New African American Defense Secretary begins dismantling our HERITAGE. You TRAITORS who didn't vote for President Trump are happy NOW

The racist piece of shit is this fucking worthless low IQ affirmation action Neggra general that wants to destroy Southern Heritage. That is as racist as it come you moron.
Fuck Southern Heritage and your Goddamn rebel flags you racist piece of shit!

The South was right you moron and if you weren't such an uneducated low information racist Moon Bat with your head up your Libtard ass you would know that. Go read a little bit about History sometimes.

Of course we all know that you idiot Moon Bats don't know any more about History than you know about Economics, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics and the Constitution.

By the way, Moon Bat. I put the glorious Stars and Bars in my avatar just to trigger you stupid comical Moon Bats so thanks for playing.
There are no bats on the moon.

All the Moon Bats are here on earth. You can see them at any Democrat Party hate rally.
Good. Traitors and losers should not be remembered.

You're right. Does anybody remember who was President before President Donald J. Trump?

I dunno, I think he won 2 terms though unlike Trump lmao. XD
Trump was cheated. I do not think it is funny.

I think it's funny that you believe that Trump was cheated. Especially considering that Trump has never won any elections. He won a couple of primaries at the end, but he lost the popular vote in the General in 2016, he lost the mid-terms in the biggest loss in American history, and he lost the 2020 General by a much larger margin than he lost in 2016.

The American people have rejected Donald Trump at every turn. So having rejected Trump at every turn, and having the Electoral College inflict him on the country in 2016, the American people made damn good and sure he didn't slither his way back in.

The ONLY way Trump could have won this election, is to cheat.

An internet website is NOT EVIDENCE, no matter what it calls itself. It's just another lying conspiracy theory website.

They are all sourced. They are all evidence, all admissible in the courts, that was not allowed to be heard, that point toward obvious fraud. You are just to stupid to realize it.

Would you some examples? I have videos that show the fraud. I have impossible vote ratios. I have eye witnesses.

Dude, Joe Biden will be your President until 2024. In which case it will probably be Kamala Harris for 8 years. Get ready for Socialism...once the Democrats stack the courts nobody will be able to stop us.
Go ahead and try stacking the Supreme Court...see what that gets you come election time. The problem with you Socialists is that everything you force upon us is going to be one more thing that people realize isn't good for the country. Unless you do away with free elections then sooner or later you will be voted out of office.
The democrats want to believe a new name for something has the power to erase the past or neutralize history somehow. I served on Polk, Hood, Bragg and Benning—among other Army bases. That's what they'll always be called to me and I will pass their real names down to my children and grandchildren. Fuck the American Taliban.
Do you call it Burma or Myanmar?
Good. Traitors and losers should not be remembered.

You're right. Does anybody remember who was President before President Donald J. Trump?

I dunno, I think he won 2 terms though unlike Trump lmao. XD
Trump was cheated. I do not think it is funny.

I think it's funny that you believe that Trump was cheated. Especially considering that Trump has never won any elections. He won a couple of primaries at the end, but he lost the popular vote in the General in 2016, he lost the mid-terms in the biggest loss in American history, and he lost the 2020 General by a much larger margin than he lost in 2016.

The American people have rejected Donald Trump at every turn. So having rejected Trump at every turn, and having the Electoral College inflict him on the country in 2016, the American people made damn good and sure he didn't slither his way back in.

The ONLY way Trump could have won this election, is to cheat.

An internet website is NOT EVIDENCE, no matter what it calls itself. It's just another lying conspiracy theory website.

They are all sourced. They are all evidence, all admissible in the courts, that was not allowed to be heard, that point toward obvious fraud. You are just to stupid to realize it.

Would you some examples? I have videos that show the fraud. I have impossible vote ratios. I have eye witnesses.

Dude, Joe Biden will be your President until 2024. In which case it will probably be Kamala Harris for 8 years. Get ready for Socialism...once the Democrats stack the courts nobody will be able to stop us.
You are a smart ass now but you will not be later. Destroying this system will only cause suffering. At least you will deserve it.
Yeah, I am a smart ass. And guess what? I'm a smart ass who voted for the winner. Now enjoy the next 4 years as Biden continues down the path of radical Liberalism.
You enjoy spending the next 4 years defending the results of that "radical Liberalism"! You elected a drooling idiot! Now we're stuck with him and you're stuck with what he gives us.
Funny. All those Confederates were Americans before the Civil War, and afterwards they were all pardoned in order to bring about actual unity and rebuilding. But as we know, Dems are all about dividing and destroying.
You can't pardon an innocent person.
What is it with southerners and their obsession with the Civil War?

What is with these stupid hate filled Moon Bats and their hatred of Southerners and Southern heritage? Bigoted assholes aren't they?

What is it about these Southerners who cling to their bigotry, hatred, and legacy of ignorance and lies? THIS is precisely why the Southern States are all so backward, and lagging behind the blue states in education, income and quality of life. Holding minorities down, has held these states back.

The Blue states empower their people and provide them with the tools to improve their lives and achieve their potential. So of course Republicans oppose anything that will help minorities succeed.
Okay. Get some better rationale to back up your position and rewrite history to build morale among the troops.

And Germany still Germany after two world wars? When are you going to rename Germany and Poland and sweep the whole Holocaust history under the rug?
You make a good point. Look at Germany, and how they swept Nazi references off the face of Deutschland.

What is it about these Southerners who cling to their bigotry, hatred, and legacy of ignorance and lies? THIS is precisely why the Southern States are all so backward, .....

ALL of the states in MY country are "southern" to you, Nanook, so .............. :fu:
Good. Traitors and losers should not be remembered.

You're right. Does anybody remember who was President before President Donald J. Trump?

I dunno, I think he won 2 terms though unlike Trump lmao. XD
Trump was cheated. I do not think it is funny.

I think it's funny that you believe that Trump was cheated. Especially considering that Trump has never won any elections. He won a couple of primaries at the end, but he lost the popular vote in the General in 2016, he lost the mid-terms in the biggest loss in American history, and he lost the 2020 General by a much larger margin than he lost in 2016.

The American people have rejected Donald Trump at every turn. So having rejected Trump at every turn, and having the Electoral College inflict him on the country in 2016, the American people made damn good and sure he didn't slither his way back in.

The ONLY way Trump could have won this election, is to cheat.

An internet website is NOT EVIDENCE, no matter what it calls itself. It's just another lying conspiracy theory website.

They are all sourced. They are all evidence, all admissible in the courts, that was not allowed to be heard, that point toward obvious fraud. You are just to stupid to realize it.

Would you some examples? I have videos that show the fraud. I have impossible vote ratios. I have eye witnesses.
We don't even care what the stupid think anymore.Nor should anyone. These
walk jobs./
This is what you get when you become a multicultural nation ......

That happened 245 years ago.

Longer. The USA became a multicultural country in 1606 when the first colonists arrive from Europe and were greeted by Native Americans. Multiculturalism continued to widen when the first black slaves arrived from Africa in 1619. The Spanish landed in and settled in California in 1542, more than 60 years before white Europeans landed on the East Coast. There are also the Chinese "guest workers" who arrive in the 1800's.

The United State has been a multi-cultural country since it's inception. It's only been in the past 5 years that I've been hearing the ridiculous claim that the USA has always been a "white" country. It has NEVER been a "white country". It was born a multi-cultural country and that is the source of its greatness.

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