New Black Panther Party Leader - ... you want freedom ... kill some crackers

Immie caledl me a racist for telling people the guy was repeatedly using the word, I go back to the thread and see Immie nicely asking him not to use the word and never once called him a racist for actually using it as an epithat.

Ive known Immie for like 7 years and he used to be a fair guy, hes now one of the mouth breathing rabble who piss in their own eyes daily.
I hope that isn't true, it doesn't sound like something Immie would do. However, Babble calls me a racist for pointing out that cornjob calls people *******.

wtf is wrong with people?

She is throwing the word around as if it was the word "the". She is calling everyone on the right racist. It kind of gets sickening and when someone does that, I have to believe they are in fact racists.

She is projecting.

I did ask CONhog nicely to stop using the word. I have done so three times, actually if he is reading this thread, it could be stated that I have done it many more times including in this post. Sometimes you have to use different methods with different people.

TM has been asked nicely by me to stop lying especially to stop lying about me, but she keeps doing so. She has every right to expect my ire.


Lighten up Nancy, it's just a word. And as far as TM being honest? You can forget it.
Mr. Gaziano, a former Justice Department lawyer who served in the Office of Legal Counsel during the Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Clinton administrations, said the commission needs to determine, among other things, whether the decision to drop the charges constituted a departure from prior enforcement policy and whether it ultimately would lead to more voter intimidation.

That should be interesting.
Well...seeing as the Bush administration downgraded the charges and the Bush administration didn't pursue charges with the Arizona militiamen intimidating Latinos, I'd say it didn't constitue a departure from prior enforcement policy.

But lets enjoy watching the "conservatives" insist it is a racial thing.

To quote Glenn Beck as a credible source is like saying Hitler liked the Jews. Beck is an absolute crazy racist wack-job who should be jailed for his subtle threats against Obama.
Then I propose the same challenge to you.
Provide your own "credible source" proving him wrong.

:lol: @ Yukon.

Someone is off their meds I see.

@ hortysir....they can't prove him wrong which is why you are getting responses like the one you quoted.
Mr. Gaziano, a former Justice Department lawyer who served in the Office of Legal Counsel during the Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Clinton administrations, said the commission needs to determine, among other things, whether the decision to drop the charges constituted a departure from prior enforcement policy and whether it ultimately would lead to more voter intimidation.

That should be interesting.
Well...seeing as the Bush administration downgraded the charges and the Bush administration didn't pursue charges with the Arizona militiamen intimidating Latinos, I'd say it didn't constitue a departure from prior enforcement policy.

But lets enjoy watching the "conservatives" insist it is a racial thing.


Exactly what I was thinking but it seems to fly right over the racist-screaming masses.
I hate retelling this story. I live in the same city that this piece of shit squirms in, hate him, but there is far more to this story them the video shows.

This area is 99.999% black where this video was shot, the building in the picture is a retirement high rise for the low income , there are project homes surrounding the area, the rest of the neighborhood is crack ridden with criminals, hookers and junkies wandering the streets like zombies.
Everyone votes at this building from the neighborhood. That being said theses two guys IMHO and with great knowledge of the area were there to protect the elderly in the area, and people coming from the new housing project homes that were just built in the area. There has not been a white person that has voted in that area in 50 years. Once again IMHO these reporters seen this and put their selves into a situation and made a mountain out of a molehill.

Was this right, no, was it voter intimidation, again no. I have seen this piece of shit countless times in the city I love, and have no problem calling this angry little man the piece of shit he really is, but this time I think he's getting a bad wrap

So you are saying that the votes of the small percentage of non-blacks in the neighborhood are unimportant. How enlightened of you. :cuckoo: Sorry, but if even one person decided not to vote (regardless of race!) because some hate-filled asshole with a billy club was standing in front of the building - it is voter intimidation. PERIOD.

BTW, The video shows a white girl standing right in front of the the building talking on her cell, so I seriously doubt the neighborhood is 99.99% black.......:cuckoo:

Very enlighten on this story my friend. Be smarter then the video, this was election day in Philly, there were people from every Democratic group in the world on the streets of my home town. Believe me, that women does not live in the neighborhood. :razz:

And you would know better the makeup of the area being 3000 miles away, and me being only 5
You will have to prove that the the entire district is 100% black voters, otherwise your claim is specious. I'd lay 1000-1 odds that there is at least 1 non-black voter in that district.

At any rate, I find it disgusting that anyone would defend these thugs.
So you are saying that the votes of the small percentage of non-blacks in the neighborhood are unimportant. How enlightened of you. :cuckoo: Sorry, but if even one person decided not to vote (regardless of race!) because some hate-filled asshole with a billy club was standing in front of the building - it is voter intimidation. PERIOD.

BTW, The video shows a white girl standing right in front of the the building talking on her cell, so I seriously doubt the neighborhood is 99.99% black.......:cuckoo:

Very enlighten on this story my friend. Be smarter then the video, this was election day in Philly, there were people from every Democratic group in the world on the streets of my home town. Believe me, that women does not live in the neighborhood. :razz:

And you would know better the makeup of the area being 3000 miles away, and me being only 5
You will have to prove that the the entire district is 100% black voters, otherwise your claim is specious. I'd lay 1000-1 odds that there is at least 1 non-black voter in that district.

At any rate, I find it disgusting that anyone would defend these thugs.

The Negro people run the USA. You 'crackers' are dead scared of the negro.
The Negro people run the USA. You 'crackers' are dead scared of the negro.
Who is malone?

BTW bush DOJ filed a civil injuction against the black panther dudes on 1/7/2009.

