Never Trump--"We told you Trump would kill us--but you didn't listen"

Republicans will not simply walk away unscathed from the looming Trump disaster after Election Day.

The last two days have convinced anti-Trump Republicans not only that he will lose, but that there will be a prolonged civil war within the party. Trump not only needs to be humiliated at the ballot box, they say, but his supporters will need to be permanently thrown out.

“Whether the Republican party can survive is an open question,” said Randy Scheunemann, who served as a top aide to Sen. John McCain during his 2008 presidential run. “The Republican party has been deeply wounded by his candidacy and the damage will last far beyond Election Day. Already Trump and Trumpians are blaming ‘establishment’ Republicans for his demise. The blame game after his impending defeat will intensify.”

A strategist for GOP Ohio Gov. John Kasich put the battle in vivid terms: “Sometimes the barn is so infested with rats you just have to burn the damn thing down and start over,” John Weaver tweeted Tuesday.
Trump’s failure may not only cause long-term damage to the Republican Party, but the fracture could be so deep the two factions could break apart for good, with anti-Trump conservatives on one side and the pro-Trump forces on the other.

“My basic belief is that despite a desire to rebuild a big tent, either the Trump faction… will have to leave or be forced out, or those of us who think that the GOP should actually stand for something and nominate decent people should set up a new party,” said Eliot Cohen, a former counselor of the State Department during the Bush administration.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

And here it begins--the Republican party splitting into 2 factions. The bat shit crazy deplorable's on one side and the decent on the other.

The Republican leadership was headed in one direction and the rest of the party was headed in the opposite direction. Something had to give and it did. Republican voters set the party on a path of self-destruction.

In order to compete with Democrats in the 20th century, Republicans welcomed every political agenda that wasn't liberal. The result was they failed all of them miserably. Trump was able to attract these groups because he rejected political ideologies and concentrated on the hot button issues of these groups.

Agreed Trump knew exactly what he was doing. Reich wing talk shows hosts for several years have been inciting this anger within the party. And when you have a large section that lives in this Reich wing media bubble, refusing to read any articles, or turn to any other news other than FOX News, made them very easy prey-for someone like Donald Trump.

From the beginning I had believed that Trump was in this election not to win it, but to drive it into Hillary Clinton's lap. But, I changed my mind after the last debate when he went after Bill Clinton. Clearly they're not friends and this wasn't a set up.

I can't even guess what drives Trump but what difference does it make. What you see is what you will get with Trump, a candidate who lacks any qualification for the office.

I think the fact that Donald Trump can convince 30% to 40% of the voters that he should be president with no qualifications for the office is a serious indictment of the American educational system.

Agree--and here is a couple of good articles related to what you just said.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

And Trump actually did say this:

Donald Trump loves the 'poorly educated' — and they love him

For the first time in 60 years Republicans are losing white educated voters.
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates
The Latest Clinton Converts? White, College-Educated Voters
The USA Today article made some good points. I might add that in general most voters are completely ignorant of what the job of the president really is so they are quick to believe that anyone can do the job if his or her heart is in the right place. Trump has build his campaign on the fallacy that he and he alone can change Washington. In a democratic government that is simply not possible.
Republicans will not simply walk away unscathed from the looming Trump disaster after Election Day.

The last two days have convinced anti-Trump Republicans not only that he will lose, but that there will be a prolonged civil war within the party. Trump not only needs to be humiliated at the ballot box, they say, but his supporters will need to be permanently thrown out.

“Whether the Republican party can survive is an open question,” said Randy Scheunemann, who served as a top aide to Sen. John McCain during his 2008 presidential run. “The Republican party has been deeply wounded by his candidacy and the damage will last far beyond Election Day. Already Trump and Trumpians are blaming ‘establishment’ Republicans for his demise. The blame game after his impending defeat will intensify.”

A strategist for GOP Ohio Gov. John Kasich put the battle in vivid terms: “Sometimes the barn is so infested with rats you just have to burn the damn thing down and start over,” John Weaver tweeted Tuesday.
Trump’s failure may not only cause long-term damage to the Republican Party, but the fracture could be so deep the two factions could break apart for good, with anti-Trump conservatives on one side and the pro-Trump forces on the other.

