New Black Panther Party Leader - ... you want freedom ... kill some crackers

Dear all in babble,

That one smuck screaming hate has what to do with the democratic partry?

Dumbshit. You said nobody was intimidated.

And he was for your guy. It must make you proud.

You are afraid of this one wacked out guy? Just follow him home and shoot up the house from the street. The police will close the case within an hour as "unsolved" drive by. :lol::lol:
HAHAHAHAHAHA, he was not a voter.

He said himself he wasnt bothered and walked between the men,

haven't we been here before truthdoesntmatter?

You don't have to be a voter, to be someone who is participating in voter intimidation..
HAHAHAHAHAHA, he was not a voter.

He said himself he wasnt bothered and walked between the men,

haven't we been here before truthdoesntmatter?

You don't have to be a voter, to be someone who is participating in voter intimidation..

Listen to it again fool, he said it didnt effect him and walked between the men.

Hes a republican opperative fool
CaféAuLait;2487336 said:
where is the tape of him yelling while in front of the polls?

He was demanding ID and claiming to be security while brandishing a weapon. If that had been a member of the KKK dressed in ‘uniform’ it would rightly be called ‘voter intimidation” however it seems the rules are changed for some.

[ame=]YouTube - "Security" patrols stationed at polling places in Philly[/ame]

He asked politely and demanded nothing.

You are biased

Ahhh, yes because it is always 'polite' when brandishing a weapon while asking for ID.
A “republican operative” who knew that some asshole was going to be standing outside a place of voting with a weapon? So this was the republican’s fault that this man decided to do what he did?
From a November 8, 2006, Austin American-Statesman article: ...In Arizona, Roy Warden, an anti-immigration activist with the Minutemenand a handful of supporters staked out a Tucson precinct and questioned Hispanic voters at the polls to determine whether they spoke English...

...Armed with a 9mm Glock automatic strapped to his side, Warden said he planned to photograph Hispanic voters entering polls in an effort to identify illegal immigrants and felons. The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund reported the incident to the FBI...

From a November 21, 2006, article:

On Election Day, a posse of three men in Tucson, Ariz., proved that the Wild West still lives.

The group, which was three strong, and allegedly composed of two anti-immigration activists, Russ Dove and Roy Warden, carried a camcorder, a clipboard -- on which, they said, was information about a proposed law to make English the state's official language -- and a gun. While one man would approach a voter, holding the clipboard, another would follow, pointing the video camera at them. The third would stand behind, holding his hand to the gun at his hip in what activists on the other side called classic voter intimidation tactics in a precinct one local paper had previously declared the bellwether of the area's Hispanic vote.

Yet, the case was dropped by the Bush DoJ ....

So...did Christian Adams...self-described "whistle-blower"..... fall victim to a whistle malfunction in 2006? it only racism when it's the Obama Administration? it not "voter intimidation" when they don't speak good English?

Or maybe Adams is just another testosterone deficient jackoff with a huge chip on his shoulder?
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Would you feel the same of the assholes who say that about black people?

TruthDoes NOT matter,

Listen you Obamarrhoidal fucking moron, First this is NOT only about HATE (white, black, or technicolour) ....... this is PRIMARILY about FLAGRANT violation of VOTER INTIMIDATION at a polling station procedures ......which is a CRIMINAL MATTER. SECOND, this is about the OVERTLY BLACK RACIST behaviour of the Attorney General of the United States of America, ERIC HOLDER who is blatantly misusing his office to further his BLACK RACIST AGENDA with the APPARENT APPROVAL of the EXPOSED MONUMENTAL FRAUD, i.e. The Black Racist MARXIST Political Guardian Muslim PC Protector AND now, ALSO.....the SUPPORTER, AIDER and ABETTOR of Mexican Human Trafficking and MEXICAN DRUG CARTEL PUSSY Obami Salaami ......who is, of all things.....THE PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA !!!!! !!!!!


