Never Trump--"We told you Trump would kill us--but you didn't listen"

Never Trump people should never be mistaken for real Americans or real Republicans. All they care about is the Clinton/Bush business as usual crony capitalism that serves their rich elite globalist masters and fuck America.

Forty percent of Republicans voted Trump in as nominee. Yes, he got the most votes, I'm not saying he shouldn't have been the nominee. But I am saying if you want to win elections you need to go after pro-free trade fiscal conservatives and other groups you need to win by being inclusive, not kicking us in the balls, which is all Trumpettes do.

I mean if you're happy with being a purist protectionist and going down in flames than be my guest. But don't be surprised when your going down in flames happens
Republicans will not simply walk away unscathed from the looming Trump disaster after Election Day.

The last two days have convinced anti-Trump Republicans not only that he will lose, but that there will be a prolonged civil war within the party. Trump not only needs to be humiliated at the ballot box, they say, but his supporters will need to be permanently thrown out.

“Whether the Republican party can survive is an open question,” said Randy Scheunemann, who served as a top aide to Sen. John McCain during his 2008 presidential run. “The Republican party has been deeply wounded by his candidacy and the damage will last far beyond Election Day. Already Trump and Trumpians are blaming ‘establishment’ Republicans for his demise. The blame game after his impending defeat will intensify.”

A strategist for GOP Ohio Gov. John Kasich put the battle in vivid terms: “Sometimes the barn is so infested with rats you just have to burn the damn thing down and start over,” John Weaver tweeted Tuesday.

Trump’s failure may not only cause long-term damage to the Republican Party, but the fracture could be so deep the two factions could break apart for good, with anti-Trump conservatives on one side and the pro-Trump forces on the other.

“My basic belief is that despite a desire to rebuild a big tent, either the Trump faction… will have to leave or be forced out, or those of us who think that the GOP should actually stand for something and nominate decent people should set up a new party,” said Eliot Cohen, a former counselor of the State Department during the Bush administration.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

And here it begins--the Republican party splitting into 2 factions. The bat shit crazy deplorable's on one side and the decent on the other.


You're not a Republican, liar
If Trump wins against all the odds/MSM/REP elites/"alleged" accusations there WILL BE A RECKONING within the REP party visa vi President Trump's administration.
Look for a fucking TON of REP rats who jumped ship to be applying for that part time teaching position at the Jr. College in the town of 'Nowheresville'.
If Trump loses it will not be by much. In that case the diehard Trump supporters are NEVER EVER! going to forgive the REP elites. This will permanently fracture the REP party and possibly create the impetus to form a newly branded/named political party.
Very interesting times ahead.
I like the name: 'New Nationalist Party'.
This is an interesting post. Tell us how Drumpf will have the power to do what you are saying would be done?

meh. . .

Who gives a shit. If he wins, as long as he keeps the US and NATO from shooting down Russian plans in Syria and Ukraine, that would make that whole thing worth it, wouldn't it?
the problem with this 'we told you so' BS is that they still don't recognize the problem.

they are the problem. those that have been in power and have been assfucking the electorate for decades, taking their jobs straight to the bank while serving those filling their slop troughs instead of the people.

people got so pissed off that they rolled Trump out there and these people still can't find a mirror that works.

The position that the electorate are the ones not listening is such a display of irony in demonstrating exactly what is wrong with DC that it's hilarious.
William F Buckley drove the crazies out of the Republican Party, and they dominated the political spectrum for 30 years.

Now the crazies have taken over the Republican Party and they are imploding.

Buckley drove the actual conservatives out of the GOP and created a neocon establishment that was indistuishable from the Democrats.

The alt-right is correcting that mistake.
Even if Trump loses at least he has exposed the cuckservative establishment for what they are.
William F Buckley drove the crazies out of the Republican Party, and they dominated the political spectrum for 30 years.

Now the crazies have taken over the Republican Party and they are imploding.

Buckley drove the actual conservatives out of the GOP and created a neocon establishment that was indistuishable from the Democrats.

The alt-right is correcting that mistake.
Nothing like living in Opposite World.
Republicans will not simply walk away unscathed from the looming Trump disaster after Election Day.

