New Black Panther Party Leader - ... you want freedom ... kill some crackers



The Foundation
Ten-Point Program

There Is No New Black Panther Party: An Open Letter From the Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation

In response from numerous requests from individual's seeking information on the "New Black Panthers," the Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation issues this public statement to correct the distorted record being made in the media by a small band of African Americans calling themselves the New Black Panthers. As guardian of the true history of the Black Panther Party, the Foundation, which includes former leading members of the Party, denounces this group's exploitation of the Party's name and history. Failing to find its own legitimacy in the black community, this band would graft the Party's name upon itself, which we condemn.

Firstly, the people in the New Black Panthers were never members of the Black Panther Party and have no legitimate claim on the Party's name. On the contrary, they would steal the names and pretend to walk in the footsteps of the Party's true heroes, such as Black Panther founder Huey P. Newton, George Jackson and Jonathan Jackson, Bunchy Carter, John Huggins, Fred Hampton, Mark Cark, and so many others who gave their very lives to the black liberation struggle under the Party's banner.

Secondly, they denigrate the Party's name by promoting concepts absolutely counter to the revolutionary principles on which the Party was founded. Their alleged media assault on the Ku Klux Klan serves to incite hatred rather than resolve it. The Party's fundamental principle, as best articulated by the great revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara, was: "A true revolutionary is guided by great feelings of love." The Black Panthers were never a group of angry young militants full of fury toward the "white establishment." The Party operated on love for black people, not hatred of white people.

Furthermore, this group claims it would "teach" the black community about armed self-defense. The arrogance of this claim is overwhelmed by its reactionary nature. Blacks, especially in the South, have been armed in self-defense for a very long time; indeed, the spiritual parent of the Party itself was the Louisiana-based Deacons for Defense. However, the Party understood that the gun was not necessarily revolutionary, for the police and all other oppressive forces had guns. It was the ideology behind the gun that determined its nature.
Nobody is asking for that. What we want is for him to actually be prosecuted for Voter Intimidation. Between the Tape of him at the polls With a weapon in hand, and what he said then, and this, Can you really say he was not at that poll to scare white people away?

I have no problem with that if it can be proven, but it doesn't meet the definition of domestic terrorism. Indeed, if sufficient evidence exists then get the sorry bastard.

If it can be proven? Isn't the the point of actually having a trail and prosecuting the guy, to either find him guilty or innocent. That is kinda the whole point of this story. The DOJ claims there is not enough evidence of voter intimidation, when he is on tape intimidating people with a weapon, using racial slurs, and telling people to be prepared to be "ruled by the black man"

It is a clear cut case, and the fact that Obama's DOJ is refusing to do anything about it is very troubling.

If the accusations the DOJ attorney who quit claims are true then it is 1000 times worse. If the DOJ is actually telling its people to NEVER prosecute a case of voter intimidation when the defendant is Black and the accuser is white, well then FUCK man that is a serious problem. We have to investigate this fully. We just have to.

Personally I think It is Clear as day that Voter intimidation happened and the DOJ is full of crap saying there is not enough evidence. Watch the video what more do you need? Whether or not they actually have a policy not to prosecute Black people is less clear, and will be harder to get to the bottom of, but my god people, Black white dem Republican, you should want to know.

I don't necessarily disagree with you. However, it's the prosecuting attorney who is going to have to make the decision if the case is even worth prosecuting. I'd say it's iffy, but if the state wants to take that chance then more power to them.
Shabazz has the right to think whatever he wants. There's no law against being an asshole and the truth is usually, somewhere in the middle of the two extremes.

I agree.
But he and his way of thinking should be given no more credibility than the thinking of the KKK.
But for some reason, there are people on the left and in this forum that seem to feel he and his group deserves credibility.

I agree.

But as to the second statement, I think you will find there are no more people on this board who feel he deserves cred than there are those on the right who feel the KKK deserve cred.

Certainly, there don't appear to be many postings indicating that.

