Never thought I'd see the GOP and Russia working together hand in hand in an American election.

Republicans and communists are natural allies. And it is surprising but not really unexpected of them to betray the country and side with Russia. That they, at least Trump and his cohort, are doing it so publicly is amateurish. Putin must be pissed at Trump for sinking his own campaign.

Russia is no longer communist.

That is why, at least some Republicans, realize that the Cold War is over.

Try to be less dishonest. Even if it burns you to do it.

The rest of your post is equal nonsense.

Yeah they are just like the founding fathers.

Complete strawman. I said no such thing. That you feel a need to lie about what I said, shows that you know that you cannot challenge my claim honestly.

Russia is not communist as you claimed. That was your claim and it is moronic nonsense.

I note that you have done nothing to support your moronic claim.

You only betray your loyalties by defending your communists buds.

Only a moron would claim that Russia in communist at this point in time.

NOT wanting to fuck with someone is hardly being an ally.

Your constant refusal to honestly address what I ACTUALLY SAID, shows that you know that you cannot challenge my claims honestly.

Yet, you still hold firm to your positions that are based on lies.

Why are you holding to positions that you know, at some level, are wrong?

Republicans are still fighting the civil war,

That was more moronic nonsense.

it will take another 100 years to realize the Cold War is over.


Your post has zero connection with reality.

YOur constant refusal to honestly address what I actually said demonstrates that you know your position on this points is indefensible, yet you hold to them anyway.

And you still cling to your incandescent light bulbs, much like the old timers didn't want to give up the horse and buggy when cars came on the scene.

IN this, YOU are the one who is hiding from change, ie that the Cold War is over, the Russia is no longer communist and that because of that, we have no Conflict of Interests with Russia.

Your posts are nonsensical self-delusion. Stop idolizing our enemies.

THe fact that you cannot bring yourself to ACTUALLY address anything I actually said, shows that you are the one who is deluded.

Try answering in a couple coherent paragraphs like an adult an I will read all of it.

They don't call themselves communists but they aren't capitalists. Putin, who should have left office years ago has installed himself as a Stalin-like figure, who gets to decide when it's time for him to go or not and who has control over the government.

He's a defacto dictator and Trump admires him. Putin is a scumbag, an old KGB guy that wants to bring back the Soviet Union, so you derps continue defending him. Birds of a feather. Et Tu Brute.

1. Save your airs for someone that might be fooled. My response was perfectly coherent.

2. THey are not communists either economically or politically. It is moronic to call them communists. Nothing you have posted supports your lie that they are communists.

3 Putin is a Authoritarian Strong Man, and leader of one of the most powerful nations in the world. In the absence of any real conflict of interests, good diplomatic relations would be a good thing. Confrontational rhetoric would be stupid.

4. Putin's KGB roots does not make him a communists today. NOr does his desire to dominate his neighbors.

5. Only a partisan liar would claim that there is any "birds of a feather" between Putin and Trump supporters.

6. Do you have anything to say that isn't nonsense?
Republicans and communists are natural allies. And it is surprising but not really unexpected of them to betray the country and side with Russia. That they, at least Trump and his cohort, are doing it so publicly is amateurish. Putin must be pissed at Trump for sinking his own campaign.

Russia is no longer communist.

That is why, at least some Republicans, realize that the Cold War is over.

Try to be less dishonest. Even if it burns you to do it.

The rest of your post is equal nonsense.

Yeah they are just like the founding fathers.

Complete strawman. I said no such thing. That you feel a need to lie about what I said, shows that you know that you cannot challenge my claim honestly.

Russia is not communist as you claimed. That was your claim and it is moronic nonsense.

I note that you have done nothing to support your moronic claim.

You only betray your loyalties by defending your communists buds.

Only a moron would claim that Russia in communist at this point in time.

NOT wanting to fuck with someone is hardly being an ally.

Your constant refusal to honestly address what I ACTUALLY SAID, shows that you know that you cannot challenge my claims honestly.

Yet, you still hold firm to your positions that are based on lies.

Why are you holding to positions that you know, at some level, are wrong?

Republicans are still fighting the civil war,

That was more moronic nonsense.

it will take another 100 years to realize the Cold War is over.


Your post has zero connection with reality.

YOur constant refusal to honestly address what I actually said demonstrates that you know your position on this points is indefensible, yet you hold to them anyway.

And you still cling to your incandescent light bulbs, much like the old timers didn't want to give up the horse and buggy when cars came on the scene.