The last two days have convinced anti-Trump Republicans not only that he will lose, but that there will be a prolonged civil war within the party. Trump not only needs to be humiliated at the ballot box, they say, but his supporters will need to be permanently thrown out.

“Whether the Republican party can survive is an open question,” said Randy Scheunemann, who served as a top aide to Sen. John McCain during his 2008 presidential run. “The Republican party has been deeply wounded by his candidacy and the damage will last far beyond Election Day. Already Trump and Trumpians are blaming ‘establishment’ Republicans for his demise. The blame game after his impending defeat will intensify.”

A strategist for GOP Ohio Gov. John Kasich put the battle in vivid terms: “Sometimes the barn is so infested with rats you just have to burn the damn thing down and start over,” John Weaver tweeted Tuesday.

Trump’s failure may not only cause long-term damage to the Republican Party, but the fracture could be so deep the two factions could break apart for good, with anti-Trump conservatives on one side and the pro-Trump forces on the other.

“My basic belief is that despite a desire to rebuild a big tent, either the Trump faction… will have to leave or be forced out, or those of us who think that the GOP should actually stand for something and nominate decent people should set up a new party,” said Eliot Cohen, a former counselor of the State Department during the Bush administration.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

And here it begins--the Republican party splitting into 2 factions. The bat shit crazy deplorable's on one side and the decent on the other.

The Republican leadership was headed in one direction and the rest of the party was headed in the opposite direction. Something had to give and it did. Republican voters set the party on a path of self-destruction.

In order to compete with Democrats in the 20th century, Republicans welcomed every political agenda that wasn't liberal. The result was they failed all of them miserably. Trump was able to attract these groups because he rejected political ideologies and concentrated on the hot button issues of these groups.

Agreed Trump knew exactly what he was doing. Reich wing talk shows hosts for several years have been inciting this anger within the party. And when you have a large section that lives in this Reich wing media bubble, refusing to read any articles, or turn to any other news other than FOX News, made them very easy prey-for someone like Donald Trump.

From the beginning I had believed that Trump was in this election not to win it, but to drive it into Hillary Clinton's lap. But, I changed my mind after the last debate when he went after Bill Clinton. Clearly they're not friends and this wasn't a set up.

I can't even guess what drives Trump but what difference does it make. What you see is what you will get with Trump, a candidate who lacks any qualification for the office.

I think the fact that Donald Trump can convince 30% to 40% of the voters that he should be president with no qualifications for the office is a serious indictment of the American educational system.
I think the fact that Donald Trump can convince 30% to 40% of the voters that he should be president with no qualifications for the office is a serious indictment of the American educational system.

Yes. It's unfortunate that system failed the other 60-70% that will vote for Mrs Clinton...... a liar, a career political hack, an immoral and unqualified hack, and a Socialist.
"Con-servatives finally got tired of the shite and rebelled".......and picked a non con-servative narcissist. Yay Team! View attachment 93536
While I agree with you post, the 'narcissist' comment was 'over the top'.

Barry is the ULTIMATE Narcissist. he was so pissed that no Libs wanted him to campaign for them in 2014 because he was 'poison' that he openly declared to America that the 2014 elections were about HIM, HIS polices, HIS agenda, etc...

...and Democrats suffered an HISTORIC, RECORD-SETTING ass-kicking. You can call it 'coincidence' if you want, but just sayin'...

Well, we are all well aware of Trump's modesty. In fact, he is the most modest man in the UNIVERSE!
Republicans will not simply walk away unscathed from the looming Trump disaster after Election Day.

The last two days have convinced anti-Trump Republicans not only that he will lose, but that there will be a prolonged civil war within the party. Trump not only needs to be humiliated at the ballot box, they say, but his supporters will need to be permanently thrown out.

“Whether the Republican party can survive is an open question,” said Randy Scheunemann, who served as a top aide to Sen. John McCain during his 2008 presidential run. “The Republican party has been deeply wounded by his candidacy and the damage will last far beyond Election Day. Already Trump and Trumpians are blaming ‘establishment’ Republicans for his demise. The blame game after his impending defeat will intensify.”

A strategist for GOP Ohio Gov. John Kasich put the battle in vivid terms: “Sometimes the barn is so infested with rats you just have to burn the damn thing down and start over,” John Weaver tweeted Tuesday.

