New Black Panther Party Leader - ... you want freedom ... kill some crackers

Is a video like that even admissible as evidence? Some how, I doubt it would be.


Why not? I think it would be.

I don't know exactly "why not" but you'd be amazed at what a good defense attorney can keep out of evidence. The race card will be employed liberally.

True enough, but you don't just say "oh well they will try to have that video squashed, so let's not bother trying the case."
How is this not hate speech?

If I went to downtown Philadelphia, and started yelling that "we need to kill some *******," how fast would I be put in jail?

Why is this POS racist still among us?

I (a moderate liberal, a sane and rational person)

I denounce them from the LEFT
and I denounce them from the RIGHT
You won't know until you take it court, this needs to go to court.

Is a video like that even admissible as evidence? Some how, I doubt it would be.


Why not? I think it would be.

Because videos can be edited and/or not shown in full context. I don't think, but am not certain on this, that a video such as this can be used in court unless maybe both parties stipulate to an agreement.

Don't quote me on that. I don't know that is correct. I'm sure there are attorneys on site that can tell us if such a video would be acceptable to the court.

The only problem is that there is no definite guarantee that video will even be admitted as evidence, just saying.

You won't know until you take it court, this needs to go to court.

Is a video like that even admissible as evidence? Some how, I doubt it would be.


Video is admissible under most circumstances. Cops use it all the time in traffic stops. If it is taken in a public location, or at a public gathering, then it is admissible. It will certainly be admissible in this case.
Is a video like that even admissible as evidence? Some how, I doubt it would be.


Why not? I think it would be.

Because videos can be edited and/or not shown in full context. I don't think, but am not certain on this, that a video such as this can be used in court unless maybe both parties stipulate to an agreement.

Don't quote me on that. I don't know that is correct. I'm sure there are attorneys on site that can tell us if such a video would be acceptable to the court.


My wife is in fact an attorney, and she says incorrect. Now the defense would of course be given a copy of the video and the impetus would be on them to prove the video was fake and or altered if they wished, otherwise it would be accepted at face value.
Here is a site I found regarding Video Evidence:

Evidence Technology Magazine - Can Video Evidence Be Trusted?

THE SCIENCE of forensic video analysis is not what it used to be. The recent migration from analog video to digital video recording (DVR) systems changed the foundation of recording technology and the way video evidence is processed. The switch from analog to digital has also brought a dramatic change to the way the courts look at video evidence.

In an analog-video world, the courts often viewed video evidence as the “silent witness” that simply spoke for itself. Jurors were frequently instructed to just trust their eyes. However, in today’s CCTV market—where no standards exist for image reliability, and where video evidence is often produced by DVR systems that are mostly mass-produced in developing countries—video can no longer be accepted at face value, nor can it be expected to accurately represent what it purports to show. In this digital world, compression, motion prediction, and enhancement technology may inadvertently change and alter the events captured by the camera.

In short: A picture may still be worth a thousand words, but the lay interpretation of that picture may be nothing more than fiction.

From the link (which I only scanned) I am not sure it cannot be used in court, but I would question whether a video such as was provided in this thread would be admissible.

Why not? I think it would be.

Because videos can be edited and/or not shown in full context. I don't think, but am not certain on this, that a video such as this can be used in court unless maybe both parties stipulate to an agreement.

Don't quote me on that. I don't know that is correct. I'm sure there are attorneys on site that can tell us if such a video would be acceptable to the court.


My wife is in fact an attorney, and she says incorrect. Now the defense would of course be given a copy of the video and the impetus would be on them to prove the video was fake and or altered if they wished, otherwise it would be accepted at face value.

Tell your wife I said thank you for clearing that up.

How is this not hate speech?

If I went to downtown Philadelphia, and started yelling that "we need to kill some *******," how fast would I be put in jail?

Why is this POS racist still among us?

