New Anne Coulter Book On Racism By The Left Sets The Record Straight. Read It.

Muslims hear this all the time? Stuff like in this video? I don't believe it. I think this was 100% staged for media consumption. Yes, there was a day when minorities were denied service in a restaurant or barbershop or whatever. Those times have not existed for many decades now. Even if there is a rare bigot who might be thinkiing it, no proprietor is going to risk the negative publicity by behaving that way.

Have you've been reading the stuff on this board?:confused:
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And following the tea party, a majority of the tea party ralleys truly show a full display. The ignorance hate and racism.
[ame=]Tea Party Idiots Exposed By Boston Globe! - YouTube[/ame]
You are either dense or dishonest, which is it? You continue to miss the point of what I said. I will repeat it one more time for you.

"Contrary to the myth revisionist conservatives keep telling themselves—that they
were hairy-chested warriors for equal rights—the entire history of civil
rights consists of liberals battling conservatives to guarantee the constitutional rights of black people"

Because I quoted a 'Republican', it doesn't mean he was a conservative. Ike was a social liberal. But, you and people like Coulter speak of Democrats and Republicans like they're all one entity like a big blob or something.
Now you're plagiarizing me.

It's difficult for you to take both sides of an issue and not sound idiotic, and you can't say I am making sweeping generalizations, then make one yourself and sound rational at the same time.

I am not making any sweeping generalizations that aren't based in fact. Show me an advocate for minority rights, and you will always find a liberal, not a conservative. There are no conservative advocates for minorities.

We don't have to go back to 1964, we can look at TODAY.

Gay a conservative advocate?

Conservatives advocate for the right to hate. Liberals advocate for the right to love who you choose.

Muslim rights in a conservative advocate?

Conservatives advocate for the right to make hate films that desecrate Muhammad.

Hispanic a conservative advocate?

As a matter of fact, conservatives vehemently support racists like Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio and draconian racial profiling laws like Arizona SB 1070.

seems like only minorites have rights according to you
He wants us to name conservatives who advocate rights for all those groups? That's easy. We all do. We advocate everybody living under the same law, preparing themselves to take advantage of the blessings of freedom, to aspire, to strive, to achieve as much as they are capable. We advocate everybody being seen as individual people instead of being seen as a member of a minority group with certain expectations inherent in that. Maybe special privileges and benefits given to minorities doesn't exactly take away their rights--it does take away some of the taxpayer's rights--but it certainly does not encourage anybody to improve their lot in life. It just makes them more comfortable in it and creates a mindset that they are doomed to stay there. And the liberals treat them exactly that way and tell them every day how disadvantaged, disenfranchised, pitiful, neglected, and needy they are and how they, the liberals, who have failed to substantially fix their problems for the last fifty years, are their only hope of salvation.
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Also, the idea that Conservatives don't support minority rights is absurd. Conservatives see people, not minorities,. Conservatives generally view minorities as equals and treat them like everybody else and would protest if anybody, including a minority, was denied their right to compete, prosper, or embrace life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Conservatives do protest programs and initiatives that encourage dependency in any person or group.

Liberals are more likely to view minorities as poor pathetic creatures who can't make it without whitey's help via government. To me that is oppression and subjugation of minorities and encouragement of depedency (that keeps the liberals in office) rather than respect for minority rights.

and the 90% all white gop 2012 convention?:confused:confirms this Conservative view?
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Also, the idea that Conservatives don't support minority rights is absurd. Conservatives see people, not minorities,. Conservatives generally view minorities as equals and treat them like everybody else and would protest if anybody, including a minority, was denied their right to compete, prosper, or embrace life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Conservatives do protest programs and initiatives that encourage dependency in any person or group.

Liberals are more likely to view minorities as poor pathetic creatures who can't make it without whitey's help via government. To me that is oppression and subjugation of minorities and encouragement of depedency (that keeps the liberals in office) rather than respect for minority rights.

and the 90% all white gop 2012 convetion?:confused:confirms this?

