New Black Panther Party Leader - ... you want freedom ... kill some crackers

They're domestic terrorists...and should be treated as such.

'Nuff Said.

That's brilliant genius. I realize the constitution doesn't matter much to retarded neocons like yourself so your sentiment doesn't really surprise me. While your at it why don't you strip them of their citizenship and throw them in some cell indefinitely without legal counsel too?

Please learn the definition of neocon. Sick of seeing political labels misapplied.

It simply means New Conservative. The libs like to use it though because they think it sounds sinister like Neo Nazi :)
"You're gonna have to kill some crackers" is not in itself a hate crime because there was no other crime committed. Depending on it's usage and context it would may or may not violate the fighting words exception to protected free speech.

As loathsome as this speech is I'd rather live with it than have some other civil liberty crushing knee jerk legislation enacted because of it.

Nobody is asking for that. What we want is for him to actually be prosecuted for Voter Intimidation. Between the Tape of him at the polls With a weapon in hand, and what he said then, and this, Can you really say he was not at that poll to scare white people away?
That's brilliant genius. I realize the constitution doesn't matter much to retarded neocons like yourself so your sentiment doesn't really surprise me. While your at it why don't you strip them of their citizenship and throw them in some cell indefinitely without legal counsel too?

Please learn the definition of neocon. Sick of seeing political labels misapplied.

It simply means New Conservative. The libs like to use it though because they think it sounds sinister like Neo Nazi :)

It does NOT mean new conservative. Most conservatives are no more neocons that most liberals are communists.
Is this guy a "Republican d-bag Ravi"? - Former Justice Attorney Set to Testify in New Black Panther Case - Charges Against 'New Black Panthers' Dropped by Obama Justice Dept.

Oh and by the way - I don't if it's just Philly or not, but police can no longer patrol polling stations because it has been argued that their presence is "intimidating". Hmmmm. :eusa_think:
Bartle Bull was working for the McCain campaign.

So that makes him a liar and a "d-bag"? Man, are you truthmattersnot's sock puppet?

There were other witnesses who testified as well. One was a black poll watcher who called the cops.

Multiple witnesses complained that they felt intimidated, and several filed affidavits attesting as much. One witness said that one Black Panther told a white man, "Cracker, you are about to be ruled by a black man." A Justice Department memo also says that a black couple, both Republican poll watchers, told authorities they were concerned for their safety when leaving the polling place at day's end because the Black Panthers accused them of being "race traitors."
EDITORIAL: Panther politics - Washington Times
Where are these affidavits? They should be a matter of pubic record. :doubt:
Please learn the definition of neocon. Sick of seeing political labels misapplied.

It simply means New Conservative. The libs like to use it though because they think it sounds sinister like Neo Nazi :)

It does NOT mean new conservative. Most conservatives are no more neocons that most liberals are communists.

Neo means new bud

a combining form meaning “new,” “recent,” “revived,” “modified,” used in the formation of compound words: neo-Darwinism; Neolithic; neoorthodoxy; neophyte.
Chemistry . a combining form used in the names of isomers having a carbon atom attached to four carbon atoms: neoarsphenamine.

Or maybe they mean Revived Conservatives, or Modified Conservatives? lol
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Bartle Bull was working for the McCain campaign.

So that makes him a liar and a "d-bag"? Man, are you truthmattersnot's sock puppet?

There were other witnesses who testified as well. One was a black poll watcher who called the cops.

Multiple witnesses complained that they felt intimidated, and several filed affidavits attesting as much. One witness said that one Black Panther told a white man, "Cracker, you are about to be ruled by a black man." A Justice Department memo also says that a black couple, both Republican poll watchers, told authorities they were concerned for their safety when leaving the polling place at day's end because the Black Panthers accused them of being "race traitors."
EDITORIAL: Panther politics - Washington Times
Where are these affidavits? They should be a matter of pubic record. :doubt:

Yes they should be, but as I posted earlier stupid the DoJ is having to be sued to turn over court documents.
That's brilliant genius. I realize the constitution doesn't matter much to retarded neocons like yourself so your sentiment doesn't really surprise me. While your at it why don't you strip them of their citizenship and throw them in some cell indefinitely without legal counsel too?

Please learn the definition of neocon. Sick of seeing political labels misapplied.

It simply means New Conservative. The libs like to use it though because they think it sounds sinister like Neo Nazi :)

No, we just won't want jackasses to be confused with true conservatives.
"You're gonna have to kill some crackers" is not in itself a hate crime because there was no other crime committed. Depending on it's usage and context it would may or may not violate the fighting words exception to protected free speech.

As loathsome as this speech is I'd rather live with it than have some other civil liberty crushing knee jerk legislation enacted because of it.

Nobody is asking for that. What we want is for him to actually be prosecuted for Voter Intimidation. Between the Tape of him at the polls With a weapon in hand, and what he said then, and this, Can you really say he was not at that poll to scare white people away?

I have no problem with that if it can be proven, but it doesn't meet the definition of domestic terrorism. Indeed, if sufficient evidence exists then get the sorry bastard.
From what I understand about "terroristic threats" it seems to be in the eye of the beholder (not unlike sexual harrassment) If a guy with a billy club says "Kill the crackers" and someone is terrified enough to believe that is his intent, then it is a crime. Sounds ok to me. It hasn't happened yet with these two but methinks they've been empowered with the AG in their court and all. Hmmmm.
The more I think about this situation, the more I realize that the problem with this guy is that he isn't like Obama. We all understand Obama's popularity, because he's light-skinned, and doesn't speak with a negro dialect.