“My basic belief is that despite a desire to rebuild a big tent, either the Trump faction… will have to leave or be forced out, or those of us who think that the GOP should actually stand for something and nominate decent people should set up a new party,” said Eliot Cohen, a former counselor of the State Department during the Bush administration.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

And here it begins--the Republican party splitting into 2 factions. The bat shit crazy deplorable's on one side and the decent on the other.

The Republican leadership was headed in one direction and the rest of the party was headed in the opposite direction. Something had to give and it did. Republican voters set the party on a path of self-destruction.

In order to compete with Democrats in the 20th century, Republicans welcomed every political agenda that wasn't liberal. The result was they failed all of them miserably. Trump was able to attract these groups because he rejected political ideologies and concentrated on the hot button issues of these groups.

Agreed Trump knew exactly what he was doing. Reich wing talk shows hosts for several years have been inciting this anger within the party. And when you have a large section that lives in this Reich wing media bubble, refusing to read any articles, or turn to any other news other than FOX News, made them very easy prey-for someone like Donald Trump.

From the beginning I had believed that Trump was in this election not to win it, but to drive it into Hillary Clinton's lap. But, I changed my mind after the last debate when he went after Bill Clinton. Clearly they're not friends and this wasn't a set up.

I can't even guess what drives Trump but what difference does it make. What you see is what you will get with Trump, a candidate who lacks any qualification for the office.

I think the fact that Donald Trump can convince 30% to 40% of the voters that he should be president with no qualifications for the office is a serious indictment of the American educational system.

Agree--and here is a couple of good articles related to what you just said.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

And Trump actually did say this:

Donald Trump loves the 'poorly educated' — and they love him

For the first time in 60 years Republicans are losing white educated voters.
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates
The Latest Clinton Converts? White, College-Educated Voters
The USA Today article made some good points. I might add that in general most voters are completely ignorant of what the job of the president really is so they are quick to believe that anyone can do the job if his or her heart is in right place. Trump has build his campaign on the fallacy that he and he alone can change Washington. In a democratic government that is simply not possible.

Successful presidents can work with congress and make things happen. Trump can't work with anyone.
The Republican leadership was headed in one direction and the rest of the party was headed in the opposite direction. Something had to give and it did. Republican voters set the party on a path of self-destruction.

In order to compete with Democrats in the 20th century, Republicans welcomed every political agenda that wasn't liberal. The result was they failed all of them miserably. Trump was able to attract these groups because he rejected political ideologies and concentrated on the hot button issues of these groups.

Agreed Trump knew exactly what he was doing. Reich wing talk shows hosts for several years have been inciting this anger within the party. And when you have a large section that lives in this Reich wing media bubble, refusing to read any articles, or turn to any other news other than FOX News, made them very easy prey-for someone like Donald Trump.

From the beginning I had believed that Trump was in this election not to win it, but to drive it into Hillary Clinton's lap. But, I changed my mind after the last debate when he went after Bill Clinton. Clearly they're not friends and this wasn't a set up.

I can't even guess what drives Trump but what difference does it make. What you see is what you will get with Trump, a candidate who lacks any qualification for the office.

I think the fact that Donald Trump can convince 30% to 40% of the voters that he should be president with no qualifications for the office is a serious indictment of the American educational system.

Agree--and here is a couple of good articles related to what you just said.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

And Trump actually did say this:

Donald Trump loves the 'poorly educated' — and they love him

For the first time in 60 years Republicans are losing white educated voters.
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates
The Latest Clinton Converts? White, College-Educated Voters
The USA Today article made some good points. I might add that in general most voters are completely ignorant of what the job of the president really is so they are quick to believe that anyone can do the job if his or her heart is in right place. Trump has build his campaign on the fallacy that he and he alone can change Washington. In a democratic government that is simply not possible.

Successful presidents can work with congress and make things happen. Trump can't work with anyone.
Even worse, Trump never tries to works with people. People work for him or against him but not with him.
Trump is crashing like the Hindenburg

Really? He has regained his lead in Rassmussen. Then of course the fake 11 point Hillary lead has been exposed as political operatives for Hillary - that poll took their poll immediately after the Bush family leaked the '05 Trump tapes. That same poll was released after debate #2 to make it look like they included the debate...but they didn't include the results from the debate. Like the CNN poll after the debate, they polled 58% Hillary voters.

For a guy that's crashing like you proclaim, the Democratic Party SuperPacs, the media are going way overboard to destroy Trump.