IN this, YOU are the one who is hiding from change, ie that the Cold War is over, the Russia is no longer communist and that because of that, we have no Conflict of Interests with Russia.

Your posts are nonsensical self-delusion. Stop idolizing our enemies.

THe fact that you cannot bring yourself to ACTUALLY address anything I actually said, shows that you are the one who is deluded.

Try answering in a couple coherent paragraphs like an adult an I will read all of it.

They don't call themselves communists but they aren't capitalists. Putin, who should have left office years ago has installed himself as a Stalin-like figure, who gets to decide when it's time for him to go or not and who has control over the government.

He's a defacto dictator and Trump admires him. Putin is a scumbag, an old KGB guy that wants to bring back the Soviet Union, so you derps continue defending him. Birds of a feather. Et Tu Brute.
I don't get these right wingers. Putin was the former head of the KGB. Since he has been in power, over 30 of his opponents and many journalists have disapeared or have been murdered. Wealthy families have had to turn over their wealth and/or companies to Putin and his friends. And Trump admires him. No wonder Putin is involved in our election. He wants Trump in the White House badly. Putin can manipulate Trump even more than he could Bush. Trump will put our entire country into grave danger.

Your sentences don't really relate to each other, or support anything you are saying about Trump.

It is like someone threw a bucket of sentences down a flight of stairs and then posted it.

The Cold War is over. We have no Conflict of Interests with Russia. We should stop fucking with Russia.

Trump is one of the few politicians out there who gets that.

There is no "manipulation" of Trump there. There is a Common Perspective that is a fine starting point for peaceful relations.

Try to be less panic mongering.
Okay that's a good start.

Since when you or me or anybody here has any bearing to anyone's life?
And I say the same thing you..... you can eat shit whatever or however you want in your life. I could careless.

So let me repeat my simple question to you for third time.... Why are they not hacking Trump? Lady night they hacked Hillary Wikipedia replace with a rear picture of a woman. Why are they concentrating on Hillary?


Perhaps he has Trump's e-mails and finds him the more amendable candidate to work with.

Putin isn't buying into this global world of rainbows and unicorns and how Muslims and Christians can live side by side.

I can live with that considering what the Muslims are doing in Europe.


Republicans and communists are natural allies. And it is surprising but not really unexpected of them to betray the country and side with Russia. That they, at least Trump and his cohort, are doing it so publicly is amateurish. Putin must be pissed at Trump for sinking his own campaign.

Russia is no longer communist.

That is why, at least some Republicans, realize that the Cold War is over.

Try to be less dishonest. Even if it burns you to do it.

The rest of your post is equal nonsense.

Yeah they are just like the founding fathers.

Complete strawman. I said no such thing. That you feel a need to lie about what I said, shows that you know that you cannot challenge my claim honestly.

Russia is not communist as you claimed. That was your claim and it is moronic nonsense.

I note that you have done nothing to support your moronic claim.

You only betray your loyalties by defending your communists buds.

Only a moron would claim that Russia in communist at this point in time.

NOT wanting to fuck with someone is hardly being an ally.

Your constant refusal to honestly address what I ACTUALLY SAID, shows that you know that you cannot challenge my claims honestly.

Yet, you still hold firm to your positions that are based on lies.

Why are you holding to positions that you know, at some level, are wrong?

Republicans are still fighting the civil war,

That was more moronic nonsense.

it will take another 100 years to realize the Cold War is over.


Your post has zero connection with reality.

YOur constant refusal to honestly address what I actually said demonstrates that you know your position on this points is indefensible, yet you hold to them anyway.

And you still cling to your incandescent light bulbs, much like the old timers didn't want to give up the horse and buggy when cars came on the scene.

IN this, YOU are the one who is hiding from change, ie that the Cold War is over, the Russia is no longer communist and that because of that, we have no Conflict of Interests with Russia.

Your posts are nonsensical self-delusion. Stop idolizing our enemies.

THe fact that you cannot bring yourself to ACTUALLY address anything I actually said, shows that you are the one who is deluded.

Try answering in a couple coherent paragraphs like an adult an I will read all of it.

They don't call themselves communists but they aren't capitalists. Putin, who should have left office years ago has installed himself as a Stalin-like figure, who gets to decide when it's time for him to go or not and who has control over the government.

He's a defacto dictator and Trump admires him. Putin is a scumbag, an old KGB guy that wants to bring back the Soviet Union, so you derps continue defending him. Birds of a feather. Et Tu Brute.

