New and Improved Website

WH asks people to log on during off peak hours so you might have a chance to complete sign up.
WH announces that site will be down during off peak hours in order to perform needed maintenance.


Hopefully your time zone and work schedule doesn't place you within those off peak hours. Although I don't recall Amazon or Kayak, to whom the President compared the "ease" of which to compare price plans, of having consistent off peak maintenance hours. Then again, this is our government we are talking about.
So not the highest marks were given for the roll-out of the ACA website, but getting that fixed is starting to work and so even in the Red States, doctors and health care providers will be paid in 2014. The Republicans want to repeal that, of course, as their election mantra going into 2014. Anyone can ask if they want the federal statutes to work, or not! They do want to repeal doctors get paid from insurers, under ACA.

White House meets goals for, but more work ahead

The Supreme Court has ruled that ACA is Constitutional. Whether or not an individual employer can impose special tenets of religion, on employees, has already been decided at the Supreme Court. The Amish do have to pay Social Security taxes on employees, even though they themselves are exempt from self-employment, Social Security employment taxes. That is long-since decided case law, at SCOTUS.

The Constitution does not allow support of establishments of religion, on other persons: At the direction of the federal government. The employer is still free to support religion as they see fit, on their own.

And so Red State governors and legislators have to explain to Tea Party districts why they themselves refused to support doctors ever being paid, allowed in the federal ACA statutes, which they opposed. That, in fact, is why there is ACA!

2014 is only a month away!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes Still Do ask, Why Jesus Christ not walking across their swimming pools--which they think is why they are there(?)! Jesus Christ having fun, not strong concept to many White Eyes(?)!)

One correction in your post right off the top, as the Amish only pay social security if working for a non-Amish employer. Self employed Amish don't contribute to any social security, as self efficiency is their answer to government aid programs.

See this link: Amish FAQ
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Yeah, I still can't get any info on any plans when I click the 'learn more' button. It doesn't go past the state question. It just sits there, no 'continue' button, no 'next' button, no nothing.

What a joke.
To get the details of a plan, you have to complete the registration. The best way is to Google the plan name. This will allow you to look at the insurance company's website. It should show all details. Most sites also have a function to search providers to determine if your doctors are covered on the plan.

I went through the registration on Sunday and I didn't have any real problems. It was slow on validation but other than that it worked ok. I don't think the site is well designed but it does work.

Anyone who needs to buy individual insurance can get it, which certainly was not the case last year. If you're not eligible for a subsidy, there is no reason to go to, just contact the insurance company. If you have problems using the exchange, you can complete a form and send it in. You can also call the 800 number and they will walk you through the process.
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Administration: Obamacare website working smoothly -

Washington (CNN) -- There is a "night and day" difference between on October 1 and the same site on December 1, Jeff Zients, the top administration official responsible for improving the problem-plagued Obamacare enrollment site, said Sunday on a conference call with reporters.
Deadline Day: Will Obamacare site work?
Zients and Julie Bataille, spokeswoman for the federal agency charged with developing and operating, said the website now works "smoothly for the vast majority of users." The administration said the site can now handle 50,000 concurrent users and 800,000 consumer visits a day -- two capacity goals for the portal that date back to its launch two months ago. And Bataille said the site was now allowing "in the zone of 80%" of users to successfully complete a health care enrollment.

The government says it works, but it still crashes when reporters try to use it, and post the video to prove it, yet you still believe the government.

Rightwinger naïveté never ceases to amaze... Are you really naïve enough to believe
reporters-----reporters with an agenda like-um-say Lara Logan et al, are showing videos on their air that goes against their agenda - poo-fuckin-leeze. Even uber-rich Andrea Mitchell seemed giddy at the website problems, then-----then this AM seemed pissed-off that the website was doing better and-----and who does Andrea work for - right, the same network that carries 3 friggin' hours of former Republican congressperson Joe Scarborough -hmmm- I still can't figure out why you guys hate MSNBC?

Shaking my head @ U.

I posted a video that didn't have Andre Mitchel in it, or her network, want to explain why you brought her up? Is it because you are stupid?
Yeah, I still can't get any info on any plans when I click the 'learn more' button. It doesn't go past the state question. It just sits there, no 'continue' button, no 'next' button, no nothing.

