Never was a Jewish exodus from Egypt

Here is an interesting Doc that takes on this at Youtube.
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Regardless of what you believe I suggest you watch because it is entertaining and well produced.
really? what does the KHARAHAN say?

There were no domesticated camels until the 10th century BC and NO Philistines until the 12th century BC..

The Koran notes that and also claims the Israelites were a "ban" not 3 million.
Do you know why?
What happened at the end of the 40 years?

Yes, the story says they were being punished for the Golden Calf. Nonetheless, there were no domesticated camels and no Philistines to avoid. So, you accept the anachronisms or you don't.
In which post did I say that?

Your post 133.

"Since when were Jews ever supposed to reside in Sinai unless they had to conquer the land from those who engage in sexual intercourse with sheep?
The more you post, the dumber you appear to be.
Progressives are boring"
Archaeologists will say anything to make a buck.
"Look! I found a grain a sand and I constructed it to look like a spaceship!"

Unfortunately that does seem to be the case too often. Selling books to conspiracy nuts is another big market.
As for Exodus being genuine or not, it's a moot point this many centuries later; the point of the story, fact or legend, is what is important and relevant today, and nobody is discussing that. The same for whether the Hebrews were some other ethnic group or not; it wasn't until Ezra that there was any racial component to being a 'Jew' they were a confederation of tribes and assimilated many others into their own. Even today there is no consensus on who is a Jew and who isn't among Jews themselves. Don't believe me, just read the papers in Israel and the many Jewish scholars who study the subject and write on it.
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Why are you defensive? There are photographs of Lepers in Palestine in the 1880s. See Bon Fils, Mashrig.
why would I be impressed with photos of lepers in the 1880s Where do you detect "DEFENSIVE"? Leprosy was a disease almost WORLD WIDE. You are remarkably ignorant
There were snake cults in Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Levant, Syria, Arabia and the Indus Valley.
In the Mediterranean and Europe it was too.
In India, it only appeared in the epic period after the collapse of the Aryan culture, before that it was the other way around, the Serpent is the main enemy of the Aryans.
Yes, the story says they were being punished for the Golden Calf. Nonetheless, there were no domesticated camels and no Philistines to avoid. So, you accept the anachronisms or you don't.
Where did you get camels and p’lishtim from?
Are you on drugs or getting bullshit from Arab sites?
Where did you get camels and p’lishtim from?
Are you on drugs or getting bullshit from Arab sites?
It is clear, independent, that you never read or listened to islamic propaganda.
It is beyond infantile but since it is SO STATED in mosques----muslims accept
just about ANYTHING
Where did you get camels and p’lishtim from?
Are you on drugs or getting bullshit from Arab sites?

Haven't you ever read the Bible?

Exodus 13:17 mentions Philistines that did not exist at the time.

Genesis 12:16 is about the camels.

There Were No Camels During Time of Biblical Patriarchs ...
Feb 12, 2014 · O nce upon a time, Abraham owned a camel. According to the Book of Genesis, he probably owned lots of camels. The Bible says that Abraham, along with other patriarchs of Judaism and Christianity,...
Haven't you ever read the Bible?

Exodus 13:17 mentions Philistines that did not exist at the time.

Genesis 12:16 is about the camels.

There Were No Camels During Time of Biblical Patriarchs ...
Feb 12, 2014 · O nce upon a time, Abraham owned a camel. According to the Book of Genesis, he probably owned lots of camels. The Bible says that Abraham, along with other patriarchs of Judaism and Christianity,...
The P’lishtim occupied North West Gaza you moron.
Haven't you ever read the Bible?

Exodus 13:17 mentions Philistines that did not exist at the time.

Genesis 12:16 is about the camels.

There Were No Camels During Time of Biblical Patriarchs ...
Feb 12, 2014 · O nce upon a time, Abraham owned a camel. According to the Book of Genesis, he probably owned lots of camels. The Bible says that Abraham, along with other patriarchs of Judaism and Christianity,...
Camels…Carbon Dating is bull shit.

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