New Black Panther Party Leader - ... you want freedom ... kill some crackers

I wish you would advise some of your like minded colleagues that there IS an entity called the New Black Panthers, Ravi. Some of them have been arguing that we are all full of it because there is no such thing as the "New" Black Panthers.

Check out their platform (10 points):

They want to be exempt from taxes, exempt from military service, they demand reparations, want free housing and healthcare, and want all blacks immediately released from any prison anywhere, among other crazy shit:

The New Black Panther Party is what a radical fringe group looks like.

They are the 21st century equivalent of the KKK.
So, they're lazy, want other people to give them free stuff, don't want the responsibilities that come with the freedom they've been given, and they're soft on crime.

Yep. They're leftists, all right.
While the Black Panthers are quick to distinguish themselves from the New Black Panthers, their "10 point programs" are almost identical.

BOTH of these groups are nothing but hate groups, radical fringe, and racist organizations. (Black Panther 10 point program) (New Black Panther 10 point program)

There is no difference between the two. They are both racist organization, and anyone who defends either of them is defending racism.
Still no response, short of a negrep, towards the video in the Opening Post, I see.

By not condemning that behavior, you are only condoning it.
Riiight. This video was discussed months ago on another thread. I gave my opinion of the guy there.

Are you one of these people that insist people take the pledge before you believe they are true Americans?

Piss off, fucktard.
I'm not talking about the "voter intimidation" aspect, slow-shit. Keep up. Watch the entire video and address the part where the same guy that was holding the night-stick, in front of the polling place, is shouting to the crowd,
"You want freedom you gonna have to kill some crackers."
"You gonna have to kill their babies"

Now, defend THAT lunatic.

I wish you would advise some of your like minded colleagues that there IS an entity called the New Black Panthers, Ravi. Some of them have been arguing that we are all full of it because there is no such thing as the "New" Black Panthers.
I haven't seen that. I've seen posters calling this the Black Panthers and not the New Black Panthers.

I think even the Black Panthers are displeased with the New Black Panthers.

Fair enough though as Mini pointed out, the platforms of the two organizations are almost identical.

This clip is a little long, but it shows one of the toughest interviews I've ever seen conducted on a television program. Those who stick it out I think it will find it constructive:

[ame=]YouTube - Megyn Kelly interviews malik zulu shabazz on Fox news[/ame]
I wish you would advise some of your like minded colleagues that there IS an entity called the New Black Panthers, Ravi. Some of them have been arguing that we are all full of it because there is no such thing as the "New" Black Panthers.

Check out their platform (10 points):

They want to be exempt from taxes, exempt from military service, they demand reparations, want free housing and healthcare, and want all blacks immediately released from any prison anywhere, among other crazy shit:

The New Black Panther Party is what a radical fringe group looks like.

They are the 21st century equivalent of the KKK.

Well almost. The KKK was just as loony, but some people actually took them seriously. No one take either the old or the new black panthers seriously. Well 'cept Ravi, she wants her reparations. :lol:
I wish you would advise some of your like minded colleagues that there IS an entity called the New Black Panthers, Ravi. Some of them have been arguing that we are all full of it because there is no such thing as the "New" Black Panthers.
I haven't seen that. I've seen posters calling this the Black Panthers and not the New Black Panthers.

I think even the Black Panthers are displeased with the New Black Panthers.

Fair enough though as Mini pointed out, the platforms of the two organizations are almost identical.

This clip is a little long, but it shows one of the toughest interviews I've ever seen conducted on a television program. Those who stick it out I think it will find it constructive:

[ame=]YouTube - Megyn Kelly interviews malik zulu shabazz on Fox news[/ame]

If Shabazz accepts anyone into his party that says we need to kill crackers and their babies then he accepts what they say and do. If he wants to prove to us that he doesn't tolerate that kind of thought....then he should expel them from his party....not allow them to remain.

At this point the guilty members are still in good standing in the New Black Panther Party.

I've heard Shabazz make similar statements by the way. He isn't innocent ether. He also claims he's going after Glenn Beck.....a definite threat.
I haven't seen that. I've seen posters calling this the Black Panthers and not the New Black Panthers.

I think even the Black Panthers are displeased with the New Black Panthers.

Fair enough though as Mini pointed out, the platforms of the two organizations are almost identical.

This clip is a little long, but it shows one of the toughest interviews I've ever seen conducted on a television program. Those who stick it out I think it will find it constructive:

[ame=]YouTube - Megyn Kelly interviews malik zulu shabazz on Fox news[/ame]

If Shabazz accepts anyone into his party that says we need to kill crackers and their babies then he accepts what they say and do. If he wants to prove to us that he doesn't tolerate that kind of thought....then he should expel them from his party....not allow them to remain.

At this point the guilty members are still in good standing in the New Black Panther Party.

I've heard Shabazz make similar statements by the way. He isn't innocent ether. He also claims he's going after Glenn Beck.....a definite threat.

Yeah Bill Oreilly asked Beck if he was worried, Beck essentially said they were pussies and wouldn't be there. :lol:
Fair enough though as Mini pointed out, the platforms of the two organizations are almost identical.

This clip is a little long, but it shows one of the toughest interviews I've ever seen conducted on a television program. Those who stick it out I think it will find it constructive:

YouTube - Megyn Kelly interviews malik zulu shabazz on Fox news

If Shabazz accepts anyone into his party that says we need to kill crackers and their babies then he accepts what they say and do. If he wants to prove to us that he doesn't tolerate that kind of thought....then he should expel them from his party....not allow them to remain.

