New Black Panther Party Leader - ... you want freedom ... kill some crackers

I wonder if King Samir Shabazz and Malik Shabazz are related. Strange coincidence.
This asshole is you peoples counterpart.

If you hate him you should hate yourself

I dont hate the racist black panther guy at all. I feel sorry for him that he is behaving just like the old KKK idiots used to and I hope one day he can get past his prejudices and be a happier man.

That being said he should be punished, legally, for the instance of voter intimidation that he was found guilty of instead of after being convicted of voter intimidation having the case dropped by Eric Holder's DOJ.
Well...that would all be true but there is no evidence any voters were intimidated or any real proof that he tried to intimidate someone.
1st: why am I not surprised you would be the first piece of shit to step up and defend this garbage??

2nd: to your post; just the simple fact that the cops were called is all the evidence needed to show that somebody felt intimidated.
I dont hate the racist black panther guy at all. I feel sorry for him that he is behaving just like the old KKK idiots used to and I hope one day he can get past his prejudices and be a happier man.

That being said he should be punished, legally, for the instance of voter intimidation that he was found guilty of instead of after being convicted of voter intimidation having the case dropped by Eric Holder's DOJ.
Well...that would all be true but there is no evidence any voters were intimidated or any real proof that he tried to intimidate someone.
1st: why am I not surprised you would be the first piece of shit to step up and defend this garbage??

2nd: to your post; just the simple fact that the cops were called is all the evidence needed to show that somebody felt intimidated.

What Ravi the racist moron won't admit is that the law doesn't require that anyone actually was intimidated. All it requires is proving that someone COULD have been intimidated. I posted the actual law earlier in the thread, but as per her usual Ravi totally ignores facts.

She's a waste of good bandwidth AND good air.
I watched the videos. What I see is that some black guys are standing in front of a polling place, one with a night stick. Some white guy is claiming they are intimidated even though the guy with the night stick never makes any kind of threat. The police arrive and ask the black guys to leave and they do.

As far as I can tell there is no real evidence of intimidation.
You love discussing that video....

now how about addressing the one referred to in the OP??

If you ask me, Dr. Shabazz (hope I spelled that correctly) did a fine job in that interview. He makes a compelling argument that the man wielding the night stick was not acting under the authority of the NBPP. He also states that the party is not racist. I have to say, that from his actions, I felt quite at ease with him unlike the other man (Nzinga) that was interviewed by Hannity and Colmes in a post above.

Dr. Shabazz defended his group well. He was very polite and someone that appeared easy to talk to not to mention respectable.

Whenever the wetback Coyote-Peyote, i.e., The La Raza Freako and the voice of Media Matters and/or Move On .Org (and carries the same credibility) ejaculates with what may seem as a reasonable will notice this piece of Obamarrhoidal shit will IMMEDIATELY not only NEGATE the rational aspect of his initial assertion (against which there isn't any possible Obamarrhoidal defense that could be even remotely rational ..... although there are always some Libtards like TruthDoesNOTMatter who usually sally forth with their idiotic verbal feces), but comes up with some obfuscating factor that desperately attempts to mitigate the INCONTROVERTIBLE TRUTH OF THE ISSUE IN QUESTION against which THERE IS NO DEFENSE. sure know the way to a 'yote's hart Guano....I'm...well...speechless:redface:

I realize your INCONTROVERTIBLE verbal incontinence does occassionally cause you public embarressment, but have no fear - I know your heart is in the right place and your diatribe, though seemingly psychotic and out of touch with the world around you, is in reality an artistic construct carefully crafted for maximum impact and minimal adherance to Webster's English Dictionary. Although often under appreciated by the common lackeys who surround you - be assured, I appreciate every syllable to it's maximum extent.

Now back to the public embarressment....I'm not sure how to help you there but I might suggest the following.

Remove the lampshade from your head.
Remember your new mantra: Spandex is NOT your friend
Do not leave your Preparation-H lying next to your toothpaste.
The toothbrush is for your TEETH.
and, lastly.....even though you ripped out pages 13-76 of the Rightwing was a really baaaaad idea to replace it with excerpts from the White Trash Cookbook.

