Never Trump--"We told you Trump would kill us--but you didn't listen"

The Republican leadership was headed in one direction and the rest of the party was headed in the opposite direction. Something had to give and it did. Republican voters set the party on a path of self-destruction.

In order to compete with Democrats in the 20th century, Republicans welcomed every political agenda that wasn't liberal. The result was they failed all of them miserably. Trump was able to attract these groups because he rejected political ideologies and concentrated on the hot button issues of these groups.
You're just dead wrong.
Many of the GOP base live in a alternate media universe that is nonexistent in the real world. The birther thing is a good example. It is the most insane conspiracy theory of all time. There is no way to have it make a lick of sense.

So what did the establishment say about it?

What do they say to this day?


I think what's happened is that Republican main stream politicians, aka the "Establishment" catered to the Reich wing nutcases, and didn't put them in their place, when they should have. On that point you are 100% correct. Birthers movement being one of them.

They also were negligent in letting the right wing know what they were doing, and the success's they did have. If not for them, even though the minority at the time--we would have had single payer health care, and not Obamacare. There was a whole list of things that would have happened at there not been Republicans in the house and Senate that would have been worse.

We're looking at a 200 foot tall Tsunami that is going to hit the Republican Party on election night. For the first time in 60 years Republicans are losing white educated voters.
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

We have millions of Republicans that have changed their party status to Independent, and will be voting for Hillary Clinton, me being one of them.
Trump sends unprecedented numbers of GOP fleeing to Clinton

The GOP is suffering from the Faustian bargain they made with the social right, Christian fundamentalists, reactionary libertarians, and TPM nitwits.
Republicans will not simply walk away unscathed from the looming Trump disaster after Election Day.

The last two days have convinced anti-Trump Republicans not only that he will lose, but that there will be a prolonged civil war within the party. Trump not only needs to be humiliated at the ballot box, they say, but his supporters will need to be permanently thrown out.

“Whether the Republican party can survive is an open question,” said Randy Scheunemann, who served as a top aide to Sen. John McCain during his 2008 presidential run. “The Republican party has been deeply wounded by his candidacy and the damage will last far beyond Election Day. Already Trump and Trumpians are blaming ‘establishment’ Republicans for his demise. The blame game after his impending defeat will intensify.”

A strategist for GOP Ohio Gov. John Kasich put the battle in vivid terms: “Sometimes the barn is so infested with rats you just have to burn the damn thing down and start over,” John Weaver tweeted Tuesday.

Trump’s failure may not only cause long-term damage to the Republican Party, but the fracture could be so deep the two factions could break apart for good, with anti-Trump conservatives on one side and the pro-Trump forces on the other.

“My basic belief is that despite a desire to rebuild a big tent, either the Trump faction… will have to leave or be forced out, or those of us who think that the GOP should actually stand for something and nominate decent people should set up a new party,” said Eliot Cohen, a former counselor of the State Department during the Bush administration.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

And here it begins--the Republican party splitting into 2 factions. The bat shit crazy deplorable's on one side and the decent on the other.


You're not a Republican, liar
And this is one of the many problems hurting the GOP – this ‘RINO’ nonsense, Republicans being accused of not being ‘real’ Republicans, that a Republican must adhere blindly to sanctioned doctrine and dogma, and the idiocy of the GOP’s circular firing squad.

Seeking to stifle dissent and compel conformity is one of the many failings of conservatism.
Says the moron that is supporting Hillary. How much did she and her minions make from the uranium sale to Russia?

Liberals are dumb. There are no other valid excuses.
That would be zero. And something like 13 government agencies had to sign off on that deal.

But somehow, in the minds of emotion driven morons, Hillary was able to siphon money off for herself and her pals.

How effing stupid do you have to be to believe something so idiotic?
Liberals are stupid lazy liars.
Republicans will not simply walk away unscathed from the looming Trump disaster after Election Day.

The last two days have convinced anti-Trump Republicans not only that he will lose, but that there will be a prolonged civil war within the party. Trump not only needs to be humiliated at the ballot box, they say, but his supporters will need to be permanently thrown out.

