New Black Panther Party Leader - ... you want freedom ... kill some crackers

Some republican dbag talking isn't evidence. :thup:

I thought this thread was about some racist New Blank Panther talking.:disbelief:

Yeah we are talking about that same exact guy here. He is one of those 2 black panthers (the one with the billyclub) that were at the voting booth intimidating people.

Watch the 2 different videos you will see the guy with the club is the same guy that was on national geographic's show saying "kill their cracker babies". Thats kinda how the conversation got on the track you were seeing.

I just hope one day that man can get over his prejudice, racism, and hatred of other races and be a much happier man for it.

NO! he said. "kill they cracker babies",, I'm very curious why this doesn't upset the likes of TM and Ravioli? Oh, yes, cause they izz white crackers, being threatened which is okay with TM and Ravioli, :lol::lol:

Look there in that picture, that woman is calling the po po to report that she feels intimidated. Prove me wrong Ravi.
I thought this thread was about some racist New Blank Panther talking.:disbelief:

Yeah we are talking about that same exact guy here. He is one of those 2 black panthers (the one with the billyclub) that were at the voting booth intimidating people.

Watch the 2 different videos you will see the guy with the club is the same guy that was on national geographic's show saying "kill their cracker babies". Thats kinda how the conversation got on the track you were seeing.

I just hope one day that man can get over his prejudice, racism, and hatred of other races and be a much happier man for it.

NO! he said. "kill they cracker babies",, I'm very curious why this doesn't upset the likes of TM and Ravioli? Oh, yes, cause they izz white crackers, being threatened which is okay with TM and Ravioli, :lol::lol:

You misunderstood his comments about killing they white babies. He was only advocating pro choice. :lol:
Yeah we are talking about that same exact guy here. He is one of those 2 black panthers (the one with the billyclub) that were at the voting booth intimidating people.

Watch the 2 different videos you will see the guy with the club is the same guy that was on national geographic's show saying "kill their cracker babies". Thats kinda how the conversation got on the track you were seeing.

I just hope one day that man can get over his prejudice, racism, and hatred of other races and be a much happier man for it.

NO! he said. "kill they cracker babies",, I'm very curious why this doesn't upset the likes of TM and Ravioli? Oh, yes, cause they izz white crackers, being threatened which is okay with TM and Ravioli, :lol::lol:

You misunderstood his comments about killing they white babies. He was only advocating pro choice. :lol:

Then he should have sayed crack babies.
This is outrageous enough to drop the charges of voter intimidation but also for Samir Shabazz to think that the white man has put his people into the housing projects and welfare system.
It was the black leaders of the 60's and 70's like Rev. Jackson and Rev. Sharpton who fought for welfare . These are the one's he should be blaming . It's them that they have to thank, for the terrible houseing, the drugs and the breakup of the families..
It's terrible that he believe's the lie's that has been taught to him.

Shabazz has the right to think whatever he wants. There's no law against being an asshole and the truth is usually, somewhere in the middle of the two extremes.

I agree.
But he and his way of thinking should be given no more credibility than the thinking of the KKK.
But for some reason, there are people on the left and in this forum that seem to feel he and his group deserves credibility.

I agree.

But as to the second statement, I think you will find there are no more people on this board who feel he deserves cred than there are those on the right who feel the KKK deserve cred.

Certainly, there don't appear to be many postings indicating that.
Not only did they have an iron clad case against these two guys, but when the Justice Dept., no doubt ordered to do so by the Administration, dropped the case, they had an up close and personal witness to that who quit in disgust and has done some heavy duty testifying about it.

And again the MSM ignores that, doesn't seem to know anything about it, and it is a non story so far as they are concerned.

Again, if we were dealing with Republicans, or the George Bush administration, that same news media would be falling all over themselves to dig up as much dirt as they could find, would make up whatever dirt they needed, and would be using huge front page headlines and major newscasts to report it probably for days and days. They would certainly be getting as much mileage out of it as possible.

And some wonder why I don't want the feds having the right to decide what is and is not controversial for people to see. (Another thread is devoted to that subject.)
Shabazz has the right to think whatever he wants. There's no law against being an asshole and the truth is usually, somewhere in the middle of the two extremes.

I agree.
But he and his way of thinking should be given no more credibility than the thinking of the KKK.
But for some reason, there are people on the left and in this forum that seem to feel he and his group deserves credibility.

I agree.

But as to the second statement, I think you will find there are no more people on this board who feel he deserves cred than there are those on the right who feel the KKK deserve cred.

Certainly, there don't appear to be many postings indicating that.

You may be correct. I spoke from assumption.
I take it back.
Not only did they have an iron clad case against these two guys, but when the Justice Dept., no doubt ordered to do so by the Administration, dropped the case, they had an up close and personal witness to that who quit in disgust and has done some heavy duty testifying about it.

And again the MSM ignores that, doesn't seem to know anything about it, and it is a non story so far as they are concerned.

Again, if we were dealing with Republicans, or the George Bush administration, that same news media would be falling all over themselves to dig up as much dirt as they could find, would make up whatever dirt they needed, and would be using huge front page headlines and major newscasts to report it probably for days and days. They would certainly be getting as much mileage out of it as possible.

And some wonder why I don't want the feds having the right to decide what is and is not controversial for people to see. (Another thread is devoted to that subject.)
What about you? Were you upset when charges weren't brought against the Arizona Minutemen for voter intimidation against Hispanics?
Ravi Im upset about all voter intimidation. White on black, black on white, black on black, white on white, whomever on doesn't matter the color of skin.

Its all offensive and horrendeous behavior....not to mention illegal.

