New Black Panther Party Leader - ... you want freedom ... kill some crackers

Look there in that picture, that woman is calling the po po to report that she feels intimidated. Prove me wrong Ravi.
She's in the video and is not acting intimidated in any way.

That's not proof.

now where is your proof that these fine colored gentleman were hired to do security?
I never said they were. Calm down before you have a heart attack.
Ravi Im upset about all voter intimidation. White on black, black on white, black on black, white on white, whomever on doesn't matter the color of skin.

Its all offensive and horrendeous behavior....not to mention illegal.

It appears from your posting that you are the opposite. It only bothers you when a certain specific race does it....that, in itself, is a close-minded approach at best and a bigoted and racist approach at the worst.

BTW your not supposed to alter people's quotes in an attempt to misrepresent their posts.
I didn't misrepresent your was blatant propaganda. Report me if you like.

I'm against voter intimidation as well. But I understand that if you don't have evidence, you don't have evidence. It is a hard thing to prove...just like hate crimes. You must prove intent.

If you think that makes me racist, well...that's your problem, not mine.

You're a liar, stupid, and a racist to boot.

Where do crimes get proven Ravi? Oh that's right in court, but if the government won't prosecute well there is no chance to prove anything.
If it were me, I would have filmed them from a distance for a while at least until they had noticed me doing so.

But whether they ever actually intimidated anyone at all is irrelevant. People of the City of Brotherly Love have a reputation of being tough little buggers. No one involved may have felt intimidated at all, but those two were there for the purpose of doing so, and that is all that matters.

I don't know, I can't read their minds and discover their intent. But without evidence there is no case...and there is no evidence.

Only because you do not want to see it.

Had these been Rednecks carrying Confederate Flags and nightsticks in front of a predominantly black precinct, you would undoubtedly be singing a different tune.

Is the precinct in question predominately white?

What I THINK doesn't matter in a court of law.
Ravi Im upset about all voter intimidation. White on black, black on white, black on black, white on white, whomever on doesn't matter the color of skin.

Its all offensive and horrendeous behavior....not to mention illegal.

It appears from your posting that you are the opposite. It only bothers you when a certain specific race does it....that, in itself, is a close-minded approach at best and a bigoted and racist approach at the worst.

BTW your not supposed to alter people's quotes in an attempt to misrepresent their posts.
I didn't misrepresent your was blatant propaganda. Report me if you like.

I'm against voter intimidation as well. But I understand that if you don't have evidence, you don't have evidence. It is a hard thing to prove...just like hate crimes. You must prove intent.

If you think that makes me racist, well...that's your problem, not mine.

Someone hit a nerve, lol.

Sorry to hit you on the head with the truth of how you appear in this thread like that...and no I wasn't reporting you but thanks for confirming that it is indeed against the rules, I wasn't sure.

The case was already in court and the decision was against the 2 black panthers, then the DOJ voluntarily dropped the case. They were found guilty which is probably why everyone is giving you a hard time. I can't help it if your not willing to see the facts and accept that all voter intimidation is wrong and shouldn't be excused.

Maybe you can open your mind and join the rest of us in the 21st century where we consider actions before race.
Is this guy a "Republican d-bag Ravi"?

But Bartle Bull, who was a poll watcher in Philadelphia in 2008, doesn't buy the Justice Department denials.

"I find it deeply offensive," Bull said. "I know people who died over these issues, like Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. If we can't defend their legacy, it's shameful to us and this administration."

Bull is a prominent New York Democrat and longtime political adviser. He was Robert F. Kennedy's New York campaign manager, went to the south in the 1960s to protect the voting rights of black voters and just came back from Afghanistan where he traveled with the troops.

He says the administration's actions amount to protecting the New Black Panthers. - Former Justice Attorney Set to Testify in New Black Panther Case

A poll watcher who provided an affidavit to prosecutors in the case noted that Bartle Bull, who worked as a civil rights lawyer in the south in the 1960's and is a former campaign manager for Robert Kennedy, said it was the most blatant form of voter intimidation he had ever seen.