“Whether the Republican party can survive is an open question,” said Randy Scheunemann, who served as a top aide to Sen. John McCain during his 2008 presidential run. “The Republican party has been deeply wounded by his candidacy and the damage will last far beyond Election Day. Already Trump and Trumpians are blaming ‘establishment’ Republicans for his demise. The blame game after his impending defeat will intensify.”

A strategist for GOP Ohio Gov. John Kasich put the battle in vivid terms: “Sometimes the barn is so infested with rats you just have to burn the damn thing down and start over,” John Weaver tweeted Tuesday.

Trump’s failure may not only cause long-term damage to the Republican Party, but the fracture could be so deep the two factions could break apart for good, with anti-Trump conservatives on one side and the pro-Trump forces on the other.

“My basic belief is that despite a desire to rebuild a big tent, either the Trump faction… will have to leave or be forced out, or those of us who think that the GOP should actually stand for something and nominate decent people should set up a new party,” said Eliot Cohen, a former counselor of the State Department during the Bush administration.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

And here it begins--the Republican party splitting into 2 factions. The bat shit crazy deplorable's on one side and the decent on the other.


You're not a Republican, liar
And this is one of the many problems hurting the GOP – this ‘RINO’ nonsense, Republicans being accused of not being ‘real’ Republicans, that a Republican must adhere blindly to sanctioned doctrine and dogma, and the idiocy of the GOP’s circular firing squad.

Seeking to stifle dissent and compel conformity is one of the many failings of conservatism.

I'm not saying he's not a "real" Republican, he's not a Republican at all. Every post he's written I've ever seen is as Democrat as you. I'm sure Republicans appreciate you being their codpiece though. It's a bizarre things how Democrats like Oreo, Huggy and Jake who are just straight line Democrats get some sort of woody over saying they are Republicans.

And how is it stifling decent to say he's a Democrat?
The Republican leadership was headed in one direction and the rest of the party was headed in the opposite direction. Something had to give and it did. Republican voters set the party on a path of self-destruction.

In order to compete with Democrats in the 20th century, Republicans welcomed every political agenda that wasn't liberal. The result was they failed all of them miserably. Trump was able to attract these groups because he rejected political ideologies and concentrated on the hot button issues of these groups.
You're just dead wrong.
Many of the GOP base live in a alternate media universe that is nonexistent in the real world. The birther thing is a good example. It is the most insane conspiracy theory of all time. There is no way to have it make a lick of sense.

So what did the establishment say about it?

What do they say to this day?


I think what's happened is that Republican main stream politicians, aka the "Establishment" catered to the Reich wing nutcases, and didn't put them in their place, when they should have. On that point you are 100% correct. Birthers movement being one of them.

They also were negligent in letting the right wing know what they were doing, and the success's they did have. If not for them, even though the minority at the time--we would have had single payer health care, and not Obamacare. There was a whole list of things that would have happened at there not been Republicans in the house and Senate that would have been worse.

We're looking at a 200 foot tall Tsunami that is going to hit the Republican Party on election night. For the first time in 60 years Republicans are losing white educated voters.
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

We have millions of Republicans that have changed their party status to Independent, and will be voting for Hillary Clinton, me being one of them.
Trump sends unprecedented numbers of GOP fleeing to Clinton

The GOP is suffering from the Faustian bargain they made with the social right, Christian fundamentalists, reactionary libertarians, and TPM nitwits.
Clinton is a failure. She fucked up everything she was involved in. Her gun running programs to Mexico and the ME were disasters. She refused to use the military assets she had in place to save her Ambassador. Her stupid reset button has ended in epic failure. She makes every wrong decision. Explain the server again. Why did she take top secret information and place it on her bathroom server?
Republicans will not simply walk away unscathed from the looming Trump disaster after Election Day.

The last two days have convinced anti-Trump Republicans not only that he will lose, but that there will be a prolonged civil war within the party. Trump not only needs to be humiliated at the ballot box, they say, but his supporters will need to be permanently thrown out.

“Whether the Republican party can survive is an open question,” said Randy Scheunemann, who served as a top aide to Sen. John McCain during his 2008 presidential run. “The Republican party has been deeply wounded by his candidacy and the damage will last far beyond Election Day. Already Trump and Trumpians are blaming ‘establishment’ Republicans for his demise. The blame game after his impending defeat will intensify.”

