New Black Panther Party Leader - ... you want freedom ... kill some crackers

I hate retelling this story. I live in the same city that this piece of shit squirms in, hate him, but there is far more to this story them the video shows.

This area is 99.999% black where this video was shot, the building in the picture is a retirement high rise for the low income , there are project homes surrounding the area, the rest of the neighborhood is crack ridden with criminals, hookers and junkies wandering the streets like zombies.
Everyone votes at this building from the neighborhood. That being said theses two guys IMHO and with great knowledge of the area were there to protect the elderly in the area, and people coming from the new housing project homes that were just built in the area. There has not been a white person that has voted in that area in 50 years. Once again IMHO these reporters seen this and put their selves into a situation and made a mountain out of a molehill.

Was this right, no, was it voter intimidation, again no. I have seen this piece of shit countless times in the city I love, and have no problem calling this angry little man the piece of shit he really is, but this time I think he's getting a bad wrap

The problem is that they have credible witnesses who say that white voters were turned away at that polling place. And at least two of those witnesses were black. And they apparently have at least some video of that.

The evidence at hand in Philadelphia includes video of two thuggish African-American men dressed in military fatigues. As one wielded a baton in a menacing manner, they hurled racial slurs at white voters who understandably were scared away from the polling place. The Justice Department under President George W. Bush filed criminal charges against the two men. After Obama took office, default judgments resulted when the defendants failed to show for their trials. But Holder's Justice Department later dropped the charges following a plea deal in which one of the men agreed not to carry a weapon near the Philadelphia polling place until 2012. Both men are now free to intimidate voters again.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Reverse discrimination in New Black Panther case | Washington Examiner

I don't think anybody is going to buy that those two guys were there to protect the elderly. Even their NBP spokesperson didn't pretend they were there for that and didn't attempt to make that case.

I posted this picture on another thread also discussing this:


If they said they were there to protect the elderly, would you believe them?
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You need to look at the video again.

There is no indimidation going on which is why the case was dumped.
You dont prosicute people for a crime with evidence that has nothing to do with the alledged crime.

The right here doesnt care they just hate instead of thinking

So, where is this proof that I'm a racist, you piece of shit? Provide the proof or stop saying it.

I think throwing arround the word ****** does it fella

Really? hmmm cuz you're saying the black guy who hurled racial epithets wasn't being a racist. Why he can call me a cracker and I can't call him a ******?
Not even Eric Holder has the balls to say that no intimidation was going on. The leader of the New Black Panthers, in his interview with Megyn Kelly, suspended the guy from NBP for two weeks BECAUSE voter intimidation was against their policy. You have black and white witnesses who went to the polls themselves to investigate when people called to say they had been scared away from the polls. They all testified that these guys were in fact doing that. They have video proof.

So again the spologists trying to defend these guys are ringing really hollow.

The Youtube video we have posted here is from a media source. There was apparently more video than that used at the hearing.
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The case was dismissed due to lack of evidence. Either the video wasn't admitted or it was inadequate evidence.

Check history in past administrations. This isn't the first time voter intimidation was taken lightly.
I hate retelling this story. I live in the same city that this piece of shit squirms in, hate him, but there is far more to this story them the video shows.

This area is 99.999% black where this video was shot, the building in the picture is a retirement high rise for the low income , there are project homes surrounding the area, the rest of the neighborhood is crack ridden with criminals, hookers and junkies wandering the streets like zombies.
Everyone votes at this building from the neighborhood. That being said theses two guys IMHO and with great knowledge of the area were there to protect the elderly in the area, and people coming from the new housing project homes that were just built in the area. There has not been a white person that has voted in that area in 50 years. Once again IMHO these reporters seen this and put their selves into a situation and made a mountain out of a molehill.

Was this right, no, was it voter intimidation, again no. I have seen this piece of shit countless times in the city I love, and have no problem calling this angry little man the piece of shit he really is, but this time I think he's getting a bad wrap
Thanks for that...I think you've got it correct.
I hate retelling this story. I live in the same city that this piece of shit squirms in, hate him, but there is far more to this story them the video shows.

