New AP Poll out Today. Obama Takes a Massive Hit. Only 37% Approval.

New AP Poll out Today. Obama Takes a Massive Hit. Only 37% Approval.

Obama's bullshit attempts to punish the American people with the current shutdown and his refusal to negotiate appears to be drastically affecting his approval numbers.

People are finally seeing what a disaster Obamacare is. Republicans want to make it even worse by defunding it instead of repealing it so people making $50k to $2 million have to pay even more, while Wallstreet Billionaires get another subsidy.
No massive voter fraud but real attempts at voter suppression.

The American people are not fooled at all by the far right reactionaries' lies at all.
The Republican Party wishes it had an approval rate at 37%

As the Republican brand runs down the sewer they giggle and say.....look we brought Obamas approval down 5%
The stupid is strong in this one.

Romney..sure. Obama...332 reasons why he won. Oh by the way, the negative rep really hurt...keep doing that sonny :lol: :lol:

Yes, voter fraud in key cities in key states. Bush won, twice, btw.
But that is irrelevant. What is relevant is that you are stupid and lazy and fixed on partisanship. So much so, you didnt take the time to figure out that Rasmussen pegged Obama's miserable rating higher than anyone else.

Obama is basically driving the GOP kids to schoool; as he has been for 5 years now more or less. Enjoy your trip sonny. "I'm not stupid, you're stupid." Grow up kid.
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time........Abraham Lincoln

Obama's goose is cooked and his party knows it. :thup:

The Republican Party wishes it had an approval rate at 37%

As the Republican brand runs down the sewer they giggle and say.....look we brought Obamas approval down 5%

They do seem to have taken their eye off the ball as far as their brand goes; anything to get Obama... Tragic and funny all at once.
The Republican Party wishes it had an approval rate at 37%

As the Republican brand runs down the sewer they giggle and say.....look we brought Obamas approval down 5%

They do seem to have taken their eye off the ball as far as their brand goes; anything to get Obama... Tragic and funny all at once.

Yes, if you are willing to hit rock bottom, it is possible to drag a few others down with you.
His legacy will reflect all his failures. History will not be kind to Obama.

He will be heralded as Americas first black president and as the man who got Bin Laden when his predecessor failed to do so.

If Obamacare proves to be a wildly popular as Romneycare is in Mass... he'll be remembered even more kindly. They'll probably demand a fifth figure on Mt. Rushmore.

Justified or not ... you know I'm right.
His legacy will reflect all his failures. History will not be kind to Obama.

He will be heralded as Americas first black president and as the man who got Bin Laden when his predecessor failed to do so.

If Obamacare proves to be a wildly popular as Romneycare is in Mass... he'll be remembered even more kindly. They'll probably demand a fifth figure on Mt. Rushmore.

Justified or not ... you know I'm right.

If I were writing the history book, I would have a chapter about Obama's naivety. Every now and then I think he's over it but he does something to remind us that it's still there. How often did Bush urge you to contact your congressman/woman to tell them to vote YEA or NAY on something? Obama seems afraid to knock some skulls together himself.

Mr. President: You have my permission to call Ted Cruz or whomever, tell them that he's full of shit or whatever and make it known where you stand. Every now and then a leader has to purposefully lead; it's not enough to just be competent and correct...sometimes it's not enough to just win; you've got to beat the other guy and let everybody see you do it.
His legacy will reflect all his failures. History will not be kind to Obama.

He will be heralded as Americas first black president and as the man who got Bin Laden when his predecessor failed to do so.

If Obamacare proves to be a wildly popular as Romneycare is in Mass... he'll be remembered even more kindly. They'll probably demand a fifth figure on Mt. Rushmore.

Justified or not ... you know I'm right.

If I were writing the history book, I would have a chapter about Obama's naivety. Every now and then I think he's over it but he does something to remind us that it's still there. How often did Bush urge you to contact your congressman/woman to tell them to vote YEA or NAY on something? Obama seems afraid to knock some skulls together himself.

Mr. President: You have my permission to call Ted Cruz or whomever, tell them that he's full of shit or whatever and make it known where you stand. Every now and then a leader has to purposefully lead; it's not enough to just be competent and correct...sometimes it's not enough to just win; you've got to beat the other guy and let everybody see you do it.

I could add some chapters myself. And I agree with you. But I'm not talking about what I'd LIKE to see in the history books. I'm talking about what will most likely be in the history books.

Some of it is yet to be determined. But there is no question that he is going to get plenty of ink on being the first black POTUS. Getting Bin Laden will be pretty big, and if Mass. is any indication, he's gonna get really good ink on Obamacare.

I think he'll be remembered as a president who was great on the large stage and awkward in a small room. And probably lacking the killer-instinct (politically speaking) as you say.
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Obama's bullshit attempts to punish the American people with the current shutdown and his refusal to negotiate appears to be drastically affecting his approval numbers.

AP has a new Poll out today showing a 10% drop in Presidential approval over the last week. His current approval rating is to to 37%. 78% of Americans also feel the Country is going in the wrong direction according to the AP.

Here is a link to the data. RealClearPolitics - Latest Polls

So much for the theory that this shutdown would give Obummer a boost.
His legacy will reflect all his failures. History will not be kind to Obama.

He will be heralded as Americas first black president and as the man who got Bin Laden when his predecessor failed to do so.

If Obamacare proves to be a wildly popular as Romneycare is in Mass... he'll be remembered even more kindly. They'll probably demand a fifth figure on Mt. Rushmore.

Justified or not ... you know I'm right.

AP-GfK Poll: Rollout of Obamacare Is a Big Flop With the Public

Meanwhile back in RealityLand:
Obama will be remembered as the president who blocked WW2 vets from seeing their memorial. The president who misused the gov't for his own campaign. the first president to be frogmarched out of the White House in handcuffs.

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