A strategist for GOP Ohio Gov. John Kasich put the battle in vivid terms: “Sometimes the barn is so infested with rats you just have to burn the damn thing down and start over,” John Weaver tweeted Tuesday.

Trump’s failure may not only cause long-term damage to the Republican Party, but the fracture could be so deep the two factions could break apart for good, with anti-Trump conservatives on one side and the pro-Trump forces on the other.

“My basic belief is that despite a desire to rebuild a big tent, either the Trump faction… will have to leave or be forced out, or those of us who think that the GOP should actually stand for something and nominate decent people should set up a new party,” said Eliot Cohen, a former counselor of the State Department during the Bush administration.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

And here it begins--the Republican party splitting into 2 factions. The bat shit crazy deplorable's on one side and the decent on the other.


You're not a Republican, liar
And this is one of the many problems hurting the GOP – this ‘RINO’ nonsense, Republicans being accused of not being ‘real’ Republicans, that a Republican must adhere blindly to sanctioned doctrine and dogma, and the idiocy of the GOP’s circular firing squad.

Seeking to stifle dissent and compel conformity is one of the many failings of conservatism.
Says says the idiot that wants News channels banned.
Harlan K. Ullman, a shrewd American analyst, once noted that there used to be two parties in America – one had a conscience but no brains, and the other always had brains but no conscience. Now, Ullman notes, we have two completely identical parties with no brains and no conscience, and he questions the meaning of their existence.

America Forever?
The party split began when Dick Cheney, raised democrat, dodged the draft 5 times, pro gay-marriage, entered the party and took over from the top down (the CIA). He began inserting his own agenda which, when it conflicted with decent values, simply replaced them until even the party's own base couldn't recognize it anymore.

Hence the Trumpees. Long story short.
Says the moron that is supporting Hillary. How much did she and her minions make from the uranium sale to Russia?

Liberals are dumb. There are no other valid excuses.
That would be zero. And something like 13 government agencies had to sign off on that deal.

But somehow, in the minds of emotion driven morons, Hillary was able to siphon money off for herself and her pals.

How effing stupid do you have to be to believe something so idiotic?
Liberals are stupid lazy liars.
People can walk and chew gum at the same time.

The is less egregious than someone bringing candy bars to work to sell for her daughter's elementary school class raising money to buy Christmas presents for refugee children.

Oh my God! Sally bought two candy bars from Mary and then was promoted by Mary a week later.
Her gun running programs to Mexico and the ME were disasters.
Her gun running programs to Mexico and the ME?!?!


Even Alex Jones doesn't have his own head up his ass that much.
Even worse, Trump never tries to works with people. People work for him or against him but not with him.
Is your comment based on experience working with Trump, or did some liberal douche tell you what to think?
Just look at his campaign. He hires political advisers, ignores them, and often keeps them in the dark. He's on his 3rd campaign manger, Kellyanne Conway. Just last week she was on TV to answer questions about Trump's reaction to the tape. Instead she just says, I have no information on that. I don't know what his plans are. We have not discussed that. Trump does not work with people. He has a dictatorial style of management in which he uses people as a source of information, pits one against the other, and shares information only when he thinks it's appropriate.

Interviews with current and former Trump associates reveal an executive who is fond of promoting rivalries among subordinates, wary of delegating any major decisions, scornful of convention and fiercely insistent on a culture of loyalty around him. In short, this is a management style that would be disastrous in the White House, particular for a president that has no experience in government administration, dealing with congress or foreign and domestic affairs.

In campaign chaos, Donald Trump shows his management style
Her gun running programs to Mexico and the ME were disasters.
Her gun running programs to Mexico and the ME?!?!


Even Alex Jones doesn't have his own head up his ass that much.
Ignorance is bliss in a liberal utopia. Your dumb bitch went on tv with the president of Mexico to lie about gun shops running guns when she was one running guns to drug lords. She then shipped $500 million of weapons to ISIS. It's not my fault you are a ignorant ass.
went on tv with the president of Mexico to lie
I hate to break it to you moron, you are the one who drank the Kool Aid. She wasn't the one lying.

