New African American Defense Secretary begins dismantling our HERITAGE. You TRAITORS who didn't vote for President Trump are happy NOW

Good. Traitors and losers should not be remembered.
So when the left was promising if Trump was reelected, they would secede from the Union, those leftists in California are TRAITORS, right?
No, they are in all reality nothing more than spoiled rotten brats throwing a temper tantrum(some Texans have been threatening to secede also.) The PROBLEM with seceding is it's like divorce, one just takes his/her problems to the next partner. The CURE is to get oneself back to our framers words of wisdom(Constitution/BoR) & to work together the best we can in making the union the best we can for ALL of us individually. All this infighting & bickering is doing between the left/right constituency is weakening our American constituency & empowering the narcissistic infested profe$$ional politician$ like we can do better than this!
Nope , this doesn't get better your way , The hate group they call a party has to go. Democrats are stupid if we just look the other way in the rights attempt to bring down our government to force in a piece of shit dictator. Allowing them to sit in the bushes sniping at our democracy at every turn to bring this demacracy down to replace it with a piece of shit dictator is stupid. We in the next two years can gat rid of this hate group, With little trouble. Demographics have them gone soon but we would be stupid to wait, They earned it , they deserve it. I then support giving of my time and money to give real conservatives a voice in this country with a new party, Their voices are as important as The progressive voice is in this country, They are nothing but a hate party now. Ugly nasty hateful group. They go back to being just the party for the 1% or they go back to being nothing but a hate party and we will get rid of them again. That is how it is done. The only way we will keep our Democracy.
You did force in a piece of shit dictator. An illegitimate president. 45 EOs. We have a Congress.
I beg to differ. My grandsons are mixed black and white. My great grandfather was black. My wife and daughter-in-law are Hispanic. I am not a racist.

I have a friend who is about 6'4" tall and is so pale gets a burn on his skin when the moon comes out! He has flaming red hair and beard. His family lived in Rhodesia for about the last two centuries. Is because he is a naturalized citizen he also considered an African American?
Cool story Bro. Too bad I wasn't talking to you.
When you are on a forum you talk to everyone. Dumbass.
Says who?
Me. Are your comprehension problems getting worse?
In general terms, it is hard to even consider anyone's words who have shown on Feb6 that they are a traitor to this country , They lost their voice in this country when the supported attacking destroying and killing at he Capital. The are small small people.Who don't count anymore.
Feb.6th is the day Congress helped defraud the citizens of the United States. It should be remembered for that. The incident fell far short of an insurrection. What Congress did was much worse.
Well Ft. Bragg will always be Ft. Bragg to anyone in the military.

Renaming Forts is another waste of tax dollars. Leave it to Dem idiots to do so.
Coming to the DOD soon. In order to provide absolute certainty that the military be as loyal to Democrats as the FBI, the Democrats KGB/NKVD is to the Democrats, the Joint Chiefs will soon allow ChiComm military advisers to oversee the US Military, followed soon after by ChiComm military commanders commanding each branch of the military
Worthless low IQ hateful Negroes are always gonna be worthless hateful low IQ Negroes.

The Democrat voter base.
I weep.

Are you surprised?

Literally EVERYONE knew they were going to burn everything this country was to the ground once th we y took back over.

This is who they are...

Will the last American out please bring the flag...?!
Coming to the DOD soon. In order to provide absolute certainty that the military be as loyal to Democrats as the FBI, the Democrats KGB/NKVD is to the Democrats, the Joint Chiefs will soon allow ChiComm military advisers to oversee the US Military, followed soon after by ChiComm military commanders commanding each branch of the military
or your way with your American brand of Hitler as a dictator, you are a cartoon, all of you haters are.
Ok. Let me get this straight. The Rangers will be Pussies if they are named for anyone but Benning. The Airborne will be afraid to fly if they are stationed at a base named for anyone but Bragg right?

Bullshit. Absolute Crap. Green Berets will still be astonishing no matter what the name of the place they are trained at. SOD Delta troops will still be scary if they are trained at Fort Sweeney. In fact, Fort Sweeney would be a good name.