No. The number of qualified mnorities who make it into high positions in the GOP confirms this, and many of those were featured speakers at the GOP. The fact that you are focused on the racial makeup rather than the content of the GOP convention though does suggest you might be obsessed over race.
Also, the idea that Conservatives don't support minority rights is absurd. Conservatives see people, not minorities,. Conservatives generally view minorities as equals and treat them like everybody else and would protest if anybody, including a minority, was denied their right to compete, prosper, or embrace life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Conservatives do protest programs and initiatives that encourage dependency in any person or group.

Liberals are more likely to view minorities as poor pathetic creatures who can't make it without whitey's help via government. To me that is oppression and subjugation of minorities and encouragement of depedency (that keeps the liberals in office) rather than respect for minority rights.

and the 90% all white gop 2012 convetion?:confused:confirms this?

No. The number of qualified mnorities who make it into high positions in the GOP confirms this, and many of those were featured speakers at the GOP. The fact that you are focused on the racial makeup rather than the content of the GOP convention though does suggest you might be obsessed over race.

please ... the fact that they are not in there, is clear.. race is an issue, just pointing to a picture thats very clear. no not every last one, just a majority . How many anti white mixed picture can you point to? I say mixed colors have a little more respectful view about race. ----blacks are show
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and the 90% all white gop 2012 convetion?:confused:confirms this?

No. The number of qualified mnorities who make it into high positions in the GOP confirms this, and many of those were featured speakers at the GOP. The fact that you are focused on the racial makeup rather than the content of the GOP convention though does suggest you might be obsessed over race.

please ... the fact that they are not in there, is clear.. race is an issue, just pointing to a picture thats very clear. no not every last one, just a majority . How many anti white mixed picture can you point to? I say mixed colors have a little more respectful view about race. ----blacks are show

Sorry. Your focus on what the leftist mainstream portrays and insinuates rather than actually observing the convention and noting the content says a whole lot more about you than it does about the GOP. Or the Democrats for that matter.
No. The number of qualified mnorities who make it into high positions in the GOP confirms this, and many of those were featured speakers at the GOP. The fact that you are focused on the racial makeup rather than the content of the GOP convention though does suggest you might be obsessed over race.

please ... the fact that they are not in there, is clear.. race is an issue, just pointing to a picture thats very clear. no not every last one, just a majority . How many anti white mixed picture can you point to? I say mixed colors have a little more respectful view about race. ----blacks are show

Sorry. Your focus on what the leftist mainstream portrays and insinuates rather than actually observing the convention and noting the content says a whole lot more about you than it does about the GOP. Or the Democrats for that matter.

I watched most of it, did a count live on this board. two where romney personal employee's.. and I counted only 6
please ... the fact that they are not in there, is clear.. race is an issue, just pointing to a picture thats very clear. no not every last one, just a majority . How many anti white mixed picture can you point to? I say mixed colors have a little more respectful view about race. ----blacks are show

Sorry. Your focus on what the leftist mainstream portrays and insinuates rather than actually observing the convention and noting the content says a whole lot more about you than it does about the GOP. Or the Democrats for that matter.

I watched most of it, did a count live on this board. two where romney personal employee's.. and I counted only 6

Really? There were more than six minority speakers at the convention and none of those were Romney's employees. So wow. You're even more obsessed with race than I gave you credit for and you are lousy at math as well.
Sorry. Your focus on what the leftist mainstream portrays and insinuates rather than actually observing the convention and noting the content says a whole lot more about you than it does about the GOP. Or the Democrats for that matter.

I watched most of it, did a count live on this board. two where romney personal employee's.. and I counted only 6

Really? There were more than six minority speakers at the convention and none of those were Romney's employees. So wow. You're even more obsessed with race than I gave you credit for and you are lousy at math as well.

below was moslly over blacks
"This was madness. There had been a real fight over civil rights for a century,
especially in the previous two decades, but by the end of the sixties, it
was over. Segregationist violence was gone, and all public places integrated.
But in their minds, liberals lived in a heroic past, where they were the ones
manning the barricades and marching against segregation. Liberals were
hallucinating—about the present and the past"

I saw 6 blacks...why? never claim all are racist
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I watched most of it, did a count live on this board. two where romney personal employee's.. and I counted only 6

Really? There were more than six minority speakers at the convention and none of those were Romney's employees. So wow. You're even more obsessed with race than I gave you credit for and you are lousy at math as well.

