New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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The word "doctoring" is completely misleading here.

Definition: to tamper with; falsify: He doctored the birthdate on his passport.

Let's use an issue from the Bush years to make this plain.

When Bush gave his State of the Union speech a few years ago where he yellowcake uranium, many people had a hand in crafting and shaping the speech. Speech writers, the CIA, administration officials. None of those people doctored the talking points since they're considered an argument that's part of a process. What WOULD be doctoriing is if someone in the administration altered an official report which, by the way, Bush officials did with scientific studies prior to their official release.

Frankly, I would fully expect administration officials to be involved in shaping the message that Rice was going to deliver because Rice was an administration official. Now, if you could show me that someone in the administration altered an official report written by someone else and did so without attribution, then you'd have something.

Panetta and Ham said during their testimony that from the outset they realized this was a planned terror attack that had nothing to do with a video.

The person who crafted this video talking point in the email by the way happens to be the brother of the President of CBS.

And how did they 'know' that exactly?

Geez! Read the freaking email! HIS NAME IS PRINTED RIGHT ON IT!
A list of the liberals who argued me and lost

1) NYcarbineer
2) paperview
3) Nyvin
4) jillian
5) Care4All
6) Plasmaball
7) PaintMyHouse
8) ClosedCaption
9) BlackFlag
10) BindBoo
11) ron4342
12) KissMy
13) Mustang
14) WryCatcher

I have reviewed the archives on this board, I doubt there has been a buttkicking on this scale.
Boy are you full of yourself, and shit, which in this case is the same thing.

As to the memo, I'm sure Stevens' death was on their minds but if you read the whole thing it was obviously about the much larger set of protests being around the world at that time, which were blamed on the video however Stevens' death should not have been. You can blame them for that but really, what difference does it make? None.
A list of the liberals who argued me and lost

1) NYcarbineer
2) paperview
3) Nyvin
4) jillian
5) Care4All
6) Plasmaball
7) PaintMyHouse
8) ClosedCaption
9) BlackFlag
10) BindBoo
11) ron4342
12) KissMy
13) Mustang
14) WryCatcher

I have reviewed the archives on this board, I doubt there has been a buttkicking on this scale.
Boy are you full of yourself, and shit, which in this case is the same thing.

As to the memo, I'm sure Stevens' death was on their minds but if you read the whole thing it was obviously about the much larger set of protests being around the world at that time, which were blamed on the video however Stevens' death should not have been. You can blame them for that but really, what difference does it make? None.

The CAUSE was clear. It was a planned ATTCK. Just stop it PaintMyFace.:eusa_hand:

It's SAD you DISMISS death for partisan cause.

Wow, you must work for Hillary.
A list of the liberals who argued me and lost

1) NYcarbineer
2) paperview
3) Nyvin
4) jillian
5) Care4All
6) Plasmaball
7) PaintMyHouse
8) ClosedCaption
9) BlackFlag
10) BindBoo
11) ron4342
12) KissMy
13) Mustang
14) WryCatcher

I have reviewed the archives on this board, I doubt there has been a buttkicking on this scale.
Boy are you full of yourself, and shit, which in this case is the same thing.

As to the memo, I'm sure Stevens' death was on their minds but if you read the whole thing it was obviously about the much larger set of protests being around the world at that time, which were blamed on the video however Stevens' death should not have been. You can blame them for that but really, what difference does it make? None.
The CAUSE was clear. It was a planned ATTCK. Just stop it PaintMyFace.:eusa_hand:

It's SAD you DISMISS death for partisan cause.

Yes it was a planned attack I believe. And as you can see from the results, it worked.
Wow, you must work for Hillary.
A list of the liberals who argued me and lost

1) NYcarbineer
2) paperview
3) Nyvin
4) jillian
5) Care4All
6) Plasmaball
7) PaintMyHouse
8) ClosedCaption
9) BlackFlag
10) BindBoo
11) ron4342
12) KissMy
13) Mustang
14) WryCatcher

I have reviewed the archives on this board, I doubt there has been a buttkicking on this scale.
Boy are you full of yourself, and shit, which in this case is the same thing.

As to the memo, I'm sure Stevens' death was on their minds but if you read the whole thing it was obviously about the much larger set of protests being around the world at that time, which were blamed on the video however Stevens' death should not have been. You can blame them for that but really, what difference does it make? None.
I work for my clients, she's not one of them and this is not my job. No one cares enough to pay people to fight with you little morons.
Panetta and Ham said during their testimony that from the outset they realized this was a planned terror attack that had nothing to do with a video.

The person who crafted this video talking point in the email by the way happens to be the brother of the President of CBS.

And how did they 'know' that exactly?

Geez! Read the freaking email! HIS NAME IS PRINTED RIGHT ON IT!

My point is that if an attack is underway, and you don't know who's behind it, and you've had no foreknowledge of the attack, then anything you might tend to believe about the attack is merely speculation. Even if your speculation or suspicions turn out to be true in the end, you certainly didn't KNOW it at the time.

In other words, there's a HUGE difference between believing something that ultimately turns out to be true and knowing something from the outset.