1. Save your airs for someone that might be fooled. My response was perfectly coherent.

2. THey are not communists either economically or politically. It is moronic to call them communists. Nothing you have posted supports your lie that they are communists.

3 Putin is a Authoritarian Strong Man, and leader of one of the most powerful nations in the world. In the absence of any real conflict of interests, good diplomatic relations would be a good thing. Confrontational rhetoric would be stupid.

4. Putin's KGB roots does not make him a communists today. NOr does his desire to dominate his neighbors.

5. Only a partisan liar would claim that there is any "birds of a feather" between Putin and Trump supporters.

6. Do you have anything to say that isn't nonsense?
4. Putin's KGB roots does not make him a communists today. NOr does his desire to dominate his neighbors.

But it probably does explain why so many journalists and so many of his opponents disappear or turn up dead. Don't think Trump hasn't noticed.
But it probably does explain why so many journalists and so many of his opponents disappear or turn up dead. Don't think Trump hasn't noticed.
On the contrary, I think he admires it.
Russia is no longer communist.

That is why, at least some Republicans, realize that the Cold War is over.

Try to be less dishonest. Even if it burns you to do it.

The rest of your post is equal nonsense.

Yeah they are just like the founding fathers.

Complete strawman. I said no such thing. That you feel a need to lie about what I said, shows that you know that you cannot challenge my claim honestly.

Russia is not communist as you claimed. That was your claim and it is moronic nonsense.

I note that you have done nothing to support your moronic claim.

You only betray your loyalties by defending your communists buds.

Only a moron would claim that Russia in communist at this point in time.

NOT wanting to fuck with someone is hardly being an ally.

Your constant refusal to honestly address what I ACTUALLY SAID, shows that you know that you cannot challenge my claims honestly.

Yet, you still hold firm to your positions that are based on lies.

Why are you holding to positions that you know, at some level, are wrong?

Republicans are still fighting the civil war,

That was more moronic nonsense.

it will take another 100 years to realize the Cold War is over.


Your post has zero connection with reality.

YOur constant refusal to honestly address what I actually said demonstrates that you know your position on this points is indefensible, yet you hold to them anyway.

And you still cling to your incandescent light bulbs, much like the old timers didn't want to give up the horse and buggy when cars came on the scene.

IN this, YOU are the one who is hiding from change, ie that the Cold War is over, the Russia is no longer communist and that because of that, we have no Conflict of Interests with Russia.

Your posts are nonsensical self-delusion. Stop idolizing our enemies.

THe fact that you cannot bring yourself to ACTUALLY address anything I actually said, shows that you are the one who is deluded.

Try answering in a couple coherent paragraphs like an adult an I will read all of it.

They don't call themselves communists but they aren't capitalists. Putin, who should have left office years ago has installed himself as a Stalin-like figure, who gets to decide when it's time for him to go or not and who has control over the government.

He's a defacto dictator and Trump admires him. Putin is a scumbag, an old KGB guy that wants to bring back the Soviet Union, so you derps continue defending him. Birds of a feather. Et Tu Brute.

1. Save your airs for someone that might be fooled. My response was perfectly coherent.

2. THey are not communists either economically or politically. It is moronic to call them communists. Nothing you have posted supports your lie that they are communists.

3 Putin is a Authoritarian Strong Man, and leader of one of the most powerful nations in the world. In the absence of any real conflict of interests, good diplomatic relations would be a good thing. Confrontational rhetoric would be stupid.

4. Putin's KGB roots does not make him a communists today. NOr does his desire to dominate his neighbors.

5. Only a partisan liar would claim that there is any "birds of a feather" between Putin and Trump supporters.

6. Do you have anything to say that isn't nonsense?
4. Putin's KGB roots does not make him a communists today. NOr does his desire to dominate his neighbors.

But it probably does explain why so many journalists and so many of his opponents disappear or turn up dead. Don't think Trump hasn't noticed.

Unpleasant, but not our business. Certainly not worth risking Global Nuclear War over.

But thank you for admitting that he is not communist.
But it probably does explain why so many journalists and so many of his opponents disappear or turn up dead. Don't think Trump hasn't noticed.
On the contrary, I think he admires it.

Having nothing but contempt for someone, who richly deserves it, and realizing that they are your enemy that will stoop to any vile tactic to destroy you, still is not the same as wanting to murder them.

YOur opinion is unsupported by the available facts.
Okay that's a good start.

