New Black Panther Party Leader - ... you want freedom ... kill some crackers

The case was dismissed due to lack of evidence. Either the video wasn't admitted or it was inadequate evidence.

Check history in past administrations. This isn't the first time voter intimidation was taken lightly.
A guilty verdict had already been made.
The case wasn't dismissed until the sentencing phase.
You seem to know an awful lot about a case for which the files haven't been released.

Could it be you're just making shit up?

Oh really then how did you know its true if you had the same level of info that I had?
Because they filed the suit to begin with! :lol:

And then were ordered to voluntairily dismiss it after they won the conviction but prior to the sentancing.

That is according to the sworn testimony of one of the lawyers involved, J Christian Adams. Use google for more information about it Truth
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The first three live witnesses were Mike Mauro, Chris Hill, and Bartle Bull. Mauro is a lawyer from Connecticut who had gone to Philadelphia as a volunteer. Hill is a former infantry soldier who lives only nine blocks from the polling place. They were part of a roving team that responded on Election Day to a desperate call for help from a black poll watcher. The poll watcher told Hill that the Panthers had called him a “race traitor” and threatened him, saying “there would be hell to pay if he came out.” Hill said the man was visibly scared and had clearly been intimidated. Hill added that the poll watcher was afraid to testify before the commission or in the original voter-intimidation case because “he lives in that neighborhood.”

Hill was called a “white devil” and a “cracker,” and was told he would be ruled by the black man the next day, and he would have to get used to “living under his boot.” Hill saw several voters, including two elderly women, stop abruptly as they were walking up to the polling place when they saw the two Panthers standing right in front of the door. The voters turned around and left; they said they would “come back later” to vote.

Voter Intimidation, New Black Panther Style | The Heritage Foundation

These were LIVE witnesses - not Adam. Sheez.
Not that truth really matters, but:
Here's a link for ya.
If you don't like the source, prove/link it wrong or secede
After the case was effectively won by the Department of Justice and a default sentencing was imminent in May of 2009, the DOJ made the unheard of move to suddenly file a notice of voluntary dismissal of the lawsuit for two of the defendants.
Department of 'Social Justice'? - Glenn Beck -
Oh really then how did you know its true if you had the same level of info that I had?
Because they filed the suit to begin with! :lol:

And then were ordered to voluntairily dismiss it after they won the conviction but prior to the sentancing.

That is according to the sworn testimony of one of the lawyers involved, J Christian Adams. Use google for more information about it Truth

She doesn't want more information. All she wants is what she's already been programmed with.
Please give us the documents that show a conviction had already been handed down?

didn't you receive a link to the lawsuit filed to get that document released? Yeah that was rhetorical as I know you were.

Asking for something that isn't available. The only reason I was able to produce a document from the actual court case is that it got released before the lawyer resigned last tuesday turning this into a story again.
The first three live witnesses were Mike Mauro, Chris Hill, and Bartle Bull. Mauro is a lawyer from Connecticut who had gone to Philadelphia as a volunteer. Hill is a former infantry soldier who lives only nine blocks from the polling place. They were part of a roving team that responded on Election Day to a desperate call for help from a black poll watcher. The poll watcher told Hill that the Panthers had called him a “race traitor” and threatened him, saying “there would be hell to pay if he came out.” Hill said the man was visibly scared and had clearly been intimidated. Hill added that the poll watcher was afraid to testify before the commission or in the original voter-intimidation case because “he lives in that neighborhood.”

Hill was called a “white devil” and a “cracker,” and was told he would be ruled by the black man the next day, and he would have to get used to “living under his boot.” Hill saw several voters, including two elderly women, stop abruptly as they were walking up to the polling place when they saw the two Panthers standing right in front of the door. The voters turned around and left; they said they would “come back later” to vote.

Voter Intimidation, New Black Panther Style | The Heritage Foundation

These were LIVE witnesses - not Adam. Sheez.

Hey in case you missed it a few pages ago here is the actual document of one of those men's testimony

Black Panthers - Bull Declaration_04.07.2009
There were allegations that voters in Philly were voting twice. That went nowhere. But maybe that's what these guys were protecting. Hmmmm.

They intimidated the poll watchers - all who testified before the DOJ.
:lol: Sometimes I think you drink.
Oh I drink. :lol:

[ame=]YouTube - Double Voting In Philly[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - CNN-Philly Man says he is voted a couple of times[/ame]
Not that truth really matters, but:
Here's a link for ya.
If you don't like the source, prove/link it wrong or secede
After the case was effectively won by the Department of Justice and a default sentencing was imminent in May of 2009, the DOJ made the unheard of move to suddenly file a notice of voluntary dismissal of the lawsuit for two of the defendants.
Department of 'Social Justice'? - Glenn Beck -

Beck is not an acceptable source
Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence -John Adams
This is both funny and quite sad. Pilgrim could say "I was there. I was afraid to vote. My wife voted twice" and TM would say "Oh no you dinnit!"

Funny how she demands that Republicans own every act of terror comitted by a white guy, but she can't see the hypocrisy here. Sad indeed.
So, I hear on the news TONIGHT, that FOX NEWS FAILED to tell you as they are making a big deal about this New Black Panther group and the blogs FUELING the racism call on Obama and Holder, that it was the BUSH ADMNINISTRATION that CHOSE NOT to charge these people criminally....

Were YOU(all of you) played a FOOL by the right wing, making you say and think that it was Holder and Obama that did not go after these people for voter intimidation?
Produce it

Black Panthers - Bull Declaration_04.07.2009

there you go

so what is your new defense for this behavior?

Whos behavior?

You do understand that one witnesses testimony is not enough to convict on right?

OMG! But as far as you are concerned an accusation by a single Democrat (Malone) is proof of corruption of the entire Republican Party. My Lord, you are unbelievable.

Silkcity and I have had this debate before. And while I accepted that their motives may have been benign, their methods were not. However, as we have seen recently, there is no reason to believe that these two have a benign bone in their body. And the fact still remains that they were found guilty - even if by default. The bigger story is who made that decision and why. And why has the press dedicated more time to the racist rant of Mel Gibson than all these videos that have surfaced.

The NAACP is going after the tea party. If they were a party to having this dropped, they will lose ALL credibility.

And how i love debating with a beautiful women
So, I hear on the news TONIGHT, that FOX NEWS FAILED to tell you as they are making a big deal about this New Black Panther group and the blogs FUELING the racism call on Obama and Holder, that it was the BUSH ADMNINISTRATION that CHOSE NOT to charge these people criminally....

Were YOU(all of you) played a FOOL by the right wing, making you say and think that it was Holder and Obama that did not go after these people for voter intimidation?

This is dated 7 April 09. well after Bush was gone.
Black Panthers - Bull Declaration_04.07.2009

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