New Amendment In Florida Bill; Brilliantly Owns The Gays -- LOL

they should be sent to gay conversion therapy asap or at the very least, put these kids in their own school and keep them isolated from regular kids.....that is how this spreads...
Gay conversion therapy is a useless fraud. The only way to keep them isolated from 'regular' kids is to put them down (Hitler was right). If they start showing signs of Liberal or atheistic thoughts the same applies. (If you didn't laugh or at least realize this was sarcasm you should get help.)
Gay conversion therapy is a useless fraud. The only way to keep them isolated from 'regular' kids is to put them down (Hitler was right). If they start showing signs of Liberal or atheistic thoughts the same applies. (If you didn't laugh or at least realize this was sarcasm you should get help.)

You're as useless as Biff_Poindexter.
Tommy Taintlicker has a "thing" for kids. FYI.
He also has a thing for Islamists.
The kids know their parents better than the schools . They will know if they are capable of handling the information. That should be respected.
We don't know that, remember, they are the mentally immature ones. The parents remain the ones that "must" stay in the loop when it comes to THEIR CHILDREN. Period.
Why aren't schools teaching religion?? Are they banned or something??

Who are the ones who whine over and over again "This wouldn't be happening if they didn't take God out of the schools"

Conservatives have been trying to get religion taught in schools since the long as it is, of course -- the religion approved by the state....and by state, I mean..white conservatives...

How about they no longer teach religion in schools...
Which I believe is a mistake by the way and I dont even go to church.
He also has a thing for Islamists.

We don't know that, remember, they are the mentally immature ones. The parents remain the ones that "must" stay in the loop when it comes to THEIR CHILDREN. Period.
What if their parents are hompphobic bigots ? Tht puts the kids at risk.
That is dangerous, that leaves vulnerable kids with no safe place to confide their concerns and schools. I suppose we can add child abuse to the Republican bill of parental rights.
It also leaves out gay perverted activists that pray on trouble kids or confused kids going through a phase. It is not the schools responsibility or should be their right to use schools for recruiting grounds to pray off children.

The kids will figure out what they are a self growing learning experience, the adults need to leave them alone as long as they aren't hurting anyone. The teen years are designed to be for self exploration not pervert indoctrination of kids.
What if their parents are hompphobic bigots ? Tht puts the kids at risk.
Then the kids realize that and do as teenagers tend to do anyways----keep their thoughts to themselves. If the parents are abusive---then other adults can step in.

My gay step cousin came out in tiny steps to different members of the family-------as he got older. He had been scared to come out baselessly---no one cared and everyone had already figured it out ---most long before he had. My poor grandfather, adored my step cousin, but wasn't told. My grandfather is the one that brought up the subject and asked 2 of his daughter if Little M was a little "funny"? They said yep and that was the end of it ever being brought up again---it didn't change anything.

Even the gay kids should be able deal with their family issues with their families. Don't think most of the conservative families that the gay brigade likes to try to villify are near the monsters that they hope they are.
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That is dangerous, that leaves vulnerable kids with no safe place to confide their concerns and schools. I suppose we can add child abuse to the Republican bill of parental rights.
It also saves vulnerable kids from predatory child molesters.
Please forgive my ignorance here - are we talking about the same bill that applies to 4-yesr-olds, or is this a different bill?

I wouldn't support this type of legislation at the high school level, not at all. There are too many cases of parental abuse. Some of them are actually quite horrifying.
It also leaves out gay perverted activists that pray on trouble kids or confused kids going through a phase. It is not the schools responsibility or should be their right to use schools for recruiting grounds to pray off children.