Love ya, Guano - don't forget to iron yer shorts eh? :)

The wetback Coyote-Peyote i.e., the La Raza Freako,

You're going to a lot of trouble appearing as an amusing clown only to prove that as an Obamarrhoidal fucktard you can't refute a single assertion of mine.

But, keep on might impress that demented crunt TruthDoesn'tMatter enough to get her to service you.

Dear Guano,

I am presently engaged in the Music Thread and can't attend to your present. However, if you can spare a few minutes to seperate your drivel into coherent sentences (I suggest the use of proper punctuation and capitalization) then your single assertion (and maybe a few other assertions) might make refutable sense. Until then, dear, it's just one long run-on rant.

Back to Steppenwolf.


Peyote Coyote La Raza Freakazoide
He's a liar. I just watched an older video of him.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, a NBPP critic, has pointed to NBPP members stating sympathy or understanding of Kamau Kambon's advocacy of the genocide of whites, and Khalid Abdul Muhammad in his statement that "there are no good crackers, and if you find one, kill him before he changes."[12][13][14]

Critics have called the NBPP extremist, citing Muhammad's "Million Youth March", a youth equivalent of the Million Man March in Harlem in which 6,000 people protested police brutality but also featured a range of speakers calling for the extermination of whites in South Africa. The rally ended in scuffles with the New York Police Department as Muhammad urged the crowd to attack those officers who had attempted to confiscate the NBPP members' guns. Chairs and bottles were thrown at the police but only a few in the conflict suffered injuries. Al Sharpton appeared and spoke at this event, and was criticized later for taking part in its controversial rhetoric. .

New Black Panther Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow. Unbelievable that a smart man like Holder would stick his neck out for these creeps. There's got to be more to this. NAACP? Acorn? Project Vote?
He's a liar. I just watched an older video of him.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, a NBPP critic, has pointed to NBPP members stating sympathy or understanding of Kamau Kambon's advocacy of the genocide of whites, and Khalid Abdul Muhammad in his statement that "there are no good crackers, and if you find one, kill him before he changes."[12][13][14]

Critics have called the NBPP extremist, citing Muhammad's "Million Youth March", a youth equivalent of the Million Man March in Harlem in which 6,000 people protested police brutality but also featured a range of speakers calling for the extermination of whites in South Africa. The rally ended in scuffles with the New York Police Department as Muhammad urged the crowd to attack those officers who had attempted to confiscate the NBPP members' guns. Chairs and bottles were thrown at the police but only a few in the conflict suffered injuries. Al Sharpton appeared and spoke at this event, and was criticized later for taking part in its controversial rhetoric. .

New Black Panther Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow. Unbelievable that a smart man like Holder would stick his neck out for these creeps. There's got to be more to this. NAACP? Acorn? Project Vote?

I wouldn't mind seeing the video you "just watched"

Kambon appeared to me to be evil as in on the lines of Adolf Hitler kind of evil, but Shabazz appeared well spoken and quite frankly likable.

i feel sorry for the real Black Panthers, who are getting all this bad press from these people calling themselves the new black panthers...while the media makes no effort to clarify that this is just some group stealing the black panther name.
i feel sorry for the real Black Panthers, who are getting all this bad press from these people calling themselves the new black panthers...while the media makes no effort to clarify that this is just some group stealing the black panther name.

Are the "real" Black Panthers still in existence? I saw the link you provided earlier, but I thought it was a comment from a foundation that was run by a former member.