If Trump was crashing, there would be no need to bring forth these lying bimbos in hopes of destroying Trump.

Wishful thinking Don't Taz Me, that's all you have

Really? I mean Really?
Rasmussen poll was only published in Breitbart. It's not even mention in Fox News. Trump has access to Fox News 24 hours and act like he own Fox. His brother Hannity is promoting him everyday. Fox News poll has Clinton ahead by 7 points. So what is your excuse?
Hannity and Fox News are friendly with Trump? Really? From Megan Kelly on, Fox has been quick to bash Trump. FOX does as it is told to do by it's owners. It is interesting that you are all in your onFox polls.
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Trump is crashing like the Hindenburg

Really? He has regained his lead in Rassmussen. Then of course the fake 11 point Hillary lead has been exposed as political operatives for Hillary - that poll took their poll immediately after the Bush family leaked the '05 Trump tapes. That same poll was released after debate #2 to make it look like they included the debate...but they didn't include the results from the debate. Like the CNN poll after the debate, they polled 58% Hillary voters.

For a guy that's crashing like you proclaim, the Democratic Party SuperPacs, the media are going way overboard to destroy Trump.

If Trump was crashing, there would be no need to bring forth these lying bimbos in hopes of destroying Trump.

Wishful thinking Don't Taz Me, that's all you have

Really? I mean Really?
Rasmussen poll was only published in Breitbart. It's not even mention in Fox News. Trump has access to Fox News 24 hours and act like he own Fox. His brother Hannity is promoting him everyday. Fox News poll has Clinton ahead by 7 points. So what is your excuse?
Hannity and Fox News are friendly with Trump? Really? From Megan Kelly on, Fox has been quick to bash Trump. FOX does as it is told to do by it's owners. It is interesting that you are all in your on Fox polls.
Hannity is, but that is about it.

Even Bill has pretty much turned on him.

Fox is the new ABC.
Even worse, Trump never tries to works with people. People work for him or against him but not with him.
Is your comment based on experience working with Trump, or did some liberal douche tell you what to think?
Republicans will not simply walk away unscathed from the looming Trump disaster after Election Day.

The last two days have convinced anti-Trump Republicans not only that he will lose, but that there will be a prolonged civil war within the party. Trump not only needs to be humiliated at the ballot box, they say, but his supporters will need to be permanently thrown out.

“Whether the Republican party can survive is an open question,” said Randy Scheunemann, who served as a top aide to Sen. John McCain during his 2008 presidential run. “The Republican party has been deeply wounded by his candidacy and the damage will last far beyond Election Day. Already Trump and Trumpians are blaming ‘establishment’ Republicans for his demise. The blame game after his impending defeat will intensify.”

A strategist for GOP Ohio Gov. John Kasich put the battle in vivid terms: “Sometimes the barn is so infested with rats you just have to burn the damn thing down and start over,” John Weaver tweeted Tuesday.
Trump’s failure may not only cause long-term damage to the Republican Party, but the fracture could be so deep the two factions could break apart for good, with anti-Trump conservatives on one side and the pro-Trump forces on the other.

“My basic belief is that despite a desire to rebuild a big tent, either the Trump faction… will have to leave or be forced out, or those of us who think that the GOP should actually stand for something and nominate decent people should set up a new party,” said Eliot Cohen, a former counselor of the State Department during the Bush administration.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

And here it begins--the Republican party splitting into 2 factions. The bat shit crazy deplorable's on one side and the decent on the other.

The Republican leadership was headed in one direction and the rest of the party was headed in the opposite direction. Something had to give and it did. Republican voters set the party on a path of self-destruction.

In order to compete with Democrats in the 20th century, Republicans welcomed every political agenda that wasn't liberal. The result was they failed all of them miserably. Trump was able to attract these groups because he rejected political ideologies and concentrated on the hot button issues of these groups.

Agreed Trump knew exactly what he was doing. Reich wing talk shows hosts for several years have been inciting this anger within the party. And when you have a large section that lives in this Reich wing media bubble, refusing to read any articles, or turn to any other news other than FOX News, made them very easy prey-for someone like Donald Trump.

From the beginning I had believed that Trump was in this election not to win it, but to drive it into Hillary Clinton's lap. But, I changed my mind after the last debate when he went after Bill Clinton. Clearly they're not friends and this wasn't a set up.

