New African American Defense Secretary begins dismantling our HERITAGE. You TRAITORS who didn't vote for President Trump are happy NOW

Good. Traitors and losers should not be remembered.

You're right. Does anybody remember who was President before President Donald J. Trump?

I dunno, I think he won 2 terms though unlike Trump lmao. XD
Trump was cheated. I do not think it is funny.

I think it's funny that you believe that Trump was cheated. Especially considering that Trump has never won any elections. He won a couple of primaries at the end, but he lost the popular vote in the General in 2016, he lost the mid-terms in the biggest loss in American history, and he lost the 2020 General by a much larger margin than he lost in 2016.

The American people have rejected Donald Trump at every turn. So having rejected Trump at every turn, and having the Electoral College inflict him on the country in 2016, the American people made damn good and sure he didn't slither his way back in.

The ONLY way Trump could have won this election, is to cheat.

An internet website is NOT EVIDENCE, no matter what it calls itself. It's just another lying conspiracy theory website.

They are all sourced. They are all evidence, all admissible in the courts, that was not allowed to be heard, that point toward obvious fraud. You are just to stupid to realize it.

Would you some examples? I have videos that show the fraud. I have impossible vote ratios. I have eye witnesses.

Dude, Joe Biden will be your President until 2024. In which case it will probably be Kamala Harris for 8 years. Get ready for Socialism...once the Democrats stack the courts nobody will be able to stop us.

Good luck stacking the courts without a majority in the Senate. Joe Manchin said "No way!"
I weep.

Why do you want military bases named after traitorous people?
At some point you will want a military that does the job it was mandated to do. No one will follow officers and fellow soldier for long who are inferior.
Total non sequitur.

You do know the confederacy lost, right?
Anyone who puts their life on the line not only wants competency from who they work with...but demands it. This world and in the United States it is growing as they have plenty of gold plated organizations that get out of Dodge when it gets tough. The Confederacy was drummed up by the then globalists to get a major Fiat currency into the Western Hemisphere. And at the same time to weaken what would become the most powerful nation in it and eventually the world.

Where the fuck did you learn that choice bit of revisionist history?

That one of the more ridiculous excuses I've heard for the civil war.
If you are an "African" American you ain't an American.
You are a fucking racist piece of shit.

I beg to differ. My grandsons are mixed black and white. My great grandfather was black. My wife and daughter-in-law are Hispanic. I am not a racist.

I have a friend who is about 6'4" tall and is so pale gets a burn on his skin when the moon comes out! He has flaming red hair and beard. His family lived in Rhodesia for about the last two centuries. Is because he is a naturalized citizen he also considered an African American?
The Trump economy was the worst since the early 1900's. Truly awful...shameful.

The unemployment rate in April 2020 increased by 10.3 percentage points to 14.7 percent. This is the highest rate and the largest over-the-month increase in the history of the data (available back to January 1948). The number of unemployed persons rose by 15.9 million to 23.1 million in April.May 13, 2020

You really are stupid, aren't you? My state's governor contributed to that by shutting down whole sections of the economy How is that Trump's fault?
I doubt that Flash is a Democrat.

But he is an asshole.
An undereducated, low-information brainwashing victim too.
Projection. And you are barely smart enough to handle that.
Nope, 'fraid not.

Sorry for your luck.
What does my luck have to do with you being an idiot?
Bad luck for you that I'm not. This isn't that hard, kid.

I doubt that Flash is a Democrat.

But he is an asshole.
An undereducated, low-information brainwashing victim too.
Projection. And you are barely smart enough to handle that.
Nope, 'fraid not.

Sorry for your luck.
What does my luck have to do with you being an idiot?
Bad luck for you that I'm not. This isn't that hard, kid.

You are not a credible source. Your idiocy has been proven by your own posts. Next.
I doubt that Flash is a Democrat.

But he is an asshole.
An undereducated, low-information brainwashing victim too.
Projection. And you are barely smart enough to handle that.
Nope, 'fraid not.

Sorry for your luck.
What does my luck have to do with you being an idiot?
Bad luck for you that I'm not. This isn't that hard, kid.

You are not a credible source. Your idiocy has been proven by your own posts. Next.
Lol, dumbass here^ reads RWNJ rags on the internet, tells me random people on the internet aren't credible sources.

I'm done with you for now, kiddo. It's getting boring.

Go ahead and get the last word, you know you're dying to.
I doubt that Flash is a Democrat.

But he is an asshole.
An undereducated, low-information brainwashing victim too.
Projection. And you are barely smart enough to handle that.
Nope, 'fraid not.

Sorry for your luck.
What does my luck have to do with you being an idiot?
Bad luck for you that I'm not. This isn't that hard, kid.

You are not a credible source. Your idiocy has been proven by your own posts. Next.
Lol, dumbass here^ reads RWNJ rags on the internet, tells me random people on the internet aren't credible sources.

I'm done with you for now, kiddo. It's getting boring.

Go ahead and get the last word, you know you're dying to.
Who is credible? Not the NYT. Not the WP. Not the networks. They all lied for four years and they have no intention of stopping. Is being on the winning side worth destroying this country you arrogant bastard? Yes or no will do, anything else you say would only be another lie.
I beg to differ. My grandsons are mixed black and white. My great grandfather was black. My wife and daughter-in-law are Hispanic. I am not a racist.

I have a friend who is about 6'4" tall and is so pale gets a burn on his skin when the moon comes out! He has flaming red hair and beard. His family lived in Rhodesia for about the last two centuries. Is because he is a naturalized citizen he also considered an African American?
Cool story Bro. Too bad I wasn't talking to you.
You really are stupid, aren't you? My state's governor contributed to that by shutting down whole sections of the economy How is that Trump's fault?
Because Trump told people not to worry about the coronavirus. That the cases were going down to zero, and it would disappear on it's own when the weather for warm. He played down the danger, so people didn't protect themselves, thus giving the virus the petri dish in which to multiply.

The governors only reaction was to do what China, and Italy did to stop the spread, which was to isolate people in their homes.

The blame is on Trump for not putting any controls in place.
I beg to differ. My grandsons are mixed black and white. My great grandfather was black. My wife and daughter-in-law are Hispanic. I am not a racist.

I have a friend who is about 6'4" tall and is so pale gets a burn on his skin when the moon comes out! He has flaming red hair and beard. His family lived in Rhodesia for about the last two centuries. Is because he is a naturalized citizen he also considered an African American?
Cool story Bro. Too bad I wasn't talking to you.
When you are on a forum you talk to everyone. Dumbass.

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