New Bill Could Eliminate Paperless Voting Machines, Democrats Hardest Hit


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Fraud-proof elections? The Democrat Party will NEVER allow this! It's RACIST!

Computer scientists have been warning for more than a decade that these machines are vulnerable to hacking and can’t be meaningfully audited. States have begun moving away from paperless systems, but budget constraints have forced some to continue relying on insecure paperless equipment. The Secure Elections Act would give states grants specifically earmarked for replacing these systems with more secure systems that use voter-verified paper ballots.

The legislation’s second big idea is to encourage states to perform routine post-election audits based on modern statistical techniques. Many states today only conduct recounts in the event of very close election outcomes. And these recounts involve counting a fixed percentage of ballots. That often leads to either counting way too many ballots (wasting taxpayer money) or too few (failing to fully verify the election outcome).

The Lankford bill would encourage states to adopt more statistically sophisticated procedures to count as many ballots as needed to verify an election result was correct—and no more.

We talked to two election security experts who praised the legislation and urged Congress to pass it quickly.

New bill could finally get rid of paperless voting machines
Fraud-proof elections? The Democrat Party will NEVER allow this! It's RACIST!

Computer scientists have been warning for more than a decade that these machines are vulnerable to hacking and can’t be meaningfully audited. States have begun moving away from paperless systems, but budget constraints have forced some to continue relying on insecure paperless equipment. The Secure Elections Act would give states grants specifically earmarked for replacing these systems with more secure systems that use voter-verified paper ballots.

The legislation’s second big idea is to encourage states to perform routine post-election audits based on modern statistical techniques. Many states today only conduct recounts in the event of very close election outcomes. And these recounts involve counting a fixed percentage of ballots. That often leads to either counting way too many ballots (wasting taxpayer money) or too few (failing to fully verify the election outcome).

The Lankford bill would encourage states to adopt more statistically sophisticated procedures to count as many ballots as needed to verify an election result was correct—and no more.

We talked to two election security experts who praised the legislation and urged Congress to pass it quickly.

New bill could finally get rid of paperless voting machines
Many states today only conduct recounts in the event of very close election outcomes. And these recounts involve counting a fixed percentage of ballots.
For what states is it so that the recounts involve counting a fixed percentage of ballots?

That often leads to either counting way too many ballots (wasting taxpayer money) or too few (failing to fully verify the election outcome).

For what states have the noted outcomes occurred? In what elections?
Fraud-proof elections? The Democrat Party will NEVER allow this! It's RACIST!

Computer scientists have been warning for more than a decade that these machines are vulnerable to hacking and can’t be meaningfully audited. States have begun moving away from paperless systems, but budget constraints have forced some to continue relying on insecure paperless equipment. The Secure Elections Act would give states grants specifically earmarked for replacing these systems with more secure systems that use voter-verified paper ballots.

The legislation’s second big idea is to encourage states to perform routine post-election audits based on modern statistical techniques. Many states today only conduct recounts in the event of very close election outcomes. And these recounts involve counting a fixed percentage of ballots. That often leads to either counting way too many ballots (wasting taxpayer money) or too few (failing to fully verify the election outcome).

The Lankford bill would encourage states to adopt more statistically sophisticated procedures to count as many ballots as needed to verify an election result was correct—and no more.

We talked to two election security experts who praised the legislation and urged Congress to pass it quickly.

New bill could finally get rid of paperless voting machines
Many states today only conduct recounts in the event of very close election outcomes. And these recounts involve counting a fixed percentage of ballots.
For what states is it so that the recounts involve counting a fixed percentage of ballots?

That often leads to either counting way too many ballots (wasting taxpayer money) or too few (failing to fully verify the election outcome).

For what states have the noted outcomes occurred? In what elections?

Weatherman - educating the moronic left since 1978
Computer scientists have been warning for more than a decade that these machines are vulnerable to hacking and can’t be meaningfully audited.
While I think probably is something that cannot ever be assured, at least not using current IT security techniques, I'm certain that meaningful auditability is something that, though it may not currently exist, absolutely can be integrated into electronic voting machines and/or the electronic voting process.
while the GOP still controls about 35 states, they need to change the voting system to insure that all have valid ID's before voting! and the dems will lose,hopefully by 2020, we will have a 6-3 supreme court!
Fraud-proof elections?
I am not aware of anyone having asserted that elections are fraud-proof. The very fact that we have election fraud laws alludes to the fact that there are fraudulent election practices. After all, nobody passes laws prohibiting that which is impossible to happen in the first place.
This thread is in the politics forum, but I don't know what be political about the execution of the physical act of collecting and counting votes. Perhaps I have misunderstood the point of the thread?
Fraud-proof elections? The Democrat Party will NEVER allow this! It's RACIST!