I can't even guess what drives Trump but what difference does it make. What you see is what you will get with Trump, a candidate who lacks any qualification for the office.

I think the fact that Donald Trump can convince 30% to 40% of the voters that he should be president with no qualifications for the office is a serious indictment of the American educational system.

Agree--and here is a couple of good articles related to what you just said.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

And Trump actually did say this:

Donald Trump loves the 'poorly educated' — and they love him

For the first time in 60 years Republicans are losing white educated voters.
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates
The Latest Clinton Converts? White, College-Educated Voters
The USA Today article made some good points. I might add that in general most voters are completely ignorant of what the job of the president really is so they are quick to believe that anyone can do the job if his or her heart is in the right place. Trump has build his campaign on the fallacy that he and he alone can change Washington. In a democratic government that is simply not possible.

Agreed again--I am sure there is no civics that goes along with a Trump brain either.

And of course this ignorance has also been preyed upon by Tea Party politicians, those that have played paddy feet with this group for support.

Roe V Wade is an example: For some reason these people actually believe that government can overturn Roe V Wade, and politicians have told them that. And or they believe that they'll appoint SCOTUS that will overturn it, and there's not a snowballs chance in hell of that ever happening. It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe V Wade, and it's been considered a right leaning court for decades now. What did they do? They campaigned on abortion in 2012 and lost an election because of it. Not learning anything from the loss in 2016, they put up several knuckle dragging neanderthals, that had such extreme stances on abortion, they would creamed in a national election. They were: Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum, Scott Walker, Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry, and Rand Paul. All of them very capable of running half the population (women) off in a single sentence.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

OBAMACARE is another example: Ted Cruz often lied to his constituents--"that he'll repeal every single word of it." Of course Trump is saying the saying the same thing now.

They don't understand basic civics. The only way to repeal every word of Obamacare, would require a sitting Republican President and super majorities in both houses. That how they got Obamacare that's the only way they'll ever get rid of it. So Tea Party house politicians wasted a lot of time during the last several years by sending 30 house bills up to Obama--to repeal O-care with him sitting in the Oval office with a veto pen--LOL

You can't DEFUND Obamacare--leaving millions that were forced onto this program without insurance overnight. But that didn't stop Ted Cruz from campaigning on that either. Well, I guess they could have done that, but the odds of them winning a county dog catchers position afterwards would have been zero to none.

Of course Cruz always called on his midget minions in the house to "threaten to shut down the government." Yeah so they shut down National Parks, and Republicans get blamed for it.

But the ultimate was this: Actually reading green eggs and ham from the United States senate floor over Obamacare--LOL As if that was going to do any good--LOL

The point is, that Tea Party politicians have worked this ignorance also.


And all this ignorance and anger created this:


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Oreo is a bot. I'm curious. Did Oreo write additional checks to the IRS? How much?
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Trump is crashing like the Hindenburg

Really? He has regained his lead in Rassmussen. Then of course the fake 11 point Hillary lead has been exposed as political operatives for Hillary - that poll took their poll immediately after the Bush family leaked the '05 Trump tapes. That same poll was released after debate #2 to make it look like they included the debate...but they didn't include the results from the debate. Like the CNN poll after the debate, they polled 58% Hillary voters.

For a guy that's crashing like you proclaim, the Democratic Party SuperPacs, the media are going way overboard to destroy Trump.

If Trump was crashing, there would be no need to bring forth these lying bimbos in hopes of destroying Trump.

Wishful thinking Don't Taz Me, that's all you have

Really? I mean Really?
Rasmussen poll was only published in Breitbart. It's not even mention in Fox News. Trump has access to Fox News 24 hours and act like he own Fox. His brother Hannity is promoting him everyday. Fox News poll has Clinton ahead by 7 points. So what is your excuse?
Hannity and Fox News are friendly with Trump? Really? From Megan Kelly on, Fox has been quick to bash Trump. FOX does as it is told to do by it's owners. It is interesting that you are all in your on Fox polls.
Hannity is, but that is about it.

Even Bill has pretty much turned on him.

Fox is the new ABC.

During the primaries FOX News turned into the Trump media networks. Trump received an unprecedented 2 BILLION in free media coverage. And it's questionable if they'll even survive after Trump is gone.