This area is 99.999% black where this video was shot, the building in the picture is a retirement high rise for the low income , there are project homes surrounding the area, the rest of the neighborhood is crack ridden with criminals, hookers and junkies wandering the streets like zombies.
Everyone votes at this building from the neighborhood. That being said theses two guys IMHO and with great knowledge of the area were there to protect the elderly in the area, and people coming from the new housing project homes that were just built in the area. There has not been a white person that has voted in that area in 50 years. Once again IMHO these reporters seen this and put their selves into a situation and made a mountain out of a molehill.

Was this right, no, was it voter intimidation, again no. I have seen this piece of shit countless times in the city I love, and have no problem calling this angry little man the piece of shit he really is, but this time I think he's getting a bad wrap

So you are saying that the votes of the small percentage of non-blacks in the neighborhood are unimportant. How enlightened of you. :cuckoo: Sorry, but if even one person decided not to vote (regardless of race!) because some hate-filled asshole with a billy club was standing in front of the building - it is voter intimidation. PERIOD.

BTW, The video shows a white girl standing right in front of the the building talking on her cell, so I seriously doubt the neighborhood is 99.99% black.......:cuckoo:
And she looks completely untrheatened too, just like the "reporters" who are talking to him.

He did not threaten anyone no matter how much you wish the tape showed that.
I hate retelling this story. I live in the same city that this piece of shit squirms in, hate him, but there is far more to this story them the video shows.

This area is 99.999% black where this video was shot, the building in the picture is a retirement high rise for the low income , there are project homes surrounding the area, the rest of the neighborhood is crack ridden with criminals, hookers and junkies wandering the streets like zombies.
Everyone votes at this building from the neighborhood. That being said theses two guys IMHO and with great knowledge of the area were there to protect the elderly in the area, and people coming from the new housing project homes that were just built in the area. There has not been a white person that has voted in that area in 50 years. Once again IMHO these reporters seen this and put their selves into a situation and made a mountain out of a molehill.

Was this right, no, was it voter intimidation, again no. I have seen this piece of shit countless times in the city I love, and have no problem calling this angry little man the piece of shit he really is, but this time I think he's getting a bad wrap

The problem is that they have credible witnesses who say that white voters were turned away at that polling place. And at least two of those witnesses were black. And they apparently have at least some video of that.

The evidence at hand in Philadelphia includes video of two thuggish African-American men dressed in military fatigues. As one wielded a baton in a menacing manner, they hurled racial slurs at white voters who understandably were scared away from the polling place. The Justice Department under President George W. Bush filed criminal charges against the two men. After Obama took office, default judgments resulted when the defendants failed to show for their trials. But Holder's Justice Department later dropped the charges following a plea deal in which one of the men agreed not to carry a weapon near the Philadelphia polling place until 2012. Both men are now free to intimidate voters again.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Reverse discrimination in New Black Panther case | Washington Examiner

I don't think anybody is going to buy that those two guys were there to protect the elderly. Even their NBP spokesperson didn't pretend they were there for that and didn't attempt to make that case.

I posted this picture on another thread also discussing this:


If they said they were there to protect the elderly, would you believe them?

My friend trust me, there are no white voters in that district.
I hate retelling this story. I live in the same city that this piece of shit squirms in, hate him, but there is far more to this story them the video shows.

This area is 99.999% black where this video was shot, the building in the picture is a retirement high rise for the low income , there are project homes surrounding the area, the rest of the neighborhood is crack ridden with criminals, hookers and junkies wandering the streets like zombies.
Everyone votes at this building from the neighborhood. That being said theses two guys IMHO and with great knowledge of the area were there to protect the elderly in the area, and people coming from the new housing project homes that were just built in the area. There has not been a white person that has voted in that area in 50 years. Once again IMHO these reporters seen this and put their selves into a situation and made a mountain out of a molehill.

Was this right, no, was it voter intimidation, again no. I have seen this piece of shit countless times in the city I love, and have no problem calling this angry little man the piece of shit he really is, but this time I think he's getting a bad wrap

So you are saying that the votes of the small percentage of non-blacks in the neighborhood are unimportant. How enlightened of you. :cuckoo: Sorry, but if even one person decided not to vote (regardless of race!) because some hate-filled asshole with a billy club was standing in front of the building - it is voter intimidation. PERIOD.