Computer scientists have been warning for more than a decade that these machines are vulnerable to hacking and can’t be meaningfully audited. States have begun moving away from paperless systems, but budget constraints have forced some to continue relying on insecure paperless equipment. The Secure Elections Act would give states grants specifically earmarked for replacing these systems with more secure systems that use voter-verified paper ballots.

The legislation’s second big idea is to encourage states to perform routine post-election audits based on modern statistical techniques. Many states today only conduct recounts in the event of very close election outcomes. And these recounts involve counting a fixed percentage of ballots. That often leads to either counting way too many ballots (wasting taxpayer money) or too few (failing to fully verify the election outcome).

The Lankford bill would encourage states to adopt more statistically sophisticated procedures to count as many ballots as needed to verify an election result was correct—and no more.

We talked to two election security experts who praised the legislation and urged Congress to pass it quickly.

New bill could finally get rid of paperless voting machines
Many states today only conduct recounts in the event of very close election outcomes. And these recounts involve counting a fixed percentage of ballots.
For what states is it so that the recounts involve counting a fixed percentage of ballots?

That often leads to either counting way too many ballots (wasting taxpayer money) or too few (failing to fully verify the election outcome).

For what states have the noted outcomes occurred? In what elections?

Weatherman - educating the moronic left since 1978

Thank you for your reply.
Fraud-proof elections?
I am not aware of anyone having asserted that elections are fraud-proof. The very fact that we have election fraud laws alludes to the fact that there are fraudulent election practices. After all, nobody passes laws prohibiting that which is impossible to happen in the first place.
“Plans to fight voter fraud are based on nightmares, tall tales, and paranoid fears,” says Scott Keyes of the liberal Center for American Progress. Voter fraud is so rare “you’re more likely to get hit by lightning than find a case of prosecutorial voter fraud,” asserts Judith Browne-Dianis, co-director of the liberal Advancement Project.

Dems’ Voter-Fraud Denial

Democrats Claim There's No Voter Fraud. Here's More Proof That's A Lie.

Democrats Still Deny Proven Voter Fraud
Fraud-proof elections?
I am not aware of anyone having asserted that elections are fraud-proof. The very fact that we have election fraud laws alludes to the fact that there are fraudulent election practices. After all, nobody passes laws prohibiting that which is impossible to happen in the first place.
“Plans to fight voter fraud are based on nightmares, tall tales, and paranoid fears,” says Scott Keyes of the liberal Center for American Progress. Voter fraud is so rare “you’re more likely to get hit by lightning than find a case of prosecutorial voter fraud,” asserts Judith Browne-Dianis, co-director of the liberal Advancement Project.

Dems’ Voter-Fraud Denial

Democrats Claim There's No Voter Fraud. Here's More Proof That's A Lie.

Democrats Still Deny Proven Voter Fraud
Scott Keyes of the liberal Center for American Progress: "Voter fraud is so rare..."

As I wrote, "I am not aware of anyone having asserted that elections are fraud-proof."

"Rare" and "nonexistent" are not the same things.
Fraud-proof elections?
I am not aware of anyone having asserted that elections are fraud-proof. The very fact that we have election fraud laws alludes to the fact that there are fraudulent election practices. After all, nobody passes laws prohibiting that which is impossible to happen in the first place.
“Plans to fight voter fraud are based on nightmares, tall tales, and paranoid fears,” says Scott Keyes of the liberal Center for American Progress. Voter fraud is so rare “you’re more likely to get hit by lightning than find a case of prosecutorial voter fraud,” asserts Judith Browne-Dianis, co-director of the liberal Advancement Project.

Dems’ Voter-Fraud Denial

Democrats Claim There's No Voter Fraud. Here's More Proof That's A Lie.

