New African American Defense Secretary begins dismantling our HERITAGE. You TRAITORS who didn't vote for President Trump are happy NOW

If you are an "African" American you ain't an American.
You are a fucking racist piece of shit.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The racist piece of shit is this fucking worthless low IQ affirmation action Neggra general that wants to destroy Southern Heritage. That is as racist as it come you moron.
Good. Traitors and losers should not be remembered.

You're right. Does anybody remember who was President before President Donald J. Trump?

I dunno, I think he won 2 terms though unlike Trump lmao. XD
Trump was cheated. I do not think it is funny.

I think it's funny that you believe that Trump was cheated. Especially considering that Trump has never won any elections. He won a couple of primaries at the end, but he lost the popular vote in the General in 2016, he lost the mid-terms in the biggest loss in American history, and he lost the 2020 General by a much larger margin than he lost in 2016.

The American people have rejected Donald Trump at every turn. So having rejected Trump at every turn, and having the Electoral College inflict him on the country in 2016, the American people made damn good and sure he didn't slither his way back in.

The ONLY way Trump could have won this election, is to cheat.

An internet website is NOT EVIDENCE, no matter what it calls itself. It's just another lying conspiracy theory website.

They are all sourced. They are all evidence, all admissible in the courts, that was not allowed to be heard, that point toward obvious fraud. You are just to stupid to realize it.

Would you some examples? I have videos that show the fraud. I have impossible vote ratios. I have eye witnesses.

It’s all fucking bullshit. All evidence has been rejected by the courts as being in adequate to prove fraud. Or manufactured and false.

More than 50 court cases in front of 86 judges many of whom were appointed by Donald Trump and all of which rejected your so-called evidence as being in adequate or irrelevant.

Your position requires you to reject tens of thousands of affidavits signed by election officials and workers from every state in the United States of America. In addition, you have to reject the findings of the justice department, the FBI, the department of homeland security, and the secretaries of State from all 50 states.

It is neither sane nor logical that the election was stolen.
The evidence was blocked from ever getting to court. You could try telling the truth. Those agencies have been lying to the citizens for over four years they are not going to stop now.



they will no doubt rule it protected speech and nothing will happen

chilling speech around voting machines seems like on the face of it a terrible idea

clearly protected speech.
The machines no one are allowed to independently audit?

Each state has total control and can end those contracts at any time.

What the fuck do you mean no one can audit? lol
The new regime wants only to take you down, no past, no future, just the miserable moment you live in now.
This is what you get when you become a multicultural nation ......

That happened 245 years ago.

Longer. The USA became a multicultural country in 1606 when the first colonists arrive from Europe and were greeted by Native Americans. Multiculturalism continued to widen when the first black slaves arrived from Africa in 1619. The Spanish landed in and settled in California in 1542, more than 60 years before white Europeans landed on the East Coast. There are also the Chinese "guest workers" who arrive in the 1800's.

The United State has been a multi-cultural country since it's inception. It's only been in the past 5 years that I've been hearing the ridiculous claim that the USA has always been a "white" country. It has NEVER been a "white country". It was born a multi-cultural country and that is the source of its greatness.

Someone doesn’t know what “nation” means.
I doubt that Flash is a Democrat.

But he is an asshole.
An undereducated, low-information brainwashing victim too.
Projection. And you are barely smart enough to handle that.
Nope, 'fraid not.

Sorry for your luck.
What does my luck have to do with you being an idiot?
Bad luck for you that I'm not. This isn't that hard, kid.

You are not a credible source. Your idiocy has been proven by your own posts. Next.
Lol, dumbass here^ reads RWNJ rags on the internet, tells me random people on the internet aren't credible sources.

I'm done with you for now, kiddo. It's getting boring.

Go ahead and get the last word, you know you're dying to.
Who is credible? Not the NYT. Not the WP. Not the networks. They all lied for four years and they have no intention of stopping. Is being on the winning side worth destroying this country you arrogant bastard? Yes or no will do, anything else you say would only be another lie.
This ones a hoot. He doesn't even hit on one truth. Most being so far out that it is just nonsense.
I wish these haters would at least come up with something that can be responded to.
I doubt that Flash is a Democrat.

But he is an asshole.
An undereducated, low-information brainwashing victim too.
Projection. And you are barely smart enough to handle that.
Nope, 'fraid not.

Sorry for your luck.
What does my luck have to do with you being an idiot?
Bad luck for you that I'm not. This isn't that hard, kid.

You are not a credible source. Your idiocy has been proven by your own posts. Next.
Lol, dumbass here^ reads RWNJ rags on the internet, tells me random people on the internet aren't credible sources.

I'm done with you for now, kiddo. It's getting boring.