BTW, The video shows a white girl standing right in front of the the building talking on her cell, so I seriously doubt the neighborhood is 99.99% black.......:cuckoo:

Very enlighten on this story my friend. Be smarter then the video, this was election day in Philly, there were people from every Democratic group in the world on the streets of my home town. Believe me, that women does not live in the neighborhood. :razz:

And you would know better the makeup of the area being 3000 miles away, and me being only 5
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Not even Eric Holder has the balls to say that no intimidation was going on. The leader of the New Black Panthers, in his interview with Megyn Kelly, suspended the guy from NBP for two weeks BECAUSE voter intimidation was against their policy. You have black and white witnesses who went to the polls themselves to investigate when people called to say they had been scared away from the polls. They all testified that these guys were in fact doing that. They have video proof.

So again the spologists trying to defend these guys are ringing really hollow.

The Youtube video we have posted here is from a media source. There was apparently more video than that used at the hearing.

It's just this plain. Anyone who denies voter intimidation went on here is a racist who the world would be better off without, I wish them a speedy death.
Not even Eric Holder has the balls to say that no intimidation was going on. The leader of the New Black Panthers, in his interview with Megyn Kelly, suspended the guy from NBP for two weeks BECAUSE voter intimidation was against their policy. You have black and white witnesses who went to the polls themselves to investigate when people called to say they had been scared away from the polls. They all testified that these guys were in fact doing that. They have video proof.

So again the spologists trying to defend these guys are ringing really hollow.

The Youtube video we have posted here is from a media source. There was apparently more video than that used at the hearing.

It's just this plain. Anyone who denies voter intimidation went on here is a racist who the world would be better off without, I wish them a speedy death.

I want to be absolutely clear that I wish no harm to come to anybody, not even those black panther guys who think it would be fine to kill me, the cracker, and/or my babies.
Not even Eric Holder has the balls to say that no intimidation was going on. The leader of the New Black Panthers, in his interview with Megyn Kelly, suspended the guy from NBP for two weeks BECAUSE voter intimidation was against their policy. You have black and white witnesses who went to the polls themselves to investigate when people called to say they had been scared away from the polls. They all testified that these guys were in fact doing that. They have video proof.

So again the spologists trying to defend these guys are ringing really hollow.

The Youtube video we have posted here is from a media source. There was apparently more video than that used at the hearing.

It's just this plain. Anyone who denies voter intimidation went on here is a racist who the world would be better off without, I wish them a speedy death.
You're no different than the guy in the film that wishes to kill crackers because they disagree with him.

Total asshole.
Not even Eric Holder has the balls to say that no intimidation was going on. The leader of the New Black Panthers, in his interview with Megyn Kelly, suspended the guy from NBP for two weeks BECAUSE voter intimidation was against their policy. You have black and white witnesses who went to the polls themselves to investigate when people called to say they had been scared away from the polls. They all testified that these guys were in fact doing that. They have video proof.

So again the spologists trying to defend these guys are ringing really hollow.

The Youtube video we have posted here is from a media source. There was apparently more video than that used at the hearing.

It's just this plain. Anyone who denies voter intimidation went on here is a racist who the world would be better off without, I wish them a speedy death.
You're no different than the guy in the film that wishes to kill crackers because they disagree with him.

Total asshole.

Ravi fail again

He doesn't wish white crackers death , he incites people to cause those deaths. I don't want anyone to cause a death. Plus of course he hates simply b/c they are white, while I just have no use for a racist.
Silkcity and I have had this debate before. And while I accepted that their motives may have been benign, their methods were not. However, as we have seen recently, there is no reason to believe that these two have a benign bone in their body. And the fact still remains that they were found guilty - even if by default. The bigger story is who made that decision and why. And why has the press dedicated more time to the racist rant of Mel Gibson than all these videos that have surfaced.

The NAACP is going after the tea party. If they were a party to having this dropped, they will lose ALL credibility.
I'm trying to think of what it "looks" like to be intimidated, and who gets to determine whether or not somebody else is intimidated based on what they look like.
There were allegations that voters in Philly were voting twice. That went nowhere. But maybe that's what these guys were protecting. Hmmmm.

They intimidated the poll watchers - all who testified before the DOJ.

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