The kids will figure out what they are a self growing learning experience, the adults need to leave them alone as long as they aren't hurting anyone. The teen years are designed to be for self exploration not pervert indoctrination of kids.
One the authority identifies a child as homosexual or trans the entire impetus of the school or counselor works to make the child conform and there is little way out. The child is woven into a gay culture of hate for normals and bigots. I have an almost 13 year old step great granddaughter in just such a circumstance. She plays along to keep the peace and comes here where she can be a girl in peace. She is starting to develop. She doesn't have huge breasts but she is exceptionally proud of what she has. Her transition counselor told her that hormones would stop her breasts from growing and what she has could be removed. Here's her question "can't I be a trans boy who thinks he's a girl?"

There are far more normal children than children who are deranged and those normal children need more protection than the confused.
This is what the bastards are doing. Every pedophile groomer should be banned from ever being around children.
Hardly. It is more likely to make them more vulnerable to them as they have no safe people to confide in. Predators are good at recognizing and exploiting suffering.
Especially when THEY cause the suffering. Which is exactly what they are doing.
Please forgive my ignorance here - are we talking about the same bill that applies to 4-yesr-olds, or is this a different bill?

I wouldn't support this type of legislation at the high school level, not at all. There are too many cases of parental abuse. Some of them are actually quite horrifying.
It only applies to K thru 3rd grade.

"An amendment to the House version of Florida's "Parental Rights in Education" legislation, which critics have called the "don't say gay" bill, would require the disclosure of certain student information to a parent after a period of time. Opponents contend this could equate to the forced outing of a child to family members who may not be supportive of their sexual identity. They fear this could put the child at risk of abuse. House Bill 1557, as it's written, bars school personnel from notification of parents or parental involvement in critical decisions affecting a student's mental, emotional or physical health or well-being.

But the amendment filed last week by one of the bill's sponsors, Republican State Rep. Joe Harding, mandates that school personnel "shall develop a disclose such information within 6 weeks after the decision to withhold such information from the parent. Democratic State Rep. Carlos Smith, the first openly LGBTQ Latino member of the Florida Legislature, tweeted this amendment "will have devastating consequences for our youth," calling it a "state-mandated outing of LGBTQ students to parents."

Lol, the libs are so can't have it both ways....You can't claim to be loud and proud but not want schools to tell parents that their kid's a fag or a lesbo....If a parent doesn't know his or her child is a queer; but somehow school staff finds this out -- of course the school should sit down with the parents and out that kid...the parents have a right to know so that parent can take corrective measures to fix the kid before it becomes too late to save him. I will take it one step further, as soon as the school staff finds out a kid is gay - they should be sent to gay conversion therapy asap or at the very least, put these kids in their own school and keep them isolated from regular kids.....that is how this spreads...
Poor Pedo Biff. Cock blocked again, ehh?

"An amendment to the House version of Florida's "Parental Rights in Education" legislation, which critics have called the "don't say gay" bill, would require the disclosure of certain student information to a parent after a period of time. Opponents contend this could equate to the forced outing of a child to family members who may not be supportive of their sexual identity. They fear this could put the child at risk of abuse. House Bill 1557, as it's written, bars school personnel from notification of parents or parental involvement in critical decisions affecting a student's mental, emotional or physical health or well-being.

But the amendment filed last week by one of the bill's sponsors, Republican State Rep. Joe Harding, mandates that school personnel "shall develop a disclose such information within 6 weeks after the decision to withhold such information from the parent. Democratic State Rep. Carlos Smith, the first openly LGBTQ Latino member of the Florida Legislature, tweeted this amendment "will have devastating consequences for our youth," calling it a "state-mandated outing of LGBTQ students to parents."

Lol, the libs are so can't have it both ways....You can't claim to be loud and proud but not want schools to tell parents that their kid's a fag or a lesbo....If a parent doesn't know his or her child is a queer; but somehow school staff finds this out -- of course the school should sit down with the parents and out that kid...the parents have a right to know so that parent can take corrective measures to fix the kid before it becomes too late to save him. I will take it one step further, as soon as the school staff finds out a kid is gay - they should be sent to gay conversion therapy asap or at the very least, put these kids in their own school and keep them isolated from regular kids.....that is how this spreads...
Bad idea.

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