But traditionalists who fear any change will whip themselves into a tizzy over anything. These are the same type of people who whipped themselves into a tizzy over the change from the M-14 to the M-16.

It doesn’t matter what the base is called. It doesn’t matter what the name of the joint is. What matters is the training the troops receive. The support they get.

But oh no. We have to resist the change, any change. Nuts.

And those who object to the bases named after Confederate Generals? Did you have to look it up or did you study history to find out why the base was named after the idiot in the first place?

Shock and Awe, and various other tactics of rapid advance were all derived from the Nazi’s Blitzkrieg, or Lightning War. Combined Arms tactics, using Artillery, Aviation, and Troops in a coordinated attack is another tactic we took from Nazi’s. Should we abandon that tactic which is successful because a Nazi developed it? Or should we teach our officers where this came from and the philosophy of the attack because it is successful so when they reach higher rank they can understand what is expected of them?

It is like swearing off of movies because a Nazi shot Triumph of the Will. It was a brilliant piece of propaganda. And it is studied today along with the film maker to understand how to make shots more effective.

Sometimes, good ideas come from bad people. Sometimes good information comes from bad people. A lot of the medical advances we got during the middle of the 20th Century came from the experiments of Doctor Mengele. That information saved lives by the millions, as more information was added to the knowledge gained. He was an awful man. A horrible man who deserved to die. But we have to admit we got the knowledge from him, and we have to admit we took his knowledge and added it to our own. We built upon that knowledge in more humane methods. Sometimes More human methods were used.

The long term results of Radiation exposure. We have a large body of knowledge. Doctors know what is going to happen to you, and have you ever wondered why? The United States Navy irradiated Sailors outside of Bikini Atol by letting them stay on decks and exposing them to Radiation. We followed their cases as they exhibited the symptoms in the days, weeks, and even years later. So when you are exposed to Radiation, the Doctor knows what he can do to treat it because of the tens of thousands who suffered at the hands of the “good guys”.

Would you prefer to die because that knowledge was gained through in humane means?

Change the name doesn’t change the fact that those bases are named after people who came up with something revolutionary in war. Benning was opposed to conscription by the way. That is the drafting of people into the army. Yet he was also a racist ass. Sadly a vast majority of those of the era were. Even the “Northerners” who fought to “free the slaves” were racist asses. After all they were the ones who argued against letting Blacks join the Army and fight as equals along with the Whites afterwards.

Even during the Civil War, the Blacks could join, but only be commanded by Whites. And that was the norm through the Second World War. Nearly a hundred years of established racism.

So who do we name the bases after? White Generals from the North who were just as racist? White Admirals who only allowed Blacks to serve as Stewards? Some modern officer who became famous using the tactics of the racists from the Civil War in the modern era?
In general terms, it is hard to even consider anyone's words who have shown on Feb6 that they are a traitor to this country , They lost their voice in this country when the supported attacking destroying and killing at he Capital. The are small small people.Who don't count anymore.

But yet the filthy ass Libtards supported the BLM insurrection for months on end including murder, looting, rioting and tremendous damage in DC and then wonder why we call them hypocritical shitheads.
Good. Traitors and losers should not be remembered.
So when the left was promising if Trump was reelected, they would secede from the Union, those leftists in California are TRAITORS, right?
No, they are in all reality nothing more than spoiled rotten brats throwing a temper tantrum(some Texans have been threatening to secede also.) The PROBLEM with seceding is it's like divorce, one just takes his/her problems to the next partner. The CURE is to get oneself back to our framers words of wisdom(Constitution/BoR) & to work together the best we can in making the union the best we can for ALL of us individually. All this infighting & bickering is doing between the left/right constituency is weakening our American constituency & empowering the narcissistic infested profe$$ional politician$ like we can do better than this!
Well said we don't police our own anymore so no matter how corrupt and awful the bipartisan swamp gets they still get re-elected!
There is a report earlier today (that I didn't bookmark) about the China Joe is going to promote a bunch of affirmative action women to Admiral and General positions. I imagine many of them will be queers, transexuals and Negroes.

