New Black Panther Party Leader - ... you want freedom ... kill some crackers

Mods- PLEASE keep this thread in politics and not race. The story is only a story because Eric Holder forced the gov't to drop charges. That is the Black Panther party. Thats how they think. Thats decades going and really not a new story.

What is a new story is the fact that the charges were brought, the defendants didn't show up and were found guilty in their absence, and then Eric Holder forced the prosecution to drop charges.

Whats even wilder is how many left wing media outlets have refused to cover this story.
It's actually about law.
Or current events.

It doesn't matter, it's fine wherever it is.

BTW, it's not the Black Panthers but the NEW Black Panthers who intimidated voters.
The Black Panthers themselves think these guys are losers because they've never killed anyone.
I bet half of you have not heard anything about this....

Sad thing is some liberals on this board won't have a probably with this....

I'd like to meet that dude on a dark street somewhere.

Those Black Panther cowards only do that shit in far left urban areas. But hey, Eric Holder has basically granted them permission to extend their voter intimidation, so maybe that'll change too.
I bet half of you have not heard anything about this....

Sad thing is some liberals on this board won't have a probably with this....

I'd like to meet that dude on a dark street somewhere.

Those Black Panther cowards only do that shit in far left urban areas. But hey, Eric Holder has basically granted them permission to extend their voter intimidation, so maybe that'll change too.

I hope they try that shit where I vote.
You are such a lying shithead.

Where did anyone say the had no problem with what he said?
Can you imagine the shit storm that would come down if white guys had of done this? Guess it's ok though because it was done by a bunch of radical black guys. That's America for you.
Hate is not a crime now is it?

This guy is every much an asshole as the racists on the other side.

You just think they are better people.
Can you imagine the shit storm that would come down if white guys had of done this? Guess it's ok though because it was done by a bunch of radical black guys. That's America for you.

They did. Minutemen attempted to intimidate hispanic voters. Case was dropped by the Bush DoJ.

Guess Fox didn't think it newsworthy eh? That's America for you. :)
No, it's intimidation if it is meant to be intimidating.
And it was.
Besides which people did feel intimidated and were lined up to testify to such.
Would you feel the same of the assholes who say that about black people?

Yes. We do feel the same about those that speak that way about blacks. That's why we are against liberalism/progressivism. That's why we are against abortion was the progressive started advocating for the sole purpose of eliminating minority offspring.

Why this should shock you is beyond me. We have always denounced this crap.
Can someone explain to me how carrying a weapon around in uniform while yelling at people going into vote is not intimidation?

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