54% of Republicans did not cast a vote for Donald Trump. While he continually brags that he got the most votes ever, which is true, he also got the most votes cast against him. This group are the "Never Trump" group. They got pissed off at FOX News and turned them off, and turned on CNN. CNN is now Number one.
Trump got the most GOP votes ever — both for and against him — and other fun facts

Here is good article regarding this:
"Fox News, meanwhile, has given Donald Trump the level of positive coverage that money could never (legally) buy, and as a result, they’ve dropped in the ratings. It’s no coincidence that as Trump enablers and outright supporters have focused more and more on Trump, their level of appeal has dropped. They don’t have the diversity of panelists CNN has managed to grab, and they don’t have hosts who allow both sides to speak freely.

What’s more, the rising star of Fox News, Megyn Kelly, was fast becoming the most popular personality, and then Donald Trump not only insulted her, but the network on multiple occasions met with Trump to try to work things out and get him to come back on the air. If Kelly decided not to remain with Fox News when her contract is up, Fox News would fall even further – and they would deserve it."

The quality of coverage is key, and Fox News is not providing it. What they have failed to realize is that Donald Trump is but a blip in the ratings. What people will perceive of you when he has come and gone is what will decide your fate. And, if the numbers continue to fall, you can pretty much guess what life is going to be like for them after Trump has gone.
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState

I just watched Megyn Kelly, she is going after Trump and if you get on FOX facebook page, you'll see the Trumpet's out in force attacking her for it. It's like FOX NEWS is not really news to them if it's something they don't want to hear. Another sign of very ignorant people. So any criticism of Trump--is met with death threats and insults.

The Arizona Republic and the Dallas Morning news that endorsed Hillary Clinton for POTUS also received lots of death threats from Trump Supporters.
The Arizona Republic endorses Hillary Clinton
We recommend Hillary Clinton for president | Editorials | Dallas News

It's like they have this mentality that they can insult and threaten people into putting their ass clown in the oval office.

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And here is another example of the mentality of a Trump supporter--only the female version of it. This woman at a Trump rally yesterday, and yes they actually vote. Scary, isn't it.

Republicans will not simply walk away unscathed from the looming Trump disaster after Election Day.

The last two days have convinced anti-Trump Republicans not only that he will lose, but that there will be a prolonged civil war within the party. Trump not only needs to be humiliated at the ballot box, they say, but his supporters will need to be permanently thrown out.

“Whether the Republican party can survive is an open question,” said Randy Scheunemann, who served as a top aide to Sen. John McCain during his 2008 presidential run. “The Republican party has been deeply wounded by his candidacy and the damage will last far beyond Election Day. Already Trump and Trumpians are blaming ‘establishment’ Republicans for his demise. The blame game after his impending defeat will intensify.”

A strategist for GOP Ohio Gov. John Kasich put the battle in vivid terms: “Sometimes the barn is so infested with rats you just have to burn the damn thing down and start over,” John Weaver tweeted Tuesday.

Trump’s failure may not only cause long-term damage to the Republican Party, but the fracture could be so deep the two factions could break apart for good, with anti-Trump conservatives on one side and the pro-Trump forces on the other.

“My basic belief is that despite a desire to rebuild a big tent, either the Trump faction… will have to leave or be forced out, or those of us who think that the GOP should actually stand for something and nominate decent people should set up a new party,” said Eliot Cohen, a former counselor of the State Department during the Bush administration.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

And here it begins--the Republican party splitting into 2 factions. The bat shit crazy deplorable's on one side and the decent on the other.


If you analyze Clinton's Wikileaks emails, it is clear that the establishment Republicans can just go join with her. I don't really see what their damage is.

All the neo-cons and the Bush family are voting for her anyway. Hell, cousin Bush set Trump up didn't he? Do they think they are fooling anyone?

They were the one's that broke into the Watergate and conspired with the liberals to take down the Rockefeller Republicans to begin with. Why the hell Nixon erased that tape and covered for them is beyond me. There never was any evidence that he had anything to do with the break in. He never authorized it.

The crooks and criminals of the Deep State have always played together over at the Pratt House, why not just join together officially? Seriously, what is the damage here? Tertiary issues? Give me a break.
This fails as a red herring fallacy – the thread is about Trump, not Clinton.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable.
And here is another example of the mentality of a Trump supporter--only the female version of it. This woman at a Trump rally yesterday, and yes they actually vote. Scary, isn't it.

