New Black Panther Party Leader - ... you want freedom ... kill some crackers

Here's Malik Shabazz defending this video. Scary. Video at link:

"So," writes Tabitha Hale at RedState, "just for the sake of this interview, killing white babies is not okay. But those other times, in the proper context? It’s totally okay. You know, as long as the crackers are out of the way."

Shabazz is saying that he considers violence towards police officers to be a more productive activity in battling white people than killing their children. Phew. What a relief.

Where is the media on this?

Read more: Imagine If a Conservative Had Said It: Child- and Cop-killer Edition |
Mods- PLEASE keep this thread in politics and not race. The story is only a story because Eric Holder forced the gov't to drop charges. That is the Black Panther party. Thats how they think. Thats decades going and really not a new story.

What is a new story is the fact that the charges were brought, the defendants didn't show up and were found guilty in their absence, and then Eric Holder forced the prosecution to drop charges.

Whats even wilder is how many left wing media outlets have refused to cover this story.

Current Events would be an appropriate place for this thread, since it happened recently.

And the reason most prople will have not heard of this news is because they don't really want to know what is going on. If they did, they would be watching Fox News...
I wonder how mr. kill the cracka's feels about Obamas parents......

Easy, he'd like to kill his mom, and I guess kill Obama except on every other weekend when he's with his black daddy.


Iv'e reported you for the above comment clearly made to incite violence.

I don't see any intention to incite violence?

I'm sure Ravi will be along any second to explain it to you.

Ravi isnt capable of accurately explaining what day it is and the CornHole is in the same category. When dealing with these two one must remember that their collective IQ doesn't total 100.
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Ravi isnt capable of accurately explaining what day it is and the CornHole is in the same category. When dealing with these two one must remember that their collective IQ doesn't total 100.

STFU Yukon, you can't find your ass with both hands anyway.
I'm not defending him, I'm pointing out that there is no evidence that anyone was intimidated.

And your second statement makes you look like a second grader, as does your name calling.
Still no response, short of a negrep, towards the video in the Opening Post, I see.

By not condemning that behavior, you are only condoning it.
Riiight. This video was discussed months ago on another thread. I gave my opinion of the guy there.

Are you one of these people that insist people take the pledge before you believe they are true Americans?

Piss off, fucktard.
I'm not talking about the "voter intimidation" aspect, slow-shit. Keep up. Watch the entire video and address the part where the same guy that was holding the night-stick, in front of the polling place, is shouting to the crowd,
"You want freedom you gonna have to kill some crackers."
"You gonna have to kill their babies"

Now, defend THAT lunatic.
The court disagreed with you on summary judgment and found that the government had proved its case of voter intimidation. The case was withdrawn in the sentencing phase.

So, you would be wrong on that point. If there were no voter intimidation, the court would not have found the was.
The civil suit was filed but never carried through. So there was no proof of anything.
April 1:
The day the Black Panthers miss their deadline to contest the charges against them, Mr. Perrelli meets at the White House with Deputy White House Counsel Cassandra Butts, herself a former lawyer for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund.
April 2:
With no objection yet from Ms. King, the clerk for U.S. District Judge Stewart R. Dalzell enters the default judgment against all four original defendants.
April 8:
Mr. Perrelli and fellow Justice Department political appointee Spencer Overton again meet with Ms. Butts at the White House. Mr. Overton is the author of "Stealing Democracy: The New Politics of Voter Suppression," which criticizes Republican efforts at "ballot security." Mr. Overton is a noted critic of requiring voters to show identification at the polls.
April 17:
Judge Dalzell issues an order recognizing that the Black Panthers were in default and giving Justice until May 1 to file their official Motion for Default Judgment.
Sorry, the Washington Times is not a credible source. Also, I stopped reading after they referred to the perps as Black Panthers. They are New Black Panthers. If they got this wrong, or perhaps lied about it, there is no telling what other false information they are passing along.
Is the precinct in question predominately white?

What I THINK doesn't matter in a court of law.

Everything I have readd says yes, mostly white precinct

Voting Precinct | Virginia Right!

Watch, her reaction will be to poopoo the link

I'm also still waiting for proof that these gentleman were hired security

great example of confirmation bias. conhog wants the precinct to be mostly white, looks for soucres that support this, finds it in a blog, and eureka, the precinct is mostly white.


according to the census 2000, in this precinct live 2158 people.

118 of those are white.


conhog has obviously never been in downtown philadelphia, let alone ventured north in the direction of temple U.