That means there was no dropping of the case by holder, they won an injuction against one of the guys( the club guy) for carring a weapon in front of a polling place, not intimidation.

The Bush DOJ decided themselves that no criminal case would fly.

How quickly you forget when your ass gets handed to you on a silver platter.

Malone was one of the the cases from the link that YOU provided that you claimed proved RNC corruption. The case was dismissed, but it was one that you have claimed was proof of RNC corruption for a couple of weeks now.

Here is the post you gave us the link to.

And here is the link you provided note that the case was dismissed. However, though the rest of that thread you used this link as one of the absolute proofs of RNC corruption.

DNC v. RNC Consent Decree | Brennan Center for Justice


Here is what you claime Immie, you were wrong because the court did find that the RNC broke the consent decree and had to stop the practices the DNC complained about, after the election the freeze was dismissed.

you just dont understand what a consent decree is about.
Who is malone?

BTW bush DOJ filed a civil injuction against the black panther dudes on 1/7/2009.

That means there was no dropping of the case by holder, they won an injuction against one of the guys( the club guy) for carring a weapon in front of a polling place, not intimidation.

The Bush DOJ decided themselves that no criminal case would fly.

How quickly you forget when your ass gets handed to you on a silver platter.

Malone was one of the the cases from the link that YOU provided that you claimed proved RNC corruption. The case was dismissed, but it was one that you have claimed was proof of RNC corruption for a couple of weeks now.

Here is the post you gave us the link to.

And here is the link you provided note that the case was dismissed. However, though the rest of that thread you used this link as one of the absolute proofs of RNC corruption.

DNC v. RNC Consent Decree | Brennan Center for Justice


Here is what you claime Immie, you were wrong because the court did find that the RNC broke the consent decree and had to stop the practices the DNC complained about, after the election the freeze was dismissed.

you just dont understand what a consent decree is about.

You want to know what I understand? I understand that you are an absolute certifiable idiot who cannot read beyond the second grade level.

The case was dismissed, but it was one that you have claimed was proof of RNC corruption for a couple of weeks now

This is the frigging lie you have been trying to make everyone else believe and it is a lie:

the court did find that the RNC broke the consent decree and had to stop the practices the DNC complained about

ONCE AGAIN FOR THE MENTALLY CHALLENGED... the court found no such thing. THE FRIGGING CASE WAS DISMISSED!!!!! What part of that do you not understand? The case was dismissed. It was not even settled. It was dismissed. Is that too hard to understand?

Three years later the motion to vacate the decree was denied because dishonest people such as the Malone's, people just like you, had filed frivolous lawsuits against the RNC.

I understand exactly what the decree is about. The DNC filed a lawsuit against the RNC. During pretrial maneuvering, the two sides came to an agreement and decided to settle out of court. There was NO... NONE... NOT ONE IOTA... of guilt found. The two sides settled out of court and came to an agreement that the alleged (that does not mean proven) practices would not be continued. That was what they agreed to. There is no finding of guilt nor admission of guilt in that document. It even states so yet, you (who has read it) continue to spread your lies on this site.

Now, do you want to know why I think they settled? I think they settled because the RNC came up with the same kind of allegations against the DNC and the DNC did not want those allegations brought to court. The frigging DNC pissed in their pants when they realized the truth could be brought to light in court.

Now, quit lying about what I say.

Immy why do you refuse the court documents that clearly state that the RNC must STOP their actions against the voter rolls until the election is over?

You can scream at me and call me names all day long and it will not change the fact that the court odered the RNC to stop what they were doing and said they broke the decree.
Immy why do you refuse the court documents that clearly state that the RNC must STOP their actions against the voter rolls until the election is over?

You can scream at me and call me names all day long and it will not change the fact that the court odered the RNC to stop what they were doing and said they broke the decree.

The RNC is fine. Just because something happens in a court room, doesnt make it right. I mean.... OJ was aquitted by a court. Were they right to do that?

You should be on your knees daily, thanking the RNC for keeping dumbass liberals safe. You mother fuckers would walk right into a fire if we werent there to put up a rope to stop you.
Immy why do you refuse the court documents that clearly state that the RNC must STOP their actions against the voter rolls until the election is over?

You can scream at me and call me names all day long and it will not change the fact that the court odered the RNC to stop what they were doing and said they broke the decree.

I have not refused a single court document you frigging liar. The only thing I have said in this discussion is that a dismissed case is NOT proof of wrong doing and that the consent decree did not find any guilt nor did either party admit to any guilt. That is all I have said about this, yet you continue to lie about it.

The Malone case the court did not find that the RNC had done anything. The case was dismissed!

The consent decree was not a court order. It was an agreement between the two parties. Do you understand that idiot?

The Malone Case was a case brought about frivolously 17 years later claiming that the RNC had broken the Consent Decree. The Malone case was dismissed and is not therefore PROOF of any guilt. The Malones were not even part of the original agreement.

Five years later, (I earlier mistakenly typed three) the RNC requested the decree be vacated. The court... an extremely liberal court in New Jersey refused to vacate the decree for the RNC (yet allowed the DNC out of the agreement which makes no sense at all) and left the decree in force. It is only... ONLY and agreement between the DNC and the RNC.

You continue to prove that you do not have an honest bone in your body every time you try to change my words.


Here the start of it, he blows my mind by insisting Im a racist for telling people conhog has been calling black people ******* repeatedly but for conhog all he has is sweet talk.

Who cares if some poster from a message board calls you a racist? If you're not, you can relax.

For years he was my friend

Well, there comes a point when even the best human being gets tired of people lying about him.


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