Go ahead and get the last word, you know you're dying to.
Who is credible? Not the NYT. Not the WP. Not the networks. They all lied for four years and they have no intention of stopping. Is being on the winning side worth destroying this country you arrogant bastard? Yes or no will do, anything else you say would only be another lie.
This ones a hoot. He doesn't even hit on one truth. Most being so far out that it is just nonsense.
Argue the facts you bag of shit. Gossip is for PMs.
The parties switched in the 1960's after the Civil Rights Act. The Democratic southern Slaveowners of the Confederacy in the 1860's are now the Republican southerners of the 21st century.

Bill Moyers has mentioned this quote. He was an aide to LBJ before embarking on a long career in public broadcasting. This is from his book Moyers in America:

When he signed the act he was euphoric, but late that very night I found him in a melancholy mood as he lay in bed reading the bulldog edition of the Washington Post with headlines celebrating the day. I asked him what was troubling him. "I think we just delivered the South to the Republican party for a long time to come," he said.
-President Lyndon B. Johnson
name the congress members that switched parties ......

Name the Sothern Democrats who voted for the Civil Right Act.
Or the ones who wanted to end Jim crow racism.
I weep.

This is what you get when you become a multicultural nation and Democrats and rinos compete for their vote

The democrats want to believe a new name for something has the power to erase the past or neutralize history somehow. I served on Polk, Hood, Bragg and Benning—among other Army bases. That's what they'll always be called to me and I will pass their real names down to my children and grandchildren. Fuck the American Taliban.
Names can be changed from one admin majority to another admin majority. It would be a wa$te of taxpayer revenue to do so which so richly illustrates the lefty politicians total lack of concern regarding the revenue collected by their approved taxation legislation from our tax paying American constituency.
Good. Traitors and losers should not be remembered.
So when the left was promising if Trump was reelected, they would secede from the Union, those leftists in California are TRAITORS, right?
No, they are in all reality nothing more than spoiled rotten brats throwing a temper tantrum(some Texans have been threatening to secede also.) The PROBLEM with seceding is it's like divorce, one just takes his/her problems to the next partner. The CURE is to get oneself back to our framers words of wisdom(Constitution/BoR) & to work together the best we can in making the union the best we can for ALL of us individually. All this infighting & bickering is doing between the left/right constituency is weakening our American constituency & empowering the narcissistic infested profe$$ional politician$ like we can do better than this!
I beg to differ. My grandsons are mixed black and white. My great grandfather was black. My wife and daughter-in-law are Hispanic. I am not a racist.

I have a friend who is about 6'4" tall and is so pale gets a burn on his skin when the moon comes out! He has flaming red hair and beard. His family lived in Rhodesia for about the last two centuries. Is because he is a naturalized citizen he also considered an African American?
Cool story Bro. Too bad I wasn't talking to you.

Hey, shit for brains! Check the quotes! Of course I wasn't talking to you! I usually don't engage morons in conversation.
The parties switched in the 1960's after the Civil Rights Act. The Democratic southern Slaveowners of the Confederacy in the 1860's are now the Republican southerners of the 21st century.

Bill Moyers has mentioned this quote. He was an aide to LBJ before embarking on a long career in public broadcasting. This is from his book Moyers in America:

When he signed the act he was euphoric, but late that very night I found him in a melancholy mood as he lay in bed reading the bulldog edition of the Washington Post with headlines celebrating the day. I asked him what was troubling him. "I think we just delivered the South to the Republican party for a long time to come," he said.
-President Lyndon B. Johnson
name the congress members that switched parties ......
Strom Thurmond, who Joe Biden used to hang out with long time ago. Most of them switched. But Strom Thurmond was the biggest one...he Filibustered the Civil Rights Bill for over 20 hours because he hated it that much.

James Strom Thurmond Sr. (December 5, 1902 – June 26, 2003) was an American military officer, attorney, judge and politician who served as a United States senator from South Carolina from 1954 to 2003 and as the 103rd governor of South Carolina from 1947 to 1951. Thurmond served in the United States Senate for 48 years, at first as a Southern Democrat and then, from 1964 onwards, as a Republican. He ran for president in 1948 as the Dixiecrat candidate on a states' rights platform supporting racial segregation. He received 2.4% of the popular vote and 39 electoral votes.
we all know Thurmond switched ..... name the rest ...
So that you can see the face of evil that will destroy America here is a picture of the dumbass low IQ affirmative action shithead.

She looks like she could be Michele Obama's girlfriend.

I doubt that Flash is a Democrat.

But he is an asshole.
An undereducated, low-information brainwashing victim too.
Projection. And you are barely smart enough to handle that.
Nope, 'fraid not.

Sorry for your luck.
What does my luck have to do with you being an idiot?
Bad luck for you that I'm not. This isn't that hard, kid.

You are not a credible source. Your idiocy has been proven by your own posts. Next.
Lol, dumbass here^ reads RWNJ rags on the internet, tells me random people on the internet aren't credible sources.

I'm done with you for now, kiddo. It's getting boring.