I (a moderate liberal, a sane and rational person)

I denounce them from the LEFT
and I denounce them from the RIGHT

That's brilliant genius. I realize the constitution doesn't matter much to retarded neocons like yourself so your sentiment doesn't really surprise me. While your at it why don't you strip them of their citizenship and throw them in some cell indefinitely without legal counsel too?

Please learn the definition of neocon. Sick of seeing political labels misapplied.

It simply means New Conservative. The libs like to use it though because they think it sounds sinister like Neo Nazi :)
I discovered among leftists it's code for "JOOOO!!!"
How is this not hate speech?

If I went to downtown Philadelphia, and started yelling that "we need to kill some *******," how fast would I be put in jail?

Why is this POS racist still among us?

I (a moderate liberal, a sane and rational person)

I denounce them from the LEFT
and I denounce them from the RIGHT


Please don't take this wrong but from what I have read of your postings (granted I have not paid a whole hell of a lot of attention to you) but I would not describe you as "moderate" and I'm not sure I would use either sane or rational in a description of you either. :lol:

But, I do appreciate that you are a lefty and that you have denounced hate speech unlike TM who seems to think it is okay as long as it comes out of the mouths of liberals.

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Perhaps this administration refused to prosecute these black criminals because they support the New Black Panthers & Kamau Kambon's agenda?

[ame=""]Extermination of white people[/ame]
Perhaps this administration refused to prosecute these black criminals because they support the New Black Panthers & Kamau Kambon's agenda?

Extermination of white people

Maybe Obama is ready to rumble to.

[ame=]YouTube - Leader of Black Panthers Threatens War with Tea Party, RNC, Glenn Beck, Congress[/ame]
I agree.

But as to the second statement, I think you will find there are no more people on this board who feel he deserves cred than there are those on the right who feel the KKK deserve cred.

Certainly, there don't appear to be many postings indicating that.

Whenever the wetback Coyote-Peyote, i.e., The La Raza Freako and the voice of Media Matters and/or Move On .Org (and carries the same credibility) ejaculates with what may seem as a reasonable will notice this piece of Obamarrhoidal shit will IMMEDIATELY not only NEGATE the rational aspect of his initial assertion (against which there isn't any possible Obamarrhoidal defense that could be even remotely rational ..... although there are always some Libtards like TruthDoesNOTMatter who usually sally forth with their idiotic verbal feces), but comes up with some obfuscating factor that desperately attempts to mitigate the INCONTROVERTIBLE TRUTH OF THE ISSUE IN QUESTION against which THERE IS NO DEFENSE. sure know the way to a 'yote's hart Guano....I'm...well...speechless:redface:

I realize your INCONTROVERTIBLE verbal incontinence does occassionally cause you public embarressment, but have no fear - I know your heart is in the right place and your diatribe, though seemingly psychotic and out of touch with the world around you, is in reality an artistic construct carefully crafted for maximum impact and minimal adherance to Webster's English Dictionary. Although often under appreciated by the common lackeys who surround you - be assured, I appreciate every syllable to it's maximum extent.

Now back to the public embarressment....I'm not sure how to help you there but I might suggest the following.

Remove the lampshade from your head.
Remember your new mantra: Spandex is NOT your friend
Do not leave your Preparation-H lying next to your toothpaste.
The toothbrush is for your TEETH.
and, lastly.....even though you ripped out pages 13-76 of the Rightwing was a really baaaaad idea to replace it with excerpts from the White Trash Cookbook.

Love ya, Guano - don't forget to iron yer shorts eh? :)

The wetback Coyote-Peyote i.e., the La Raza Freako,

You're going to a lot of trouble appearing as an amusing clown only to prove that as an Obamarrhoidal fucktard you can't refute a single assertion of mine.

But, keep on might impress that demented crunt TruthDoesn'tMatter enough to get her to service you.
Uh oh. More video:

[ame=]YouTube - Malik Shabazz incriminates himself in black panther case[/ame]

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