Since when you or me or anybody here has any bearing to anyone's life?
And I say the same thing you..... you can eat shit whatever or however you want in your life. I could careless.

So let me repeat my simple question to you for third time.... Why are they not hacking Trump? Lady night they hacked Hillary Wikipedia replace with a rear picture of a woman. Why are they concentrating on Hillary?

View attachment 94153

Perhaps he has Trump's e-mails and finds him the more amendable candidate to work with.

Putin isn't buying into this global world of rainbows and unicorns and how Muslims and Christians can live side by side.

I can live with that considering what the Muslims are doing in Europe.



I'm smiling............ Sure Putin would love to see Trump win bc Clinton will not tolerate Putin expansion and probably scared of Clinton.
And we love it every time Trump expressed his admiration to Putin bc the only one that are happy are the Russians that are here in US but Americans are not happy.

Why Putin fears a Clinton presidency (opinion) -

(CNN)Though Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin seem to agree on a number of issues, there is one they apparently don't see eye to eye on. While Trump argues that Hillary Clinton is too weak to be president of the United States, the Russian President appears to be genuinely afraid of Clinton.

Evidence is growing that Russia is actively working to undermine Clinton's presidential prospects. When hackers released the emails of the Democratic National Committee just hours before the Democratic National Convention, internet security specialists found the fingerprints of Russian agencies. Then came the latest hacks of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

Putin Is The Only World Leader Who Approves Of A Trump Presidency, Says Foreign Policy Expert
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Okay that's a good start.

Since when you or me or anybody here has any bearing to anyone's life?
And I say the same thing you..... you can eat shit whatever or however you want in your life. I could careless.

So let me repeat my simple question to you for third time.... Why are they not hacking Trump? Lady night they hacked Hillary Wikipedia replace with a rear picture of a woman. Why are they concentrating on Hillary?

View attachment 94153

Perhaps he has Trump's e-mails and finds him the more amendable candidate to work with.

Putin isn't buying into this global world of rainbows and unicorns and how Muslims and Christians can live side by side.

I can live with that considering what the Muslims are doing in Europe.



I'm smiling............ Sure Putin would love to see Trump win bc Clinton will not tolerate Putin expansion and probably scared of Clinton.
And we love it every time Trump expressed his admiration to Putin bc the only one that are happy are the Russians that are here in US but Americans are not happy.

Why Putin fears a Clinton presidency (opinion) -

(CNN)Though Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin seem to agree on a number of issues, there is one they apparently don't see eye to eye on. While Trump argues that Hillary Clinton is too weak to be president of the United States, the Russian President appears to be genuinely afraid of Clinton.

Evidence is growing that Russia is actively working to undermine Clinton's presidential prospects. When hackers released the emails of the Democratic National Committee just hours before the Democratic National Convention, internet security specialists found the fingerprints of Russian agencies. Then came the latest hacks of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

Putin Is The Only World Leader Who Approves Of A Trump Presidency, Says Foreign Policy Expert

bc Clinton will not tolerate Putin expansion and probably scared of Clinton.

Yeah, based on her masterful term as Sec of State, the whole world is scared of Clinton. DERP!
But it probably does explain why so many journalists and so many of his opponents disappear or turn up dead. Don't think Trump hasn't noticed.
On the contrary, I think he admires it.

Having nothing but contempt for someone, who richly deserves it, and realizing that they are your enemy that will stoop to any vile tactic to destroy you, still is not the same as wanting to murder them.

YOur opinion is unsupported by the available facts.
There's no facts that Trump admires Putin?
Okay that's a good start.

Since when you or me or anybody here has any bearing to anyone's life?
And I say the same thing you..... you can eat shit whatever or however you want in your life. I could careless.

So let me repeat my simple question to you for third time.... Why are they not hacking Trump? Lady night they hacked Hillary Wikipedia replace with a rear picture of a woman. Why are they concentrating on Hillary?

View attachment 94153

Perhaps he has Trump's e-mails and finds him the more amendable candidate to work with.

Putin isn't buying into this global world of rainbows and unicorns and how Muslims and Christians can live side by side.

I can live with that considering what the Muslims are doing in Europe.



I'm smiling............ Sure Putin would love to see Trump win bc Clinton will not tolerate Putin expansion and probably scared of Clinton.
And we love it every time Trump expressed his admiration to Putin bc the only one that are happy are the Russians that are here in US but Americans are not happy.

