New Black Panther Party Leader - ... you want freedom ... kill some crackers

Well its hard for them to defend the racism and anti semitism in the very words of the members of this organization without turning themselves into completely obvious hypocrites ;).
I'm saying intimidation is intimidation.

Whether or not anyone shout out, "that man is intimidating me."

If I approach a half dozen gang members walking down the street, I'm not going to shout out that I am worried about them, I'm going to make a sudden turn and go a different direction rather than crossing paths with six thugs who may or may not want to break open my skull.

You're entitled to your opinion. I saw no intimidation on the videos...and the camera man certainly had the opportunity to record any if it were happening.

Yeah because I'm sure that ****** didn't tone down his bullshit once the camera showed up.

Heres your racist
Well, now we know what leftists mean by "reform". :cool:

No kidding. I thanked Chanel for this find, but that is major remarkable. Note the apologists for these guys aren't commenting on it either. :)

nbpp = leftists. no kidding?

Yep. Have you read their 10-pt plan?

They want power to practice self-determination but they want the government to give them that power.

They want the government to guarantee them a job.

They want a tax exemption and an end 'to the capitalistic domination of Africa in all it's forms'.

They demand reparations and want to be exempt from all taxation until they get that. (They say they'll accept payment in "fertile and mine rally rich land, precious metals, industry, commerce and currency."

They expect the government to provide them decent housing. (So much for the self-determination stuff I guess.)

They demand that government provide "education for our people that exposes the true nature of this devilish and decadent American society. . . ."

They want all black men and women to be exempt from military service.

They want all black prisoners to be released.

They want black people to be exempt from the death penalty.

This sure as hell isn't from any conservative or rightwing play book.
No kidding. I thanked Chanel for this find, but that is major remarkable. Note the apologists for these guys aren't commenting on it either. :)

nbpp = leftists. no kidding?

Yep. Have you read their 10-pt plan?

They want power to practice self-determination but they want the government to give them that power.

They want the government to guarantee them a job.

They want a tax exemption and an end 'to the capitalistic domination of Africa in all it's forms'.

They demand reparations and want to be exempt from all taxation until they get that. (They say they'll accept payment in "fertile and mine rally rich land, precious metals, industry, commerce and currency."

They expect the government to provide them decent housing. (So much for the self-determination stuff I guess.)

They demand that government provide "education for our people that exposes the true nature of this devilish and decadent American society. . . ."

They want all black men and women to be exempt from military service.

They want all black prisoners to be released.

They want black people to be exempt from the death penalty.

This sure as hell isn't from any conservative or rightwing play book.

spare me that bullshit.

and even if i follow your "logic" then the nbpp are still not representative of all leftists, and certainly not representative of dems or the obama admin. and this connection is tried to be established here for quite some time now.

after all the disingenuous whining about how the teabaggers were victimized.

what do the phony pearlclutchers say? ah yes,

"isn't it sad."
nbpp = leftists. no kidding?

Yep. Have you read their 10-pt plan?

They want power to practice self-determination but they want the government to give them that power.

They want the government to guarantee them a job.

They want a tax exemption and an end 'to the capitalistic domination of Africa in all it's forms'.

They demand reparations and want to be exempt from all taxation until they get that. (They say they'll accept payment in "fertile and mine rally rich land, precious metals, industry, commerce and currency."

They expect the government to provide them decent housing. (So much for the self-determination stuff I guess.)

They demand that government provide "education for our people that exposes the true nature of this devilish and decadent American society. . . ."

They want all black men and women to be exempt from military service.

They want all black prisoners to be released.

They want black people to be exempt from the death penalty.

This sure as hell isn't from any conservative or rightwing play book.

spare me that bullshit.

and even if i follow your "logic" then the nbpp are still not representative of all leftists, and certainly not representative of dems or the obama admin. and this connection is tried to be established here for quite some time now.after all the disingenuous whining about how the teabaggers were victimized.

what do the phony pearlclutchers say? ah yes,

"isn't it sad."

where did anybody say that? show me please? What I heard people saying is the DOJ failed to prosecute them for voter intimidation. And a former attorney for the DOJ has testified in front of a civil rights panel that the DOJ will not prosecute black people if the injustice is against a white person. Do you agree with that politcy?
nbpp = leftists. no kidding?

Yep. Have you read their 10-pt plan?

They want power to practice self-determination but they want the government to give them that power.

They want the government to guarantee them a job.

They want a tax exemption and an end 'to the capitalistic domination of Africa in all it's forms'.

They demand reparations and want to be exempt from all taxation until they get that. (They say they'll accept payment in "fertile and mine rally rich land, precious metals, industry, commerce and currency."

They expect the government to provide them decent housing. (So much for the self-determination stuff I guess.)

They demand that government provide "education for our people that exposes the true nature of this devilish and decadent American society. . . ."

They want all black men and women to be exempt from military service.

They want all black prisoners to be released.

They want black people to be exempt from the death penalty.