But this guy is too dark, and he has some serious ebonics going on which many of us have to use babelfish or the urban dictionary to translate.

Right, Mr. Reid?
[ame=""]I just love this video!![/ame]
It's so Eric Holderish.....
Neocon is simply a perjorative in the sense of followers of the Bush doctrine or the policy of using economic and especially military power to acheive foreign policy goals. See the PNAC for a good example. No need to split hairs about whether it means new, or psuedo. It's about nation building by force which is not an American ideal or a conservative principle.
"You're gonna have to kill some crackers" is not in itself a hate crime because there was no other crime committed. Depending on it's usage and context it would may or may not violate the fighting words exception to protected free speech.

As loathsome as this speech is I'd rather live with it than have some other civil liberty crushing knee jerk legislation enacted because of it.

Nobody is asking for that. What we want is for him to actually be prosecuted for Voter Intimidation. Between the Tape of him at the polls With a weapon in hand, and what he said then, and this, Can you really say he was not at that poll to scare white people away?

I have no problem with that if it can be proven, but it doesn't meet the definition of domestic terrorism. Indeed, if sufficient evidence exists then get the sorry bastard.

If it can be proven? Isn't the the point of actually having a trail and prosecuting the guy, to either find him guilty or innocent. That is kinda the whole point of this story. The DOJ claims there is not enough evidence of voter intimidation, when he is on tape intimidating people with a weapon, using racial slurs, and telling people to be prepared to be "ruled by the black man"

It is a clear cut case, and the fact that Obama's DOJ is refusing to do anything about it is very troubling.

If the accusations the DOJ attorney who quit claims are true then it is 1000 times worse. If the DOJ is actually telling its people to NEVER prosecute a case of voter intimidation when the defendant is Black and the accuser is white, well then FUCK man that is a serious problem. We have to investigate this fully. We just have to.

Personally I think It is Clear as day that Voter intimidation happened and the DOJ is full of crap saying there is not enough evidence. Watch the video what more do you need? Whether or not they actually have a policy not to prosecute Black people is less clear, and will be harder to get to the bottom of, but my god people, Black white dem Republican, you should want to know.
Neocon is simply a perjorative in the sense of followers of the Bush doctrine or the policy of using economic and especially military power to acheive foreign policy goals. See the PNAC for a good example. No need to split hairs about whether it means new, or psuedo. It's about nation building by force which is not an American ideal or a conservative principle.

So by that definition then nearly every president we have had, Dem Republican Whig what ever, since our founding was a neocon. Because they all at least used economic power to achieve policy goals. Or at least tried to, and many of them used Military power for the same reasons :)

Obama is using Military and Economic Power right now to try and push his Policy and agenda. He must be a neocon
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From what I understand about "terroristic threats" it seems to be in the eye of the beholder (not unlike sexual harrassment) If a guy with a billy club says "Kill the crackers" and someone is terrified enough to believe that is his intent, then it is a crime. Sounds ok to me. It hasn't happened yet with these two but methinks they've been empowered with the AG in their court and all. Hmmmm.
So you think all charges of hate crimes are legitimate? Somehow I doubt it.

The Foundation
Ten-Point Program

There Is No New Black Panther Party: An Open Letter From the Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation

In response from numerous requests from individual's seeking information on the "New Black Panthers," the Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation issues this public statement to correct the distorted record being made in the media by a small band of African Americans calling themselves the New Black Panthers. As guardian of the true history of the Black Panther Party, the Foundation, which includes former leading members of the Party, denounces this group's exploitation of the Party's name and history. Failing to find its own legitimacy in the black community, this band would graft the Party's name upon itself, which we condemn.

Firstly, the people in the New Black Panthers were never members of the Black Panther Party and have no legitimate claim on the Party's name. On the contrary, they would steal the names and pretend to walk in the footsteps of the Party's true heroes, such as Black Panther founder Huey P. Newton, George Jackson and Jonathan Jackson, Bunchy Carter, John Huggins, Fred Hampton, Mark Cark, and so many others who gave their very lives to the black liberation struggle under the Party's banner.

Secondly, they denigrate the Party's name by promoting concepts absolutely counter to the revolutionary principles on which the Party was founded. Their alleged media assault on the Ku Klux Klan serves to incite hatred rather than resolve it. The Party's fundamental principle, as best articulated by the great revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara, was: "A true revolutionary is guided by great feelings of love." The Black Panthers were never a group of angry young militants full of fury toward the "white establishment." The Party operated on love for black people, not hatred of white people.

Furthermore, this group claims it would "teach" the black community about armed self-defense. The arrogance of this claim is overwhelmed by its reactionary nature. Blacks, especially in the South, have been armed in self-defense for a very long time; indeed, the spiritual parent of the Party itself was the Louisiana-based Deacons for Defense. However, the Party understood that the gun was not necessarily revolutionary, for the police and all other oppressive forces had guns. It was the ideology behind the gun that determined its nature.


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