Why Putin fears a Clinton presidency (opinion) -

(CNN)Though Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin seem to agree on a number of issues, there is one they apparently don't see eye to eye on. While Trump argues that Hillary Clinton is too weak to be president of the United States, the Russian President appears to be genuinely afraid of Clinton.

Evidence is growing that Russia is actively working to undermine Clinton's presidential prospects. When hackers released the emails of the Democratic National Committee just hours before the Democratic National Convention, internet security specialists found the fingerprints of Russian agencies. Then came the latest hacks of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

Putin Is The Only World Leader Who Approves Of A Trump Presidency, Says Foreign Policy Expert

Yeah maybe she can finish the job of firebombing the rest of the Middle East that your current messiah and chief started then whine "Does it matter" as more Americans die in the aftermath. Then as she signs executive orders for bringing in millions more Muslim terrorists as refugees she can demand that Putin open his borders to them also. I'm sure Putin wants to see that happen.

How many more civilians in the Middle East is she going to bomb our of existence as she works to "free those countries of their evil dictators'?

Is she going to leave more US munitions laying around for those terrorists once she's finished?

How much more money is she going to spend on military intervention for the great Arab Spring that leaves millions homeless?

The great peace loving progressives building their bridges of understanding with the bodies of the dead through military intervention.


But it probably does explain why so many journalists and so many of his opponents disappear or turn up dead. Don't think Trump hasn't noticed.
On the contrary, I think he admires it.

Having nothing but contempt for someone, who richly deserves it, and realizing that they are your enemy that will stoop to any vile tactic to destroy you, still is not the same as wanting to murder them.

YOur opinion is unsupported by the available facts.
There's no facts that Trump admires Putin?

Save your stawman for someone who cares.

I said what I said, address it or STFU.

Having nothing but contempt for someone, who richly deserves it, and realizing that they are your enemy that will stoop to any vile tactic to destroy you, still is not the same as wanting to murder them.

YOur opinion is unsupported by the available facts.
Okay that's a good start.

Since when you or me or anybody here has any bearing to anyone's life?
And I say the same thing you..... you can eat shit whatever or however you want in your life. I could careless.

So let me repeat my simple question to you for third time.... Why are they not hacking Trump? Lady night they hacked Hillary Wikipedia replace with a rear picture of a woman. Why are they concentrating on Hillary?

View attachment 94153

Perhaps he has Trump's e-mails and finds him the more amendable candidate to work with.

Putin isn't buying into this global world of rainbows and unicorns and how Muslims and Christians can live side by side.

I can live with that considering what the Muslims are doing in Europe.



I'm smiling............ Sure Putin would love to see Trump win bc Clinton will not tolerate Putin expansion and probably scared of Clinton.
And we love it every time Trump expressed his admiration to Putin bc the only one that are happy are the Russians that are here in US but Americans are not happy.

Why Putin fears a Clinton presidency (opinion) -

(CNN)Though Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin seem to agree on a number of issues, there is one they apparently don't see eye to eye on. While Trump argues that Hillary Clinton is too weak to be president of the United States, the Russian President appears to be genuinely afraid of Clinton.

Evidence is growing that Russia is actively working to undermine Clinton's presidential prospects. When hackers released the emails of the Democratic National Committee just hours before the Democratic National Convention, internet security specialists found the fingerprints of Russian agencies. Then came the latest hacks of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

Putin Is The Only World Leader Who Approves Of A Trump Presidency, Says Foreign Policy Expert

bc Clinton will not tolerate Putin expansion and probably scared of Clinton.

Yeah, based on her masterful term as Sec of State, the whole world is scared of Clinton. DERP!

They should be scared of Clinton and she should be tough. We cannot afford a weakling whining president........ That way they cannot just run us over and just let China or Russia freely expand their territories.
The way it looks........ I think Trump will just roll and lay down bc of his admiration to Putin. So I'm not sure why he keep displaying his admiration to Putin. I'm just wondering what benefits does he gain ............

Trump: 'I could see myself' meeting with Putin before I'm president -

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump wants to hit the ground running with Russia.

The Republican nominee said in an interview Monday that he might meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin before he even makes it into the White House.

"I think I could see myself meeting with Putin and meeting with Russia prior to the start of the administration. I think it would be wonderful," Trump told Michael Savage in an interview for his radio show.
When a foreign government interferes with an election in any democracy it must be crushed underfoot without haste. When it is an attack on the presidential election in the United States it is tantamount to war.

Trump not only is working with the Russians, he cheers them on to hack US Government Computers. Treason.