This sure as hell isn't from any conservative or rightwing play book.

spare me that bullshit.

and even if i follow your "logic" then the nbpp are still not representative of all leftists, and certainly not representative of dems or the obama admin. and this connection is tried to be established here for quite some time now.

after all the disingenuous whining about how the teabaggers were victimized.

what do the phony pearlclutchers say? ah yes,

"isn't it sad."

Let's try to focus and not divert the subject here okay?

I didn't say that the NBP are representative of all leftist or Democrats or the Obama administration; they have nothing to do with the Tea partiers; and I don't know who the pearlclutchers are but I certainly didn't reference them either.

I did illustrate how the NBP reflects a leftist ideology by which the social order should be ordered to their liking and the government should do the ordering.
Yep. Have you read their 10-pt plan?

They want power to practice self-determination but they want the government to give them that power.

They want the government to guarantee them a job.

They want a tax exemption and an end 'to the capitalistic domination of Africa in all it's forms'.

They demand reparations and want to be exempt from all taxation until they get that. (They say they'll accept payment in "fertile and mine rally rich land, precious metals, industry, commerce and currency."

They expect the government to provide them decent housing. (So much for the self-determination stuff I guess.)

They demand that government provide "education for our people that exposes the true nature of this devilish and decadent American society. . . ."

They want all black men and women to be exempt from military service.

They want all black prisoners to be released.

They want black people to be exempt from the death penalty.

This sure as hell isn't from any conservative or rightwing play book.

spare me that bullshit.

and even if i follow your "logic" then the nbpp are still not representative of all leftists, and certainly not representative of dems or the obama admin. and this connection is tried to be established here for quite some time now.after all the disingenuous whining about how the teabaggers were victimized.

what do the phony pearlclutchers say? ah yes,

"isn't it sad."

where did anybody say that? show me please? What I heard people saying is the DOJ failed to prosecute them for voter intimidation. And a former attorney for the DOJ has testified in front of a civil rights panel that the DOJ will not prosecute black people if the injustice is against a white person. Do you agree with that politcy?

i knew that would be coming. i don't play.

it is clear, very clear.

Would you shoot a Negro if you could get away with it? Do you have the guts to shoot someone (unarmed of course, we know what your answer would be if the person were armed " Feet do you thang").

A) No I wouldn't shoot someone just for being black, how stupid
B) How many wars have you fought in? How many purple hearts do you have? Get back to me when the answer to either of those questions is even 1, until then you can shove your statements about running up your hiney hole.

Yep. Have you read their 10-pt plan?

They want power to practice self-determination but they want the government to give them that power.

They want the government to guarantee them a job.

They want a tax exemption and an end 'to the capitalistic domination of Africa in all it's forms'.

They demand reparations and want to be exempt from all taxation until they get that. (They say they'll accept payment in "fertile and mine rally rich land, precious metals, industry, commerce and currency."

They expect the government to provide them decent housing. (So much for the self-determination stuff I guess.)

They demand that government provide "education for our people that exposes the true nature of this devilish and decadent American society. . . ."

They want all black men and women to be exempt from military service.

They want all black prisoners to be released.

They want black people to be exempt from the death penalty.

This sure as hell isn't from any conservative or rightwing play book.

spare me that bullshit.

and even if i follow your "logic" then the nbpp are still not representative of all leftists, and certainly not representative of dems or the obama admin. and this connection is tried to be established here for quite some time now.

after all the disingenuous whining about how the teabaggers were victimized.

what do the phony pearlclutchers say? ah yes,

"isn't it sad."

Let's try to focus and not divert the subject here okay?

I didn't say that the NBP are representative of all leftist or Democrats or the Obama administration; they have nothing to do with the Tea partiers; and I don't know who the pearlclutchers are but I certainly didn't reference them either.

I did illustrate how the NBP reflects a leftist ideology by which the social order should be ordered to their liking and the government should do the ordering.

no, let's not.

you can now continue your self-righteous whiny circle jerk with the other concerned citizens and great americans.
spare me that bullshit.

and even if i follow your "logic" then the nbpp are still not representative of all leftists, and certainly not representative of dems or the obama admin. and this connection is tried to be established here for quite some time now.after all the disingenuous whining about how the teabaggers were victimized.

what do the phony pearlclutchers say? ah yes,

"isn't it sad."

where did anybody say that? show me please? What I heard people saying is the DOJ failed to prosecute them for voter intimidation. And a former attorney for the DOJ has testified in front of a civil rights panel that the DOJ will not prosecute black people if the injustice is against a white person. Do you agree with that politcy?

i knew that would be coming. i don't play.

it is clear, very clear.

No kidding. I thanked Chanel for this find, but that is major remarkable. Note the apologists for these guys aren't commenting on it either. :)
Allow me to predict:

"That's different. Somehow. It just is. You racist!!"
Well, now we know what leftists mean by "reform". :cool:

No kidding. I thanked Chanel for this find, but that is major remarkable. Note the apologists for these guys aren't commenting on it either. :)

nbpp = leftists. no kidding?
They're lazy, want other people to give them free stuff, don't want the responsibilities that come with the freedom they've been given, and they're soft on crime.

Yep. They're leftists, all right.

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