Whenever the wetback Coyote-Peyote, i.e., The La Raza Freako and the voice of Media Matters and/or Move On .Org (and carries the same credibility) ejaculates with what may seem as a reasonable will notice this piece of Obamarrhoidal shit will IMMEDIATELY not only NEGATE the rational aspect of his initial assertion (against which there isn't any possible Obamarrhoidal defense that could be even remotely rational ..... although there are always some Libtards like TruthDoesNOTMatter who usually sally forth with their idiotic verbal feces), but comes up with some obfuscating factor that desperately attempts to mitigate the INCONTROVERTIBLE TRUTH OF THE ISSUE IN QUESTION against which THERE IS NO DEFENSE.
I have no problem with that if it can be proven, but it doesn't meet the definition of domestic terrorism. Indeed, if sufficient evidence exists then get the sorry bastard.

If it can be proven? Isn't the the point of actually having a trail and prosecuting the guy, to either find him guilty or innocent. That is kinda the whole point of this story. The DOJ claims there is not enough evidence of voter intimidation, when he is on tape intimidating people with a weapon, using racial slurs, and telling people to be prepared to be "ruled by the black man"

It is a clear cut case, and the fact that Obama's DOJ is refusing to do anything about it is very troubling.

If the accusations the DOJ attorney who quit claims are true then it is 1000 times worse. If the DOJ is actually telling its people to NEVER prosecute a case of voter intimidation when the defendant is Black and the accuser is white, well then FUCK man that is a serious problem. We have to investigate this fully. We just have to.

Personally I think It is Clear as day that Voter intimidation happened and the DOJ is full of crap saying there is not enough evidence. Watch the video what more do you need? Whether or not they actually have a policy not to prosecute Black people is less clear, and will be harder to get to the bottom of, but my god people, Black white dem Republican, you should want to know.

I don't necessarily disagree with you. However, it's the prosecuting attorney who is going to have to make the decision if the case is even worth prosecuting. I'd say it's iffy, but if the state wants to take that chance then more power to them.

You watched that video and still think it is Iffy whether or not there is even enough evidence to take the case? Please dude be real. There is more than enough evidence on that tape alone to bring a case, and there are also Multiple witnesses. It was not the "decision" of the prosecuting attorney either. They wanted to prosecute, and actually did and the defendants did not show up and the Feds WON a default judgment. Top Officials in the DOJ then Threw out a case in which they have plenty of evidence and already had a default judgment.

Sorry I have to call Bullshit now, anyone who has watched the tape should based on that alone feel there was at least enough evidence to warrant a trail. unless of course they are a Democrat Partisan that is.
From what I understand about "terroristic threats" it seems to be in the eye of the beholder (not unlike sexual harrassment) If a guy with a billy club says "Kill the crackers" and someone is terrified enough to believe that is his intent, then it is a crime. Sounds ok to me. It hasn't happened yet with these two but methinks they've been empowered with the AG in their court and all. Hmmmm.
So you think all charges of hate crimes are legitimate? Somehow I doubt it.

That's what courts are for . DUH!! have to have evidence to bring a case to court. Again, what planet do you live on?

Ravi, the ONLY people who don't see enough evidence to take this case to court are the ones who don't want to.

Go ahead and ignore me if you like, but you're a stupid piece of shit. Seriously, you are exactly what is wrong with this country. It isn't your political leanings. It's your blind stupidity and blatant racism. There is not a single person on this board who doubts that if that had been a white guy instead of a black guy you would be on this board screaming racism and intimidation. This planet would be oh so much better off without stupid bigots like you on it.
If it can be proven? Isn't the the point of actually having a trail and prosecuting the guy, to either find him guilty or innocent. That is kinda the whole point of this story. The DOJ claims there is not enough evidence of voter intimidation, when he is on tape intimidating people with a weapon, using racial slurs, and telling people to be prepared to be "ruled by the black man"

It is a clear cut case, and the fact that Obama's DOJ is refusing to do anything about it is very troubling.

If the accusations the DOJ attorney who quit claims are true then it is 1000 times worse. If the DOJ is actually telling its people to NEVER prosecute a case of voter intimidation when the defendant is Black and the accuser is white, well then FUCK man that is a serious problem. We have to investigate this fully. We just have to.

Personally I think It is Clear as day that Voter intimidation happened and the DOJ is full of crap saying there is not enough evidence. Watch the video what more do you need? Whether or not they actually have a policy not to prosecute Black people is less clear, and will be harder to get to the bottom of, but my god people, Black white dem Republican, you should want to know.