If that Twilight Zone moronic Fast and Furious thing was anything more than [bad] science fiction, then the scamps in your sewing circle would be bringing it up, non stop.
went on tv with the president of Mexico to lie
I hate to break it to you moron, you are the one who drank the Kool Aid. She wasn't the one lying.

If that Twilight Zone moronic Fast and Furious thing was anything more than [bad] science fiction, then the scamps in your sewing circle would be bringing it up, non stop.
What a turd. So fast and furious didn't happen? You are a lunatic. Hillary held a press conference about gun running when in fact she was the arms dealer. I know lots of crap has happened due to her incompetence since then, but she was part of it. The press conference was not a coincidence. The "Hillary is retarded and didn't know" defense is off the table since you morons want her as President.

How about the $500 million in arms to ISIS? She didn't know about that either? You want an incompetent ass as president. List her successes as sec of state.

How about her slush fund where she screwed over Hati. Face it. You love a piece of shit.
What a turd. So fast and furious didn't happen?
Correct. It was fabricated virtually out of thin air, and despite not making a lick of sense, the fucktards in the bubble lapped it up like starving senile dogs.
Republicans will not simply walk away unscathed from the looming Trump disaster after Election Day.

The last two days have convinced anti-Trump Republicans not only that he will lose, but that there will be a prolonged civil war within the party. Trump not only needs to be humiliated at the ballot box, they say, but his supporters will need to be permanently thrown out.

“Whether the Republican party can survive is an open question,” said Randy Scheunemann, who served as a top aide to Sen. John McCain during his 2008 presidential run. “The Republican party has been deeply wounded by his candidacy and the damage will last far beyond Election Day. Already Trump and Trumpians are blaming ‘establishment’ Republicans for his demise. The blame game after his impending defeat will intensify.”

A strategist for GOP Ohio Gov. John Kasich put the battle in vivid terms: “Sometimes the barn is so infested with rats you just have to burn the damn thing down and start over,” John Weaver tweeted Tuesday.

Trump’s failure may not only cause long-term damage to the Republican Party, but the fracture could be so deep the two factions could break apart for good, with anti-Trump conservatives on one side and the pro-Trump forces on the other.

“My basic belief is that despite a desire to rebuild a big tent, either the Trump faction… will have to leave or be forced out, or those of us who think that the GOP should actually stand for something and nominate decent people should set up a new party,” said Eliot Cohen, a former counselor of the State Department during the Bush administration.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

And here it begins--the Republican party splitting into 2 factions. The bat shit crazy deplorable's on one side and the decent on the other.


If you analyze Clinton's Wikileaks emails, it is clear that the establishment Republicans can just go join with her. I don't really see what their damage is.

All the neo-cons and the Bush family are voting for her anyway. Hell, cousin Bush set Trump up didn't he? Do they think they are fooling anyone?

They were the one's that broke into the Watergate and conspired with the liberals to take down the Rockefeller Republicans to begin with. Why the hell Nixon erased that tape and covered for them is beyond me. There never was any evidence that he had anything to do with the break in. He never authorized it.

The crooks and criminals of the Deep State have always played together over at the Pratt House, why not just join together officially? Seriously, what is the damage here? Tertiary issues? Give me a break.
This fails as a red herring fallacy – the thread is about Trump, not Clinton.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable.

It's not really a red herring fallacy, you just don't have the intellectual acuity to follow the logical progression of the idea, that's not my fault.

I see you are not familiar with Bill Clinton's favorite book, very influential among neo-conservatives at the CFR. He was allowed access to the private documents at the CFR to write "Tragedy and Hope."


Trump is crashing like the Hindenburg

Really? He has regained his lead in Rassmussen. Then of course the fake 11 point Hillary lead has been exposed as political operatives for Hillary - that poll took their poll immediately after the Bush family leaked the '05 Trump tapes. That same poll was released after debate #2 to make it look like they included the debate...but they didn't include the results from the debate. Like the CNN poll after the debate, they polled 58% Hillary voters.

For a guy that's crashing like you proclaim, the Democratic Party SuperPacs, the media are going way overboard to destroy Trump.

If Trump was crashing, there would be no need to bring forth these lying bimbos in hopes of destroying Trump.