The scary part is many idiots are supporting a globalization war hawk that can't remember a damn thing since she went boom in 2012. Hillary proved she is unfit for dog catcher. She is the mental case that thought rigging up an unsecured home brewed sever from a bathroom was the best way to conduct top secret business as sec of state. She was the genius that believed shipping arms to drug cartels and funding and arming ISIS were brilliant moves.
Trump is crashing like the Hindenburg

Really? He has regained his lead in Rassmussen. Then of course the fake 11 point Hillary lead has been exposed as political operatives for Hillary - that poll took their poll immediately after the Bush family leaked the '05 Trump tapes. That same poll was released after debate #2 to make it look like they included the debate...but they didn't include the results from the debate. Like the CNN poll after the debate, they polled 58% Hillary voters.

For a guy that's crashing like you proclaim, the Democratic Party SuperPacs, the media are going way overboard to destroy Trump.

If Trump was crashing, there would be no need to bring forth these lying bimbos in hopes of destroying Trump.

Wishful thinking Don't Taz Me, that's all you have

I'm pretty sure, even if Trump were to win the election at this point, the vote would never be certified.

Think about it. If the attorney general won't prosecute Hillary when it is abundantly clear to any thinking person that she broke the law, when agents even in the FBI had to sign forms of non-disclosure, in order to protect her from prosecution, the establishment is protecting her so she can be crowned queen.

Now the media is trickling stories that the Russians may be able to influence the election, and the DHS may have to intervene to stop foreign meddling. That will be the "hail mary pass" to stop the certification of any vote to place a Trump presidency. Americans are so passive, nothing will happen to prevent Hillary from becoming the next POTUS. If Americans didn't care when the SCOTUS decided who would be president, they will just as easily accept DHS telling them who the next president will be for that sake of security concerns.

Just look at the threads on this site, most of the folks on the left won't even read the Wikileaks concerning Hillary, they don't care about the corruption, they just don't give a shit. They will passively accept the police state, the media has conditioned them to accept it already. And for those who don't want it? What are they going to do? The same thing folks did when the Supreme Court decided who would be president. . . NOTHING.
When Trump loses the election he will have only himself to blame – Trump alone will be responsible.
And here is another example of the mentality of a Trump supporter--only the female version of it. This woman at a Trump rally yesterday, and yes they actually vote. Scary, isn't it.

The scary part is many idiots are supporting a globalization war hawk that can't remember a damn thing since she went boom in 2012. Hillary proved she is unfit for dog catcher. She is the mental case that thought rigging up an unsecured home brewed sever from a bathroom was the best way to conduct top secret business as sec of state. She was the genius that believed shipping arms to drug cartels and funding and arming ISIS were brilliant moves.
No. what’s idiotic is you and others on the right with your ridiculous red herring fallacies.

Again: the thread is about Trump, not Clinton – your failed attempt to deflect with moronic lies about Clinton is a concession on your part that you can’t defend Trump, and that he has no business being president.
Republicans will not simply walk away unscathed from the looming Trump disaster after Election Day.

The last two days have convinced anti-Trump Republicans not only that he will lose, but that there will be a prolonged civil war within the party. Trump not only needs to be humiliated at the ballot box, they say, but his supporters will need to be permanently thrown out.

“Whether the Republican party can survive is an open question,” said Randy Scheunemann, who served as a top aide to Sen. John McCain during his 2008 presidential run. “The Republican party has been deeply wounded by his candidacy and the damage will last far beyond Election Day. Already Trump and Trumpians are blaming ‘establishment’ Republicans for his demise. The blame game after his impending defeat will intensify.”

A strategist for GOP Ohio Gov. John Kasich put the battle in vivid terms: “Sometimes the barn is so infested with rats you just have to burn the damn thing down and start over,” John Weaver tweeted Tuesday.

Trump’s failure may not only cause long-term damage to the Republican Party, but the fracture could be so deep the two factions could break apart for good, with anti-Trump conservatives on one side and the pro-Trump forces on the other.

“My basic belief is that despite a desire to rebuild a big tent, either the Trump faction… will have to leave or be forced out, or those of us who think that the GOP should actually stand for something and nominate decent people should set up a new party,” said Eliot Cohen, a former counselor of the State Department during the Bush administration.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

And here it begins--the Republican party splitting into 2 factions. The bat shit crazy deplorable's on one side and the decent on the other.


