New Bill Would Require Trump To Undergo Mental Health Evaluation

Well, California, that's the representation you're getting in Congress, frivolous bills that will go nowhere and do nothing.

Think about that next time you're paying taxes. ;)

You mean like 6 yrs of repeal and replace and 60 some odd different attempts, you mean like that. I wish you would remember.
Amen! It's about time! I'm curious to see how many House members will support this bill. I'm also curious to hear why they wouldn't.
I'll tell you why...CUZ THEY DONT FUCKING WORK!

The Senate met for 29 SECONDS on Fri, the 18th
and adjourned until 7:00 am Tues, the 22nd

The House of Representatives met for 2 MINUTES
on Fri the 18th and adjourned until 9:00 am, Tues the 22nd


Unfortunately we are at the point where we have to check people's mental evaluation before taking leadership.

Trump should undergo psyche evaluation and presidents that follow him.

President Orange Snowflake would never take it though. He would would avoid that evaluation like a bitch.

A new bill introduced in the House of Representatives would require President Donald Trump to undergo a physical and mental health exam to determine if he is stable enough to stay in office.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) introduced the bill on Friday. Should the results of the said exam be unfavorable, the bill calls for Vice President Mike Pence and members of the Cabinet to remove Trump from office.

The move would invoke the 25th Amendment, a rarely-used constitutional provision that allows the vice president and a majority of Cabinet members to jointly remove the president from office and replace him with the vice president.

“Does the President suffer from early stage dementia,” Lofgren asked in a statement announcing the bill.

“Has emotional disorder so impaired the President that he is unable to discharge his duties,” she continued. “Is the President mentally and emotionally stable?”

Lofgren pointed out that Trump has not yet released a “serious” medical evaluation to the public.

More: New Bill Would Require Donald Trump To Undergo Mental Health Evaluation

Amen! It's about time! I'm curious to see how many House members will support this bill. I'm also curious to hear why they wouldn't.

Here is why they won't.....the bill was written by bunch of kindergartners that did not get their way. If the bill had any sophistication, it would call for the Elected President or Standing President to undergo Regular mental evaluations. Put Hillary in that position......she won't be able to stand up before passing out. You stupid fucks on the Left think you can pass bills that only apply to everyone else but You. That notion is the reason Trump is President.
Listening to Trump's Phoenix speech live - and he is proving once again that he is batshit crazy!
Trump is long overdue for serious psychological examinations!!!!!
Trump would never accept a mental health evaluation because even he knows he’d be evaluated as a paranoid schizophrenic.
Wow that is another excellent example of how the Democratic Party is totally dirty, dishonest and
Thanks for that information.

A new bill introduced in the House of Representatives would require President Donald Trump to undergo a physical and mental health exam to determine if he is stable enough to stay in office.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) introduced the bill on Friday. Should the results of the said exam be unfavorable, the bill calls for Vice President Mike Pence and members of the Cabinet to remove Trump from office.

The move would invoke the 25th Amendment, a rarely-used constitutional provision that allows the vice president and a majority of Cabinet members to jointly remove the president from office and replace him with the vice president.

“Does the President suffer from early stage dementia,” Lofgren asked in a statement announcing the bill.

“Has emotional disorder so impaired the President that he is unable to discharge his duties,” she continued. “Is the President mentally and emotionally stable?”

Lofgren pointed out that Trump has not yet released a “serious” medical evaluation to the public.

More: New Bill Would Require Donald Trump To Undergo Mental Health Evaluation

Amen! It's about time! I'm curious to see how many House members will support this bill. I'm also curious to hear why they wouldn't.

What better proof than this that these people are deranged?
This book confirms that Trump is insane! He needs removed from office. Maybe Kim Jung Un is the smart one.


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