I don't necessarily disagree with you. However, it's the prosecuting attorney who is going to have to make the decision if the case is even worth prosecuting. I'd say it's iffy, but if the state wants to take that chance then more power to them.

You watched that video and still think it is Iffy whether or not there is even enough evidence to take the case? Please dude be real. There is more than enough evidence on that tape alone to bring a case, and there are also Multiple witnesses. It was not the "decision" of the prosecuting attorney either. They wanted to prosecute, and actually did and the defendants did not show up and the Feds WON a default judgment. Top Officials in the DOJ then Threw out a case in which they have plenty of evidence and already had a default judgment.

Sorry I have to call Bullshit now, anyone who has watched the tape should based on that alone feel there was at least enough evidence to warrant a trail. unless of course they are a Democrat Partisan that is.

I didn't watch the video my friend because I'm currently at work and bandwith is limited right now due to multiple FTP sessions. I did, however, read other transcripts of the event and when I get a chance to view the damning video and you're proven right then I will promptly state you were right and give you much thanks
I agree.
But he and his way of thinking should be given no more credibility than the thinking of the KKK.
But for some reason, there are people on the left and in this forum that seem to feel he and his group deserves credibility.

I agree.

But as to the second statement, I think you will find there are no more people on this board who feel he deserves cred than there are those on the right who feel the KKK deserve cred.

Certainly, there don't appear to be many postings indicating that.

Whenever the wetback Coyote-Peyote, i.e., The La Raza Freako and the voice of Media Matters and/or Move On .Org (and carries the same credibility) ejaculates with what may seem as a reasonable will notice this piece of Obamarrhoidal shit will IMMEDIATELY not only NEGATE the rational aspect of his initial assertion (against which there isn't any possible Obamarrhoidal defense that could be even remotely rational ..... although there are always some Libtards like TruthDoesNOTMatter who usually sally forth with their idiotic verbal feces), but comes up with some obfuscating factor that desperately attempts to mitigate the INCONTROVERTIBLE TRUTH OF THE ISSUE IN QUESTION against which THERE IS NO DEFENSE. sure know the way to a 'yote's hart Guano....I'm...well...speechless:redface:

I realize your INCONTROVERTIBLE verbal incontinence does occassionally cause you public embarressment, but have no fear - I know your heart is in the right place and your diatribe, though seemingly psychotic and out of touch with the world around you, is in reality an artistic construct carefully crafted for maximum impact and minimal adherance to Webster's English Dictionary. Although often under appreciated by the common lackeys who surround you - be assured, I appreciate every syllable to it's maximum extent.

Now back to the public embarressment....I'm not sure how to help you there but I might suggest the following.

Remove the lampshade from your head.
Remember your new mantra: Spandex is NOT your friend
Do not leave your Preparation-H lying next to your toothpaste.
The toothbrush is for your TEETH.
and, lastly.....even though you ripped out pages 13-76 of the Rightwing was a really baaaaad idea to replace it with excerpts from the White Trash Cookbook.

Love ya, Guano - don't forget to iron yer shorts eh? :) have to have evidence to bring a case to court. Again, what planet do you live on?

Ravi, the ONLY people who don't see enough evidence to take this case to court are the ones who don't want to.

Go ahead and ignore me if you like, but you're a stupid piece of shit. Seriously, you are exactly what is wrong with this country. It isn't your political leanings. It's your blind stupidity and blatant racism. There is not a single person on this board who doubts that if that had been a white guy instead of a black guy you would be on this board screaming racism and intimidation. This planet would be oh so much better off without stupid bigots like you on it.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again:

Ravi's hypocrisy, and her biggest problem, stem from the fact that she is a blatant racist.

She would have followed Hitler into the bunker, if Hitler weren't white. have to have evidence to bring a case to court. Again, what planet do you live on?

Ravi, the ONLY people who don't see enough evidence to take this case to court are the ones who don't want to.

Go ahead and ignore me if you like, but you're a stupid piece of shit. Seriously, you are exactly what is wrong with this country. It isn't your political leanings. It's your blind stupidity and blatant racism. There is not a single person on this board who doubts that if that had been a white guy instead of a black guy you would be on this board screaming racism and intimidation. This planet would be oh so much better off without stupid bigots like you on it.