Actually stupid, I posted one source that said mostly white, one source that said mostly black and I wrote that there was no telling. Way to be honest.
I wish you would advise some of your like minded colleagues that there IS an entity called the New Black Panthers, Ravi. Some of them have been arguing that we are all full of it because there is no such thing as the "New" Black Panthers.
I wonder how mr. kill the cracka's feels about Obamas parents......

Easy, he'd like to kill his mom, and I guess kill Obama except on every other weekend when he's with his black daddy.


Iv'e reported you for the above comment clearly made to incite violence.

That's nice child molester, how did that work out? oh that's right, I didn't say anything bad about anyone's family.
The civil suit was filed but never carried through. So there was no proof of anything.
April 1:
The day the Black Panthers miss their deadline to contest the charges against them, Mr. Perrelli meets at the White House with Deputy White House Counsel Cassandra Butts, herself a former lawyer for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund.
April 2:
With no objection yet from Ms. King, the clerk for U.S. District Judge Stewart R. Dalzell enters the default judgment against all four original defendants.
April 8:
Mr. Perrelli and fellow Justice Department political appointee Spencer Overton again meet with Ms. Butts at the White House. Mr. Overton is the author of "Stealing Democracy: The New Politics of Voter Suppression," which criticizes Republican efforts at "ballot security." Mr. Overton is a noted critic of requiring voters to show identification at the polls.
April 17:
Judge Dalzell issues an order recognizing that the Black Panthers were in default and giving Justice until May 1 to file their official Motion for Default Judgment.
Sorry, the Washington Times is not a credible source. Also, I stopped reading after they referred to the perps as Black Panthers. They are New Black Panthers. If they got this wrong, or perhaps lied about it, there is no telling what other false information they are passing along.

Don't lie, you stopped reading once you realized they were accusing a black person of doing something wrong.
I wish you would advise some of your like minded colleagues that there IS an entity called the New Black Panthers, Ravi. Some of them have been arguing that we are all full of it because there is no such thing as the "New" Black Panthers.

Check out their platform (10 points):

They want to be exempt from taxes, exempt from military service, they demand reparations, want free housing and healthcare, and want all blacks immediately released from any prison anywhere, among other crazy shit:

The New Black Panther Party is what a radical fringe group looks like.

They are the 21st century equivalent of the KKK.
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The civil suit was filed but never carried through. So there was no proof of anything.
April 1:
The day the Black Panthers miss their deadline to contest the charges against them, Mr. Perrelli meets at the White House with Deputy White House Counsel Cassandra Butts, herself a former lawyer for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund.
April 2:
With no objection yet from Ms. King, the clerk for U.S. District Judge Stewart R. Dalzell enters the default judgment against all four original defendants.
April 8:
Mr. Perrelli and fellow Justice Department political appointee Spencer Overton again meet with Ms. Butts at the White House. Mr. Overton is the author of "Stealing Democracy: The New Politics of Voter Suppression," which criticizes Republican efforts at "ballot security." Mr. Overton is a noted critic of requiring voters to show identification at the polls.
April 17:
Judge Dalzell issues an order recognizing that the Black Panthers were in default and giving Justice until May 1 to file their official Motion for Default Judgment.
Sorry, the Washington Times is not a credible source. Also, I stopped reading after they referred to the perps as Black Panthers. They are New Black Panthers. If they got this wrong, or perhaps lied about it, there is no telling what other false information they are passing along.

You say Potato, he says POTAAAATOE....same friggen difference.

You know what he meant.

Parsing words isn't going to win this argument for you.
I wish you would advise some of your like minded colleagues that there IS an entity called the New Black Panthers, Ravi. Some of them have been arguing that we are all full of it because there is no such thing as the "New" Black Panthers.
I haven't seen that. I've seen posters calling this the Black Panthers and not the New Black Panthers.

I think even the Black Panthers are displeased with the New Black Panthers.
they referred to the perps as Black Panthers. They are New Black Panthers.

Now who has the 4-yr old literal mind, fuckface?

Still condoning the hate speech in the OP's video?
Haven't heard you condemn it, so.....
I wonder how mr. kill the cracka's feels about Obamas parents......

Easy, he'd like to kill his mom, and I guess kill Obama except on every other weekend when he's with his black daddy.


Iv'e reported you for the above comment clearly made to incite violence.
You really think a man who wants to kill whitey is going to be inspired by whitey to kill Obama?

Sorry, the Washington Times is not a credible source. Also, I stopped reading after they referred to the perps as Black Panthers. They are New Black Panthers. If they got this wrong, or perhaps lied about it, there is no telling what other false information they are passing along.
Good Gaea, you're absolutely terrified of conflicting views, aren't you?

Is your faith in your own view so shallow, so fragile, that it will come apart if you see something you disagree with?

Pathetic, weak-minded fool. :lol:

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