New Black Panther Party Leader - ... you want freedom ... kill some crackers

I was surprized too, yes he did do this, I pointed it out to him and he insulted me some more.
Not that truth really matters, but:
Here's a link for ya.
If you don't like the source, prove/link it wrong or secede
After the case was effectively won by the Department of Justice and a default sentencing was imminent in May of 2009, the DOJ made the unheard of move to suddenly file a notice of voluntary dismissal of the lawsuit for two of the defendants.
Department of 'Social Justice'? - Glenn Beck -

Beck is not an acceptable source
Then prove it wrong.
So, I hear on the news TONIGHT, that FOX NEWS FAILED to tell you as they are making a big deal about this New Black Panther group and the blogs FUELING the racism call on Obama and Holder, that it was the BUSH ADMNINISTRATION that CHOSE NOT to charge these people criminally....

Were YOU(all of you) played a FOOL by the right wing, making you say and think that it was Holder and Obama that did not go after these people for voter intimidation?

The charges were dropped in 09 care...after bush left office.

Bush's admin is the one who started the prosecution though.
If a few black people hate whites do you hate all blacks in return?

only if your ignorant.

you're.....sorry, but when using words like "stupid" and "ignorant", you should make sure you aren't showing yourself to be the same.

Againsheila do you not find racism to be a sign of ignorance?

According to what you are saying in your post it seems like you do not find racism to equal ignorance. What is the opposite of ignorance? racists are enlightened in your book?

I'm only asking as your post has me confused as to your position on racism now.
So, I hear on the news TONIGHT, that FOX NEWS FAILED to tell you as they are making a big deal about this New Black Panther group and the blogs FUELING the racism call on Obama and Holder, that it was the BUSH ADMNINISTRATION that CHOSE NOT to charge these people criminally....

Were YOU(all of you) played a FOOL by the right wing, making you say and think that it was Holder and Obama that did not go after these people for voter intimidation?

The charges were dropped in 09 care...after bush left office.

Bush's admin is the one who started the prosecution though.

no under Bush the charges were a civil injunction.

Under Obama they guy with the billy club was sucessfully charged with the civil injunction.

The two cohorts had their civil injuctions abandoned.

So you people were whipped into a false frenzy by the right wing media.
Actually he was charged with a civil injuction and not a criminal charge by the Bush era people.

The DOJ under Obama won the civil injunction for the guy with the billy club for carryong a weapon near a polling place. The case against the other two was dropped because well they were not carrying a billy club.

Not voter intimidation but carrying a weapon.

Now the right got its little lacy panties all twisted up yesterday because "Obama" didnt try these guys and dropped the Bush case. Sad part is the case was not dropped against the guy they keep screaming about and it was in fact won. They were mad because more didnt happen to this guy. It was filed under Bush not Obama so it should be Bush they are mad at. I dont think they will twist their lacy little panties about it anymore. Dig the lace out of your cracks people and realise you have been played YET AGAIN by the right wing media bosses who seem to own your every emotion.
Not to mention that the Bush Administration decided this wasn't worth pursuing.

When Was The New Black Panther Case Downgraded?
I did an interview with New York Daily News Columnist Errol Louis about the New Black Panther Party case today and realized that there's a specific data point that has been lost in all the breathless coverage of this case and whether or not it represents a racist agenda from the Obama administration: The decision not to file a criminal case occurred before Obama was even in office.
From the testimony of Thomas Perez, head of the Civil Rights Division, before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in May:
Adam Serwer Archive | The American Prospect

Damn, I can't wait to see the spin on this.

"Conservatives" really do seem to believe that black people are evil liars.

Ya'll are being fed 2 half-truths, and you're making it a whole.
Yes it's true it was the previous admin that brought charges, and then downgraded it to a civil suit. There is the one half.
That, also, makes it true that it wasn't this admin that downgraded the case. There is your other half.

AFTER the case was lowered to a civil case, the defendant was found to be guilty. Whether it was intimidation or carrying a weapon (which is the same thing, really), it is still GUILTY.

THIS admin shut it down before the sentencing phase.

While I'm here, I would like to point out a statement that was made that I think is one of the most racially ignorant posts of the decade.

Ravi said:
"Conservatives" go wild, never realizing how foolish it would be to make a federal case out of a black man intimidating black people into voting for a black man.
The penalty for voter intimidation is 1 - 5 years in jail. The penalty for Shabazz was "don't do that again in PHILLY til 2012" Of course he can go anywhere else. Ridiculous.

Despite the "fox news blah blah blah" the truth will come out and at a minimum, the DOJ may start doing their fricken job. Of course the naysayers don't want that. They think felons and illegals should have the right to vote. And white people suck.
So, I hear on the news TONIGHT, that FOX NEWS FAILED to tell you as they are making a big deal about this New Black Panther group and the blogs FUELING the racism call on Obama and Holder, that it was the BUSH ADMNINISTRATION that CHOSE NOT to charge these people criminally....