In his affidavit, obtained by FOX News, Bull wrote "I watched the two uniformed men confront voters and attempt to intimidate voters. They were positioned in a location that forced every voter to pass in close proximity to them. The weapon was openly displayed and brandished in plain sight of voters."

He also said they tried to "interfere with the work of other poll observers ... whom the uniformed men apparently believed did not share their preferences politically," noting that one of the panthers turned toward the white poll observers and said "you are about to be ruled by the black man, cracker - Charges Against 'New Black Panthers' Dropped by Obama Justice Dept.

Oh and by the way - I don't if it's just Philly or not, but police can no longer patrol polling stations because it has been argued that their presence is "intimidating". Hmmmm. :eusa_think:
Bartle Bull was working for the McCain campaign.
I don't know, I can't read their minds and discover their intent. But without evidence there is no case...and there is no evidence.

Only because you do not want to see it.

Had these been Rednecks carrying Confederate Flags and nightsticks in front of a predominantly black precinct, you would undoubtedly be singing a different tune.

Is the precinct in question predominately white?

What I THINK doesn't matter in a court of law.

Do you know that it is not predominantly white?

For that matter, does it matter?

I note your question and response between my posts about the minutemen.

So, I will take your word for it that you would have a problem with it, but I must say that I am a little skeptical. I think you favor these guys because they supported Obama. Had they been there working for McCain, I have to wonder if you would feel the same way.

Not only did they have an iron clad case against these two guys, but when the Justice Dept., no doubt ordered to do so by the Administration, dropped the case, they had an up close and personal witness to that who quit in disgust and has done some heavy duty testifying about it.

And again the MSM ignores that, doesn't seem to know anything about it, and it is a non story so far as they are concerned.

Again, if we were dealing with Republicans, or the George Bush administration, that same news media would be falling all over themselves to dig up as much dirt as they could find, would make up whatever dirt they needed, and would be using huge front page headlines and major newscasts to report it probably for days and days. They would certainly be getting as much mileage out of it as possible.

And some wonder why I don't want the feds having the right to decide what is and is not controversial for people to see. (Another thread is devoted to that subject.)
What about you? Were you upset when charges weren't brought against the Arizona Minutemen for voter intimidation against Hispanics?

I am opposed to any voter intimidation committed by anybody anywhere, and believe that if there is sufficient evidence, all should be prosecuted.

And I am opposed to the media overlooking a valid, prosecutable case about that, and I am opposed to the Justice Dept. dismissing a valid case about that just because the defendents are black or more specifically members of the "New Black Panthers".

And for the life of me, I can't understand how anybody would not be offended by that unless he or she condoned it.

Edit: Oh, and I won't consider throwing in any more red herrings or changing the subject to be an honest response to that.
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The "white guy" came because he was called because some people were intimidated (or claimed to have been) by these guys.

Now you may want to claim that we can't prove that these guys had the intent to intimidate, but that is just plain bullshit, Ravi. Standing in front of a polling place with a weapon such as a nightstick is clearly an attempt to intimidate. Only a fool would claim otherwise.


Right...they claimed it. Was anyone actually intimidated? I have almost no doubt that while the black guy is an asshole the white guys were fakes...maybe they are aligned with that faux pimp?

How about hanging around a polling place with a confederate that also intimidation?

Guess that depends on the poll the flag is on, I've NEVER known a flag to be used as a weapon, not like a nightstick.
Ravi Im upset about all voter intimidation. White on black, black on white, black on black, white on white, whomever on doesn't matter the color of skin.

Its all offensive and horrendeous behavior....not to mention illegal.

It appears from your posting that you are the opposite. It only bothers you when a certain specific race does it....that, in itself, is a close-minded approach at best and a bigoted and racist approach at the worst.

BTW your not supposed to alter people's quotes in an attempt to misrepresent their posts.
I didn't misrepresent your was blatant propaganda. Report me if you like.

I'm against voter intimidation as well. But I understand that if you don't have evidence, you don't have evidence. It is a hard thing to prove...just like hate crimes. You must prove intent.

If you think that makes me racist, well...that's your problem, not mine.

Someone hit a nerve, lol.