He's a liar. I just watched an older video of him.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, a NBPP critic, has pointed to NBPP members stating sympathy or understanding of Kamau Kambon's advocacy of the genocide of whites, and Khalid Abdul Muhammad in his statement that "there are no good crackers, and if you find one, kill him before he changes."[12][13][14]

Critics have called the NBPP extremist, citing Muhammad's "Million Youth March", a youth equivalent of the Million Man March in Harlem in which 6,000 people protested police brutality but also featured a range of speakers calling for the extermination of whites in South Africa. The rally ended in scuffles with the New York Police Department as Muhammad urged the crowd to attack those officers who had attempted to confiscate the NBPP members' guns. Chairs and bottles were thrown at the police but only a few in the conflict suffered injuries. Al Sharpton appeared and spoke at this event, and was criticized later for taking part in its controversial rhetoric. .

New Black Panther Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow. Unbelievable that a smart man like Holder would stick his neck out for these creeps. There's got to be more to this. NAACP? Acorn? Project Vote?

Eric Holder hates every iota of a cracker.
He's a liar. I just watched an older video of him.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, a NBPP critic, has pointed to NBPP members stating sympathy or understanding of Kamau Kambon's advocacy of the genocide of whites, and Khalid Abdul Muhammad in his statement that "there are no good crackers, and if you find one, kill him before he changes."[12][13][14]

Critics have called the NBPP extremist, citing Muhammad's "Million Youth March", a youth equivalent of the Million Man March in Harlem in which 6,000 people protested police brutality but also featured a range of speakers calling for the extermination of whites in South Africa. The rally ended in scuffles with the New York Police Department as Muhammad urged the crowd to attack those officers who had attempted to confiscate the NBPP members' guns. Chairs and bottles were thrown at the police but only a few in the conflict suffered injuries. Al Sharpton appeared and spoke at this event, and was criticized later for taking part in its controversial rhetoric. .

New Black Panther Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow. Unbelievable that a smart man like Holder would stick his neck out for these creeps. There's got to be more to this. NAACP? Acorn? Project Vote?

I wouldn't mind seeing the video you "just watched"

Kambon appeared to me to be evil as in on the lines of Adolf Hitler kind of evil, but Shabazz appeared well spoken and quite frankly likable.


Well spoken - yes. I'm sure Hitler was well-spoken too. Likable? He is head of a KKK like organization. Immie, c'mon.

My bad. The video I watched was of "Minister Malik Shabazz" not "Attorney Malik Shabazz". Sheez. This Shabazz family certainly has some racist relatives. lol

[ame=]YouTube - Black Panther Minister Malik - The white man is not your friend[/ame]
Show us the people who said they doidnt vote because he was there?
Truth, If you were a little old white lady, and came to the poll to vote, and was confronted with two big guys who were hurling racial epithets about people of your own color, might you think twice about crossing there? As an "older gentleman" I would hesitate, unless I had back-up. This was voter intimidation.

We are led to believe that when cops drive past a polling place, that's voter intimidation, because those among the voting public, who might have open warrants out for them, feel "intimidated" from entering a polling place. If a police car is seen two blocks away from a polling place where black folks may happen to vote, that's called "voter suppression" today.
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Can you imagine the shit storm that would come down if white guys had of done this? Guess it's ok though because it was done by a bunch of radical black guys. That's America for you.

They did. Minutemen attempted to intimidate hispanic voters. Case was dropped by the Bush DoJ.

Guess Fox didn't think it newsworthy eh? That's America for you. :)
Coyote, Can you back that up with a link to a news source; a link of any kind except to a message board?
From a November 8, 2006, Austin American-Statesman article: ...In Arizona, Roy Warden, an anti-immigration activist with the Minutemenand a handful of supporters staked out a Tucson precinct and questioned Hispanic voters at the polls to determine whether they spoke English...

...Armed with a 9mm Glock automatic strapped to his side, Warden said he planned to photograph Hispanic voters entering polls in an effort to identify illegal immigrants and felons. The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund reported the incident to the FBI...

From a November 21, 2006, article:

On Election Day, a posse of three men in Tucson, Ariz., proved that the Wild West still lives.