below was moslly over blacks
"This was madness. There had been a real fight over civil rights for a century,
especially in the previous two decades, but by the end of the sixties, it
was over. Segregationist violence was gone, and all public places integrated.
But in their minds, liberals lived in a heroic past, where they were the ones
manning the barricades and marching against segregation. Liberals were
hallucinating—about the present and the past"

I saw 6 blacks...why? never claim all are racist

For your information, the Huffington Post reported more than 140 black faces counted. But how pathetic is it that either of you were counting black people? It just reinforces my opinion that it is the Democrats who are the racists, just as Ann reports in her new book. And I won't comment on that particular statistic again lest we derail Mudwhistles fine thread further.
Also, the idea that Conservatives don't support minority rights is absurd. Conservatives see people, not minorities,. Conservatives generally view minorities as equals and treat them like everybody else and would protest if anybody, including a minority, was denied their right to compete, prosper, or embrace life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Conservatives do protest programs and initiatives that encourage dependency in any person or group.

Liberals are more likely to view minorities as poor pathetic creatures who can't make it without whitey's help via government. To me that is oppression and subjugation of minorities and encouragement of depedency (that keeps the liberals in office) rather than respect for minority rights.

Such self righteous manure. If your premise were true that programs and initiatives encourage dependency, then charity would create the SAME dependency!

The root word of dependency is depend. Another word with the same root word is dependable. Synonyms of dependable are: reliable, responsible, safe, secure, solid, steady, sure, trustable, trustworthy.

What programs and initiatives create is something dependable.

Let's take an 80 year old widow living in the house she and her husband paid off 30 years ago. No mortgage, but she still has to eat every day, buy groceries every week, pay utility bills every month, pay school taxes and whatever other expenses arise. She needs a dependable income. Without Social Security and Medicare, what would you have her do? Get up every morning and head out with a cup? Or call a cab to drop her off to stand in line to beg for food and clothing??

Conservatives are so self centered and narcissistic that they can't put themselves in another human beings shoes. There is ZERO empathy, just self righteous manure.
Really? There were more than six minority speakers at the convention and none of those were Romney's employees. So wow. You're even more obsessed with race than I gave you credit for and you are lousy at math as well.

below was moslly over blacks
"This was madness. There had been a real fight over civil rights for a century,
especially in the previous two decades, but by the end of the sixties, it
was over. Segregationist violence was gone, and all public places integrated.
But in their minds, liberals lived in a heroic past, where they were the ones
manning the barricades and marching against segregation. Liberals were
hallucinating—about the present and the past"

I saw 6 blacks...why? never claim all are racist

For your information, the Huffington Post reported more than 140 black faces counted. But how pathetic is it that either of you were counting black people? It just reinforces my opinion that it is the Democrats who are the racists, just as Ann reports in her new book. And I won't comment on that particular statistic again lest we derail Mudwhistles fine thread further.

thanks I feel better for them now!
Such self righteous manure. If your premise were true that programs and initiatives encourage dependency, then charity would create the SAME dependency!


LOL. Congratulations, you just reached a new level of STUPID. All that hard work has finally paid off!
my babe....
[ame=]Ann Coulter wants Jews "to be perfected" - YouTube[/ame]

making money from hate.. its a living
my babe....
Ann Coulter wants Jews "to be perfected" - YouTube

making money from hate.. its a living

You think that was a hateful statement? When the majority of Christians and Christian Jews believe it when it is placed in the context that she intended it, and not in the context that the angry left want it to be? What is hateful about wanting something better for somebody whether or not everybody agrees that it would be 'better'?

And what is not hateful about your post about her?
Also, the idea that Conservatives don't support minority rights is absurd. Conservatives see people, not minorities,. Conservatives generally view minorities as equals and treat them like everybody else and would protest if anybody, including a minority, was denied their right to compete, prosper, or embrace life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Conservatives do protest programs and initiatives that encourage dependency in any person or group.

Liberals are more likely to view minorities as poor pathetic creatures who can't make it without whitey's help via government. To me that is oppression and subjugation of minorities and encouragement of depedency (that keeps the liberals in office) rather than respect for minority rights.

Yea, that's why conservatives overwhelmingly supported the draconian and degrading Arizona racial profiling law SB 1070.

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