If you analyze Clinton's Wikileaks emails, it is clear that the establishment Republicans can just go join with her. I don't really see what their damage is.

All the neo-cons and the Bush family are voting for her anyway. Hell, cousin Bush set Trump up didn't he? Do they think they are fooling anyone?

They were the one's that broke into the Watergate and conspired with the liberals to take down the Rockefeller Republicans to begin with. Why the hell Nixon erased that tape and covered for them is beyond me. There never was any evidence that he had anything to do with the break in. He never authorized it.

The crooks and criminals of the Deep State have always played together over at the Pratt House, why not just join together officially? Seriously, what is the damage here? Tertiary issues? Give me a break.
This fails as a red herring fallacy – the thread is about Trump, not Clinton.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable.

Yeah they don't seem to get that THEY did this, Hillary Clinton had nothing to do with nominating an ass clown for the GOP nominee. They always try to deflect back to Clinton, but they sure as hell don't know how to support or defend Trump.

In fact it's hysterical to watch the news and watch what Trump supporters and campaign managers have to do to circle the wagons on Trump. It reminds of this video LOL. Only it's real and it happens on a daily basis. That's entertainment in itself--LOL

Trump is crashing like the Hindenburg

Really? He has regained his lead in Rassmussen. Then of course the fake 11 point Hillary lead has been exposed as political operatives for Hillary - that poll took their poll immediately after the Bush family leaked the '05 Trump tapes. That same poll was released after debate #2 to make it look like they included the debate...but they didn't include the results from the debate. Like the CNN poll after the debate, they polled 58% Hillary voters.

For a guy that's crashing like you proclaim, the Democratic Party SuperPacs, the media are going way overboard to destroy Trump.

If Trump was crashing, there would be no need to bring forth these lying bimbos in hopes of destroying Trump.

Wishful thinking Don't Taz Me, that's all you have

I'm pretty sure, even if Trump were to win the election at this point, the vote would never be certified.

Think about it. If the attorney general won't prosecute Hillary when it is abundantly clear to any thinking person that she broke the law, when agents even in the FBI had to sign forms of non-disclosure, in order to protect her from prosecution, the establishment is protecting her so she can be crowned queen.

Now the media is trickling stories that the Russians may be able to influence the election, and the DHS may have to intervene to stop foreign meddling. That will be the "hail mary pass" to stop the certification of any vote to place a Trump presidency. Americans are so passive, nothing will happen to prevent Hillary from becoming the next POTUS. If Americans didn't care when the SCOTUS decided who would be president, they will just as easily accept DHS telling them who the next president will be for that sake of security concerns.

Just look at the threads on this site, most of the folks on the left won't even read the Wikileaks concerning Hillary, they don't care about the corruption, they just don't give a shit. They will passively accept the police state, the media has conditioned them to accept it already. And for those who don't want it? What are they going to do? The same thing folks did when the Supreme Court decided who would be president. . . NOTHING.
When Trump loses the election he will have only himself to blame – Trump alone will be responsible.
If he looses it will because stupid Americans voted for a lying sack of shit that only has one goal, her pocket book. Every policy she touched turned to shit. How's that reset button working? Why is she backing Turkey even though they took over the majority of the funding of ISIS through the purchase of stolen oil? She is unfit for any elected office. Feel free to list her sec of state accomplishments. And no, avoiding jail for destruction of federal records is not an accomplishment.
And here is another example of the mentality of a Trump supporter--only the female version of it. This woman at a Trump rally yesterday, and yes they actually vote. Scary, isn't it.

The scary part is many idiots are supporting a globalization war hawk that can't remember a damn thing since she went boom in 2012. Hillary proved she is unfit for dog catcher. She is the mental case that thought rigging up an unsecured home brewed sever from a bathroom was the best way to conduct top secret business as sec of state. She was the genius that believed shipping arms to drug cartels and funding and arming ISIS were brilliant moves.
No. what’s idiotic is you and others on the right with your ridiculous red herring fallacies.

Again: the thread is about Trump, not Clinton – your failed attempt to deflect with moronic lies about Clinton is a concession on your part that you can’t defend Trump, and that he has no business being president.
What exactly did I lie about? The Pentagon warned her not to arm ISIS. Why did she ship arms to drug cartels? You tell me.

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