Were YOU(all of you) played a FOOL by the right wing, making you say and think that it was Holder and Obama that did not go after these people for voter intimidation?

The charges were dropped in 09 care...after bush left office.

Bush's admin is the one who started the prosecution though.

no under Bush the charges were a civil injunction.

Under Obama they guy with the billy club was sucessfully charged with the civil injunction.

The two cohorts had their civil injuctions abandoned.

So you people were whipped into a false frenzy by the right wing media.

Shockingly TM has some FACTS and TRUTHS wrong. Better summary found in this 9/09 article, which predates the latest broohaha.

EXCLUSIVE: Inquiry opened into New Black Panther case - Washington Times

The Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility has begun an official inquiry into the dismissal in May of a civil complaint against the New Black Panther Party and two of its members who disrupted a Philadelphia polling place during the November general elections.

The inquiry is disclosed in an Aug. 28 letter to Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, the ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee who first raised questions about the dismissal in May and asked unsuccessfully that Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. make available the head of the department's Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division for a closed-door briefing on the decision.


In January, the Justice Department filed a civil complaint in U.S. District Court in Philadelphia against the New Black Panther Party, claiming two of its members in black berets, black combat boots, black shirts and black jackets with military insignias intimidated voters with racial insults, slurs and a nightstick. A third party member was accused of managing, directing and endorsing their behavior.

The complaint said two New Black Panthers engaged in "coercion, threats and intimidation racial threats and insults menacing and intimidating gestures and movements directed at individuals who were present to vote." It said that unless prohibited by court sanctions, they would continue to direct intimidation, threats and coercion at voters and potential voters "by again deploying uniformed and armed members at the entrance to polling locations in future elections, both in Philadelphia and throughout the country."...

...Witnesses said Mr. Samir Shabazz, armed with the nightstick, and Mr. Jackson used racial slurs and made threats as they stood outside the polling place door.

The Justice Department did obtain an injunction against Mr. Samir Shabazz that prohibits him from brandishing a weapon outside a polling place through Nov. 15, 2012, and Ms. Schmaler has said the department "will fully enforce the terms of that injunction."

Mr. Jackson was an elected member of Philadelphia's 14th Ward Democratic Committee and was credentialed to be at the polling place as an official Democratic Party polling watcher, according to the Philadelphia city commissioner's office. Records show he obtained new credentials as a poll watcher "at any ward/division in Philadelphia" just days after the charges against him were dismissed.

None of the New Black Panthers responded to the charges or made any appearance in court. The party has not returned e-mails for comment, and the voice mailbox at its Washington headquarters Wednesday was full....

...The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights also has demanded that the Justice Department explain the dismissal, saying a previous response "paints the department in a poor light." In a letter to Mr. Holder, the commission noted that it is "answerable" to the president, Congress and the public to ensure that civil rights laws are enforced and had the authority to subpoena witnesses and documents to guarantee that the laws are being followed.

Commissioner Todd Gaziano, an independent named to the agency by Congress in February 2008, has outlined a witness list in a request for a "major study project" by the commission that would include an extensive investigation by its staff armed with subpoenas and public hearings in both Washington and Philadelphia.

Mr. Gaziano, a former Justice Department lawyer who served in the Office of Legal Counsel during the Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Clinton administrations, said the commission needs to determine, among other things, whether the decision to drop the charges constituted a departure from prior enforcement policy and whether it ultimately would lead to more voter intimidation.

"The dismissal of the lawsuit has the potential to significantly change the understanding some officials have regarding the enforcement of the Voting Rights Act, for good or for bad," he said.
The outrage that should be noted is that if the complaint is correct that Justice told everybody to back off from the Black Panthers or New Black Panthers period, that should send chills down the spines of ALL law abiding Americans whatever your skin color might be. That's just wrong.

And if they drop the investigation into whether that is in fact the case, then there is no hope that we will ever see impartial and unbiased law enforcement from this Justice Dept. or Admnistration.

Even the most leftists among us should want better from their government.
Not that truth really matters, but:
Here's a link for ya.
If you don't like the source, prove/link it wrong or secede
Department of 'Social Justice'? - Glenn Beck -

Beck is not an acceptable source
Then prove it wrong.

You have probably figured this out by now but any source that has a different point of view than truthmatters is not reliable. Yet another reason people hate liberals so much. It never goes both ways with them.
To quote Glenn Beck as a credible source is like saying Hitler liked the Jews. Beck is an absolute crazy racist wack-job who should be jailed for his subtle threats against Obama.
Umm idiot the case was dismissed why?

Because the Republican party entered a consent decree with the democratic party in which they could no longer do any voter purging.

they then also broke the consent decree repeatedly.

There was plenty of evidence and I still dont know who malone is

Um, idiot, you are lying again.

The consent decree had been in effect for seventeen years before the case was even filed and the later request for the dismissal of the consent decree (which was denied) didn't come until five years later.

The Malone case was filed because the intervenor "claimed" that the RNC had broken the consent decree. It was dismissed because of the en banc decision.