The Republican Party created this menace to the security of the entire world and they need to do everything they can to remove this POS from the ballot. This isn't a joke, it isn't 'politics as usual'. This is something new. Russia would never have thought of interfering with a US presidential election. As the current president is at the end of his tenure they have allied with Trump and Assange to usurp the US Election.

Put Kim Jong Un in place of Putin. What would the US do to North Korea if he were doing this?

Trump not only is working with the Russians, he cheers them on to hack US Government Computers.

Hillary's server was a US government computer? Are you sure?

Hillary's email has never been hacked.

John Podesta's and the DNC emails were hacked.

Do try to keep up. It's been in all the papers and on line.

Then why are all these entities claiming they have '33,000 missing emails'. Those are just random emails from AOL ten years ago?

Those are the emails that were deleted by the lawyers who were hired to go through the emails and delete the personal emails.

The law requires personal emails to be deleted.

Deleting emails isn't the same thing as hacking.

Hillary's email account wasn't hacked.

What was hacked was Podesta's and the DNC email accounts.

I don't condone hacking which is a crime. I don't care who was hacked. It's wrong if a republican or democrat's email is hacked.
Okay that's a good start.

Since when you or me or anybody here has any bearing to anyone's life?
And I say the same thing you..... you can eat shit whatever or however you want in your life. I could careless.

So let me repeat my simple question to you for third time.... Why are they not hacking Trump? Lady night they hacked Hillary Wikipedia replace with a rear picture of a woman. Why are they concentrating on Hillary?

View attachment 94153

Perhaps he has Trump's e-mails and finds him the more amendable candidate to work with.

Putin isn't buying into this global world of rainbows and unicorns and how Muslims and Christians can live side by side.

I can live with that considering what the Muslims are doing in Europe.



I'm smiling............ Sure Putin would love to see Trump win bc Clinton will not tolerate Putin expansion and probably scared of Clinton.
And we love it every time Trump expressed his admiration to Putin bc the only one that are happy are the Russians that are here in US but Americans are not happy.

Why Putin fears a Clinton presidency (opinion) -

(CNN)Though Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin seem to agree on a number of issues, there is one they apparently don't see eye to eye on. While Trump argues that Hillary Clinton is too weak to be president of the United States, the Russian President appears to be genuinely afraid of Clinton.

Evidence is growing that Russia is actively working to undermine Clinton's presidential prospects. When hackers released the emails of the Democratic National Committee just hours before the Democratic National Convention, internet security specialists found the fingerprints of Russian agencies. Then came the latest hacks of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

Putin Is The Only World Leader Who Approves Of A Trump Presidency, Says Foreign Policy Expert

bc Clinton will not tolerate Putin expansion and probably scared of Clinton.

Yeah, based on her masterful term as Sec of State, the whole world is scared of Clinton. DERP!

They should be scared of Clinton and she should be tough. We cannot afford a weakling whining president........ That way they cannot just run us over and just let China or Russia freely expand their territories.
The way it looks........ I think Trump will just roll and lay down bc of his admiration to Putin. So I'm not sure why he keep displaying his admiration to Putin. I'm just wondering what benefits does he gain ............

Trump: 'I could see myself' meeting with Putin before I'm president -

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump wants to hit the ground running with Russia.

The Republican nominee said in an interview Monday that he might meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin before he even makes it into the White House.

"I think I could see myself meeting with Putin and meeting with Russia prior to the start of the administration. I think it would be wonderful," Trump told Michael Savage in an interview for his radio show.

They should be scared of Clinton and she should be tough.

Yes, that brilliant reset button and her cackle shows she is not to be trifled with.

We cannot afford a weakling whining president........

I agree, but happily Obama is leaving office soon.
Thank god someone like Reagan isn't running again, he gets 242 Marines killed in Beirut and immediately turns tail and runs. Weakest president in a 100 years.
Thank god someone like Reagan isn't running again, he gets 242 Marines killed in Beirut and immediately turns tail and runs. Weakest president in a 100 years.


Remember how all you lefties made fun of the idea that the Soviets would ever lose the Cold War?
Just wanted to post about one time a foreign power seriously meddled in American politics, see if you can find any parallels:

American Nazi organization rally at Madison Square Garden, 1939

Warfare History Network » The German American Bund: Confessions of a Nazi Spy

of course, this was before the Internet, and no, it's not exactly the same now, but there are some similar elements.

I also thought I should post this very interesting quote by Mark Twain:

“History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme.”

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