The only problem is that there is no definite guarantee that video will even be admitted as evidence, just saying. have to have evidence to bring a case to court. Again, what planet do you live on?

Ravi, the ONLY people who don't see enough evidence to take this case to court are the ones who don't want to.

Go ahead and ignore me if you like, but you're a stupid piece of shit. Seriously, you are exactly what is wrong with this country. It isn't your political leanings. It's your blind stupidity and blatant racism. There is not a single person on this board who doubts that if that had been a white guy instead of a black guy you would be on this board screaming racism and intimidation. This planet would be oh so much better off without stupid bigots like you on it.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again:

Ravi's hypocrisy, and her biggest problem, stem from the fact that she is a blatant racist.

She would have followed Hitler into the bunker, if Hitler weren't white.

I'm sick of her fucking lies and out right racism. It's bullshit, and more people need to start calling her and like minded morons out.

Fuck I just heard Obama say people don't like b/c of his middle name. What a fucking racist asshole. have to have evidence to bring a case to court. Again, what planet do you live on?

Ravi, the ONLY people who don't see enough evidence to take this case to court are the ones who don't want to.

Go ahead and ignore me if you like, but you're a stupid piece of shit. Seriously, you are exactly what is wrong with this country. It isn't your political leanings. It's your blind stupidity and blatant racism. There is not a single person on this board who doubts that if that had been a white guy instead of a black guy you would be on this board screaming racism and intimidation. This planet would be oh so much better off without stupid bigots like you on it.

The only problem is that there is no definite guarantee that video will even be admitted as evidence, just saying.

You won't know until you take it court, this needs to go to court.
Jerry Jackson is an elected Democratic Committeeman for the 14th ward of Phila. So one might suggest that he "represents the party" Isn't that what committeemen do? Sheeez.
Ravi, the ONLY people who don't see enough evidence to take this case to court are the ones who don't want to.

Go ahead and ignore me if you like, but you're a stupid piece of shit. Seriously, you are exactly what is wrong with this country. It isn't your political leanings. It's your blind stupidity and blatant racism. There is not a single person on this board who doubts that if that had been a white guy instead of a black guy you would be on this board screaming racism and intimidation. This planet would be oh so much better off without stupid bigots like you on it.

The only problem is that there is no definite guarantee that video will even be admitted as evidence, just saying.

You won't know until you take it court, this needs to go to court.

Sure, and I suppose it shall. But then again we also have politics in play here. I assume the prosecuting attorney of that city is elected. Politics are always present when it comes to race.
The only problem is that there is no definite guarantee that video will even be admitted as evidence, just saying.

You won't know until you take it court, this needs to go to court.

Sure, and I suppose it shall. But then again we also have politics in play here. I assume the prosecuting attorney of that city is elected. Politics are always present when it comes to race.

Well the city attorney has nothing to do with it, this is a federal case. Although there are state laws concerning voter intimidation as well. I would assume Obama would probably sue Pennsylvania if they enforced state laws. :lol:
You won't know until you take it court, this needs to go to court.

Sure, and I suppose it shall. But then again we also have politics in play here. I assume the prosecuting attorney of that city is elected. Politics are always present when it comes to race.

Well the city attorney has nothing to do with it, this is a federal case. Although there are state laws concerning voter intimidation as well. I would assume Obama would probably sue Pennsylvania if they enforced state laws. :lol:

Doh, good point. Missed that.
Ravi, the ONLY people who don't see enough evidence to take this case to court are the ones who don't want to.

Go ahead and ignore me if you like, but you're a stupid piece of shit. Seriously, you are exactly what is wrong with this country. It isn't your political leanings. It's your blind stupidity and blatant racism. There is not a single person on this board who doubts that if that had been a white guy instead of a black guy you would be on this board screaming racism and intimidation. This planet would be oh so much better off without stupid bigots like you on it.

The only problem is that there is no definite guarantee that video will even be admitted as evidence, just saying.

You won't know until you take it court, this needs to go to court.

Is a video like that even admissible as evidence? Some how, I doubt it would be.


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