Wishful thinking Don't Taz Me, that's all you have

I'm pretty sure, even if Trump were to win the election at this point, the vote would never be certified.

Think about it. If the attorney general won't prosecute Hillary when it is abundantly clear to any thinking person that she broke the law, when agents even in the FBI had to sign forms of non-disclosure, in order to protect her from prosecution, the establishment is protecting her so she can be crowned queen.

Now the media is trickling stories that the Russians may be able to influence the election, and the DHS may have to intervene to stop foreign meddling. That will be the "hail mary pass" to stop the certification of any vote to place a Trump presidency. Americans are so passive, nothing will happen to prevent Hillary from becoming the next POTUS. If Americans didn't care when the SCOTUS decided who would be president, they will just as easily accept DHS telling them who the next president will be for that sake of security concerns.

Just look at the threads on this site, most of the folks on the left won't even read the Wikileaks concerning Hillary, they don't care about the corruption, they just don't give a shit. They will passively accept the police state, the media has conditioned them to accept it already. And for those who don't want it? What are they going to do? The same thing folks did when the Supreme Court decided who would be president. . . NOTHING.
When Trump loses the election he will have only himself to blame – Trump alone will be responsible.
That will never be proven. On top of that, he will benefit greatly either way.
Correct. It was fabricated virtually out of thin air, and despite not making a lick of sense, the fucktards in the bubble lapped it up like starving senile dogs.
No sense arguing with a moron that denies reality. Typical Hillary lap dog.[/QUOTE]
My thoughts exactly. You are a sucker. If F&F had even a nanogram of substance, you skanks would talk about nothing else. As it is now, there isn't a peep.

Fast & Furious is too bat shit crazy for even Donald Trump!
went on tv with the president of Mexico to lie
I hate to break it to you moron, you are the one who drank the Kool Aid. She wasn't the one lying.

If that Twilight Zone moronic Fast and Furious thing was anything more than [bad] science fiction, then the scamps in your sewing circle would be bringing it up, non stop.
What a turd. So fast and furious didn't happen? You are a lunatic. Hillary held a press conference about gun running when in fact she was the arms dealer. I know lots of crap has happened due to her incompetence since then, but she was part of it. The press conference was not a coincidence. The "Hillary is retarded and didn't know" defense is off the table since you morons want her as President.

How about the $500 million in arms to ISIS? She didn't know about that either? You want an incompetent ass as president. List her successes as sec of state.

How about her slush fund where she screwed over Hati. Face it. You love a piece of shit.
Nether the State Dept nor Hillary had anything to do with Fast and Furious. Gunwalking began in 2006 under Bush and continued under Obama. It fell under the jurisdiction of the Dept of Justice and was implemented by the ATF. Hillary was not involve.
Trump is crashing like the Hindenburg

Really? He has regained his lead in Rassmussen. Then of course the fake 11 point Hillary lead has been exposed as political operatives for Hillary - that poll took their poll immediately after the Bush family leaked the '05 Trump tapes. That same poll was released after debate #2 to make it look like they included the debate...but they didn't include the results from the debate. Like the CNN poll after the debate, they polled 58% Hillary voters.

For a guy that's crashing like you proclaim, the Democratic Party SuperPacs, the media are going way overboard to destroy Trump.

If Trump was crashing, there would be no need to bring forth these lying bimbos in hopes of destroying Trump.

Wishful thinking Don't Taz Me, that's all you have

Really? I mean Really?
Rasmussen poll was only published in Breitbart. It's not even mention in Fox News. Trump has access to Fox News 24 hours and act like he own Fox. His brother Hannity is promoting him everyday. Fox News poll has Clinton ahead by 7 points. So what is your excuse?
Hannity and Fox News are friendly with Trump? Really? From Megan Kelly on, Fox has been quick to bash Trump. FOX does as it is told to do by it's owners. It is interesting that you are all in your onFox polls.

List of FOX employees hostile to Trump

Megyn Kelly
Greg Gutfeld
Dana Perino
Juan Williams
Susan Estrich
Shepard Smith
Chris Wallace
George Will
Meghan McCain
Geraldo Rivera
Karl Rove
Charles Krauthammer
Brit Hume

Forum List