Malone was a suit to enforce the Consent Decree that had been in force for 17 years. It was not dismissed because of the decree! The Malone case was based upon the accusation that the RNC had used caging tactics and there was not plenty of evidence or it would not have been thrown out.

Maybe you should read your own links?

You don't know who Malone is? You screamed for three days that the Malone Case was proof positive of RNC Corruption, moron, but you don't even know what the case was about? Just proves you are an idiot!


Please go get the particulars of this case, I would like to see dociumentation of what you claim.

BTW was the "malone" case of which you speak the only infraction the republican party was said to have made against the consent decree?

I sreamed about the repeated infractions over the years Immie and now you claim I ONLY talked of one?

I dont even know who malone is.

Looks like to me YOU picked out one infraction that was settled in the rs favor out of the long list of court cases.

I linked the case that you linked first moron! The particulars are in the link that you initially provided and then when I brought it up and you asked about it, I went and dug out your own link for you. Don't be stupid. I am not going to dig it out again. It is in this set of posts we are discussing now.

You are such an idiot.

Says the guy who likes to call black people ******
Worse, he calls whites and Mexicans ****** and yet insists that only blacks are *******.


Still waiting for Babble to take him to task.

Immie caledl me a racist for telling people the guy was repeatedly using the word, I go back to the thread and see Immie nicely asking him not to use the word and never once called him a racist for actually using it as an epithat.

Ive known Immie for like 7 years and he used to be a fair guy, hes now one of the mouth breathing rabble who piss in their own eyes daily.

You have described yourself to a T.

And I did ask him nicely three times. I have treated you nicely many, many times and you have been shitting on me forever.

You expect me to just take your shit without giving in return? Shove that up your ass and spit it out into Obama's because that is where your head is.

Worse, he calls whites and Mexicans ****** and yet insists that only blacks are *******.


Still waiting for Babble to take him to task.

Immie caledl me a racist for telling people the guy was repeatedly using the word, I go back to the thread and see Immie nicely asking him not to use the word and never once called him a racist for actually using it as an epithat.

Ive known Immie for like 7 years and he used to be a fair guy, hes now one of the mouth breathing rabble who piss in their own eyes daily.
I hope that isn't true, it doesn't sound like something Immie would do. However, Babble calls me a racist for pointing out that cornjob calls people *******.

wtf is wrong with people?

She is throwing the word around as if it was the word "the". She is calling everyone on the right racist. It kind of gets sickening and when someone does that, I have to believe they are in fact racists.

She is projecting.

I did ask CONhog nicely to stop using the word. I have done so three times, actually if he is reading this thread, it could be stated that I have done it many more times including in this post. Sometimes you have to use different methods with different people.

TM has been asked nicely by me to stop lying especially to stop lying about me, but she keeps doing so. She has every right to expect my ire.

Worse, he calls whites and Mexicans ****** and yet insists that only blacks are *******.


Still waiting for Babble to take him to task.

Immie caledl me a racist for telling people the guy was repeatedly using the word, I go back to the thread and see Immie nicely asking him not to use the word and never once called him a racist for actually using it as an epithat.

Ive known Immie for like 7 years and he used to be a fair guy, hes now one of the mouth breathing rabble who piss in their own eyes daily.

You have described yourself to a T.

And I did ask him nicely three times. I have treated you nicely many, many times and you have been shitting on me forever.

You expect me to just take your shit without giving in return? Shove that up your ass and spit it out into Obama's because that is where your head is.


just don't kill each other's pets, rose-warriors.
Mr. Gaziano, a former Justice Department lawyer who served in the Office of Legal Counsel during the Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Clinton administrations, said the commission needs to determine, among other things, whether the decision to drop the charges constituted a departure from prior enforcement policy and whether it ultimately would lead to more voter intimidation.

That should be interesting.
Immie caledl me a racist for telling people the guy was repeatedly using the word, I go back to the thread and see Immie nicely asking him not to use the word and never once called him a racist for actually using it as an epithat.

Ive known Immie for like 7 years and he used to be a fair guy, hes now one of the mouth breathing rabble who piss in their own eyes daily.

You have described yourself to a T.

And I did ask him nicely three times. I have treated you nicely many, many times and you have been shitting on me forever.

You expect me to just take your shit without giving in return? Shove that up your ass and spit it out into Obama's because that is where your head is.


just don't kill each other's pets, rose-warriors.

I would never kill a pet... unless it was a pet tarantula that somehow got loose in my house.

Mr. Gaziano, a former Justice Department lawyer who served in the Office of Legal Counsel during the Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Clinton administrations, said the commission needs to determine, among other things, whether the decision to drop the charges constituted a departure from prior enforcement policy and whether it ultimately would lead to more voter intimidation.

That should be interesting.

I think so. This article as I stated was written in Sept. of last year. At the time, really only the more conservative news sources covered more than the 'dropping' of charges. Now I notice, all the players are covering the broohaha, which they tried for weeks to ignore. This coverage has been driven by FOX and much more so by the alternative media of blogs and Pajamas Media in particular.

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