Democrats Still Deny Proven Voter Fraud

Democrats insist fraud doesn't happen until they lose an election. Then they insist on as many recounts as necessary to overturn the results.
The states in red have not instituted Voter Verified Paper Audit Trails (VVPATs). It's so weird that they are mostly Republican run...


Voter Verified Paper Record Legislation
Fraud-proof elections? The Democrat Party will NEVER allow this! It's RACIST!

Computer scientists have been warning for more than a decade that these machines are vulnerable to hacking and can’t be meaningfully audited. States have begun moving away from paperless systems, but budget constraints have forced some to continue relying on insecure paperless equipment. The Secure Elections Act would give states grants specifically earmarked for replacing these systems with more secure systems that use voter-verified paper ballots.

The legislation’s second big idea is to encourage states to perform routine post-election audits based on modern statistical techniques. Many states today only conduct recounts in the event of very close election outcomes. And these recounts involve counting a fixed percentage of ballots. That often leads to either counting way too many ballots (wasting taxpayer money) or too few (failing to fully verify the election outcome).

The Lankford bill would encourage states to adopt more statistically sophisticated procedures to count as many ballots as needed to verify an election result was correct—and no more.

We talked to two election security experts who praised the legislation and urged Congress to pass it quickly.

New bill could finally get rid of paperless voting machines

Hmmm you left out a couple things.....I am sure it was just an accident

A bipartisan group of six senators has introduced legislation that would take a huge step toward securing elections in the United States. Called the Secure Elections Act, the bill aims to eliminate insecure paperless voting machines from American elections while promoting routine audits that would dramatically reduce the danger of interference from foreign governments.

The legislation comes on the heels of the contentious 2016 election. Post-election investigation hasn't turned up any evidence that foreign governments actually altered any votes. However, we do know that Russians were probing American voting systems ahead of the 2016 election, laying groundwork for what could have become a direct attack on American democracy.

"With the 2018 elections just around the corner, Russia will be back to interfere again," said co-sponsor Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.).

So a group of senators led by James Lankford (R-Okla.) wants to shore up the security of American voting systems ahead of the 2018 and 2020 elections. And the senators have focused on two major changes that have broad support from voting security experts.
When is there going to be a nationwide voter ID roll reconciliation?

There should be a periodical vetting and reconciliation as there is with nearly anything else on planet earth.

Dems, think of it as people being ABORTED from Voter ID rolls if they NO LONGER LIVE IN THAT DISTRICT.

Now you guys love it!

When is there going to be a nationwide voter ID roll reconciliation?

There should be a periodical vetting and reconciliation as there is with nearly anything else on planet earth.

Dems, think of it as people being ABORTED from Voter ID rolls if they NO LONGER LIVE IN THAT DISTRICT.

Now you guys love it!

In Calif you walk into the DMV and you’re automatically registered to vote.
Fraud-proof elections?
I am not aware of anyone having asserted that elections are fraud-proof. The very fact that we have election fraud laws alludes to the fact that there are fraudulent election practices. After all, nobody passes laws prohibiting that which is impossible to happen in the first place.
“Plans to fight voter fraud are based on nightmares, tall tales, and paranoid fears,” says Scott Keyes of the liberal Center for American Progress. Voter fraud is so rare “you’re more likely to get hit by lightning than find a case of prosecutorial voter fraud,” asserts Judith Browne-Dianis, co-director of the liberal Advancement Project.

Dems’ Voter-Fraud Denial

Democrats Claim There's No Voter Fraud. Here's More Proof That's A Lie.

Democrats Still Deny Proven Voter Fraud

"Plans to fight voter fraud are based on nightmares"

Indeed the plan to fight the voter fraud is at least somewhat based on the dreamer.... nightmares.

Maybe if we stopped having these nightmares, there wouldn't need to be such protections.
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When is there going to be a nationwide voter ID roll reconciliation?

There should be a periodical vetting and reconciliation as there is with nearly anything else on planet earth.

Dems, think of it as people being ABORTED from Voter ID rolls if they NO LONGER LIVE IN THAT DISTRICT.

Now you guys love it!

In Calif you walk into the DMV and you’re automatically registered to vote.

So? What better place for you voter ID folks? They are getting the ID and being registered to vote. This is a good thing.

No comment about all the voting machines without a paper trail being in red states?

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