Maybe someone like you needs an example. If someone gets shot and killed while on a hunting trip, was it merely an unfortunate and unintended accident, or was it a result of the intentional act of premeditated murder? A friend or a relative might believe it's murder, but they don't know it for a fact until after an investigation reveals the hows and whys of exactly what happened.
Spare me the philosophy, spare me the speculation, spare me the Bush references. Please, spare me the name calling, the WMDs, and Saddam Hussein. Please spare me the bullshit and denial. It was not a video, and the talking points were doctored by the White House.

I suggest you deal with it.
And thus why you don't go around, and have your people go around and blame it on a damn video for days, even weeks. And if you, yourself were honest and go listen to all the interviews, hearings and read all the actual documents, you would know they continued with that line long past when those there on the ground, which was almost immediately, had notified them it was a complex attack, not that video.
And how did they 'know' that exactly?

Geez! Read the freaking email! HIS NAME IS PRINTED RIGHT ON IT!

My point is that if an attack is underway, and you don't know who's behind it, and you've had no foreknowledge of the attack, then anything you might tend to believe about the attack is merely speculation. Even if your speculation or suspicions turn out to be true in the end, you certainly didn't KNOW it at the time.

In other words, there's a HUGE difference between believing something that ultimately turns out to be true and knowing something from the outset.

Maybe someone like you needs an example. If someone gets shot and killed while on a hunting trip, was it merely an unfortunate and unintended accident, or was it a result of the intentional act of premeditated murder? A friend or a relative might believe it's murder, but they don't know it for a fact until after an investigation reveals the hows and whys of exactly what happened.
14 days after they had been called on it.
btw, Jay Carney on Sep 26th I think it was made a key point. He said it was self evident that it was a terrorist attack.

That was spot on as they say. Do you people know what self evident means? You should, it's in the Declaration of Independence.

Look up the term. Refresh your memory.

The President called it an act of terror the day after it happened.

No one in the administration ever denied that it was terror.
Oh the House Republicans are drooling again over the prospects that they have something that will stop Hillary.

And thus why you don't go around, and have your people go around and blame it on a damn video for days, even weeks. And if you, yourself were honest and go listen to all the interviews, hearings and read all the actual documents, you would know they continued with that line long past when those there on the ground, which was almost immediately, had notified them it was a complex attack, not that video.
Geez! Read the freaking email! HIS NAME IS PRINTED RIGHT ON IT!

My point is that if an attack is underway, and you don't know who's behind it, and you've had no foreknowledge of the attack, then anything you might tend to believe about the attack is merely speculation. Even if your speculation or suspicions turn out to be true in the end, you certainly didn't KNOW it at the time.

In other words, there's a HUGE difference between believing something that ultimately turns out to be true and knowing something from the outset.

Maybe someone like you needs an example. If someone gets shot and killed while on a hunting trip, was it merely an unfortunate and unintended accident, or was it a result of the intentional act of premeditated murder? A friend or a relative might believe it's murder, but they don't know it for a fact until after an investigation reveals the hows and whys of exactly what happened.

If you were honest, you would admit two things that are undeniably true.

A. The video spawned demonstrations and riots across the Muslim world in several cities in different countries.

B. President Obama acknowledged that what happened in Benghazi was the result of a terrorist attack AND the administration did not know who exactly was behind it.

Both of those factors creates ambiguity in determining that exact cause of the attack. This all happened on the other side of the world in a place where the US had no investigative personnel on the scene. Consequently, we were in a position to interview anyone and everyone there in order to conclude what exactly happened. Regardless, it would be folly to automatically assume that the video played no part in what unfolded considering what had been happening in other cities at the same time.
Yelling "BOMB!" in a group when there isn't is also considered an act of terror. A terrorist attack is an actual carrying out of the act by a terrorist. Two different animals.
14 days after they had been called on it.
btw, Jay Carney on Sep 26th I think it was made a key point. He said it was self evident that it was a terrorist attack.

That was spot on as they say. Do you people know what self evident means? You should, it's in the Declaration of Independence.

Look up the term. Refresh your memory.

The President called it an act of terror the day after it happened.

No one in the administration ever denied that it was terror.
Spare me the philosophy, spare me the speculation, spare me the Bush references. Please, spare me the name calling, the WMDs, and Saddam Hussein. Please spare me the bullshit and denial. It was not a video, and the talking points were doctored by the White House.

I suggest you deal with it.

First of all

1. you've lied about what Susan Rice said

2. you've produced no evidence that the video was a not a motivation.

...and you know what's funniest? Killing Americans because of an American anti-Muslim video is a perfect example of terrorism,

so anyone who blames the attack on the video is labeling the act as a terrorist act; your charges that the administration wanted to blame it on the video so it wouldn't be considered terrorism is that much more preposterous.

Didn't Muslims kill some guy for drawing Mohammed cartoons? Are you tellling us now that wasn't terrorism?

Yelling "BOMB!" in a group when there isn't is also considered an act of terror. A terrorist attack is an actual carrying out of the act by a terrorist. Two different animals.
14 days after they had been called on it.

The President called it an act of terror the day after it happened.

No one in the administration ever denied that it was terror.

So act of terror is actually a more inclusive term than 'terrorist attack'?

lol, that bolsters my argument.

Acts of terror can be terrorist attacks or threats of terrorist attacks

Benghazi was a terrorist attack,

therefore Benghazi was an act of terror.

You and Templar have just vindicated the President
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