Sorry to hit you on the head with the truth of how you appear in this thread like that...and no I wasn't reporting you but thanks for confirming that it is indeed against the rules, I wasn't sure.

The case was already in court and the decision was against the 2 black panthers, then the DOJ voluntarily dropped the case. They were found guilty which is probably why everyone is giving you a hard time. I can't help it if your not willing to see the facts and accept that all voter intimidation is wrong and shouldn't be excused.

Maybe you can open your mind and join the rest of us in the 21st century where we consider actions before race.
No...they weren't found guilty. Not sure where you are getting your information but it isn't correct.

I'm not looking at race in this issue...I'm looking at evidence. There is no evidence that voter intimidation was happening. That doesn't mean that it wasn't, it means that there is no evidence to back it up.

Perhaps it is you that sees scary black man and jumps to conclusions. :eusa_whistle:
Ravi Im upset about all voter intimidation. White on black, black on white, black on black, white on white, whomever on doesn't matter the color of skin.

Its all offensive and horrendeous behavior....not to mention illegal.

It appears from your posting that you are the opposite. It only bothers you when a certain specific race does it....that, in itself, is a close-minded approach at best and a bigoted and racist approach at the worst.

BTW your not supposed to alter people's quotes in an attempt to misrepresent their posts.
I didn't misrepresent your was blatant propaganda. Report me if you like.

I'm against voter intimidation as well. But I understand that if you don't have evidence, you don't have evidence. It is a hard thing to prove...just like hate crimes. You must prove intent.

If you think that makes me racist, well...that's your problem, not mine.

Someone hit a nerve, lol.

Sorry to hit you on the head with the truth of how you appear in this thread like that...and no I wasn't reporting you but thanks for confirming that it is indeed against the rules, I wasn't sure.

The case was already in court and the decision was against the 2 black panthers, then the DOJ voluntarily dropped the case. They were found guilty which is probably why everyone is giving you a hard time. I can't help it if your not willing to see the facts and accept that all voter intimidation is wrong and shouldn't be excused.

Maybe you can open your mind and join the rest of us in the 21st century where we consider actions before race.

Actually, I don't think they were found guilty. From what I read, it was a default judgment which came about because they did not show up in court. There really was no trial, no facts were presented, no evidence weighed. They were simply found guilty because they did not show up in court.

I think they would have been found guilty if there had been a trial, but there was not one.

This asshole is you peoples counterpart.

If you hate him you should hate yourself

When did any of us talk about killing people and their babies? Elaborate please, because i dont see the connection between myself and that racist.
Im walking away from the thread now but i may end up checking back in this weekend. Probably not though.

Enjoy your weekends and DOWN WITH VOTER INTIMIDATION!!!!!!!
I don't know, I can't read their minds and discover their intent. But without evidence there is no case...and there is no evidence.

Only because you do not want to see it.

Had these been Rednecks carrying Confederate Flags and nightsticks in front of a predominantly black precinct, you would undoubtedly be singing a different tune.

Is the precinct in question predominately white?

What I THINK doesn't matter in a court of law.

Everything I have readd says yes, mostly white precinct

Voting Precinct | Virginia Right!

Watch, her reaction will be to poopoo the link

I'm also still waiting for proof that these gentleman were hired security
Only because you do not want to see it.

Had these been Rednecks carrying Confederate Flags and nightsticks in front of a predominantly black precinct, you would undoubtedly be singing a different tune.

Is the precinct in question predominately white?

What I THINK doesn't matter in a court of law.

Do you know that it is not predominantly white?

For that matter, does it matter?

I note your question and response between my posts about the minutemen.

So, I will take your word for it that you would have a problem with it, but I must say that I am a little skeptical. I think you favor these guys because they supported Obama. Had they been there working for McCain, I have to wonder if you would feel the same way.

I don't know what the precinct was...but if you are claiming it was white when it was actually black that would matter. In fact, if it is predominantly black then your entire argument of racial intimidation goes out the window.
I didn't misrepresent your was blatant propaganda. Report me if you like.

I'm against voter intimidation as well. But I understand that if you don't have evidence, you don't have evidence. It is a hard thing to prove...just like hate crimes. You must prove intent.