What a joke.
To get the details of a plan, you have to complete the registration. The best way is to Google the plan name. This will allow you to look at the insurance company's website. It should show all details. Most sites also have a function to search providers to determine if your doctors are covered on the plan.

I went through the registration on Sunday and I didn't have any real problems. It was slow on validation but other than that it worked ok. I don't think the site is well designed but it does work.

Anyone who needs to buy individual insurance can get it, which certainly was not the case last year. If you're not eligible for a subsidy, there is no reason to go to, just contact the insurance company. If you have problems using the exchange, you can complete a form and send it in. You can also call the 800 number and they will walk you through the process.

You just didn't see the problems, the entire goal was to make the website look good, and absolutely no effort was placed on actually making the back end work. That is the part that matters because, unless your order gets to the insurance company, you won't have insurance.

Don't worry though, they painted the outside.
Yeah, I still can't get any info on any plans when I click the 'learn more' button. It doesn't go past the state question. It just sits there, no 'continue' button, no 'next' button, no nothing.

What a joke.
To get the details of a plan, you have to complete the registration. The best way is to Google the plan name. This will allow you to look at the insurance company's website. It should show all details. Most sites also have a function to search providers to determine if your doctors are covered on the plan.

I went through the registration on Sunday and I didn't have any real problems. It was slow on validation but other than that it worked ok. I don't think the site is well designed but it does work.

Anyone who needs to buy individual insurance can get it, which certainly was not the case last year. If you're not eligible for a subsidy, there is no reason to go to, just contact the insurance company. If you have problems using the exchange, you can complete a form and send it in. You can also call the 800 number and they will walk you through the process.

I shouldn't have to complete anything just to get information on the plans being offered. I can go to any independent insurance website and get that info (I've done it). I shouldn't have to Google the plan name, that's supposedly what this obamacare website is for, so I can get a snapshot of all the plans being offered and what they cost (minus any subsidy).

Like I said, this thing is a joke.

And people most certainly could by individual insurance prior to this. 5 million sound familiar?

The real kicker is that those who did not purchase insurance, those who were not responsible, now not only (have) to get insurance, they get subsidized to boot, thus paying a lower cost. Those who were responsible, who purchased insurance got the policies they liked cancelled, and now have to pay double what they were paying.

obamanation: being irresponsible gets rewarded; being responsible gets screwed.
Yeah, I still can't get any info on any plans when I click the 'learn more' button. It doesn't go past the state question. It just sits there, no 'continue' button, no 'next' button, no nothing.

What a joke.
To get the details of a plan, you have to complete the registration. The best way is to Google the plan name. This will allow you to look at the insurance company's website. It should show all details. Most sites also have a function to search providers to determine if your doctors are covered on the plan.

I went through the registration on Sunday and I didn't have any real problems. It was slow on validation but other than that it worked ok. I don't think the site is well designed but it does work.

Anyone who needs to buy individual insurance can get it, which certainly was not the case last year. If you're not eligible for a subsidy, there is no reason to go to, just contact the insurance company. If you have problems using the exchange, you can complete a form and send it in. You can also call the 800 number and they will walk you through the process.

You just didn't see the problems, the entire goal was to make the website look good, and absolutely no effort was placed on actually making the back end work. That is the part that matters because, unless your order gets to the insurance company, you won't have insurance.

Don't worry though, they painted the outside.
I saw on the news today, 350,000 people visited the website by noon and 750,000 by 5:30pm EST. Enrollment information is being delivered to insurance companies, however the numbers have not been released.

I'm sure there will be more glitches to be fixed. One thing that will have to be fixed very soon is validation failure. The exchange determines you are who you say you are by asking you questions from public records. The problem is public records are not always correct and people often don't have the answers. However, the changes made so far have made a huge difference.
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I spent two #$%^&* hours on the phone with AT&T today because we want a land line at our lake house.

While on hold, I tried using their online "chat" but every time I clicked on "chat now", it dumped me and started the whole process over.

I also tried calling a local store but they said I had to drive into town to the store, that they couldn't do it over the phone.