And.....this is PRIMARILY a POLITICAL ISSUE and should not be relegated to a secondary role by the moderators who have a habit of transferring this type of issue to a LESS PROMINENT CATEGORY as a Flame, Race, or some other relatively buried category. I noticed that some other poster noticed this also.
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How is this not hate speech?

If I went to downtown Philadelphia, and started yelling that "we need to kill some *******," how fast would I be put in jail?

Why is this POS racist still among us?
merged with duplicate thread
Can you imagine the shit storm that would come down if white guys had of done this? Guess it's ok though because it was done by a bunch of radical black guys. That's America for you.

Hell yeah! Obama and Holder would have white guys under the jail right now. There would be riots in the street had white guys said or done this... Just look at Oakland right now. I'm thinking Obama may really be a racist.

Oakland riots, looting after manslaughter verdict in BART shooting trial (video, photos)
Would you feel the same of the assholes who say that about black people?

Truth - That's where you still don't get it... and I don't think you ever will... 99% of white people in this country think this is out of line no matter what race you are... I don't know your race but if you have to ask this question obviously you aren't in that 99%. Sad.
Show us the people who said they doidnt vote because he was there?

Dude, please read about the case before you make some out of the blue comment. They had witnesses ready to go up on the stand.

Thank you for showing everyone where you stand on this issue... Instead of condemning the acts you defend these guys.... enough said....

Truth - You are a racist and I don't want anything else to do with you. Good day!
How is this not hate speech?

If I went to downtown Philadelphia, and started yelling that "we need to kill some *******," how fast would I be put in jail?

Why is this POS racist still among us?

Hopefully fast enough to avoid getting your ass kicked by black folks.
How is this not hate speech?

If I went to downtown Philadelphia, and started yelling that "we need to kill some *******," how fast would I be put in jail?

Why is this POS racist still among us?

Hopefully fast enough to avoid getting your ass kicked by black folks.

Which then begs the question:

"Why aren't white folks kicking this dude's ass?"
Check out her signature. She tries to equate McVeigh with the tea party. The woman clearly has issues. We should pity her.
Perhaps this is why:

Michael Anthony Nutter (born June 29, 1957) is the Mayor of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is Philadelphia's third black mayor, and Philadelphia is currently the largest city in the United States with a black mayor.

Check out her signature. She tries to equate McVeigh with the tea party. The woman clearly has issues. We should pity her.

yeah pity her, while equating shabazz with the dems and the obama admin.
Show us the people who said they doidnt vote because he was there?

Dude, please read about the case before you make some out of the blue comment. They had witnesses ready to go up on the stand.

Thank you for showing everyone where you stand on this issue... Instead of condemning the acts you defend these guys.... enough said....

Truth - You are a racist and I don't want anything else to do with you. Good day!

Witnesses of what exactly? Was anyone verbally threatened? Was anyone physically threatened? Was any legitimate voter turned away? Other than a guy or two standing out in the open that could have been dressed a little less intimidating(looking like an angry black guy) what was the crime?
People shouldn't be arrested for speech. No matter how vile it is.

Now, voter intimidation, that's another story. If he actually attempts to carry out his rhetoric, that's another story. But I say let him speak this way. It exposes who he really is.
How is this not hate speech?

If I went to downtown Philadelphia, and started yelling that "we need to kill some *******," how fast would I be put in jail?

Why is this POS racist still among us?

It is hate speech that incites violence. Do you have a video of it?

[ame=]YouTube - "You want freedom you gonna have to kill some crackers".."gonna have to kill some of their babies"[/ame]

The thing is that this man in the video and another member of the new black panther party were both convicted of voter intimidation for doing what is in the video below. After the conviction but before the sentance the DOJ under eric holder (appointed by obama) dropped the charges against them citing "We will not prosecute cases of voter intimidation with black defendants and white plantiffs" The video with proof follows the one with the voter intimidation.

[ame=]YouTube - "Security" patrols stationed at polling places in Philly[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Pt. 1 - Meet J. Christian Adams[/ame]
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