At this point the guilty members are still in good standing in the New Black Panther Party.

I've heard Shabazz make similar statements by the way. He isn't innocent ether. He also claims he's going after Glenn Beck.....a definite threat.

Yeah Bill Oreilly asked Beck if he was worried, Beck essentially said they were pussies and wouldn't be there. :lol:

And then there's this dated today on the site where I got it: :)

[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck Sneaky Little Devil New Black Panther Party Malik Zulu Shabazz[/ame]
they referred to the perps as Black Panthers. They are New Black Panthers.

Now who has the 4-yr old literal mind, fuckface?

Still condoning the hate speech in the OP's video?
Haven't heard you condemn it, so.....
If it interests you that much, dig up the thread we had about it a month or so ago.
You're also a liar.
This "Kill the cracker" video is brand new.
You show me how it's a month old.

Again, since you don't condemn that means you condone it.

I'm a cracker. Wanna see me killed, Ravi?
If Shabazz accepts anyone into his party that says we need to kill crackers and their babies then he accepts what they say and do. If he wants to prove to us that he doesn't tolerate that kind of thought....then he should expel them from his party....not allow them to remain.

At this point the guilty members are still in good standing in the New Black Panther Party.

I've heard Shabazz make similar statements by the way. He isn't innocent ether. He also claims he's going after Glenn Beck.....a definite threat.

Yeah Bill Oreilly asked Beck if he was worried, Beck essentially said they were pussies and wouldn't be there. :lol:

And then there's this dated today on the site where I got it: :)

[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck Sneaky Little Devil New Black Panther Party Malik Zulu Shabazz[/ame]

I'm with Beck. They're pussies and they won't show up.

I saw a longer clip of that same interview, and shabazz refers to himself as "a general" then says he would never tell people what he is going to do or where he is going to be because "a good general doesn't do that."

He won't be there. He and the other bp are all talk, no walk pussies.
Perhaps this administration refused to prosecute these black criminals because they support the New Black Panthers & Kamau Kambon's agenda?

Extermination of white people

Take a look at that "black" guy. I would have asked him how far back he had to go to find his nearest white ancestor and if he wanted that person "exterminated". I have a niece blacker than him.

It is like they learned nothing from Hitler's Germany. They start by exterminating one type & soon they want to exterminate everyone except their "perfect race" all the while others want to exterminate them because in their eyes they are not perfect. They are defiantly pushing for a race war.

And the wheels on the bus go round & round, round & round, round & round all day long.

I keep thinking.......Didn't they watch Star Trek?????
king and rossenbaum (sp) who didn't want the case to go forward also had the case sent to the appellate div. of the DOJ, asking them to weigh in, they weighed in, and to their chagrin, on the side of the DOJ going forward with the case...just another fun tidbit.
Now who has the 4-yr old literal mind, fuckface?

Still condoning the hate speech in the OP's video?
Haven't heard you condemn it, so.....
If it interests you that much, dig up the thread we had about it a month or so ago.
You're also a liar.
This "Kill the cracker" video is brand new.
You show me how it's a month old.

Again, since you don't condemn that means you condone it.

I'm a cracker. Wanna see me killed, Ravi?

I 100% believe that if Ravi were honest, she'd admit to admiring the new black panthers and that she would love to kill some crackers.
If it interests you that much, dig up the thread we had about it a month or so ago.
You're also a liar.
This "Kill the cracker" video is brand new.
You show me how it's a month old.

Again, since you don't condemn that means you condone it.

I'm a cracker. Wanna see me killed, Ravi?

I 100% believe that if Ravi were honest, she'd admit to admiring the new black panthers and that she would love to kill some crackers.

I killed me some crackers today. Dipped em in peanut-butter and killed em.

Now who has the 4-yr old literal mind, fuckface?

Still condoning the hate speech in the OP's video?
Haven't heard you condemn it, so.....
If it interests you that much, dig up the thread we had about it a month or so ago.
You're also a liar.
This "Kill the cracker" video is brand new.
You show me how it's a month old.

Again, since you don't condemn that means you condone it.

I'm a cracker. Wanna see me killed, Ravi?

you sound a little overexcited. did glenn beck rile you up good?

the video is not brand new. it is from before january 15th 2009.
If it interests you that much, dig up the thread we had about it a month or so ago.
You're also a liar.
This "Kill the cracker" video is brand new.
You show me how it's a month old.

Again, since you don't condemn that means you condone it.

I'm a cracker. Wanna see me killed, Ravi?

you sound a little overexcited. did glenn beck rile you up good?

the video is not brand new. it is from before january 15th 2009.
Ravi has that effect on me....sorry.
Don't watch Beck, thanks though.

January, hunh? Why just coming forward now?
Only a week before inauguration?
You're also a liar.
This "Kill the cracker" video is brand new.
You show me how it's a month old.

Again, since you don't condemn that means you condone it.

I'm a cracker. Wanna see me killed, Ravi?

you sound a little overexcited. did glenn beck rile you up good?

the video is not brand new. it is from before january 15th 2009.
Ravi has that effect on me....sorry.
Don't watch Beck, thanks though.

January, hunh? Why just coming forward now?
Only a week before inauguration?

You better check under your bed tonite cracker, Ravi hates every iota of a cracker.

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