New Black Panther Party Leader - ... you want freedom ... kill some crackers

I have shown evidence of this assholes racism right from his own mouth.

You claim Im racist on what basis?
I have shown evidence of this assholes racism right from his own mouth.

You claim Im racist on what basis?

So let me get this straight, saying the word ****** is racist, but saying cracker isn't ?

Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive .
a black person.
a member of any dark-skinned people.
Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive . a person of any race or origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc.
a victim of prejudice similar to that suffered by blacks; a person who is economically, politically, or socially disenfranchised.

It's a word. That's all

Now show quotes from me saying black people are dumber than white people, more prone to violence, lazier, or anything similar, that a racist would believe................... I'll wait.............
CornHole and the WillowTree now there's a real pair of absolute wack-jobs.
I hate retelling this story. I live in the same city that this piece of shit squirms in, hate him, but there is far more to this story them the video shows.

This area is 99.999% black where this video was shot, the building in the picture is a retirement high rise for the low income , there are project homes surrounding the area, the rest of the neighborhood is crack ridden with criminals, hookers and junkies wandering the streets like zombies.
Everyone votes at this building from the neighborhood. That being said theses two guys IMHO and with great knowledge of the area were there to protect the elderly in the area, and people coming from the new housing project homes that were just built in the area. There has not been a white person that has voted in that area in 50 years. Once again IMHO these reporters seen this and put their selves into a situation and made a mountain out of a molehill.

Was this right, no, was it voter intimidation, again no. I have seen this piece of shit countless times in the city I love, and have no problem calling this angry little man the piece of shit he really is, but this time I think he's getting a bad wrap
You dont prosicute people for a crime with evidence that has nothing to do with the alledged crime.

The right here doesnt care they just hate instead of thinking
You dont prosicute people for a crime with evidence that has nothing to do with the alledged crime.

The right here doesnt care they just hate instead of thinking

So, where is this proof that I'm a racist, you piece of shit? Provide the proof or stop saying it.
We have a message board that encourages free use of the N word and racist hatred..
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