It appears from your posting that you are the opposite. It only bothers you when a certain specific race does it....that, in itself, is a close-minded approach at best and a bigoted and racist approach at the worst.

BTW your not supposed to alter people's quotes in an attempt to misrepresent their posts.
blatant propaganda
I'm curious PP, are you as upset that charges weren't brought against the Arizona Minutemen for intimidating Hispanic voters in 2006? I'm not because I think there was a similar lack of evidence.

The answer is yes you idiot. Only racists like yourself feel that only SOME voter intimidation cases should be investigated. Normal thinking people want ALL legal voters to feel comfortable exercising their rights.
You assume that the cameraman couldn't have filmed discreetly. I don't. In fact the cameraman went out of his way to accuse the guy of misbehavior and try to antagonize him.

If it were me, I would have filmed them from a distance for a while at least until they had noticed me doing so.

But whether they ever actually intimidated anyone at all is irrelevant. People of the City of Brotherly Love have a reputation of being tough little buggers. No one involved may have felt intimidated at all, but those two were there for the purpose of doing so, and that is all that matters.

I don't know, I can't read their minds and discover their intent. But without evidence there is no case...and there is no evidence.

Only because you do not want to see it.

Had these been Rednecks carrying Confederate Flags and nightsticks in front of a predominantly black precinct, you would undoubtedly be singing a different tune.

I agree.
But he and his way of thinking should be given no more credibility than the thinking of the KKK.
But for some reason, there are people on the left and in this forum that seem to feel he and his group deserves credibility.

I agree.

But as to the second statement, I think you will find there are no more people on this board who feel he deserves cred than there are those on the right who feel the KKK deserve cred.

Certainly, there don't appear to be many postings indicating that.

You may be correct. I spoke from assumption.
I take it back.

I think we are each more sensitized to perceiving the negative from the other side...I know I tend to be :)
Ravi Im upset about all voter intimidation. White on black, black on white, black on black, white on white, whomever on doesn't matter the color of skin.

Its all offensive and horrendeous behavior....not to mention illegal.

It appears from your posting that you are the opposite. It only bothers you when a certain specific race does it....that, in itself, is a close-minded approach at best and a bigoted and racist approach at the worst.

BTW your not supposed to alter people's quotes in an attempt to misrepresent their posts.

Ravi is a racist PERIOD. She simply justifies black on white racism in her mind and pretends its not racism.
Ravi Im upset about all voter intimidation. White on black, black on white, black on black, white on white, whomever on doesn't matter the color of skin.

Its all offensive and horrendeous behavior....not to mention illegal.

It appears from your posting that you are the opposite. It only bothers you when a certain specific race does it....that, in itself, is a close-minded approach at best and a bigoted and racist approach at the worst.

BTW your not supposed to alter people's quotes in an attempt to misrepresent their posts.
I didn't misrepresent your was blatant propaganda. Report me if you like.

I'm against voter intimidation as well. But I understand that if you don't have evidence, you don't have evidence. It is a hard thing to prove...just like hate crimes. You must prove intent.

If you think that makes me racist, well...that's your problem, not mine.
Yeah because I'm sure that ****** didn't tone down his bullshit once the camera showed up.

Must you really use that word?

I realize you have the legal right to use it, but is it really necessary?

Man or black man or New Black Panther would have gotten the message through loud and clear. Using racist terms in such needless ways as that only adds fuel to the claims that all conservatives are racists.


I will not use it again in this thread, since you asked.

You were asked that in another thread and I believe you said the same thing and followed through with it... thank you.

Am I pushing my luck to ask that you refrain from using it in any thread? :lol:

Is this guy a "Republican d-bag Ravi"?

But Bartle Bull, who was a poll watcher in Philadelphia in 2008, doesn't buy the Justice Department denials.

"I find it deeply offensive," Bull said. "I know people who died over these issues, like Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. If we can't defend their legacy, it's shameful to us and this administration."

Bull is a prominent New York Democrat and longtime political adviser. He was Robert F. Kennedy's New York campaign manager, went to the south in the 1960s to protect the voting rights of black voters and just came back from Afghanistan where he traveled with the troops.

He says the administration's actions amount to protecting the New Black Panthers. - Former Justice Attorney Set to Testify in New Black Panther Case

A poll watcher who provided an affidavit to prosecutors in the case noted that Bartle Bull, who worked as a civil rights lawyer in the south in the 1960's and is a former campaign manager for Robert Kennedy, said it was the most blatant form of voter intimidation he had ever seen.

In his affidavit, obtained by FOX News, Bull wrote "I watched the two uniformed men confront voters and attempt to intimidate voters. They were positioned in a location that forced every voter to pass in close proximity to them. The weapon was openly displayed and brandished in plain sight of voters."

He also said they tried to "interfere with the work of other poll observers ... whom the uniformed men apparently believed did not share their preferences politically," noting that one of the panthers turned toward the white poll observers and said "you are about to be ruled by the black man, cracker - Charges Against 'New Black Panthers' Dropped by Obama Justice Dept.

Oh and by the way - I don't if it's just Philly or not, but police can no longer patrol polling stations because it has been argued that their presence is "intimidating". Hmmmm. :eusa_think:
blatant propaganda
I'm curious PP, are you as upset that charges weren't brought against the Arizona Minutemen for intimidating Hispanic voters in 2006? I'm not because I think there was a similar lack of evidence.

The answer is yes you idiot. Only racists like yourself feel that only SOME voter intimidation cases should be investigated. Normal thinking people want ALL legal voters to feel comfortable exercising their rights.
Riiiight...that's why none of you fucktards ever said a peep about it. :lol:

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