Trump’s failure may not only cause long-term damage to the Republican Party, but the fracture could be so deep the two factions could break apart for good, with anti-Trump conservatives on one side and the pro-Trump forces on the other.

“My basic belief is that despite a desire to rebuild a big tent, either the Trump faction… will have to leave or be forced out, or those of us who think that the GOP should actually stand for something and nominate decent people should set up a new party,” said Eliot Cohen, a former counselor of the State Department during the Bush administration.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

And here it begins--the Republican party splitting into 2 factions. The bat shit crazy deplorable's on one side and the decent on the other.

The Republican leadership was headed in one direction and the rest of the party was headed in the opposite direction. Something had to give and it did. Republican voters set the party on a path of self-destruction.

In order to compete with Democrats in the 20th century, Republicans welcomed every political agenda that wasn't liberal. The result was they failed all of them miserably. Trump was able to attract these groups because he rejected political ideologies and concentrated on the hot button issues of these groups.

Agreed Trump knew exactly what he was doing. Reich wing talk shows hosts for several years have been inciting this anger within the party. And when you have a large section that lives in this Reich wing media bubble, refusing to read any articles, or turn to any other news other than FOX News, made them very easy prey-for someone like Donald Trump.

From the beginning I had believed that Trump was in this election not to win it, but to drive it into Hillary Clinton's lap. But, I changed my mind after the last debate when he went after Bill Clinton. Clearly they're not friends and this wasn't a set up.

I can't even guess what drives Trump but what difference does it make. What you see is what you will get with Trump, a candidate who lacks any qualification for the office.

I think the fact that Donald Trump can convince 30% to 40% of the voters that he should be president with no qualifications for the office is a serious indictment of the American educational system.

Agree--and here is a couple of good articles related to what you just said.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

And Trump actually did say this:

Donald Trump loves the 'poorly educated' — and they love him

For the first time in 60 years Republicans are losing white educated voters.
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates
The Latest Clinton Converts? White, College-Educated Voters
Last edited:
You're just dead wrong.
Many of the GOP base live in a alternate media universe that is nonexistent in the real world. The birther thing is a good example. It is the most insane conspiracy theory of all time. There is no way to have it make a lick of sense.

So what did the establishment say about it?

What do they say to this day?


I think what's happened is that Republican main stream politicians, aka the "Establishment" catered to the Reich wing nutcases, and didn't put them in their place, when they should have. On that point you are 100% correct. Birthers movement being one of them.

They also were negligent in letting the right wing know what they were doing, and the success's they did have. If not for them, even though the minority at the time--we would have had single payer health care, and not Obamacare. There was a whole list of things that would have happened at there not been Republicans in the house and Senate that would have been worse.

We're looking at a 200 foot tall Tsunami that is going to hit the Republican Party on election night. For the first time in 60 years Republicans are losing white educated voters.
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

We have millions of Republicans that have changed their party status to Independent, and will be voting for Hillary Clinton, me being one of them.
Trump sends unprecedented numbers of GOP fleeing to Clinton
No Republican would ever be so stupid as to associate the right wing with Nazism.

You have always been a Democrat.

Bullshit, I have been on this board since 2008, and have over 11,500 posts for you to view. It's fairly obvious I have been a Republican for my entire life, until NOW.

As far as Trump being a Nazi. Hitler turned an entire nation against Jews.

Trump is doing that with Latino's. 17% of the American population he has battered with insults, offensive remarks. That's exactly what Hitler did.

Then he went after Muslims--same rhetoric. That's exactly what Hitler did.

Then he makes a claim that he is going to jail his political opposition. Exactly what other Dictators have done once they came into power.

The one thing you can never do is give a narcissist unbridled power. It's makes them very dangerous world leaders. And Trump is a textbook example of a narcissist. When he says he knows more than our Generals do, it's because he actually believes he does. You cannot control a narcissist, no one can.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader
Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy

I am following the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN that says it all in a 3 minute video.

So you care more about the hurt feelings of minorities than you do about your neighbors, friends and family who have been dehumanized for decades by the same party those minorities vote for?

Do you even understand how many times white people have been "battered with insults" by Democrats? Do you even understand how many anti-white posts are on this site alone from Democrat posters?