What could possibly go wrong?

Like Trump warned us. The asshole is going to destroy the military. First the economy and then the military. Just like his China buddies paid his family to do.
Military recruitment is already down.

Soon the only people that will want to Join China Joe's military will be the Illegals he let flood in.
Makes sense for the military to do this; after all, the Confederacy was their enemy. Don't know why they named anything after their enemies to begin with.

But the war is long over and anyone else wanting to cancel names should do it on a community basis, a majority decision. I don't want someone from NYC coming in and deciding that we have to rename a street in honor of a sea captain who had some nefarious tie to slavery. I can see why southerners would be upset by that.
Good. Traitors and losers should not be remembered.
So when the left was promising if Trump was reelected, they would secede from the Union, those leftists in California are TRAITORS, right?
No, they are in all reality nothing more than spoiled rotten brats throwing a temper tantrum(some Texans have been threatening to secede also.) The PROBLEM with seceding is it's like divorce, one just takes his/her problems to the next partner. The CURE is to get oneself back to our framers words of wisdom(Constitution/BoR) & to work together the best we can in making the union the best we can for ALL of us individually. All this infighting & bickering is doing between the left/right constituency is weakening our American constituency & empowering the narcissistic infested profe$$ional politician$ like we can do better than this!
Well said we don't police our own anymore so no matter how corrupt and awful the bipartisan swamp gets they still get re-elected!
Yeah agree
Makes sense for the military to do this; after all, the Confederacy was their enemy. Don't know why they named anything after their enemies to begin with.

But the war is long over and anyone else wanting to cancel names should do it on a community basis, a majority decision. I don't want someone from NYC coming in and deciding that we have to rename a street in honor of a sea captain who had some nefarious tie to slavery. I can see why southerners would be upset by that.
Slavery, as awful as it was, was also the norm. Yes, the old world was even nastier than ours. But America did not invent slavery and most African slaves were sold to white slave traders by other Africans. The concept of slavery long predated the socieities we asssociate with it ( at least people with any historical knowledge associate with slavery) such as Egypt, Greece and the Romans. Tribes around the world practiced slavery before these states came into being. 1619 folks seem to believe that white slave traders invevted slavery in the 1500's
Makes sense for the military to do this; after all, the Confederacy was their enemy. Don't know why they named anything after their enemies to begin with.

But the war is long over and anyone else wanting to cancel names should do it on a community basis, a majority decision. I don't want someone from NYC coming in and deciding that we have to rename a street in honor of a sea captain who had some nefarious tie to slavery. I can see why southerners would be upset by that.
Slavery, as awful as it was, was also the norm. Yes, the old world was even nastier than ours. But America did not invent slavery and most African slaves were sold to white slave traders by other Africans. The concept of slavery long predated the socieities we asssociate with it ( at least people with any historical knowledge associate with slavery) such as Egypt, Greece and the Romans. Tribes around the world practiced slavery before these states came into being. 1619 folks seem to believe that white slave traders invevted slavery in the 1500's
I have no interest in justifying slavery. It was one of the evils man does to man and I'm glad the world has evolved a bit since then.

What I object to is retroactively judging our ancestors for something that was at that time legal and ingrained in our society, stripping them of the honor of what they did that was noteworthy and good because they were born into a time when slavery was part of our world.

It's like ISIS destroying ancient statuary because it honored other gods. Or the Communist USSR rewriting the history books to highlight only their current administration's point of view.

African Americans have every right to hate the people who enslaved their ancestors, and if the whole community agrees with them, fine, take down the statue, dismount the Confederate flag, rename their school. But a small group of activists taking that judgment into their hands alone? No.

The 1619 Project is a perfectly appropriate teaching tool showing history through a different lens. It isn't designed to be the only history students learn. There is nothing wrong with it as a valuable supplement.
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