New Black Panther Party Leader - ... you want freedom ... kill some crackers

Only Ravi and her fellow racists would deny this is a clear case of a violation of the voter intimidation laws.


When did you get your Law degree? You didnt pass out of elementary school for goodness sake. Leave these matters to those of us who understand how to manage them. Go play with your toy soldiers.
Only Ravi and her fellow racists would deny this is a clear case of a violation of the voter intimidation laws.


When did you get your Law degree? You didnt pass out of elementary school for goodness sake. Leave these matters to those of us who understand how to manage them. Go play with your toy soldiers.

Yukon, we all know it is YOU who enjoys playing with miniature men.

Oh PS - I have 4 degrees, one of which is a Masters, compared to what? Your prison degree of what happens to one who is put in prison for child molestation?
He's a liar. I just watched an older video of him.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, a NBPP critic, has pointed to NBPP members stating sympathy or understanding of Kamau Kambon's advocacy of the genocide of whites, and Khalid Abdul Muhammad in his statement that "there are no good crackers, and if you find one, kill him before he changes."[12][13][14]

Critics have called the NBPP extremist, citing Muhammad's "Million Youth March", a youth equivalent of the Million Man March in Harlem in which 6,000 people protested police brutality but also featured a range of speakers calling for the extermination of whites in South Africa. The rally ended in scuffles with the New York Police Department as Muhammad urged the crowd to attack those officers who had attempted to confiscate the NBPP members' guns. Chairs and bottles were thrown at the police but only a few in the conflict suffered injuries. Al Sharpton appeared and spoke at this event, and was criticized later for taking part in its controversial rhetoric. .

New Black Panther Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow. Unbelievable that a smart man like Holder would stick his neck out for these creeps. There's got to be more to this. NAACP? Acorn? Project Vote?

Maybe he is simply following the law.
He's a liar. I just watched an older video of him.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, a NBPP critic, has pointed to NBPP members stating sympathy or understanding of Kamau Kambon's advocacy of the genocide of whites, and Khalid Abdul Muhammad in his statement that "there are no good crackers, and if you find one, kill him before he changes."[12][13][14]

Critics have called the NBPP extremist, citing Muhammad's "Million Youth March", a youth equivalent of the Million Man March in Harlem in which 6,000 people protested police brutality but also featured a range of speakers calling for the extermination of whites in South Africa. The rally ended in scuffles with the New York Police Department as Muhammad urged the crowd to attack those officers who had attempted to confiscate the NBPP members' guns. Chairs and bottles were thrown at the police but only a few in the conflict suffered injuries. Al Sharpton appeared and spoke at this event, and was criticized later for taking part in its controversial rhetoric. .

New Black Panther Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow. Unbelievable that a smart man like Holder would stick his neck out for these creeps. There's got to be more to this. NAACP? Acorn? Project Vote?

Maybe he is simply following the law.

or maybe he's just a racist fuck. yeah I think I'll think that is more likely.
Well...that would all be true but there is no evidence any voters were intimidated or any real proof that he tried to intimidate someone.
1st: why am I not surprised you would be the first piece of shit to step up and defend this garbage??

2nd: to your post; just the simple fact that the cops were called is all the evidence needed to show that somebody felt intimidated.
I'm not defending him, I'm pointing out that there is no evidence that anyone was intimidated.

And your second statement makes you look like a second grader, as does your name calling.
Still no response, short of a negrep, towards the video in the Opening Post, I see.

By not condemning that behavior, you are only condoning it.
1st: why am I not surprised you would be the first piece of shit to step up and defend this garbage??

2nd: to your post; just the simple fact that the cops were called is all the evidence needed to show that somebody felt intimidated.
I'm not defending him, I'm pointing out that there is no evidence that anyone was intimidated.

And your second statement makes you look like a second grader, as does your name calling.
Still no response, short of a negrep, towards the video in the Opening Post, I see.

By not condemning that behavior, you are only condoning it.

Ravi DOES condone the behavior, b/c she is a racist herself.
Only because you do not want to see it.

Had these been Rednecks carrying Confederate Flags and nightsticks in front of a predominantly black precinct, you would undoubtedly be singing a different tune.

Is the precinct in question predominately white?

What I THINK doesn't matter in a court of law.

Everything I have readd says yes, mostly white precinct

Voting Precinct | Virginia Right!

Watch, her reaction will be to poopoo the link

I'm also still waiting for proof that these gentleman were hired security

great example of confirmation bias. conhog wants the precinct to be mostly white, looks for soucres that support this, finds it in a blog, and eureka, the precinct is mostly white.


according to the census 2000, in this precinct live 2158 people.

118 of those are white.


conhog has obviously never been in downtown philadelphia, let alone ventured north in the direction of temple U.
He's a liar. I just watched an older video of him.

New Black Panther Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow. Unbelievable that a smart man like Holder would stick his neck out for these creeps. There's got to be more to this. NAACP? Acorn? Project Vote?

Maybe he is simply following the law.

or maybe he's just a racist fuck. yeah I think I'll think that is more likely.
I think he's following the law. But interesting that you call people that you disagree with racist. :eusa_eh:
1st: why am I not surprised you would be the first piece of shit to step up and defend this garbage??

2nd: to your post; just the simple fact that the cops were called is all the evidence needed to show that somebody felt intimidated.
I'm not defending him, I'm pointing out that there is no evidence that anyone was intimidated.

And your second statement makes you look like a second grader, as does your name calling.
Still no response, short of a negrep, towards the video in the Opening Post, I see.

By not condemning that behavior, you are only condoning it.
Riiight. This video was discussed months ago on another thread. I gave my opinion of the guy there.

Are you one of these people that insist people take the pledge before you believe they are true Americans?

Piss off, fucktard.
Is the precinct in question predominately white?

What I THINK doesn't matter in a court of law.

Everything I have readd says yes, mostly white precinct

Voting Precinct | Virginia Right!

Watch, her reaction will be to poopoo the link

I'm also still waiting for proof that these gentleman were hired security

great example of confirmation bias. conhog wants the precinct to be mostly white, looks for soucres that support this, finds it in a blog, and eureka, the precinct is mostly white.


according to the census 2000, in this precinct live 2158 people.

118 of those are white.


conhog has obviously never been in downtown philadelphia, let alone ventured north in the direction of temple U.
I'm laughing.
You dont charge people when the evidence is not there.

Then why did they?

You seem to be forgetting the fact the DoJ did, in fact, charge the offenders, it went to trial, the defendants didn't show up to defend themselves against what you claim didn't happen, so DoJ had won the trial already.

Then, after they'd won the case, Eric Holder's DoJ decides there was insufficient evidence. Normal people everywhere call bullshit.

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