According to your 2nd grade logic Democrats already have white people in the fucking concentration camps.

Dumbass, that is17% of the population or 27 MILLION legal voting Hispanics in this country are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column, when the GOP nominee has ALWAYS needed at least 40% of this block to win the White House. This year Republicans needed 46%. Trump is off the charts at a negative 80%.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Latest Poll of Latinos Is Very Bad News For the Trump Camp

What you dumbass's never realized is: That Republicans in the entire southwest of this country depend on Hispanics to get elected, without them they lose. Texas has a Latino population of 40%. In my state of Colorado, Hispanics were a huge factor in getting Republican Senator Cory Gardner elected in 2014.
GOP challenger Cory Gardner wins Senate seat as Latinos turn out in force in Colorado

Blacks used to be in the Republican column, until President Hoover and the great Mississippi flood. They've never come back, and I doubt Latino's will ever come back.

Which is why G.W. Bush fears he will be the last Republican President.
George W. Bush: 'I'm worried that I will be the last Republican president' -

You TEA PARTY--anti Establishment GROUPIES really don't belong anywhere near politics.


Trump knew how important the Latino vote is for the GOP nominee to win the White House, but you morons didn't. WHY didn't you know this? Because you're Reich wing talk show hosts that you're attached at the hip too, never spoon fed this tid-bit of critical information to you.


Hispanics lost Trump(not the other way around) when they laughed as Univision compared Trump to Dylann Roof right after the shooting took place in Charleston, and then, to top it off, they dared to get mad when Trump sued Univision and treated Ramos like the hack he is.

The majority of Hispanics are racist assholes who you couldn't dream of getting to vote Republican if your life depended on it. Bush couldn't even get 30% of the Hispanic vote today if he was giving away free blowjobs from his daughters in El Paso. Hispanics will never vote majority Republican.

The majority of blacks are also reactionary loons who think they can argue with police video footage and DNA evidence until Democrats and the media destroy the reputations of the jury, defendants/prosecutors and judges. You will never get the majority of black voters to vote Republican until you destroy their sense of moral superiority over whites.

Your only hope to offset Ted Kennedy's radical immigration changes was to preserve white Christian areas as they had been, and you fucking idiots didn't even try to do that, so now you are stuck with being forced to deal with having alt-right and alt-left in their stead or you will NEVER win another election again.

As it is right now, if Trump supporters decided to start our own party, we would surpass Republicans in enrollment in about a decade. Think hard before you decide to treat us like Democrats do, because you are nothing without us.
The majority of Hispanics are racist assholes who you couldn't dream of getting to vote Republican.
And this is why it is morally reprehensible to support the Republican nominee, and in many instances, the Republican Party at all.
I think what's happened is that Republican main stream politicians, aka the "Establishment" catered to the Reich wing nutcases, and didn't put them in their place, when they should have. On that point you are 100% correct. Birthers movement being one of them.

They also were negligent in letting the right wing know what they were doing, and the success's they did have. If not for them, even though the minority at the time--we would have had single payer health care, and not Obamacare. There was a whole list of things that would have happened at there not been Republicans in the house and Senate that would have been worse.

We're looking at a 200 foot tall Tsunami that is going to hit the Republican Party on election night. For the first time in 60 years Republicans are losing white educated voters.
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

We have millions of Republicans that have changed their party status to Independent, and will be voting for Hillary Clinton, me being one of them.
Trump sends unprecedented numbers of GOP fleeing to Clinton
No Republican would ever be so stupid as to associate the right wing with Nazism.

You have always been a Democrat.

Bullshit, I have been on this board since 2008, and have over 11,500 posts for you to view. It's fairly obvious I have been a Republican for my entire life, until NOW.

As far as Trump being a Nazi. Hitler turned an entire nation against Jews.

Trump is doing that with Latino's. 17% of the American population he has battered with insults, offensive remarks. That's exactly what Hitler did.

Then he went after Muslims--same rhetoric. That's exactly what Hitler did.

Then he makes a claim that he is going to jail his political opposition. Exactly what other Dictators have done once they came into power.