Go ahead and get the last word, you know you're dying to.
Who is credible? Not the NYT. Not the WP. Not the networks. They all lied for four years and they have no intention of stopping. Is being on the winning side worth destroying this country you arrogant bastard? Yes or no will do, anything else you say would only be another lie.
This ones a hoot. He doesn't even hit on one truth. Most being so far out that it is just nonsense.
Argue the facts you bag of shit. Gossip is for PMs.
I'll warn you once , if you don't contribute , you will disappear. I don't believe in wasted bandwidth and these forums have a solution for that
I doubt that Flash is a Democrat.

But he is an asshole.
An undereducated, low-information brainwashing victim too.
Projection. And you are barely smart enough to handle that.
Nope, 'fraid not.

Sorry for your luck.
What does my luck have to do with you being an idiot?
Bad luck for you that I'm not. This isn't that hard, kid.

You are not a credible source. Your idiocy has been proven by your own posts. Next.
Lol, dumbass here^ reads RWNJ rags on the internet, tells me random people on the internet aren't credible sources.

I'm done with you for now, kiddo. It's getting boring.

Go ahead and get the last word, you know you're dying to.
Who is credible? Not the NYT. Not the WP. Not the networks. They all lied for four years and they have no intention of stopping. Is being on the winning side worth destroying this country you arrogant bastard? Yes or no will do, anything else you say would only be another lie.
This ones a hoot. He doesn't even hit on one truth. Most being so far out that it is just nonsense.
Argue the facts you bag of shit. Gossip is for PMs.
I'll warn you once , if you don't contribute , you will disappear. I don't believe in wasted bandwidth and these forums have a solution for that
Gee thanks. You fucking clown. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Good. Traitors and losers should not be remembered.
So when the left was promising if Trump was reelected, they would secede from the Union, those leftists in California are TRAITORS, right?
No, they are in all reality nothing more than spoiled rotten brats throwing a temper tantrum(some Texans have been threatening to secede also.) The PROBLEM with seceding is it's like divorce, one just takes his/her problems to the next partner. The CURE is to get oneself back to our framers words of wisdom(Constitution/BoR) & to work together the best we can in making the union the best we can for ALL of us individually. All this infighting & bickering is doing between the left/right constituency is weakening our American constituency & empowering the narcissistic infested profe$$ional politician$ like we can do better than this!
Nope , this doesn't get better your way , The hate group they call a party has to go. Democrats are stupid if we just look the other way in the rights attempt to bring down our government to force in a piece of shit dictator. Allowing them to sit in the bushes sniping at our democracy at every turn to bring this demacracy down to replace it with a piece of shit dictator is stupid. We in the next two years can gat rid of this hate group, With little trouble. Demographics have them gone soon but we would be stupid to wait, They earned it , they deserve it. I then support giving of my time and money to give real conservatives a voice in this country with a new party, Their voices are as important as The progressive voice is in this country, They are nothing but a hate party now. Ugly nasty hateful group. They go back to being just the party for the 1% or they go back to being nothing but a hate party and we will get rid of them again. That is how it is done. The only way we will keep our Democracy.
I beg to differ. My grandsons are mixed black and white. My great grandfather was black. My wife and daughter-in-law are Hispanic. I am not a racist.

I have a friend who is about 6'4" tall and is so pale gets a burn on his skin when the moon comes out! He has flaming red hair and beard. His family lived in Rhodesia for about the last two centuries. Is because he is a naturalized citizen he also considered an African American?
Cool story Bro. Too bad I wasn't talking to you.
When you are on a forum you talk to everyone. Dumbass.
Says who?
I doubt that Flash is a Democrat.

But he is an asshole.
An undereducated, low-information brainwashing victim too.
Projection. And you are barely smart enough to handle that.
Nope, 'fraid not.

Sorry for your luck.
What does my luck have to do with you being an idiot?
Bad luck for you that I'm not. This isn't that hard, kid.

You are not a credible source. Your idiocy has been proven by your own posts. Next.
Lol, dumbass here^ reads RWNJ rags on the internet, tells me random people on the internet aren't credible sources.

I'm done with you for now, kiddo. It's getting boring.

Go ahead and get the last word, you know you're dying to.
Who is credible? Not the NYT. Not the WP. Not the networks. They all lied for four years and they have no intention of stopping. Is being on the winning side worth destroying this country you arrogant bastard? Yes or no will do, anything else you say would only be another lie.
This ones a hoot. He doesn't even hit on one truth. Most being so far out that it is just nonsense.
Argue the facts you bag of shit. Gossip is for PMs.
I'll warn you once , if you don't contribute , you will disappear. I don't believe in wasted bandwidth and these forums have a solution for that
Gee thanks. You fucking clown. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Look It looks like lastmember disappeared, It has been a slice. I beat this one up pretty bad. Bad bad loser=but it was fun

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