New Black Panther Party Leader - ... you want freedom ... kill some crackers

Another example of a conservative person pretending to be a liberal in order to make liberals look bad. We see right through it now TruthMatters, your impact is zero.
She's right, though. There is no intimidation on the tape. No one is being prevented from entering the precinct and no one is being spoken to except the camera man.

So you wouldn't feel intimidated if you went to vote in November and a clucker was standing there screaming "******" and slapping his baton on his hand? You're such a liar.

The man was not doing what you claim on the tape.

Why do you lie?
I hate retelling this story. I live in the same city that this piece of shit squirms in, hate him, but there is far more to this story them the video shows.

This area is 99.999% black where this video was shot, the building in the picture is a retirement high rise for the low income , there are project homes surrounding the area, the rest of the neighborhood is crack ridden with criminals, hookers and junkies wandering the streets like zombies.
Everyone votes at this building from the neighborhood. That being said theses two guys IMHO and with great knowledge of the area were there to protect the elderly in the area, and people coming from the new housing project homes that were just built in the area. There has not been a white person that has voted in that area in 50 years. Once again IMHO these reporters seen this and put their selves into a situation and made a mountain out of a molehill.

Was this right, no, was it voter intimidation, again no. I have seen this piece of shit countless times in the city I love, and have no problem calling this angry little man the piece of shit he really is, but this time I think he's getting a bad wrap

The problem is that they have credible witnesses who say that white voters were turned away at that polling place. And at least two of those witnesses were black. And they apparently have at least some video of that.

The evidence at hand in Philadelphia includes video of two thuggish African-American men dressed in military fatigues. As one wielded a baton in a menacing manner, they hurled racial slurs at white voters who understandably were scared away from the polling place. The Justice Department under President George W. Bush filed criminal charges against the two men. After Obama took office, default judgments resulted when the defendants failed to show for their trials. But Holder's Justice Department later dropped the charges following a plea deal in which one of the men agreed not to carry a weapon near the Philadelphia polling place until 2012. Both men are now free to intimidate voters again.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Reverse discrimination in New Black Panther case | Washington Examiner

I don't think anybody is going to buy that those two guys were there to protect the elderly. Even their NBP spokesperson didn't pretend they were there for that and didn't attempt to make that case.

I posted this picture on another thread also discussing this:


If they said they were there to protect the elderly, would you believe them?

My friend trust me, there are no white voters in that district.

But were there white poll watchers? Someone felt intimidated or there would have been no case.
She's right, though. There is no intimidation on the tape. No one is being prevented from entering the precinct and no one is being spoken to except the camera man.

So you wouldn't feel intimidated if you went to vote in November and a clucker was standing there screaming "******" and slapping his baton on his hand? You're such a liar.

The man was not doing what you claim on the tape.

Why do you lie?

read the affidavit.
Produce it

Black Panthers - Bull Declaration_04.07.2009

there you go

so what is your new defense for this behavior?

Whos behavior?

You do understand that one witnesses testimony is not enough to convict on right?

LOL whats the goalpost now? I would like to know before I reach it and have you shift it again.

Sworn testimony from the actual case isn't enough so what do you want? Did you read you know who that man is who gave the testimony? Look him up sometime (oh you posted in my thread about him

Type J Christian Adams into your google, i'm not going to research it for you. This man was a respected attorney who testified that he was told to drop this case.

Its almost like you have no knowledge of the case and are just making knee jerk posts.
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Produce it

Black Panthers - Bull Declaration_04.07.2009

there you go

so what is your new defense for this behavior?

Whos behavior?

You do understand that one witnesses testimony is not enough to convict on right?

I haven't read this entire thread, but i read a good deal of it Please don't tell me you are a dumb assed racist. Because by making excuses for this trash that is all you could be.
Do you people know the differance between a perponderance of the evidence and one persons testimony?

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