But, by gawd, ObamaCare has got to be perfect right now or be called a failure forevermore.

Get a clue people.

I saw on the news today, 350,000 people visited the website by noon and 750,000 by 5:30pm EST. Enrollment information is being delivered to insurance companies, however the numbers have not been released.

I'm sure there will be more glitches to be fixed. One thing that will have to be fixed very soon is validation failure. The exchange determines you are who you say you are by asking you questions from public records. The problem is public records are not always correct and people often don't have the answers. However, the changes made so far have made a huge difference.

Good! I want everyone to be able to use the website and see what their future holds. Some may like it. Time will tell.
I spent two #$%^&* hours on the phone with AT&T today because we want a land line at our lake house.

While on hold, I tried using their online "chat" but every time I clicked on "chat now", it dumped me and started the whole process over.

I also tried calling a local store but they said I had to drive into town to the store, that they couldn't do it over the phone.

But, by gawd, ObamaCare has got to be perfect right now or be called a failure forevermore.

Get a clue people.

Rather interesting, especially when the left wants to hold onto this claim that government can do so much of a better job than the private sector. It would appear that most of your major companies have mastered throwing together a basic web page, as well as testing to remove any glitches, before suffering the embarrassment of boasting its big success prior to its release to the public.
I spent two #$%^&* hours on the phone with AT&T today because we want a land line at our lake house.

While on hold, I tried using their online "chat" but every time I clicked on "chat now", it dumped me and started the whole process over.

I also tried calling a local store but they said I had to drive into town to the store, that they couldn't do it over the phone.

But, by gawd, ObamaCare has got to be perfect right now or be called a failure forevermore.

Get a clue people.


Give me your address, I can set up a land line in 15 minutes if I have to wait 14 minutes for an answer.
It's indisputable; is improving, and fast. It will be fixed. In fact, for most people, it is probably fixed now, or will be fixed quite soon. The problems with the web site are technical and have little relationship to the law.
It's indisputable; is improving, and fast. It will be fixed. In fact, for most people, it is probably fixed now, or will be fixed quite soon. The problems with the web site are technical and have little relationship to the law.

Except for the 384 errors, which are no longer visible to the suckers.
It's indisputable; is improving, and fast. It will be fixed. In fact, for most people, it is probably fixed now, or will be fixed quite soon. The problems with the web site are technical and have little relationship to the law.

Good! I want people to see what's in store for them!
Republicans don't want doctors to be paid! Oh my goodness! It's almost unbelievable what people come up with to defend Obamacare.

]Do you have brain lesions? I have sympathy for many-many conservatives - so many seem to have lesions on the cognitive part(s) of their alleged brains.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
]Just as conservatives believe in socialism for the supply siders and laissez faire for demand siders, conservatives also believe that when Republican governors and legislators refused medicare expansion into their states it's somehow the fault of Obamacare. [/COLO
[OR=blue]ODS? - obviously! [/COLO
[FONTLesions on conservative brains...?[/COL
]Republicans don't understand the concept of 'work for a living', most laborers doctors included, get paid for the work they do - duh!

you are an example of brain lesion yourself - nothing illustrates the cognitive insufficiency of a leftard more than changing the fonts. you must think it would be read by more posters if you change the font :lol:

the revers is true. Different fonts, different colors, spelling issues, grammar issues.. all go to my personnel twit filter
It's indisputable; is improving, and fast. It will be fixed. In fact, for most people, it is probably fixed now, or will be fixed quite soon. The problems with the web site are technical and have little relationship to the law.

Except for the 384 errors, which are no longer visible to the suckers.
It was over 800. The numbers will continue to fall. Within a month it won't be considered newsworthy. Republican attacks are already moving away from the exchange and back to the law.
WH asks people to log on during off peak hours so you might have a chance to complete sign up.
WH announces that site will be down during off peak hours in order to perform needed maintenance.


IOW it's not working!--:lol::lol: No surprise here.

It's indisputable; is improving, and fast. It will be fixed. In fact, for most people, it is probably fixed now, or will be fixed quite soon. The problems with the web site are technical and have little relationship to the law.

Good now people will see the price tag of their new premiums.

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