If you think that makes me racist, well...that's your problem, not mine.

Someone hit a nerve, lol.

Sorry to hit you on the head with the truth of how you appear in this thread like that...and no I wasn't reporting you but thanks for confirming that it is indeed against the rules, I wasn't sure.

The case was already in court and the decision was against the 2 black panthers, then the DOJ voluntarily dropped the case. They were found guilty which is probably why everyone is giving you a hard time. I can't help it if your not willing to see the facts and accept that all voter intimidation is wrong and shouldn't be excused.

Maybe you can open your mind and join the rest of us in the 21st century where we consider actions before race.
No...they weren't found guilty. Not sure where you are getting your information but it isn't correct.

I'm not looking at race in this issue...I'm looking at evidence. There is no evidence that voter intimidation was happening. That doesn't mean that it wasn't, it means that there is no evidence to back it up.

Perhaps it is you that sees scary black man and jumps to conclusions. :eusa_whistle:

Bullshit you aren't looking at race. You lying fucking bitch.
Someone hit a nerve, lol.

Sorry to hit you on the head with the truth of how you appear in this thread like that...and no I wasn't reporting you but thanks for confirming that it is indeed against the rules, I wasn't sure.

The case was already in court and the decision was against the 2 black panthers, then the DOJ voluntarily dropped the case. They were found guilty which is probably why everyone is giving you a hard time. I can't help it if your not willing to see the facts and accept that all voter intimidation is wrong and shouldn't be excused.

Maybe you can open your mind and join the rest of us in the 21st century where we consider actions before race.
No...they weren't found guilty. Not sure where you are getting your information but it isn't correct.

I'm not looking at race in this issue...I'm looking at evidence. There is no evidence that voter intimidation was happening. That doesn't mean that it wasn't, it means that there is no evidence to back it up.

Perhaps it is you that sees scary black man and jumps to conclusions. :eusa_whistle:

Bullshit you aren't looking at race. You lying fucking bitch.
If you can't address me in a civil manner I will stop responding to your posts.
In a thread about people bringing guns to a Obama rally, Ravi said the following:

I don't see it so much as a threat against the President...I think it is more to intimidate anyone that supports health care reform including any politicians and the general public.

And while I have no problem with people expressing their second amendment rights I have a problem with being the subject of intimidation. Civil rights shouldn't be used to deprive others of their civil rights.

Ravi went on to say, that because one of the gun carrying men made statements about taxation, carrying the gun was a direct threat against the pres
Ravi said:

My bad. Apparently it is a direct threat against Obama, according to this video posted by the guy with the semi-automatic.
Man With Assault Rifle Outside Obama Event: 'Taxation Is Theft' | LiveWire

So Ravi... what the Black Panthers said about whites isn't intimidation, but this guy saying that he didn't like the amount of taxation is?

So Ravi seems to have a racist view of what is intimidation and what isn't.
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Is the precinct in question predominately white?

What I THINK doesn't matter in a court of law.

Do you know that it is not predominantly white?

For that matter, does it matter?

I note your question and response between my posts about the minutemen.

So, I will take your word for it that you would have a problem with it, but I must say that I am a little skeptical. I think you favor these guys because they supported Obama. Had they been there working for McCain, I have to wonder if you would feel the same way.

I don't know what the precinct was...but if you are claiming it was white when it was actually black that would matter. In fact, if it is predominantly black then your entire argument of racial intimidation goes out the window.

Maybe you are right on that.

Because the way our voting goes it is based upon the majority vote in each precinct, so if it were a majority black precinct then the few whites voting there would most likely not matter in the first place. So, I'll think about that a bit.

I have not looked at Conhog's link regarding the precinct, so I am not sure.

This asshole is you peoples counterpart.

... you should hate yourself

LieNatters, you have outdone yourself. That criminal wants to murder people for the color of their skin. He is a merchant of hate.

Now, I am a strong believer in killing Radical Islamics. Those drones are doing a good job. We need more drones.

This guy can be off'd if we pay somebody enough money. I hope the FBI does that soon before he gets some low IQ buffoon to kill some little children because they are white.

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