made the Barrypuppet look like an idiot by taking out more CIA funded "ISIS" than Barrypuppet did in 4 years. Barrypuppet is trying to find the checkers while Putin is playing chess.....any other questions????

Your opinion based from racist bullshit and hatred doesn't mean a diddly shit of credibility. Try again.

Republicans and communists are natural allies. And it is surprising but not really unexpected of them to betray the country and side with Russia. That they, at least Trump and his cohort, are doing it so publicly is amateurish. Putin must be pissed at Trump for sinking his own campaign.

Russia is no longer communist.

That is why, at least some Republicans, realize that the Cold War is over.

Try to be less dishonest. Even if it burns you to do it.

The rest of your post is equal nonsense.
When did Russia become an enemy of USA.INC again? Where are you coming from? What has Russia done to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse?

Putin made their clown Obungles look like the impotent jackass he is.

Like what nitwit?

May I answer? Because Putin prevented the Barrypuppet from invading Syria. He made the Barrypuppet look like an idiot by taking out more CIA funded "ISIS" than Barrypuppet did in 4 years. Barrypuppet is trying to find the checkers while Putin is playing chess.....any other questions????

Your opinion based from racist bullshit and hatred doesn't mean a diddly shit of credibility. Try again.


Since you are supporting a racist asshole then you are a racist.

Our president name is Barrack Obama............ Not Barrypupet or Obungles. Start with that asshole.
Russia is our friend, Hillary reset things.

And then Obama was all flexible after 2012.

When did Russia turn bad?
It's always been bad for most Americans. But when they decided to support Trump, for Republicans, it turned good..

It's always been bad for most Americans.

So why were Hillary and Obama kissing Putin's ass in 2009?
google is your friend! Why don't you read up on the topic!
"We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities," the statement read.
Just how deep does the alleged Russian penetration go remains the subject of an FBI investigation.
But allegations have surfaced of Russian hackers attempting to access US voter records, of trying to sabotage the physical ballot and of unleashing its troll army -- Internet bloggers paid by the Kremlin to spread false information online -- in support of Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Suspicions have been fueled by the tightly controlled Russian media, which have made no secret of their preference for a Trump presidency.

Election 2016: Have Russian hackers already handed Vladimir Putin a victory? -

Never thought I'd see the GOP and Russia working together hand in hand in an American election. Remember, Trump invited them to hack. Trump gave them the green light.
"We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities," the statement read.
Just how deep does the alleged Russian penetration go remains the subject of an FBI investigation.
But allegations have surfaced of Russian hackers attempting to access US voter records, of trying to sabotage the physical ballot and of unleashing its troll army -- Internet bloggers paid by the Kremlin to spread false information online -- in support of Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Suspicions have been fueled by the tightly controlled Russian media, which have made no secret of their preference for a Trump presidency.

Election 2016: Have Russian hackers already handed Vladimir Putin a victory? -

Never thought I'd see the GOP and Russia working together hand in hand in an American election. Remember, Trump invited them to hack. Trump gave them the green light.

And to think that Hitlery allowed Putin to buy uranium in exchange for a donation to her slush fund/foundation....(snicker)
Trump foundation is the slush fund. That's been proven. The Clinton Foundation has no financial connection to the Clintons. The last year of Republicans spending unlimited taxpayer money looking for a connection and finding nothing proves it.
The time would probably have been better spent looking for actual terrorists instead of wasted on a meaningless witch hunt.

The Uranium thing has been so put to bed that only the most severely tarded of the worst of the fucktards can resurrect it. Now run along and look up Nuclear Regulatory Commission and find out what it does and if it has any connection to the State Department. And perhaps it's wise to stop making yourself look so stupid.

Russia is a hostile nation. The press is colluding with a hostile nation to distribute stolen material that may have been altered. One aid to Mrs. Clinton said the email maligning Catholics said to be written by her was one she didn't recognize and that she herself is Catholic.

So just like Climate change, evolution, and Obama being born in Kenya, it's looking more and more like Republicans are once again dealing in lies. Without lies, what does the GOP have? A scam artist under investigation that's already turned up heaps of wrongdoing.
The Clinton 'aid' who sent the email doesn't understand that the IP address on the email is from her own computer.
You need to start removing all sharp objects from your basement apartment.
White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports™
Russia is our friend, Hillary reset things.

And then Obama was all flexible after 2012.

When did Russia turn bad?
It's always been bad for most Americans. But when they decided to support Trump, for Republicans, it turned good..

It's always been bad for most Americans.

So why were Hillary and Obama kissing Putin's ass in 2009?
google is your friend! Why don't you read up on the topic!

It's because liberals love them some Commies.
And morons like Hillary and Obama think they can solve any problem,
just by virtue of their awesomeness. How's that working out? LOL!

Obama chuckling about the 80s wanting their foreign policy back in 2012 shows he still didn't get it.

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