New Black Panther Party Leader - ... you want freedom ... kill some crackers

I'm saying intimidation is intimidation.

Whether or not anyone shout out, "that man is intimidating me."

If I approach a half dozen gang members walking down the street, I'm not going to shout out that I am worried about them, I'm going to make a sudden turn and go a different direction rather than crossing paths with six thugs who may or may not want to break open my skull.

You're entitled to your opinion. I saw no intimidation on the videos...and the camera man certainly had the opportunity to record any if it were happening.

Yeah because I'm sure that ****** didn't tone down his bullshit once the camera showed up.

How is this not hate speech?

If I went to downtown Philadelphia, and started yelling that "we need to kill some *******," how fast would I be put in jail?

Why is this POS racist still among us?

Hopefully fast enough to avoid getting your ass kicked by black folks.

Which then begs the question:

"Why aren't white folks kicking this dude's ass?"
Because he's not significant enough to move against him. He exists in the raving lunatic category. He is an annoyance, not a threat.

When you move on a character like this you don't "kick his ass." You kill him, which is a significant action. It's not something you do on impulse, because that's how you end up in jail.

This guy will keep runing his mouth and each time he gets away with it he'll get bolder. One day he'll be found lying between two parked cars with a couple of bullets in him or his skull crushed. And it won't even make Page 6.

He just hasn't pissed anyone off enough yet.
The speech showin in the video is defined as "Hate speech which incites violence" and thus could be considered "illegal". I dont like what he said but I dont like the idea of the government telling him he cant say stupid crap like that.

I agree. Let him rave. And he is by no means the worst of his kind I've ever heard.

Going back to the Seventies, when I lived and worked in New York City, there was a group of Blacks called The New Israelites who wore bizarre Michael Jackson type uniforms. They wore dredlocks and carried large African flags and would gather on street corners in the Times Square area. And anyone who thinks what the creep in the video is saying is outlandish should hear those screwballs. They raved about lynching Whites on lamp posts, throwing them off high rooftops, crushing White babies skulls and tearing their limbs off, etc.

But things like that do not raise eyebrows in New York City, which is host to all sorts of pathological characters. If you sit on a bench anywhere in the City at 9AM, by 5PM no less than a dozen raving maniacs will walk by. So these New Israelite psychos were little more than an novel curiosity. Sometimes a White crazy would verbally engage them and they would exchange curses and threats for awhile and gradually get bored with each other.
Is this guy a "Republican d-bag Ravi"?

But Bartle Bull, who was a poll watcher in Philadelphia in 2008, doesn't buy the Justice Department denials.

"I find it deeply offensive," Bull said. "I know people who died over these issues, like Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. If we can't defend their legacy, it's shameful to us and this administration."

Bull is a prominent New York Democrat and longtime political adviser. He was Robert F. Kennedy's New York campaign manager, went to the south in the 1960s to protect the voting rights of black voters and just came back from Afghanistan where he traveled with the troops.

He says the administration's actions amount to protecting the New Black Panthers. - Former Justice Attorney Set to Testify in New Black Panther Case

A poll watcher who provided an affidavit to prosecutors in the case noted that Bartle Bull, who worked as a civil rights lawyer in the south in the 1960's and is a former campaign manager for Robert Kennedy, said it was the most blatant form of voter intimidation he had ever seen.

In his affidavit, obtained by FOX News, Bull wrote "I watched the two uniformed men confront voters and attempt to intimidate voters. They were positioned in a location that forced every voter to pass in close proximity to them. The weapon was openly displayed and brandished in plain sight of voters."

He also said they tried to "interfere with the work of other poll observers ... whom the uniformed men apparently believed did not share their preferences politically," noting that one of the panthers turned toward the white poll observers and said "you are about to be ruled by the black man, cracker - Charges Against 'New Black Panthers' Dropped by Obama Justice Dept.

Oh and by the way - I don't if it's just Philly or not, but police can no longer patrol polling stations because it has been argued that their presence is "intimidating". Hmmmm. :eusa_think:
Bartle Bull was working for the McCain campaign.

So that makes him a liar and a "d-bag"? Man, are you truthmattersnot's sock puppet?

There were other witnesses who testified as well. One was a black poll watcher who called the cops.

Multiple witnesses complained that they felt intimidated, and several filed affidavits attesting as much. One witness said that one Black Panther told a white man, "Cracker, you are about to be ruled by a black man." A Justice Department memo also says that a black couple, both Republican poll watchers, told authorities they were concerned for their safety when leaving the polling place at day's end because the Black Panthers accused them of being "race traitors."

EDITORIAL: Panther politics - Washington Times
What a joke.How far will the freedom of speech angle work if it was a white guy saying let's kill some....
insert "N" word here...The white person who said it would have been dead a second after he said it.
Welcome to the New America under Obama
Or a guy in a hood, with a whip, hanging outside the voting place in a black neighborhood.
How is this not hate speech?

If I went to downtown Philadelphia, and started yelling that "we need to kill some *******," how fast would I be put in jail?

Why is this POS racist still among us?

Hopefully fast enough to avoid getting your ass kicked by black folks.

Which then begs the question:

"Why aren't white folks kicking this dude's ass?"

Apparently Eric Holder has his back.

Has anyone noticed, that at least up until last night. NBC, ABC and CBS had covered this story for a combined total of 0 seconds. Even after the Human rights Court gets involved Still they ignore it. How can a story in which the highest levels of our DOJ are accused of having a policy of Never bringing voter intimidation Case against a black if the plaintiff is white not be news? Even if it ends up being not true? That is news. Any real News outlet has to cover it.

Nearly every lawyer who has looked at the case, Besides a handful on the DOJ, say their was ample evidence to get a conviction. I have heard more than one call it the most striking case of clear cut voter intimidation they had seen since the bad old days of the 50's and 60's. Yet the DOJ gets default judgments on the defendants and then Drops the case.

This is a clear manifestation of the Liberal double standard on Racism. Many liberals actually think Black people are incapable of being Racist, or even if they are, white people have no right to complain because "we" did it to them first. Only We didn't do shit, Our freaking parents and grand parents did. I know I have never done anything even remotely racist to a minority. I work with Blacks and Hispanics all the time, only I do not even really think about them that way. They are just my friends and Co workers. It is liberals today that are always thinking in terms of Race.
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"You're gonna have to kill some crackers" is not in itself a hate crime because there was no other crime committed. Depending on it's usage and context it would may or may not violate the fighting words exception to protected free speech.

As loathsome as this speech is I'd rather live with it than have some other civil liberty crushing knee jerk legislation enacted because of it.
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They're domestic terrorists...and should be treated as such.

'Nuff Said.

That's brilliant genius. I realize the constitution doesn't matter much to retarded neocons like yourself so your sentiment doesn't really surprise me. While your at it why don't you strip them of their citizenship and throw them in some cell indefinitely without legal counsel too?
They're domestic terrorists...and should be treated as such.

'Nuff Said.

That's brilliant genius. I realize the constitution doesn't matter much to retarded neocons like yourself so your sentiment doesn't really surprise me. While your at it why don't you strip them of their citizenship and throw them in some cell indefinitely without legal counsel too?

Please learn the definition of neocon. Sick of seeing political labels misapplied.

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