The group, which was three strong, and allegedly composed of two anti-immigration activists, Russ Dove and Roy Warden, carried a camcorder, a clipboard -- on which, they said, was information about a proposed law to make English the state's official language -- and a gun. While one man would approach a voter, holding the clipboard, another would follow, pointing the video camera at them. The third would stand behind, holding his hand to the gun at his hip in what activists on the other side called classic voter intimidation tactics in a precinct one local paper had previously declared the bellwether of the area's Hispanic vote.

Yet, the case was dropped by the Bush DoJ ....

So...did Christian Adams...self-described "whistle-blower"..... fall victim to a whistle malfunction in 2006? it only racism when it's the Obama Administration? it not "voter intimidation" when they don't speak good English?

Or maybe Adams is just another testosterone deficient jackoff with a huge chip on his shoulder?

Ok, so three guys were arrested for illegal activity, voter intimidation by any description; now where's the link to the dismissal by the Bush administration?
HAHAHAHAHAHA, he was not a voter.

He said himself he wasnt bothered and walked between the men,
HE was a Republican poll watcher, lived in the building, and was, by authority of his office entitled to be there, voting at the moment or not.

I'll tell you, that lots of old folks, and yeah, I know, everyone here at USMB is fearless, but lots of old folks would just say to themselves "I'm not going there, mine is only one vote and won't change anything anyway; and those guys look and sound dangerous. I don't need a broken hip at my age, screw this I'm going home where it's safe"
Last edited: sure know the way to a 'yote's hart Guano....I'm...well...speechless:redface:

I realize your INCONTROVERTIBLE verbal incontinence does occassionally cause you public embarressment, but have no fear - I know your heart is in the right place and your diatribe, though seemingly psychotic and out of touch with the world around you, is in reality an artistic construct carefully crafted for maximum impact and minimal adherance to Webster's English Dictionary. Although often under appreciated by the common lackeys who surround you - be assured, I appreciate every syllable to it's maximum extent.

Now back to the public embarressment....I'm not sure how to help you there but I might suggest the following.

Remove the lampshade from your head.
Remember your new mantra: Spandex is NOT your friend
Do not leave your Preparation-H lying next to your toothpaste.
The toothbrush is for your TEETH.
and, lastly.....even though you ripped out pages 13-76 of the Rightwing was a really baaaaad idea to replace it with excerpts from the White Trash Cookbook.

Love ya, Guano - don't forget to iron yer shorts eh? :)

The wetback Coyote-Peyote i.e., the La Raza Freako,

You're going to a lot of trouble appearing as an amusing clown only to prove that as an Obamarrhoidal fucktard you can't refute a single assertion of mine.

But, keep on might impress that demented crunt TruthDoesn'tMatter enough to get her to service you.

Dear Guano,

I am presently engaged in the Music Thread and can't attend to your present. However, if you can spare a few minutes to seperate your drivel into coherent sentences (I suggest the use of proper punctuation and capitalization) then your single assertion (and maybe a few other assertions) might make refutable sense. Until then, dear, it's just one long run-on rant.

Back to Steppenwolf.


Peyote Coyote La Raza Freakazoide

The La Raza Freako: Coyote-Peyote,

I have two Masters, one from UC Berkeley, the other from Stanford. Obviously, I know how to string a few sentences together that would provoke multiple orgasms in the most demanding grammarians. I CHOOSE not to because I find it easier to express myself the way I do without wasting more time than long as this method doesn't impinge on coherency. And, doesn't.

Anyone who has problems with my style, has my permission to suck either one of the two most prominent Hussein dicks. I suggest that you get a digging implement for Numero DUO.

Steppenshit is "MUSIC "?!?!? Figgers.
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Perhaps this administration refused to prosecute these black criminals because they support the New Black Panthers & Kamau Kambon's agenda?

Extermination of white people
Hey, Ravi, Truthmatters -- this guy thanks you for your useful idiocy, but he still wants you dead.

Ravi, did you lie when you told me you were black several weeks ago?
I didn't tell you I was black.

The video could be used as evidence...if we are talking about the video taken at the polling place. It wouldn't help convict this man as it shows no intimidation.

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