The one thing you can never do is give a narcissist unbridled power. It's makes them very dangerous world leaders. And Trump is a textbook example of a narcissist. When he says he knows more than our Generals do, it's because he actually believes he does. You cannot control a narcissist, no one can.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader
Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy

I am following the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN that says it all in a 3 minute video.

So you care more about the hurt feelings of minorities than you do about your neighbors, friends and family who have been dehumanized for decades by the same party those minorities vote for?

Do you even understand how many times white people have been "battered with insults" by Democrats? Do you even understand how many anti-white posts are on this site alone from Democrat posters?

According to your 2nd grade logic Democrats already have white people in the fucking concentration camps.

Dumbass, that is17% of the population or 27 MILLION legal voting Hispanics in this country are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column, when the GOP nominee has ALWAYS needed at least 40% of this block to win the White House. This year Republicans needed 46%. Trump is off the charts at a negative 80%.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Latest Poll of Latinos Is Very Bad News For the Trump Camp

What you dumbass's never realized is: That Republicans in the entire southwest of this country depend on Hispanics to get elected, without them they lose. Texas has a Latino population of 40%. In my state of Colorado, Hispanics were a huge factor in getting Republican Senator Cory Gardner elected in 2014.
GOP challenger Cory Gardner wins Senate seat as Latinos turn out in force in Colorado

Blacks used to be in the Republican column, until President Hoover and the great Mississippi flood. They've never come back, and I doubt Latino's will ever come back.

Which is why G.W. Bush fears he will be the last Republican President.
George W. Bush: 'I'm worried that I will be the last Republican president' -

You TEA PARTY--anti Establishment GROUPIES really don't belong anywhere near politics.


Trump knew how important the Latino vote is for the GOP nominee to win the White House, but you morons didn't. WHY didn't you know this? Because you're Reich wing talk show hosts that you're attached at the hip too, never spoon fed this tid-bit of critical information to you.


Hispanics lost Trump(not the other way around) when they laughed as Univision compared Trump to Dylann Roof right after the shooting took place in Charleston, and then, to top it off, they dared to get mad when Trump sued Univision and treated Ramos like the hack he is.

The majority of Hispanics are racist assholes who you couldn't dream of getting to vote Republican if your life depended on it. Bush couldn't even get 30% of the Hispanic vote today if he was giving away free blowjobs from his daughters in El Paso. Hispanics will never vote majority Republican.

The majority of blacks are also reactionary loons who think they can argue with police video footage and DNA evidence until Democrats and the media destroy the reputations of the jury, defendants/prosecutors and judges. You will never get the majority of black voters to vote Republican until you destroy their sense of moral superiority over whites.

Your only hope to offset Ted Kennedy's radical immigration changes was to preserve white Christian areas as they had been, and you fucking idiots didn't even try to do that, so now you are stuck with being forced to deal with having alt-right and alt-left in their stead or you will NEVER win another election again.

As it is right now, if Trump supporters decided to start our own party, we would surpass Republicans in enrollment in about a decade. Think hard before you decide to treat us like Democrats do, because you are nothing without us.

I nominate you as the head of PR for the republican party, specializing in outreach messages to "hispanic racist assholes", and "black reactionary loons"!
Republicans will not simply walk away unscathed from the looming Trump disaster after Election Day.

The last two days have convinced anti-Trump Republicans not only that he will lose, but that there will be a prolonged civil war within the party. Trump not only needs to be humiliated at the ballot box, they say, but his supporters will need to be permanently thrown out.

“Whether the Republican party can survive is an open question,” said Randy Scheunemann, who served as a top aide to Sen. John McCain during his 2008 presidential run. “The Republican party has been deeply wounded by his candidacy and the damage will last far beyond Election Day. Already Trump and Trumpians are blaming ‘establishment’ Republicans for his demise. The blame game after his impending defeat will intensify.”

A strategist for GOP Ohio Gov. John Kasich put the battle in vivid terms: “Sometimes the barn is so infested with rats you just have to burn the damn thing down and start over,” John Weaver tweeted Tuesday.

Trump’s failure may not only cause long-term damage to the Republican Party, but the fracture could be so deep the two factions could break apart for good, with anti-Trump conservatives on one side and the pro-Trump forces on the other.

