Never was a Jewish exodus from Egypt

nope-----hindus do not hate jews-----nor do Zoroastrians or Taoists
or Buddhists. The NT and the KORAN are the prime movers of antisemitism
sorry, but this is natural nonsense. The Arabs are the founders and propagators of Islam and are the Semites.
sorry, but this is natural nonsense. The Arabs are the founders and propagators of Islam and are the Semites.

Yes, Arabs are Semites .. Its a language group. They are NOT a finite bloodline dating back 3,000 years.
As for Christianity, maybe it was used by politicians against Jews, but the Christian religion is completely Semitic, everything is Semitic, both the old testament and the new, and the apostles and prophets and missionaries, and God himself. Therefore, the anti-Semitism of Christians is the same nonsense as the anti-Semitism of the Arabs.
Yes, Arabs are Semites .. Its a language group
In fact, they are a very pure Semitic race, within historical Arabia, they are Semitic by blood. What can not be said about the Jews by the way. In the male line they are not Semites, in the female line they may or may not.
As for Christianity, maybe it was used by politicians against Jews, but the Christian religion is completely Semitic, everything is Semitic, both the old testament and the new, and the apostles and prophets and missionaries, and God himself. Therefore, the anti-Semitism of Christians is the same nonsense as the anti-Semitism of the Arabs.

Semites are NOT a race.. They are a language group that includes Aramaic, Hebrew, Arabic, Amharic, Syriac and other minor languages..
Semites are NOT a race.. They are a language group that includes Aramaic, Hebrew, Arabic, Amharic, Syriac and other minor languages..
But the native speakers of the Arabic language are Arabs living in Arabia and they are genetically homogeneous in the male line, they have about 80% haplogroup J. So they are Semites in both language and origin
sorry, but this is natural nonsense. The Arabs are the founders and propagators of Islam and are the Semites.
you are doing the islamo nazi thing---PLAYING WITH SEMANTICS---the word "anti-semitism" refers to <your> HATRED OF JEWS-----not ever person who can be called "semitic"
LOLOL That's an easy out. There are other methods of dating that are used along with carbon dating. No camel bones in Palestine or many horse bones either.
I’m proud of you for find one article behind a pay site.
Try harder.
But the native speakers of the Arabic language are Arabs living in Arabia and they are genetically homogeneous in the male line, they have about 80% haplogroup J. So they are Semites in both language and origin
right---they are PARTICULAR SEMITES-----to wit-----arab semites as opposed to the WHOLE
GIANT GROUP of persons who got HOOKED UP with the "arabs" by conquest and the imposition of the language, arabic
you are doing the islamo nazi thing---PLAYING WITH SEMANTICS---the word "anti-semitism" refers to <your> HATRED OF JEWS-----not ever person who can be called "semitic"
I did not speak out against any nation at all, do not invent.
I just said that it is extreme nonsense to assert that the Arabs, who are Semitic by blood, by language, by culture, by religion, by origin, would hate it all.
right---they are PARTICULAR SEMITES
they do not have any serious religious contradictions with the Jews, both of them base their religions on the Abrahamic scriptures, and it is customary for the Arabs to respect all the people of the scripture.
they do not have any serious religious contradictions with the Jews, both of them base their religions on the Abrahamic scriptures, and it is customary for the Arabs to respect all the people of the scripture.
They have a lot of respect when they’re beheading you.
they do not have any serious religious contradictions with the Jews, both of them base their religions on the Abrahamic scriptures, and it is customary for the Arabs to respect all the people of the scripture.
How long have you lived under a rock? Have you ever met any muslims from the Levant or any muslims from any parts of the world ? My very own hubby was born in a very classical shariah
adherent arab/muslim country. Feel free to ask questions
They have a lot of respect when they’re beheading you.
Anyone can behead, it doesn't depend on the nation. If we are talking about political activity, then they follow in line with the original Arab tradition, the extremist organizations of Islam set the primary goal of the revival of the Arab Caliphate, and its spread throughout the world, this is all based on their religious literature, and strictly repeats the Arab campaign to the East in 7- 9 centuries. That is, they adhere to religion.
Ashkenazi Jew are middle eastern on the male line
The female line is European
How long have you lived under a rock? Have you ever met any muslims from the Levant or any muslims from any parts of the world ? My very own hubby was born in a very classical shariah
adherent arab/muslim country. Feel free to ask questions
Ordinary Muslims do not really know anything about Islam, just as Christians do not know anything about Christianity. Someone considers this to be their tradition, which came from their ancestors, and mostly think that it contributes to a more strict morality and find it useful against disorderliness.
But they mostly do not even think about the origin and ideas, and how it appeared in their country, whether it was really the tradition of his fathers, if we are not talking about the Arabs.
Ashkenazi Jew are middle eastern on the male line
The female line is European
As far as I know, they are heterogeneous in the male line, but R1a dominates in them.
Jews do not observe male lineage, their heritage only goes through the maternal line. The blood of the father does not matter, and the one who is born of the father of a Jew and a mother of a non-Jew is not considered a Halachic Jew.
Ashkenazi Jew are middle eastern on the male line
The female line is European
Offhand, this can be checked on the territory of Belarus, it was there that the Pale of Settlement was, and naturally their maximum concentration remained there. There is no significant J

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