“My basic belief is that despite a desire to rebuild a big tent, either the Trump faction… will have to leave or be forced out, or those of us who think that the GOP should actually stand for something and nominate decent people should set up a new party,” said Eliot Cohen, a former counselor of the State Department during the Bush administration.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

And here it begins--the Republican party splitting into 2 factions. The bat shit crazy deplorable's on one side and the decent on the other.

Trump did indeed kill them......
No Republican would ever be so stupid as to associate the right wing with Nazism.

You have always been a Democrat.

Bullshit, I have been on this board since 2008, and have over 11,500 posts for you to view. It's fairly obvious I have been a Republican for my entire life, until NOW.

As far as Trump being a Nazi. Hitler turned an entire nation against Jews.

Trump is doing that with Latino's. 17% of the American population he has battered with insults, offensive remarks. That's exactly what Hitler did.

Then he went after Muslims--same rhetoric. That's exactly what Hitler did.

Then he makes a claim that he is going to jail his political opposition. Exactly what other Dictators have done once they came into power.

The one thing you can never do is give a narcissist unbridled power. It's makes them very dangerous world leaders. And Trump is a textbook example of a narcissist. When he says he knows more than our Generals do, it's because he actually believes he does. You cannot control a narcissist, no one can.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader
Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy

I am following the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN that says it all in a 3 minute video.

So you care more about the hurt feelings of minorities than you do about your neighbors, friends and family who have been dehumanized for decades by the same party those minorities vote for?

Do you even understand how many times white people have been "battered with insults" by Democrats? Do you even understand how many anti-white posts are on this site alone from Democrat posters?

According to your 2nd grade logic Democrats already have white people in the fucking concentration camps.

Dumbass, that is17% of the population or 27 MILLION legal voting Hispanics in this country are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column, when the GOP nominee has ALWAYS needed at least 40% of this block to win the White House. This year Republicans needed 46%. Trump is off the charts at a negative 80%.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Latest Poll of Latinos Is Very Bad News For the Trump Camp

What you dumbass's never realized is: That Republicans in the entire southwest of this country depend on Hispanics to get elected, without them they lose. Texas has a Latino population of 40%. In my state of Colorado, Hispanics were a huge factor in getting Republican Senator Cory Gardner elected in 2014.
GOP challenger Cory Gardner wins Senate seat as Latinos turn out in force in Colorado

Blacks used to be in the Republican column, until President Hoover and the great Mississippi flood. They've never come back, and I doubt Latino's will ever come back.

Which is why G.W. Bush fears he will be the last Republican President.
George W. Bush: 'I'm worried that I will be the last Republican president' -

You TEA PARTY--anti Establishment GROUPIES really don't belong anywhere near politics.


Trump knew how important the Latino vote is for the GOP nominee to win the White House, but you morons didn't. WHY didn't you know this? Because you're Reich wing talk show hosts that you're attached at the hip too, never spoon fed this tid-bit of critical information to you.


Hispanics lost Trump(not the other way around) when they laughed as Univision compared Trump to Dylann Roof right after the shooting took place in Charleston, and then, to top it off, they dared to get mad when Trump sued Univision and treated Ramos like the hack he is.

The majority of Hispanics are racist assholes who you couldn't dream of getting to vote Republican if your life depended on it. Bush couldn't even get 30% of the Hispanic vote today if he was giving away free blowjobs from his daughters in El Paso. Hispanics will never vote majority Republican.

The majority of blacks are also reactionary loons who think they can argue with police video footage and DNA evidence until Democrats and the media destroy the reputations of the jury, defendants/prosecutors and judges. You will never get the majority of black voters to vote Republican until you destroy their sense of moral superiority over whites.

Your only hope to offset Ted Kennedy's radical immigration changes was to preserve white Christian areas as they had been, and you fucking idiots didn't even try to do that, so now you are stuck with being forced to deal with having alt-right and alt-left in their stead or you will NEVER win another election again.

As it is right now, if Trump supporters decided to start our own party, we would surpass Republicans in enrollment in about a decade. Think hard before you decide to treat us like Democrats do, because you are nothing without us.

I nominate you as the head of PR for the republican party, specializing in outreach messages to "hispanic racist assholes", and "black reactionary loons"!

That post obviously went way over your head.

It is ok if you admit things like that once and a while.

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